MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 848 Who is the mother of the child?

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"What" Mo Wenchen's eyes flashed with doubt, staring at Su Qiqi, she was about to strangle herself.

Looking at Mo Wenchen's expressionless face and the suffocation in his eyes, Su Qiqi knew that Mo Wenchen still didn't know herself, but she was more puzzled, how could she be here.

Is it intended by Feng Wen?

He shook his head and couldn't figure it out.

"It's Lei Yufeng who saved you." Mo Wenchen hesitated a moment, then said, staring at Su Qiqi alertly.

Su Qiqi's strength around her neck just now is not small, this woman is by no means an ordinary person.

This is Mo Wenchen's heart.

"It was him" Su Qiqi was disappointed for a while and sighed: "Ask Chen Chen, do you really not remember me at all?"

Looking straight at Mo Wenchen, in the darkness, his eyes were opposite, and he said nothing.

Mo Wenchen is thinking, do you know this woman?

Seems to have never seen it before.

"Should I remember you?" Mo Wenchen was not hostile to Su Qiqi at this time, because Feng Wen did not order him to kill.

So he is an expression to anyone.

"You are Mo Xie's father." Su Qiqi still sighed, a little unacceptable.

She was really heartache, covering her heart with her hands.

"Yes." Mo Wenchen did not deny this, and answered very simply: "How do you know that Mo Xie exists"

Suddenly, Mo Wenchen was alert. He remembered that Su Qiqi was studying the authentic switch at that time, and there was a coldness in his eyes, and he was on guard.

"He" Su Qiqi wanted to say that he was Mo Xie's mother-in-law, but the words came to his lips, but he lingered because of Mo Wenchen's expression, like that, he seemed to have the same hatred as him.

When it comes to Mo Xie, Mo Wenchen seems to be a person, and the meaning of defense in his eyes is too strong.

"Nothing." Su Qiqi froze a bit, and left Mo Wenchen a little distance subconsciously: "Who is Mo Xie's mother"

"Master." Mo Wenchen answered very pleasantly, without consideration.

"What" Su Qiqi couldn't bear: "I'm so shameless."

She didn't even know Feng Wen had such a thick face, she even said that Mo Xie was her son, and she had the urge to go to Feng Wen for a meal.

But here is the black market, she doesn't know where it is.

However, she suddenly remembered one thing, suddenly turned over and sat up: "Where is Zi Wuya"

Mo Wenchen, who almost shot, heard her question, and glared at her again: "Who is Zi Wuya?"

This made Su Qiqi have the urge to vomit blood, no longer care about him, turned over to bed, fixed his clothes and long hair, and left with his legs raised.

Mo Wenchen didn't care about her leaving, she had nothing to do with herself.

As soon as Su Qiqi walked to the door, he encountered Lei Yufeng, stopped and looked at him: "Thank you."

"Juqi, you are awake, where are you going? It is dangerous." Lei Yufeng squeezed a cold sweat and replaced Su Qiqi by himself. It will definitely happen. Now Su Qiqi goes out and waits for his own investment. Snag.

"I'm going to save Zi Wuya, where is he?" Su Qiqi pulled Lei Yufeng's sleeve and said nervously.

It was already dark, and I do n’t know if there was anything wrong with Zi Wuya.

I was very worried.

"Zi Wuyao" Lei Yufeng's face was a bit stiff. After thinking for a long time, he shook his head: "You mean the person with you, in the master's room."

"Master" Su Qiqi could not afford to talk nonsense with him: "Where is your master's room to take me to."

"July 7" Lei Yufeng still hesitated: "Can't go."

"If you don't go, I'll go." Su Qiqi knows Zi Wuji's temper. If he wakes up, what happened, I'm afraid it will directly calm the black market.

With his ability, he can certainly do it.

However, he was also afraid of hurting the opponent by eight points and damaging himself by three points.

And whether Mo Xie can be taken away safely is also a problem.

She came here to save her child, and took him out of here in peace, without any surprise.

"But seventy-seven" Lei Yufeng was still worried: "I'm afraid I will hurt you then"

He raised his finger and pointed behind him. Behind him was Mo Wenchen's room.

"It's okay." Su Qiqi couldn't care less, and went straight out. Lei Yufeng didn't take herself, she could find it too.

Lei Yufeng stood hesitating for half a second, then rushed out and quickly followed Su Qiqi: "Juqi, Qiqi, don't rush, this matter, can't rush."

Standing in front of Su Qiqi will hold her: "The host is afraid that he has already dealt with that person."

"You can't wait any longer." Su Qiqi's face was even more ugly, his mouth was tight, and Lei Yufeng was ignored. Before he left, he took a deep look at Mo Wenchen, and seemed to be making up his mind. "Fortunately, he I also know my son. "

Mo Wenchen protected Mo Xie in this way. Su Qiqi's heart fell a little worried. While gritting her teeth, she turned away and left. Her son and man were all right, and Zi Wuya could not be affected.

In this life, she has owed enough to the purple.

Seeing Su Qiqi did not listen to persuasion, Lei Yufeng could only follow quickly.

He knew Su Qiqi and knew that this woman was his most concerned, so he couldn't let her have any accidents.

After bathing, Feng Wen tried her body and long hair by her subordinates, but she was full of style, charming and beautiful, her eyes were a bit under-aged, her lips twitched, and the smile was cold.

She was going to destroy Su Qiqi, take everything away from her and make her anxious.

She hated Su Qiqi thoroughly.

On the other side, the subordinates also washed Zi Wuya in a hurry, and at this time was also trying, and then was surrounded with brocade and brought back to bed.

Zi Wuji sleeps very well, with a soft complexion, a beautiful and elegant face, a pink face with red lips, and Feng Wen looked at it for a long time. She thinks that it is not enough. She is thinking, how can there be so many excellent men around Su Qiqi, it is really unreasonable.

While thinking about it, he raised his hand to pull the purple quilt on Zi Wuji's body.

It was just that she didn't wait for her to remove the brocade from Zi Wuji, and a strong wind struck. In the darkness, a ray of light hit Feng Wen's back, which was very powerful.

"Ah" Feng Wen screamed and spit out blood immediately.

Lei Yufeng has taken the opportunity to drag away Zi Wuya.

Su Qiqi fired a streamer, but still didn't resolve the grievance, and gave Feng Wen another hand. She wanted to kill the woman directly.

Feng Wen, who was vomiting blood, didn't even have time to take a whip. She had wanted to spend time with Zi Wuya Yunyu. How could she bring a whip on the bed, so she suffered a big loss at this time. ~~

"Lei Yufeng, let go of that person." Feng Wen was not light, and his chest was full of blood and blood. He was hit by Su Qiqi, and his internal organs were misaligned and extremely painful.

"Lei Yufeng, take him away, quickly." Of course, Su Qiqi would not allow it, and shouted aloud, while pinching a cold sweat in his heart. Fortunately, Lei Yufeng also allowed himself to be more obedient to himself, Otherwise, she won't be able to take away Zi Wuya smoothly today.

"July 7th, I'll wait for you outside the palace." Lei Yufeng responded, and left with him.

Zi Wuya slept very deep, so there was no trace of waking up in this way.

Feng Wen was frightened by Su Qiqi's fight. He stepped back and hugged his shoulders. There was a bit of fear on his face, but he was stunned: "Mo Wenchen, Mo Wenchen."

The shout is not high, but it can penetrate into the soul.

Listening to this voice, Su Qiqi felt uncomfortable. First, she was not Mo Wenchen's opponent. Second, she couldn't bear to deal with Mo Wenchen. If Mo Wenchen came, it was herself.