MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 995 It's all American slander

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When the whole world was concerned about whether the Rhine Camp incident would affect the relationship between Germany and the United States, another explosive news came from Washington. The Katyn massacre more than 50 years ago was done by the Soviet Union, and the United States obtained the evidence. However, it chose to conceal it because it used the military power of the Soviet Union to defeat Germany.

   That's right, the US knew from the beginning that the Katyn massacre was committed by the Soviet Union, but it was only because the Soviet Union and the United States had to jointly deal with Germany, and later they would not let the Soviet Union and the United States become irreversible enemies.

   Shortly after the end of World War II, the US Congress did not establish a special committee to investigate the Katyn incident. In its final report issued in 1952, the commission declared the Soviet crimes unmistakable and called the massacre "the most barbaric crime in the history of the world." The committee believed that the Roosevelt administration may have concealed the Holocaust from the public, but noted that it was due to military necessity. The report also recommended that the U.S. government file a lawsuit against the Soviet Union in the International Court of Justice, but the U.S. government did not comply. Although the Special Committee came to strong conclusions.

   This time, Serov dug up the Rhine camp and first detonated the crimes of the United States in the war. For a while, the hatred of the German people against the United States intensified, and the entire Federal Republic of Germany was full of doubts about the United States. The U.S. military, which has lost the support of the Germans, is of course not afraid of the Germans daring to oppose the garrison, but the 750,000 German Wehrmacht's detached appearance will make the already imbalanced NATO and the Warsaw Pact even more disparity in strength.

   It can be said that, with the excavation of the Rhine camp, 750,000 German Wehrmacht troops may have fled without a fight after the start of the war, except for the most powerful force in NATO. This loss is fatal to NATO, whose ground power itself is inferior to the Warsaw Pact. NATO, which has lost the Wehrmacht, cannot even comfort Western Europeans.

   For decades, the base of the US military in the Federal Republic of Germany has never been so fragile. Even around the camps of many U.S. troops stationed in Germany, U.S. soldiers can already feel the resistance that the Germans repressed in their hearts. This kind of soft violence makes all U.S. soldiers uncomfortable.

   The bigger blow is in terms of morale. Although Serov has ridiculed that the American army is just a mercenary armed with money, the army of any country has its own spiritual pillar. In other words, the soldiers who join the army must first take over the brainwashing. The Soviet Union uses the ideas of the people, communism, and collectives in all aspects to ensure the combat effectiveness of the Soviet armed forces. Although the U.S. military has not instilled its values ​​in all aspects of the military in this way, it also has similar patriotic education.

   Coupled with the treatment of the powerful army, the US military is not as strong in spirit as the Soviet army would rather die than surrender, but it also maintains the confidence of confrontation. The two countries still have certain differences in the way of thinking about the military. The Soviet Union emphasizes collectiveness, and the safety of individuals is ignored intentionally or unintentionally. It also forgives some crimes in the war. It's just that the KGB always settles accounts after the fall, and packs up the Red Army to quell public anger.

  The American army does not think that the United States has ever done such a deliberate large-scale abuse of prisoners of war. The Americans in the Rhine camp can accept what happened to the Soviets, but they are not ideologically prepared to happen to their own troops.

  The United States takes the tune of human rights too high, and now even ordinary American soldiers believe it. In the Soviet Union, there are still internal forces that have never believed in this set. Reagan's public recognition of the existence of Camp Rhine made the soldiers stationed in Germany also very distressed.

   This distress did not last long. Just one day later, the CIA released an investigation report on the Katyn massacre in the 1950s, claiming that the Soviet Union created the Katyn massacre. The Katyn massacre was brought up again, and the film of Camp Rhine entered the second half directly. Influential newspapers in the United States reprinted them one after another, and a massive media war began.

In Warsaw, the capital of Poland, as many as 100,000 protesters gathered on the streets, hoping that General Secretary Jaruzelski would let the Soviet Union announce the details of the Katyn massacre, whether it was done by the Soviet Union, slandered by the Americans, or true .

  The huge wave of protests has put the Polish capital into a state of spring, and it has also made Jaruzelski, the general secretary of the Polish United Workers Party, very distressed. The situation in Poland has always made the entire socialist camp think that Poland is a problem child. But the Katyn massacre was indeed very important, and he also had to take into account the attitude of the Soviet Union.

The   Rheinland and Katyn massacres were intertwined and became a tool of mutual accusation between the United States and the Soviet Union. After Reagan took a sap, he also did not forget to give back to Shelov.

   "General Secretary, there is a wave of protests in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Are we putting pressure on Jaruzelski to quickly restore order to Poland?" General Chebrikov said worriedly.

"I can't do this. Isn't this an admission of the Soviet Union's guilty conscience?" Serov was also a little confused by Reagan's sap, but he immediately reacted, "Let the Komsomolskaya Pravda refute immediately and accuse the United States of falsifying. If this evidence If it exists, why hasn’t it been announced for decades? It’s clearly shifting the focus of the Rhine camp case.”

   "I see, Comrade Ligachev has noticed this." Chebrikov also felt that the repression would be counterproductive.

"Chebrikov, in fact, we have already won. The United States is now smearing each other with us. The United States no longer cares about its claims of human rights. This is already a victory." Serov, who had completely calmed down, said indifferently, "The United States thought it would show evidence. Accusing us of the Katyn massacre will dampen the popularity of the Rhine camp? I tell you, I was prepared."

  The United States, which smeared each other with the Soviet Union, is not terrible, not to mention the Katyn massacre, Serov had noticed many years ago, not only burned all the files, but also forged a detailed file and put it on the Stasi. Finally, a killer is sent to the United States to deal with the American insider who investigated the Katyn massacre in the 1950s. If Reagan really cared about the Katyn massacre, he would have found that the so-called witnesses in the US investigation report all died from various diseases and accidents in the 1960s and 1970s.

  The archives of the Katyn massacre in the Soviet Union, apart from the dead Brezhnev, Khrushchev, and only two people who are currently alive know, apart from Serov himself, and Shelepin, who originally suggested Khrushchev to destroy the archives.

  The report that the United States attacked the Soviet Union and created the Katyn massacre also opened up a dusty memory for people. Like the Rhine camp, the Katyn massacre was an unsolved case of World War II. Countries have lined up one after another, either on the side of the United States or the Soviet Union, accusing each other of black spots, but just like this, the long-term loss of this public opinion war is still the United States.

As a big spy who is unwilling to pay any loss, Serov doesn’t even want to take the blame. The Soviet Union will never admit to the Katyn massacre. The conscience would rather feed the dog, let alone kill a group of class enemies. From the point of view of the proletariat , there is nothing wrong with it. As for Poland and the Soviet Union's hatred, and the abuse of prisoners of war in the Red Army, you can go back a little bit.

  The Komsomolskaya Pravda published a special topic, pointing out the various doubts about the U.S. announcement of the so-called Katyn massacre at this time, and pointed out that because the U.S. concealed that the Rhine camp was on the cusp of the storm, it smeared the Soviet Union to achieve its own ulterior purpose.

"The Katyn massacre has long been publicized, and it was a war crime committed by the Third Reich in those years. The U.S. used the means of framing the Soviet Union to frame the Soviet Union. "

   Komsomolskaya Pravda quickly refuted the U.S. investigation report and stated that the Soviet Union had already found out the results.

   "Now, the GDR is needed!" Serov, who was playing with the emerald bracelet, chuckled, making a fuss about the Katyn massacre, which has been unfeasible since 20 years ago.

A few days after the U.S. and the Soviet Union attacked each other, Honecker, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Democratic Party of the Democratic Republic of Germany, made a statement in response to the recent uproar of the Katyn massacre. In fact, our archives department keeps an investigation report on the Katyn massacre. After the initial investigation results came out, we informed Moscow, and the Soviet comrades persuaded us to hide it, because the GDR had absolutely nothing to do with the former Third Reich. The people were also victims of the expansion of the Third Reich."

  The GDR subsequently opened a report of more than 10,000 pages. Some old people arranged by the Stasi, in the name of World War II veterans, admitted that their troops officially carried out the Katyn massacre.

   Immediately after that, Jaruzelski, the general secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party, flew to Berlin immediately, met with Honecker, and asked to consult the archives of the Katyn massacre kept in the GDR, which was approved by Honecker. All the attention between the GDR and Poland suddenly shifted to the Katyn massacre. The coverage of the Katyn massacre completely overshadowed the coverage of Camp Rhine.

"It is meaningless to dwell on the hatred of the past. I hope that the GDR and Poland will cherish the unity of the socialist camp. This is also the original intention of my suggestion to the GDR not to publish the Katyn massacre file. We all understand the GDR and the Third Reich. Completely different, the war crimes of 40 years ago should not be shouldered by the people of the GDR today."

  Shelov's statement on the Katyn massacre was accompanied by Moscow's emphasis on unity in the socialist camp. It does not hide the social-imperialist side at all, but it is this kind of statement that is the domineering Soviet Union that many countries know. It is this threatening statement that strengthens its credibility.

So? This should be the reason that the United States slandered the Soviet Union in order to divert the attention of the Rhine camp. The Kremlin has asked the United States to find witnesses in the file. All eyes are on Americans.

   "After this time, the credit of the United States is basically bankrupt." Sheloff is not worried at all. Could Reagan let the dead speak?