MTL - Big Time 1958-v2 Chapter 1031 enemy pig teammates

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"But Margaret Thatcher is a woman, and women do love to do extreme things. But she has to swallow it. It's always good to be careful. At this time, our hope is all on the Americans." Shelov made no secret of it. Prejudice against women in politics. Facts have proved that women in politics often end up badly. Even if they are fine for a while, they will be troubled after stepping down. Mrs Thatcher's reputation in the UK has always been poor, and it is often foreigners who kneel and lick.

   This kind of anger is understandable from another angle. Anyone who is treated as a soft persimmon feels uncomfortable. As a person who plays politics, after the Royal Navy was destroyed by a regiment, Mrs Thatcher could definitely see the fact that the Soviet Union was using it to kill the Royal Navy, and told the U.S. Navy that as long as it made up its mind, the U.S. Navy was not incapable of dealing with it.

   This is exactly the case. Washington is no slower than London in getting the news. After all, the first batch of cruise missiles was discovered by the US Navy. In a sense, the US Navy also has a certain responsibility. Because the U.S. Navy did not inform the Royal Navy at that time, whether it was because of the intense combat mission or paranoia, the U.S. Navy always did nothing.

After learning of this situation, the first reaction of US Secretary of Defense Cheney was to inform the two aircraft carrier battle groups that detected cruise missiles at that time to keep secret. In the case that the prospect of nuclear war is not far away, the United States does not want to make big strides because of the United Kingdom. Moving towards a nuclear war is like the Korean War when the United States knew that the Soviet Air Force was involved, but pretended not to know, and attributed all the military exploits to the newly born Chinese Air Force.

   The Americans are also quite skilled at playing the trick, but they still have to show their attitude. The White House spokesman fiercely criticized the Soviet Union's behavior and said that it would do everything in its power to retaliate. Of course, this revenge is only on the lips. Everyone knows that the US military and the Soviet Red Army are currently fighting. What kind of revenge can be bigger than a direct war?

  After the public statement, US Secretary of State James Addison Baker rushed to London urgently. No one knows what the purpose is. However, since the U.S. Secretary of State is leaving, he is definitely not preparing to declare war on the Soviet Union. This procedure can be omitted directly, and there is no need to take the risk of going to London. Foreign Minister Gromyko first saw this and made the Soviet Central Presidium member who was also highly nervous to relax. Take a breath.

"Tell Prime Minister Gandhi that the salvaged British soldiers can be temporarily detained. The Soviet Union will not pursue this. After all, we have to adhere to the humanitarian spirit!" Serov commanded hypocritically. In fact, he wanted to take advantage of India and the United Kingdom. special relationship as a communication channel.

   At this time, it is necessary for this powerful country to exert its influence. The Soviet Union attaches great importance to India. After all, no country in the world dares to say that it will stabilize India.

In the eyes of some Indian elites, it must be recognized that British rule has completed the transformation of India from a feudal society to a modern society. Britain has left India with a complete political, economic, transportation, legal and educational system. Inherited an unprecedentedly vast territory in the hands of people, and also obtained the special heritage of English. The choice of the Congress government after independence in India is very shrewd and realistic. India did not smash everything left by the British, but perfected it on the basis of inheritance. There are many Indian elites in London, the capital of the United Kingdom.

   Inform the Indian government of the meaning of the Soviet Union. I believe that Prime Minister Gandhi can understand what Serov meant. Even if he does not understand, the elites of the Congress Party who are inextricably linked to London will properly handle this matter.

"What amazes me is that the combat effectiveness of the Americans on land is stronger than we predicted." Serov's conversation changed when he finished saying this, "But General Bagramyan has already found a way to win. , he has explained it on the computer, we just have to wait for the news of the victory."

The raid of the Red Banner Sixth Tank Army was not smooth. Facing the pressure of the tank army, Franks directly ignited the oil pipeline on the border between Iraq and Kuwait. In this case, the offensive of the Red Banner Sixth Tank Army was contained. The already precarious U.S. Seventh Army won a respite, and the line of defense that was on the verge of collapse finally stabilized.

  Ignite the oil pipeline to stop the enemy. If Serov remembers correctly, this should be Saddam's trick in the Gulf War. Even using this trick shows that General Franks has no other way. If it were changed to another country or region, whether in Asia or Europe, without such conditions, the current US Seventh Army should have been defeated.

  The burning oil pipelines are of course not all bad things. The fire on the ground stops the Soviet tank army, which is clearly dominant. Even if the tanks pass, the Soviet troops will not be able to pass. However, the thick black smoke over the war zone also made it impossible for the air forces of both sides to provide battlefield support, which was very beneficial to the Soviet Union.

"In roundabout operations, the Red Flag Sixth Tank Army did not move, and the units of the Fourteenth Arms Combined Army marched westward, attacked the Saudi forces, opened the gap and implemented the right hook plan, defeated Saudi Arabia, and became the seventh American from the side. Army, and defeat him under the attack." General Bagramyan faced the existence of the wall of fire, and did not let the Red Banner Sixth Tank Army rush hard. The pure tank force needs the infantry to fight together, otherwise the tanks will fall into isolation, and the effect will be achieved. will be greatly discounted.

After the oil pipeline was ignited, General Bagramyan changed the direction of the attack after a brief thought. After all, the Southern Theater had the advantage of scale, and as a Soviet, General Bagramyan easily remembered some of the benefits of the Great Patriotic War. Experience, for example, when the Third Reich army was stubbornly resisting, the Soviet Union must calm down and think about whether there are nearby defense lines defended by Romanians or Hungarians?

   It is best to defend the Romanians and Hungarians together, because these two countries have a grudge. A pig teammate is more exciting than a few more tank divisions. He doesn't believe that the troops of countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar have the same combat effectiveness as the US military?

The 14th Red Banner Combined Arms Army, like the 6th Red Banner Tank Group Jin, part of the troops was withdrawn from the northern group stationed in Poland. There is no need to doubt the will to fight. If the oil pipeline is not ignited, General Bagramyan will Will put this wrong into the battlefield.

After ordering the roundabout operation, General Bagramyan still communicated with Moscow, to be precise, with Sherov. If you simply analyze the data on paper, the entire Saudi army is a shining point. Speaking of the Royal Saudi Army The weapons and equipment are also full of local tyrants. At first, 500 French AMX-30B2 tanks were bought, all of which were thrown into the "reserve", but they were immediately equipped with 400 M60A3 tanks used by the Americans and more than 1,000 infantry vehicles. Considering the small number of people in the Saudi Army, this kind of equipment density insists that it can be compared with Surin's heavy tank army. Even if he has never seen Saudi Arabia fighting, he must be cautious.

General Bagramyan, who has lived in a socialist country for a long time, has never seen such a configuration of troops. The first reaction is that the Saudi military is well equipped and may not be easy to eat. Whoever has information hegemony in the entire Soviet Union is the one who claims to have nothing. The general secretaries of secret agents who do not know, of course, have to ask carefully.

The telegram recovered by   Serov is, don’t worry, big brother, attacking the Saudi army is basically tantamount to war with the Soviet Union and Mongolia. Serov still doesn't know about this chicken country? Not to mention fighting the Houthis to death in the 21st century, even the Saudi military is too weak in history. During the Gulf War, the Saudi Army participated in the battle of Khafji as the main force. The Iraqi army successively attacked Khafji. Ji launched three armored battalion-level assaults, the first two were repelled by U.S. Marines, but the third Iraqi offensive on the Saudi line of defense succeeded in making progress, driving the Saudi forces out of Al Khafji.

  The Saudi army was determined to be ashamed and attacked the town of Khafji with two battalions. Although the Iraqi army has been suppressed by the US air strikes and its morale is very low, it still succeeded in suppressing the superior Saudi army with fierce firepower for a long time. In the end, it was with the help of the American father that Saudi Arabia won.

   The confidence of General Bagramyan who got the information increased greatly, and he immediately asked the Red Banner 14th Combined Arms Army to remove Saudi Cointreau with a surprise attack after reaching the destined location, and then resume Serov to say hello to the Central Presidium of the Soviet Union.

   Serov did not reply this time, and two members of the Central Presidium are currently hospitalized for observation due to mental exhaustion.

That night, the combined army of the 14th arms of the Red Flag that arrived on the western front went directly into the operation, under the cover of the locked artillery division, and launched a full-line attack on Saudi Cointreau, with a length of more than 70 kilometers. The guns on the front line were rumbling, and the Soviet tanks were rampaging in the desert at night. If the opponent was the US military, the Soviet Red Army would definitely not start the night battle mode, because it was too dangerous, but what if the opponent was Saudi Arabia?

This battle was almost one-sided from the very beginning. I was convinced that the headquarters pointed out that the Red Flag 14th Armies of the opponent’s pig teammates combined the army, and quickly confirmed the judgment of the headquarters. The Saudi army faced almost collapse at a touch. After an hour, Saudi Arabia The entire defensive line of the defense has been broken across the board, and the responsible positions have been spread all over the Soviet tanks.

"I now know why the general secretary always asks us to respect the Iraqi People's Army." Compared with the performance of the Saudi army, although the Iraqis have been beaten unilaterally, they are still insisting on fighting and not surrendering, General Bagramyan said. Without thinking too much, he directly ordered, "Immediately surround the U.S. Seventh Army, and the follow-up troops rush to Kuwait City."

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