MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 858 Bai Shaozi is missing, anxious

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Feng Wen, who had recovered her physical strength, looked at Yuantian again, and her brows frowned fiercely. It was too dark here, coupled with the buildings around him, she was screaming and crying constantly.

It's hard to calm down.

"Mo Wenchen, Lei Yufeng." Feng Wen sank her voice and summoned two people. She needed Mo Wenchen and Lei Yufeng to take her and Xiaoluo out of here.

Hearing the call of Lei Yufeng without hesitation, originally walking on the ruins of the palace, turned around and left.

Mo Wenchen walking in front was a little anxious, his face was abnormally pale, his hands clenched his fists, he was afraid that Mo Xie had a length of two.

The entire palace is in ruins, how a child wants to leave here

The more you think about Mo Wenchen, the colder your heart becomes, and the more impulse to ruin the world.

Upon hearing Feng Wen's call, Mo Wenchen didn't stop his movements, just planing bricks and tiles in the place he identified.

His magical power was very strong, and after a short time, he cleared an open space where there were a few books, more satin, and broken night pearls.

Of course there is blood.

Seeing this, Mo Wenchen's heart tightened tightly, even breathing quickly, even shouting desperately, and then he ran out of his hands and ran out of the ruins like crazy.

Ten fingers were bloody, but they didn't stop.

He only has his own son in his heart, and the only thing he remembers is his own son. If this child is also lost, he will really become a wooden man.

Feng Wen's call sounded like a sound, let Mo Wenchen on the edge of madness.

On the other side, Su Qiqi, Zi Wuya, Suli and Chu Fan stood and looked at the palace that had been ruined. There was a bit of decomposition gas on the face. This black market was going to be destroyed. This was what they wanted to see.

"Let's go find Shao Zi, he is still waiting for us." Suli watched Bai Shao Zi returning with Xiao Moxie.

"Okay." Su Qiqi nodded strongly, "However, we have to find Wen Chen and go back together."

"Fear is not easy." Zi Wuya sighed and frowned. "Mo Wenchen will not show mercy to us at all, as long as the woman says a word, he will kill us."

"We can't just go back like this." Su Qiqi said firmly, "I can't let Wenchen stay with that woman for too long, something will happen."

She knew Feng Wen's mind about Mo Wenchen. She could control Mo Wenchen, so she would inevitably go to bed.

She was unacceptable.

"Did you know that you haven't done it yet?" Su Li felt that Su Qiqi was too paranoid, and this kind of thing need not be noticed at all.

"" Su Qiqi froze, his face darkened, biting his lip and not speaking.

"Now Mo Wenchen is controlled. What he does is involuntary." Chu Fan persuaded Su Qiqi a little and could not bear to look at her deeply.

Standing in the dark, Su Qiqi hit his rough clothes, but he still kept his style.

The long hair fluttered in the wind, the facial features were cold and pale.

It made Zi Wuji feel a little distressed and patted her on the shoulder. "No, you have to trust Mo Wenchen. He can still remember his son, which means that he has not completely lost consciousness."

"But he was listening to Feng Wen's words, obeying." Su Qiqi suddenly lost his confidence, and his voice was shaking. Xiao Moxie was brought out of the palace, but Mo Wenchen and Lei Yufeng let them out. Way up.

"There will be a way, isn't Xiaoluo in our hands?" Su Li also looked upset and looked sad at his sister, and he was upset: "Relax, Mo Wenchen is more powerful, and the three of us can always hold together. Yes, even if he is tied, he will be tied back. "

"Yeah." Chu Fan also responded, looking at Su Qiqi with some distress: "In this way, we try to kill Feng Wen, or, if she is dead, Mo Wenchen will be able to wake up."

"Good way." Suli agreed with both hands: "But where is Feng Wen now?"

"She left after launching the crystal ball." Su Qiqi also saw some kind of hope. "It must have left here before us, and it must not have died below."

"It's hard to find her like this." Zi Wuya also hesitated, squinting his eyes, seems to be thinking about: "This is ruined, Feng Wen must leave here to the ground, we might as well be stuck in exit."

"This is a good way." Suli also looked bright, reddish, and a little excited: "Let's go back and bring the little prince, Shaozi and cold words, and leave here."

"OK." Su Qiqi also came to confidence and turned away.

Several people walked in a hurry and did not notice Mo Wenchen in the ruins.

Not to see the cold words hurriedly carrying Cuiyu.

Feng Wen was a bit annoyed. I did not expect that Mo Wenchen had not been summoned more than a dozen times. Looking at Lei Yufeng, who was standing with a cold face, helplessly sat there: "Can you take us two out of here?"

"Yes." Lei Yufeng's face remained unchanged, and he simply answered a word.

Standing up, feeling the vibration of the ground beneath her feet, Feng Wen was a little anxious, and he could not come to Mo Wenchen, and she was not willing to leave. Her main goal was Mo Wenchen, and she wanted to let Mo Wenchen follow her. For a lifetime.

Xiaoluo didn't move, she just sat there, lest she could stand unsteadily. The ground beneath her feet seemed to be angry, making her heart go into her throat.

Now she can only count on Feng Wen, or she can't live without it.

A wizard without a crystal ball is like losing his arm.

No matter how high witchcraft is, it is futile.

Lei Yufeng Station was level and stable, Feng Wen didn't speak, he didn't move, and he stood there, as if he didn't expect the existence of danger.

Not to rush.

Feng Wen hesitated repeatedly and finally gritted his teeth: "Lei Yufeng, take us out of the black market."

"Yes." Lei Yufeng quickly gave Feng Wen a hand and Xiao Luo fell with one hand, and flew towards the exit quickly, where he was not very familiar.

Su Qiqi and others who came later looked at the house that had fallen down, and were all dumbfounded.

"Shao Zi should be okay." Su Qiqi whispered to himself while rushing into the ruins, his voice trembling.

It's not just Bai Shaozi who has an accident. If he's an accident, Xiao Moxie must have an accident.

"The Moon Soul is intact and nothing will happen" Zi Wuya, Chu Fan and Suli both rushed in, and looked at the Moon Soul on Su Qiqi's chest nervously.

Su Qiqi also bowed his head subconsciously.

It was just that my heart was still not there. I raised my hand and held Yuehun, it was cool and there was nothing strange.

Looking around and shouting: "Little purple, cold words"

"Niangniang, I'm here." The cold words echoed, still carrying a person on his body.

He quickly moved over as he responded, and saw the collapsed house with some embarrassment.

"Cold words you" Suli looked at Leng Yan, and also froze, his face was a little dark: "Where have you been without Shaozi?"

He paused and looked at the man on his shoulder: "I went to rescue Cuiyu."

"Where did Shao Zi go?" Chu Fan was also nervous, staring at the ruins in the dark.

"He's been here all the time," Leng Yan said with a guilty conscience, his voice much lower.

He paused again: "With Shaozi's mana, this layer collapse should not hurt him."

"But the person is gone, and the wizard is also gone." Suli said anxiously, his face was unsightly.

Su Qiqi was also anxious at this time, desperately shouting: "Bai Shaozi, Bai Shaozi"

The cries and screams around him had weakened, and at this moment Su Qiqi shouted, which more than obscured their voice.

"The people here are afraid that they will all die in this calamity." Zi Wuya said unbearably.

But they're afraid it's too late now, and they can only find Bai Shaozi and Mo Xie before they take care of the others.

Several people sighed and pulled Su Qiqi forward.

Su Li resolutely said: "Shao Zi will never be okay. Let's look around. He must be hiding in a safe place."

"Yeah." There is no better way for Zi Wuya.

Hearing what they said, Su Qiqi nodded and agreed: "Let's come back here in a while, we can't be separated anymore."

Immediately, people searched in five directions.

The ground was still shaking and shaking, and several people shouted as they looked.

After half an hour, they got together again, with a look of loss.

"Where can Shaozi go?" Su Qiqi's face was so ugly, his face was pale and without any trace of blood, and he was anxious to kill, but he didn't even see Feng Wen's shadow.

What she was most afraid of was that Bai Shaozi fell into Feng Wen's hands again.

Read The Duke's Passion