MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 847 Hypnosis, i like her

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"Come here, tie them up." Feng Wen commanded again, and Xiao Moxie couldn't stay here anymore, so Feng Wen wasn't afraid to be known by anyone.

While talking, he pushed the authentic switch below.

Mo Wenchen took Mo Mo away and left without concern.

"Send this woman to my dad's room." Feng Wen suddenly said evilly, glaring at Su Qiqi, and twirled his mouth: "Wait until the tribal chief is enough, I will give you to the guards"

His eyes were fierce and he had deep hatred.

Mo Wenchen holding Mo Xie walking forward stiffened his body, paused, but did not stop, and continued to move forward.

"Leave this man to me." Feng Wen looked at Zi Wuya again. This face was so beautiful that she couldn't help it. She wanted this world, and the world will be her at that time, and men will not be counted. What, so, not one more.

The people moved Su Qiqi and Zi Wuya boundly, one to the nave and one to the east hall.

Feng Wen went with Mo Wenchen.

"It's better to be under your room. You will know who is coming at any time." Feng Wen smiled with a smile on her face, thinking that Su Qiqi would be as miserable as herself, and her wrists would not hurt.

Of course, she thought that Zi Wuya was very excited in her bed.

"Okay." Mo Wenchen responded indifferently, expressionless.

Then Lei Yufeng rushed to see his men carrying Su Qiqi and Zi Wuya out.

Lei Yufeng, who was originally expressionless, froze a bit, took a deep look at Su Qiqi, and actually hid in a place without showing up.

When Feng Wen and Mo Wenchen left one after the other, Lei Yufeng walked out of the room and chased away those who carried Su Qiqi.

The tribal chief's room is not accessible to everyone.

However, it was said that the beauties sent by the young lady to the tribe chief were released by the guards.

They looked at the sleeping Su Qiqi and couldn't help swallowing it. This time, the young lady sent a stunning beauty. Now they just hope that the tribal chief is getting tired of it, and then they can turn.

Waking up from Fengwen's rebirth, she often brought women from outside to give her tribal chief father.

To make his father happy.

Every time the woman came, she shared it with everyone.

Feng Wen, who was killed by those under the fox demon, likes to watch the beauties die. The worse, the better, so she will feel better in her heart.

She always remembers her helplessness at that time, and she hates it even more.

The subordinates randomly dropped Su Qiqi on the carved wooden bed, and did not dare to stop. They took a deep look and exited the nave.

The guard outside the door was still talking there, thinking about the beauties in the room.

But dare not move, can only talk and think about it.

The tribe chief is still at the ceremony of overdoing. Such overdoing will end in three days and three nights.

Even if the tribe chief knew that his bed was awesome, he could not return.

Later, Lei Yufeng followed the doorman's words and frowned fiercely. In his consciousness, Su Qiqi was used for pain and protection.

Although he didn't know who Su Qiqi was, he didn't want to hurt her.

Don't want others to hurt her.

Thinking about it this way, Lei Yufeng frowned fiercely, just seeing the woman walking around, his eyes turned, and he stunned him with a stroke.

Then dragged over, and threw a stone out.

The atmosphere in the palace these days is a little tense, only because of the death of the wizard.

Therefore, hearing the sound, the four guards of the nave all went to check, Lei Yufeng hugged the woman and quickly flashed into the room.

He took another look at the sleeping Su Qiqi, his heart seemed to miss a shot, but he did not dare to delay time, threw the woman in his hand to the bed, hugged Su Qiqi and left.

Several guards scolded and looked at the distance, but each of them stood outside the hall.

Lei Yufeng hesitated holding Su Qiqi, these people will not let him leave, have to think of some way.

Anxious, I saw Mo Wenchen holding Xiao Moxie walking past the hall. Under the rush of Lei Yufeng, he raised his hand and attacked Mo Wenchen. When he struck, he hid by the pillar.

The expressionless Mo Wenchen's face was even more indifferent, his dead face staring at the guards next to the four doors.

Although he was controlled by Feng Wen, he was in a detached position in this palace, and no one dared to mess with it.

At this time, someone was beaten. Of course Mo Wenchen couldn't bear it. He held Xiao Moxie in one hand and raised it in the other. A few arrows shot at the guard at the door. It's over.

Mo Wenchen put his hand away, regardless of the lives of these people, and continued to move forward.

He was going back to where he lived and reorganizing his son.

Feng Wen said that people here rarely have their own children and often steal other people's children. Mo Wenchen is afraid that his son will be stolen by others.

Only then deliberately set up the underground secret room and design the agency.

Feng Wen was arranging manpower. Because of the ceremony, the manpower in the palace was scarce. Feng Wen was still a little bit embarrassed.

But for Mo Wenchen and Xiao Moxie, she was willing.

Seeing that four people were too close to death, Lei Yufeng hugged Su Qiqi and quickly left the nave. He looked around, but didn't know where to go. After all, he was already controlled and his brain couldn't pass through.

After thinking about it, Lei Yufeng held Su Qiqi's hands tightly, gritted his teeth, and went towards Mo Wenchen's direction.

He lived in a courtyard with Mo Wenchen. At this time, he was also a little worried, while looking down at Su Qiqi, who was sleeping well, while frowning fiercely, he was very unhappy.

"Juchi" Then Lei Yufeng called again gently: "Who the **** are you and why do I care about you like this"

While asking Su Qiqi, he was also asking himself.

"What's wrong with you?" Mo Wenchen stood outside the courtyard with Mo Xie in his arms. He was waiting for Fengwen to send someone over, but he saw Lei Yufeng holding a woman and talking while walking.

Can't help but be a little surprised.

"Mo Wenchen." Lei Yufeng subconsciously wanted to hide Su Qiqi, but for a moment he was a bit overwhelmed: "Why are you here?"

In this black market, the two of them are also unaware of each other, they just know that they both work for Fengwen.

"How did you bring this woman here?" Mo Wenchen also looked at Su Qiqi and looked at Lei Yufeng in wonder: "Isn't it sent to the tribe chief's room?"

"I" Lei Yufeng didn't know why he brought Su Qiqi here, and blinked: "I like this woman."

"Unexpectedly" Mo Wenchen was still surprised: "You dare to like her, but she is the one whose master wants to kill."

"I hid her and the master could not be found." Lei Yufeng said to himself, "You have to keep it secret for me."

"No problem." Mo Wenchen agreed very happy, how to say they are also comrades-in-arms.

Of course, promise to come down.

It's just a woman after all.

"I put her in your room, and the master didn't dare to enter your room." Lei Yufeng's brain turned quickly, and while he was talking, he held Su Qiqi and entered Mo Wenchen's room. Regardless of whether they agree or disagree.

Mo Wenchen wanted to say something, but when she saw the distance, Feng Wen brought a team of men down, and they wanted to reorganize the room.

Lei Yufeng who turned down Su Qiqi and turned around also saw Feng Wen, rubbing the sweat beads on his forehead.

Without a thunderstorm, Mo Wenchen gave way and let people enter the room.

The room arranged for Mo Xie is next to Mo Wenchen. Just add a door and an office.

The rest is layout and decoration.

"Lei Yufeng is also here, so help out together." Feng Wen will not take the master's shelf. After all, these two people are only controlled by their own drugs. Even if the master's shelf is placed, there will be no sense of achievement.

And she also likes these two men very much.

If one day she becomes the empress, she will surely take all the men around Su Qiqi.

She has everything that Su Qiqi has, and she has what Su Qiqi doesn't.

"Yes, master." Lei Yufeng looked respectfully, without looking back, and responded as if nothing had happened.

For someone in the room, Mo Wenchen didn't even look at him. He wouldn't think about how he was found, let alone think. The person who was originally given to the tribe chief was held by Lei Yufeng. What happens to the side.

All he knew was to find a safe place for his son.

Feng Wen was in a very good mood, and she wanted to take Lei Yufeng and Mo Wenchen to enjoy the scene where Su Qiqi was enjoyed by everyone.

She knows her tribal chief father and no matter what kind of woman she is, she will share it with her staff.

This is the best. Feng Wen likes it.

Especially for Su Qiqi, she was even happier.

Even more thinking about the night to relieve hypnotism for Su Qiqi, let her wake up "enjoy."

People took another box of night pearls and arranged them in Xiao Moxie's new room. After a while, the new room was bright again. The light was soft and made people feel more comfortable inside.

Mo Wenchen looked at his son's new room with satisfaction, and nodded his head, looking at Feng Wen very indifferently: "Thank you master."

It makes people feel no gratitude.

Feng Wen is not asking for anything. She is now trying to develop a new drug. It is best to let Mo Wenchen settle down on herself and be infatuated.

However, it is too difficult to study such a medicine. Until now, she has no clue whatsoever.

She waved her hand and Feng Wen smiled lightly: "Take good care of our son."

"Yes." Mo Wenchen still answered coldly.

Looking out the window, it was dark, and unconsciously busy for an afternoon, Feng Wen even missed Zi Wuya waiting in his bed: "It's late, I'm back."

Say stop and turn away.

Lei Yufeng was tired and hungry and went out to find food.

Mo Wenchen looked at the peaceful son sleeping in the grandmother's arms, shook his head, and this guy would not cry now.

He opened the dark door and returned to his room. The sky was a little dark, and Mo Wenchen didn't think too much. He turned over to the bed, but found someone on the bed, immediately bounced up, and pulled up the quilt to stare at the person on the bed.

What he saw was sleeping Su Qiqi, which made him a little stunned, because at this time Su Qiqi was very similar to Mo Xie, which made him look a little stunned.

For a long while, Mo Wenchen received his emotions, and He Yi lay on the side of Su Qiqi and closed his eyes.

Feng Wen, who had returned to her room, saw the endless sleep of Zi Wuya, smiled at the corner of her mouth, rubbed her hands vigorously, and instructed the people around her: "Miss Ben wants to take a bath and let two people lift him out Also wash. "

The people in the room responded in unison and acted on their own. In Search of Shaohua: Happy and Abandoned Concubine

Feng Wen soaked in the bath barrel looked at the sky, his tribal father and father should go back to the room, and now seeing the beauties must be there, closing his eyes while thinking, sulking Dan Tian, ​​and then said gently A cry: "Wake up."

At this time, the tribe chief Feng Yan's woman on the bed, but who it was, he did not care, but his daughter sent it, it must not be too bad.

After being tossed for three days and three nights by the transcendence ceremony, the tribe chief was also a little annoyed and even vented the anger on the woman below him.

Su Qiqi, who slowly woke up, sat up fiercely, saw the man lying beside him froze, and raised his hand to Mo Wenchen's neck.

Mo Wenchen, who responded extremely quickly, pinched Su Qiqi's wrist backhand, and a gleam of cold light flashed under his eyes.

"Why are you?" Su Qiqi froze when he saw the person in front of him, and he let go of his hands automatically, a little wrong: "Ask Chen Chen if you remember me"

She remembered that she was controlled by Feng Wen, and now she was lying on Mo Wenchen's side safely.

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