MTL - Big Time 1958-v2 Chapter 1032 The pot is Saudi

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"Remember, you must speed up, because the Americans may run." General Bagramyan warned uneasy, such a possibility exists, and it is very large. If the Americans are stupid and wait in place, Unusual.

The current danger of the United States proves the disadvantage of the multinational coalition. Although the Soviet Union is also a three-nation alliance, Iraq, Iran and the later Soviet Union are all distinct. In the battle in key areas, the Soviet army will not let the two countries mix He came in. The Soviet Union, which has rich experience in the Great Patriotic War, has seen the collapse of the servant state on the German side many times.

   These two points are currently occupied by the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Saudi defense line, it immediately caused a shock to the US military in the entire Persian Gulf. Now the US military has experienced the mood of the German Wehrmacht in the Romanian battlefield. Although the Saudi army does not have the ability to fight back, the collapsed front still brings huge trouble to the US military.

"The entire army was withdrawn to Saudi Arabia, and the Seventh Army was ordered to entangle the Soviet army and give us time to evacuate." Admiral Schwarzkopf had to admit that the US military had been unable to conquer Kuwait City, and on the contrary, there was a risk of the entire army being wiped out . The troops under Kuwait City are the troops after the military reform of the US military, that is, the troops that are very suitable for hanging kindergarten countries. And the Seventh Army is a reloaded unit, or the kind of equipment used to deal with the Soviet Red Army. Just as Lieutenant General Franks, the commander of the Seventh Army, said that the reform of the American army really encountered the size of the Soviet Army. The opponent, the result is not as good as the original.

  The military field is changing much faster than imagined, even the fastest of all fields. If you can't keep up with that rhythm, you've probably lost the war. Once the reform of the U.S. military is completed, it will be more powerful, and it is just halfway through.

   The U.S. military suspended in mid-air, whether it is a traditional combat unit like the Seventh Army, or the current light-armed force, is not enough to encounter a large number of Soviet troops. For the Soviet Union, this battle is just at the right time.

The    troops after the breakup must be the Seventh Army, because the Seventh Army has been entangled with the Soviet Army too deeply, and it is not easy to retreat. Moreover, the Seventh Army is a heavily armed force. If the U.S. military under Kuwait City is used to cover the retreat of the Seventh Army, the possibility of resisting the Soviet pursuit will be lower. Order.

   The 14th Red Flag Combined Arms Army of the Western Front is killing, and the 6th Tank Army of the Northern Red Flag is trying to extinguish the fire of the oil pipeline. The situation is unprecedentedly bad.

"I guess the ultimatum will come soon. Of course it's a secret, so you don't have much time to attack, surround the U.S. combat troops as much as possible, and lay the foundation for the follow-up." Shelov and Bagra on the front line General Mi Yang said on the phone, "The United States will not wait until the whole world thinks that they are defeated. I don't agree with me, but a nuclear war will not come without warning, so it's okay for now."

   "Well, even if it can't be completely surrounded, the Seventh Army will definitely not be able to escape." General Bagramyan looked at his watch and calculated the marching time, "Four hours..."

   "I'll try my best to get it for you!" Shelov agreed simply, and then hung up the phone without hesitation.

  Bagramyan's order, the Soviet Red Army troops accelerated the attack speed. The 14th Red Banner Combined Arms Army on the Western Front advanced rapidly. With the cooperation of the Army Air Forces, they captured the Mutra Mountain Pass Heights in the west of Kuwait City, cut off the retreat route of the U.S. Seventh Army north of Kuwait City, and controlled the No. 6 Highway to the north of Kuwait City. The Ryazan Division airborne near the international airport on the southern outskirts of Kuwait City and merged with the T-72 tank group of the 6th Armored Division of the Iraqi Army, indicating that the Soviet Union had rescued the siege of Kuwait.

However, this is not the end. The US counterattack continued. At noon that day, with the fierce firepower support of the US Navy carrier-based aircraft formation and the Marine Corps Air Force A-10 attack aircraft, the Shepherd Light Armored Infantry Battalion of the First Marine Division took the lead in tearing apart. A hole was opened, and a route of retreat was opened before the Iraqi People's Army pursued.

   At this time, a large armored force was assembled under the command of Lieutenant General Franks, including the 1st and 3rd Armored Divisions of the US, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division, the 1st Cavalry Division and the 1st British Armored Division. They are the elites of NATO, the main force drawn from the special forces to deal with the Warsaw Pact. Lieutenant General Franks did not command the breakout, and it is also very dangerous to divide troops to block the Red Banner 14th Arms Combined Army, which is under the city of Kuwait. The U.S. is fighting for time to withdraw.

Lieutenant General Franks' move also completely lost the hope of breaking out of the U.S. Seventh Army and became a target for all four Soviet groups to attack. Land hegemony far exceeds history, and American aircraft carriers cannot get too close to the Persian Gulf for almost no rescue.

In the Great Kremlin of the Soviet Union, Serov listened to the righteous words of the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union with drooping eyelids, an emotional and threatening performance, "Once a nuclear war comes, the Soviet Union will not think that it is the victor, we will go from all The Soviet Union cannot defend itself, and the whole world will fall into catastrophe, and the Soviet Union must also take into account the nuclear weapons in the hands of Britain and France…”

Serov had to interrupt, "Dear Mr. Ambassador, I have to correct that the nuclear weapons of other countries in the world except the Soviet Union and the United States are negligible, and the number of nuclear weapons in our Soviet Union is nearly twice that of the United States, Well, even if the Soviet Union won't be the victor in a nuclear war, it definitely won't be the loser."

   "It seems that the general secretary is ready for a nuclear war?" The American ambassador continued to ask aggressively.

"It's a pity that the right to launch nuclear weapons is not in your hands, and the right to launch nuclear weapons in the Soviet Union is in my hands." Shelov had to educate the American ambassador again by class. Shelov said rudely in front of the ambassador, It is equivalent to a ruling class, and although this ambassador is also respected, in front of him, the general secretary, his status is close to that of the proletariat.

   Of course, he is completely understandable for such a fierce reaction. If the situation in the Soviet Union is estimated in reverse, the situation is similar. When the American ambassador came to the Kremlin, whether he came to issue a nuclear war threat or something, when he came, he meant that the matter could still be discussed.

   "The Soviet Red Army must stop military operations immediately!" The American ambassador put forward the first condition, which seemed fair.

   "Then the U.S. military continues to break through the siege, so that we can get nothing?" Shelov has a beautiful expression that you want, looking for the expression of the American ambassador. Are you kidding me? There is no sincerity to negotiate.

"I mean, the U.S. military and the Soviet military have temporarily suspended military operations!" the U.S. ambassador repeated. He wondered if the general secretary was deliberately misinterpreting his meaning. The current situation is not good for the U.S. military and cannot continue to develop. .

   "According to the spirit of the United Nations, Iraq must remove Kuwait's territory, and Iran should remove Bahrain." The American ambassador put forward the second condition, which is somewhat deteriorating.

   "Let's continue the topic just now, let's talk about who can win the nuclear war." Serov suggested sincerely. If it can agree to this matter, will the Soviet Union still use the risk to enter the Middle East? As early as when the scope of the war was in the Arab countries, the Soviet Union sank a bunch of British warships such as the Ark Royal at sea, and fought with the United States on land. What? Everything is playing with the United States?

"Mr. Ambassador, I think our conversation is a bit rushed now. It should have Mr. Baker and Comrade Gromyko to conduct far-sighted, effective mediation and negotiations that take into account the interests of both parties, so that the interests of our two countries can be carried out to the Maximize it, and at the same time let us end this small-scale conflict that should not have occurred in a decent manner with conditions acceptable to both parties!" Sheloff was very emotional at this time, and he changed his love to talk long ago. But isn't it over now? And the Soviet Union had a clear advantage.

  When a wonderful future is in front of him, the effort he needs to make is not to let the bright future become a mirage, so he needs to take care of the American face.

   Has America lost the war? Of course not, Shelov was the first to deny it, otherwise Bush would become angry and the losses of the two countries would continue. Shelov could publicly announce that the Red Army made a breakthrough from the Saudi army’s position. The Red Army is deeply admired.

"Mr. Ambassador, please sue President Bush, the Soviet Union never had the intention to put the United States to death." Shelov coughed, "This small-scale conflict is because both the Soviet Union and the United States have shouldered their own international obligations. Being involved in the allies in the Middle East, I believe that the wise men of the two countries do not want to see the current situation."

   Sending off the US ambassador, Serov pursed his lips and thought for a moment. Before the result is discussed, the encirclement will still be tightened, which is for sure. Is the Kodak plan also available?

   At this time, the world needs the French, and it is very time for the French to appear. Before the situation was at its worst, French President Mitterrand once again publicly announced that he was willing to mediate the Middle East conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. The United Kingdom firmly opposed it.

   The Soviet Union and the United States responded very strangely. They neither agreed nor opposed, but the collapse of the Saudi military led to the failure of the US military's plan to rescue Kuwait. Such remarks have begun to circulate in the United States. Of course, the responsibility for the failure of the plan cannot belong to the great United States, and the Soviet Union has also very simply admitted that the cauldron belongs to Saudi Arabia.

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