MTL - Big Time 1958-~ Extra yo, isn't this Alzheimer's?

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   "It may be that he is old and hates places like hospitals very much." Shelov stood by the window. He had just returned from China to discuss the return of Zhenbao Island and other islands in the Amur River dispute. In fact, this should not be a problem. The Soviet Union has always recognized that it was part of China. From the era of Khrushchev to the era of Brezhnev, Zelyanov, the head of the KGB Border Guard, was the direct witness.

   The reason for not returning it is normal from the perspective of a Soviet person. Looking at the relationship between China and the Soviet Union at that time, even if you admit that it is yours, it is impossible to return it at that time. Another point is that when it comes to another issue, the demarcation between the Soviet Union and China, the premise of returning it is to establish the current boundary, and don't mention this rhetoric since ancient times.

   After the borders are formally determined, future territories will be fixed. This is Moscow's principled opinion. Even if Serov is the general secretary, it cannot be changed. Not to mention that the Soviet Union is still there. Even if it becomes Russia after disintegration, it will always be part of Russia, unless the Russia in his memory disintegrates again. At the same time, China's national strength must far exceed the combined sum of the European and American countries, so that it can withstand the pressure of other powers and get its territory back.

   But then again, who doesn’t want the bigger the country, the better? Even the Soviet Union has this kind of public opinion, thinking that from the territorial aspect, the Soviet Union is also humiliating the country. Because it is well known that the territory of the Russian Empire is 2 million square kilometers larger than that of the Soviet Union. It is simply that the Soviet Union is at its peak, and there is no market for such remarks.

"It doesn't matter how old you are, staying in the hospital for two days, how are you talking with the Chinese comrades? Are their leaders easy to get in touch with?" Xie Lepin didn't care about his body very much. In the 1990s, China in that era almost turned the Soviet Union into a class enemy.

   "An elder who looks gentle but is actually firm-willed, and his environment is actually more restricted." Serov recalled his trip to China, smiled casually, and talked with Serepin about this experience.

   "Isn't that the same as Brezhnev?" Sherepin shook his head slightly when he heard the words, thinking of Brezhnev, he didn't have a good opinion.

"Better than Brezhnev, he has begun to restrict cadres for life." Serov rejected Shelepin's judgment. He knew very well that this elder was powerful. When the Soviet Union disintegrated, socialism collapsed, and capitalism won a great victory. When the winner-take-all is about to take place, at that difficult stage, he was so exhausted that he had to bear too many burdens. There was nothing he could do about it. He was helpless, powerless, and the strength of the country was just like that. What can he do?

   He left a good foundation. In other respects, limited by the unprecedented isolation and bad situation, we cannot expect too much.

   Shelov returned to China temporarily. Originally, he would fly directly to the United States for a visit, but because of the news that Sherepin was hospitalized, he came back quickly. If Sherepin hadn't served as Khrushchev's secretary general, he would have been cleaned up on his first adventure.

"I now feel that he is more suitable to lead the Soviet Union than Brezhnev. You said that if he followed my advice and cleaned up Brezhnev, what would the current Soviet Union look like." Sitting on the flight to the United States Serov, who was on the special plane, touched his wife's hand and asked.

   Shelepin was the most upright cadre he had ever seen in the Soviet Union, even stronger than the gray bishop like Suslov. Suslov's kind of self-hypnosis has no effect on other cadres. Xie Leping can completely motivate a group of people to move forward for the ideal, and that kind of temperament can be seen at a glance.

"What else can I do? It won't change much, right? But he is indeed much more energetic than Brezhnev. Unfortunately, Brezhnev regards him as an enemy." Valya snuggled in her husband's arms Dao said, "In a country as big as ours, there is no way that one or two people can mess up the country."

"That's right!" Serov's mouth twitched, his wife was really confident, and she wouldn't say that when she met a bunch of golden partners, but in the eyes of ordinary people, the impregnable Soviet Union really makes people unable to give birth to this aspect. Mind, this can explain how shocked the whole world was when the Soviet Union disintegrated. Even US President Bush came forward and called on the republics to stay within the framework of the Soviet Union when he visited the Soviet Union.

Predicting that the Soviet Union will eventually perish is simply a false proposition. Serov can use a prediction to fill in the years from 50 to 500 years. Anyway, when the United States is really finished, just come up with the correct prediction, wrong. The predictions are all burnt, who will know? Will the general secretary be far-sighted by then?

But Khrushchev has already made this prediction. With the current lack of self-confidence in the United States and the momentum of the Soviet Union, it is estimated that Khrushchev's sentence we will eventually bury you will be remembered by more and more pessimistic Americans. Is there a chance for Shelov to grab credit?

  Washington International Airport, carrying the passenger plane of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and his wife, landed. At present, the wide-body passenger plane jointly designed by the three major Soviet design bureaus has occupied a huge world share. This is closely related to the further development of the Soviet Union's international prestige. Buying a passenger plane is both economic and political.

   As soon as Serov walked off the red carpet, he grabbed Zardon's hand, and the two had a very friendly exchange and murdered a lot of film. When it comes to film, I have to say that during the Kodak nuclear fallout, Serov once suggested to send a chemical defense force to help the United States. Of course, this suggestion was rejected by Bush. The United States still has some strong powers. .

  Serov and Zardon meet on the German issue and further reduce confrontation. The meeting achieved good results. Both the Soviet Union and the United States believed that Germany was just a country with two governments, which could be combined at an appropriate time. Serov did not propose one country, two systems. The Soviet Union wanted the whole of Germany.

The reason why there is no GDR annexation of the Federal Republic of Germany is because the United States is slowly declining, returning to the position it should return to, the Soviet Union suddenly disintegrated and plummeted. The pace of the entire Eurasian continent, the American continent will naturally be marginalized.

   After that, the United States and the Soviet Union signed a joint statement confirming the abandonment of the warlike space race. The signing of this agreement reminded many Americans of Ronald Reagan, the infamous former president. With the Soviet Union's international prestige surpassing that of the United States, if only by a little, and the American middle class's declining standard of living after the loss of savings, Reaganomics was thrown straight into the trash. The entire economics community is besieging and suppressing Reagan economics.

   Even when Reagan first came to power, he challenged the Soviet Union by expanding military spending and launched various confrontations. Because the Soviet Union is still alive and kicking, and it has become an idiot that is over-extended.

   "I have made an itinerary to visit former US President Ronald Reagan." This is also one of the purposes of Shelov's visit to the United States, because Reagan has announced that he has Alzheimer's disease. After being scolded by the big spy for so many years, Reagan finally couldn't bear it anymore. After the news was announced, the former president became even more of a joke.

   The handsome Zardon thinks the same way. His thinking is no different from that of the general American people. If the two presidents of the Republican Party did not judge the situation wrong, how could the United States be like this now? However, out of curiosity, he still asked, "Are the personal relationships between the general secretary and Mr. Reagan good?"

   "Of course, we just serve different countries!" Serov was righteous, never mentioning that he was here to watch the joke, thinking that I would let you go generously? Totally impossible…

Zipton has no objection, he is not afraid of Serov, he believes that as long as he gives himself time, it is not impossible to overtake the Soviet Union, and the gap is not too big now. It is entirely because Reagan is just a negative former president, and Serov is the current one. It is self-evident that the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is more important.

   A former president of the United States will not pay much attention to it. Shelov successfully achieved his goal, passed the approval of the US government as an old friend, and came to Reagan's home.

   "Long time no see, Alzheimer's." Serov was condescending and very rude, looking at Reagan, whose physical condition was not as good as before, how could he respect this person, this person is the most hostile to socialism in the history of American presidents.

"Sheroff, you are very rude. And I didn't invite you." Reagan's Alzheimer's disease was not so severe that he didn't recognize anyone. Reagan, who took a moment to remember the enemy in his mind, immediately rude. Retorted.

"Isn't this a very simple question? You are someone who thinks that the strong are always strong. You should understand the gap between the two of us now. I am the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union." Shelov stretched out his index finger and pointed at Reagan, and said lightly, "You are just the former president of the United States. I want to see you as a diplomatic matter. You, an Alzheimer's, have no right to object, and the U.S. government has no obligation to inform you!"

Serov, who learned that Reagan was officially suffering from Alzheimer's disease, came all the way from Moscow. What kind of spirit is this, the spirit of internationalism, of course, Reagan didn't understand. The humiliation he suffered today is more than eighty or ninety years old. Begging for leftovers has become much stronger. No matter what Getu thinks about the fate of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, I believe that even the Russians after the disintegration will feel ashamed.

   "My promise is still valid. When you die, I will attend your funeral." Serov, who walked outside the door, suddenly turned his head and said, "Live well, but you are so old, you can't beat me."

   After the meeting with Reagan like eating flies, Serov continued to go to Los Angeles according to the itinerary, saw himself and Hepburn's son, and informed the other party that Hepburn's body would be brought back to the Soviet Union.

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