MTL - Big Time 1958-~ Finale Sniff out and root out traitors

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The 28th Congress of the CPSU was held in Moscow on March 5, 1991, and not as before in history. All the members of the Central Presidium, including Serov, Ligachev and Grishin, attended the meeting. At the same time as the annual plan, it also confirmed the issue of the tenure of the top leader of the Soviet Union. Serov specifically emphasized that the term system should be written into the Soviet Constitution and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After this proposal was passed, theoretically from now on, Serov There is still a formal term of twelve years, and when the 30th Congress of the CPSU begins, the Soviet Union will become a new general secretary.

"I promise in my own name that I will never stay here for one more day after my term ends. I have seen too many comrades working to death on their posts, and I don't want this to happen to me." In the end, Serov Nabal An example of the Soviet leadership in the early 1900s suffered successive leader failures, "A decade or so ago, our party and our country suffered a difficult time, because the leadership was always changing and we were facing threats I lacked coping and could not concentrate on finding the focus of external work. In fact, those difficult times were completely avoidable in normal times, but no, why is this happening? Because we are constantly holding state funerals and a new leader There is always a time to get acquainted, but Comrade Andropov died of illness just after he became familiar with handling problems from the perspective of the general secretary."

Of course it's not what Shelov said, he was just bragging at the conference, but he has everything under control, and he has overwhelmed the United States internationally. Now no one can say that Shelov is wrong. He said it was because The death of leadership cannot respond to America, that must be the case.

"I'm emphasizing one point, our motherland, the Soviet is a working-class, proletarian national alliance, and the scope of the alliance may be expanded in the future, because we know that the earth will sooner or later eliminate all differences and unite, but for now we are still We must wait for the development of science and technology and protect our working-class motherland.” Serov paused and continued, “Then it should be emphasized that we should not think that we have no enemies. The great Lenin pointed out the future. Stalin taught, Be loyal to the people; grow in war, our Red Army will lead us from one victory to another. Whether it is Comrade Lenin or Comrade Stalin, they tell us all the time, the danger of traitors, which we can never Lax, we are communists, we must not forget to hold a gun in the other hand while working on production.”

"So far we have done a good job. Please pay attention to the difference between the Communist Party and the Socialist Party. You can't forget to protect the revolutionary fruit during the production process. If you don't defend it, it will really be stolen." Shelov looked at the five thousand at the scene. Several representatives seem to be looking for hidden dangers.

Renegades are usually more vicious than their enemies. Once the traitors gain power, they will take advantage of the power and short-term prestige that the party has given them, and promulgate laws one after another prohibiting the activities of the Communist Party. Ordinary party members are at a loss, and only a few straight party members stand. They came out to defend their ideals. But in the face of the surging tide of opposition, they were reduced to a lonely and insignificant group. The first thing the Khitans did when they came to power was to ban the activities of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which proved this.

"The Soviet Union is a kind of spirit, the persistent spirit of the toiling masses in pursuit of happiness; the Soviet Union is an ideal, a lofty ideal for the people to create a better future; the Soviet Union is a belief, the selfless belief of the proletariat to liberate all mankind; the Soviet Union is a This epic is a heroic epic of the heroic struggle, selfless dedication and bloodshed of hundreds of millions of people. But!" Shelov pulled the microphone closer and shouted, "Don't let the Soviet Union become a tragedy, don't regret it until you lose it, it will be too late already."

"I have led the Soviet security system for 30 years, don't let me find out who is harmful to this country, otherwise!" Serov suddenly raised his arm, behind Chebrikov, Tsvigon, Bobkov, Fedorchuk stood up at the same time, "walking with justice, sniffing out and eradicating traitors..."

Serov's raised hand fell, and the security giants behind him sat down again. At this time, his last concluding remarks recently shouted to everyone in a tone of mixed emotions, "I am a counter-revolutionary worker after all. ."

   Arise, hungry slave! Rise up, suffering people of the world! …

  Who created the human world? It's us working people! Everything belongs to the workers, how can parasites be tolerated?

"This is the final struggle, unite until tomorrow, Interna Schoner must achieve it! [" Under the gaze of the Lenin statue in the back, the audience sang the Internationale, and this scene also entered the world through the camera. eyes.

On October Revolution Day in 1991, Moscow's Red Square turned into a sea with red as its keynote. Serov delivered a speech on the Red Square, "Today is the anniversary of our great October Socialist Revolution, which is for all the working people. Festive. In the cannon of the Aurora cruiser, in the singing of "Comrades Advance Bravely", in the shouting of the ura in the sky, the Red Guards rushed into the Winter Palace and wiped out the provisional government of the bourgeoisie. Under the slogan that all power belongs to the Soviets, the first socialist country was established. Inspired by the spirit of the October Revolution, proletarian revolutionary movements in various countries in the world have been surging, making the working people of the world finally become real people in the legal sense.”

"Today, we have our own political rights, labor rights and interests, social insurance...we have all the conditions for at least food and clothing, and all of this is due to the proletarian martyrs who rose up and resisted in the spirit of the October Revolution. We are grateful Recalling all of this, revolution means sacrifice. Just like the troops in the Southern Theater Command who returned from the Middle East on Red Square today, their sacrifices have protected the peace of the Middle East and the security of the Soviet Union's friendly neighbors. The security environment of our motherland has been reshaped, and now I announce the official start of this year's military parade, let us pay the highest respect to these great Red Army soldiers!" After Serov finished his speech, the military parade officially began.

  What advanced weapons appeared in the military parade is not the most important thing. The steady pace and temperament of the soldiers of the Red Army is the basis for determining the military strength of the Soviet Union. The strides of these soldiers with the smoke of war is enough to explain everything.

"Maybe it's time for you to go back, little John, but I have to remind you that because of the death of your father, President Kennedy, it is very dangerous for you to return to the United States. I will give you a chance to choose." Shelov stared at President Kennedy's son, John Kennedy II, the little boy who cried at the funeral has grown up, but if he really wants to go back, even if he uses the power of the KGB to protect him, it cannot guarantee the safety of this child, that is In the United States, Kennedy's enemies in the United States are huge.

"I still decided to go back, maybe ten years, maybe twenty years, I want to find out the cause of my father's death." John F. Kennedy II thanked Serov, who was supposed to be an enemy, "Thank you for the care of the general secretary for many years. "

   "It's just cooperation, don't thank me as a spy." Sheloff waved his hand and said, "I won't give you away..."

At this time in the United States, the economic growth rate of the United States this year should be 1%, not zero. Half of the world's oil-producing areas is already in the hands of the Soviet Union, which was originally used to blow bubbles. The computer revolution, but because the Soviet Union's computer networking is advancing faster than the United States is useless. The value of the U.S. dollar has been doubted by many countries, and the huge backflow of over-issued currency has stunned all Americans.

In all fairness, it is absolutely impossible for President Bush to be re-elected. The entire social environment in the United States is very bad. This election, party rotation should occur. At this time, Serov found that he was a failure. Opportunity, but even if the zipper comes up, there is no dividend from the end of the Cold War and the outbreak of the computer industry to save him. Now the big spy can see how much this past life was called the most economical president. true level.

  Christmas in 1991, even if the state of the country is very bad, Americans will not be able to afford Christmas, especially New York State, which is the most prosperous place in the United States. But in Serov's eyes, this day is still the anniversary of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Today, he is going to give the United States a Christmas gift bag.

In the center of Rochester, New York, a huge colorful Christmas tree was erected, and the streets were lit up. Many citizens celebrated the biggest festival in the western world with smiles. Times were difficult, but the citizens still celebrated the festival and prayed that the difficult times would pass soon. In the middle of the night, at 2:00 midnight, the nuclear reactor in the basement of Kodak's headquarters suddenly entered a state of time and space, and the weapon-grade nuclear material entered a critical reaction. The disaster struck the people of Rochester, New York, who were unaware.

   At the same time, in the New York port, an old man boarded a ship docked at the port. He was the vice president of Kodak. He disappeared from people's sight as early as a year ago and announced that he had passed away. But he has been hiding in the dark and waiting for the call from the country. This old man who has lived in the United States for more than ten years, stood on the bow of the boat and looked at New York until further and further away, with nostalgia and loss in his eyes, and finally all his emotions turned into one sentence. , "Walk with justice, sniff out and root out traitors."