MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 859 Where are they?

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"July 7th, calm down, calm down." Su Li was also anxious, but looking at Su Qiqi's appearance, I was afraid she would mess up. After all, it shouldn't be long here.

"If you don't find Shao Zi and Mo Xie, I won't leave here." Su Qiqi did not look at Suli, and went to dig those ruins. She was afraid that Bai Shaozi would be crushed under the house.

"July 7th, how could the power of Shao Zi be captured underneath, it must not be." Zi Wuya saw Su Qiqi desperately turning the bricks on the ruins with his hands, and he was also anxious, so go on, Su Qiqi's hands were gone.

But she applied the needle with her hands. Once her hands were scrapped, she was afraid that she would no longer be able to cure people.

This is definitely a blow to Su Qiqi.

"I want to see nothing below." Su Qiqi didn't stop but just looked down there.

Seeing this, Suli, Chu Fan, Zi Wuya and Leng Yan also all came forward. Suli went directly and dragged away while holding Su Qiqi: "July 7, you are guarding the jade, let's come."

Su Qiqi was not sincere, but was dragged away by Su Li, and she was stunned.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes. Su Qiqi saw that several people in Zi Wuya began to take action, and they also sat next to Cui Yu. This is Cui Yu, who was lethargic, closed her eyes tightly, her face was a little pale, and she could see that it was here After this, I had a very bad time.

I took another look at Cuiyu's shirt, or a palace dress, and wanted to come, after she stole Mo Xie and handed it to Feng Wen, she was locked up, but she didn't know how she was used by Feng Wen.

Just when Su Qiqi frowned and looked at Cuiyu, Zi Wuya and others had cleaned up the ruins of the house they lived in. There was nothing in it, not even a trace of blood.

Su Qiqi, who walked around and looked around, let out a sigh of relief, but she looked a little desperate, but still anxious, she wondered where Bai Shaozi could hold Mo Xie.

To know that this black market is not safe anywhere, it will be ruined when you look at it.

This is all an underground city. Once destroyed, the desert above will certainly collapse. Looking at the ground shaking, it is not far from the destruction.

Do not find Bai Shaozi, Su Qiqi unwilling.

But it's a bit powerless.

"Let's look around again, if not, just go to the exit." Suli stood to the side of Su Qiqi, saying the same thing.

Looking at Su Qiqi's extreme looks, some distressed.

"Okay." Su Qiqi had no better way but nodded.

Several people wanted to separate their actions, but saw a person flying away from a distance.

The distance was clear, but Mo Wenchen turned out to be.

Mo Wenchen also recognized Su Qiqi and others at a glance. He froze for a moment, and then asked coldly, "How are you here, master?"

Before going to Su Qiqi, Zi Wuji grabbed his wrist, looked back with some differences, but saw that Zi Wuji shook his head slightly, and then raised his eyes to ask Mo Chen: "This is where we live Place, where will your master be "

Zi Wuya's heart was suffocated with fire, his tone was not good, and Mo Wenchen's eyes were very bad.

"Where you live" Mo Wenchen's obvious reflection failed: "Most obviously they were here just now"

"Who are you here?" This is the point. Su Qiqi stepped forward and asked Mo Wenchen aloud, and even stretched out his hands and pulled his placket: "Where is Xiao Moxie, do you know"

"I'm looking for Mo Xie, not in the palace." Mo Wenchen said indifferently, without Feng Wen ordering him, he would not regard Su Qiqi as an enemy.

Just strangers, passers-by.

"There must be no in the palace." Su Qiqi froze a bit, looking up to see Mo Wenchen's **** fingers, and froze, it seems that Mo Wenchen cleared the ruins of the palace.

Thinking of this, Su Qiqi's heart warmed, no matter what this man forgot, he still remembers his son, which is enough.

"How do you know?" Mo Wenchen glared at Su Qiqi, his eyes opened with a murderous look, without concealing.

"We are also looking for Mo Xie." Su Qiqi still pulled his sleeve and whispered, suddenly feeling tired, tired, and wanted to lean on his shoulder.

The next second Mo Wenchen raised her hand and pinched her neck: "You took Mo Xie away."

The voice was full of killing, cold and abnormal, eyes cold and frosty, and the strength of his hands was not small. Su Qiqi even heard the sound of broken bones. For a while, he could not breathe, but struggled desperately.

"Let her go." Zi Wuya, Chu Fan and Suli approached at the same time, with three palms together, and Mo Wenchen was photographed with absolutely no mercy.

As a last resort, Mo Wenchen was able to relax Su Qiqi and meet three people backhand.

Seeing that he let go, Zi Wuji's figure shook, and he had bypassed him to take Su Qiqi in his arms, with a look of worry: "Juqi, are you okay?"

Su Qiqi breathed the air vigorously, and even coughed for a while before shaking his head: "I'm fine, don't hurt him"

"But he is like this, you will be in danger." Zi Wuji's face was darkened. At this time, Su Qiqi had to take care of Mo Wenchen: "He is going to strangle you."

"He is also for the child." Su Qiqi shook his head and rubbed his swollen head with his hands, while Zi Wuya touched the scar on her neck with his fingers with a little trembling. It was too obvious. Can't fall.

The action of Zi Wuya made Su Qiqi stand still, and he raised his hand and pushed him away, squatting on the ground and coughing for a while.

She also felt pain, and Mo Wenchen was really merciless.

Chu Fan and Suli struggled with Mo Wenchen, and it was difficult to distinguish between them for a while, regardless of the situation.

"Seven or seven." Zi Wuya looked at his hand and sighed: "We must let Mo Wenchen calm down, we can't let him approach you anymore."

"Don't hurt him." Su Qiqi coughed for a while and nodded, but still a little helpless, and sighed, "Where will Shao Zi go?"

With a pale face, his features twisted together, very painful, his thin shoulders seemed to carry everything in front of him.

A coarse gray coat, still exquisitely worn on her body, but she wanted to be thin.

In these few days, Su Qiqi gradually became frightened. Zi Wuya looked in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He really hoped that he could take care of her instead of Mo Wenchen.

But he also understood that in the eyes of Su Qiqi, there was only Mo Wenchen, and he could no longer tolerate anyone.

"Okay." Zi Wuya answered, and pressed Su Qiqi's shoulder: "Relax, Shao Zi won't be wrong."

Then he joined the war circle.

With three enemies and one, Mo Chenchen fell into the wind.

He was also anxious, he was anxious to find his son, his eyes were red and murderous.

Su Qiqi was sitting next to Cuiyu, listening to the movements around him.

Over time, the screams and screams had weakened, but the ground shaking continued.

The four people in the fight desperately tried to push the mana more constantly, making the ground shake more violently.

Fighting, Mo Wenchen suddenly retreated, because the retreat was too sudden, and was almost bounded by Zi Wuya. Chu Fan and Suli shot together, fortunately, all three of them were sympathetic.

A flash of his body, Mo Wenchen, apparently suffering from internal injuries, disappeared in front of everyone.

"He went towards the exit, and we will go too." Su Qiqi said desperately, and the cold words that had been standing aside to watch the war picked up Cuiyu and followed.

Chu Fan, Zi Wuya and Su Li all shook their heads helplessly. Seeing that Su Qiqi had flew up, they could only quickly follow, leaving Su Qiqi alone to face Mo Wenchen, which was even more dangerous.

This Mo Wenchen will not show mercy to anyone.

Above, Feng Wen is constantly calling for Mo Wenchen. The winds in the desert are also violently shaking, and the sand is constantly seeping into the entrance.

Within an hour, this exit will be blocked. At that time, no matter how high the master is, he will not be able to come out.

Although Feng Wen felt that Mo Wenchen was not gentle enough, he did not want to let him leave himself.

At first glance, she fell in love with Mo Wenchen, who had been lingering in her heart. There were small drops around her. She believed that there must be a way to get Mo Wenchen to her bed.

Xiaoluo stood beside Fengwen's side, and looked at the sand that was constantly flowing to this side with some worries, making a sound of buzzing, as if thousands of horses were moving forward.

Standing at ten steps away, Lei Yufeng frowned tightly, as if tangling something.

Mo Wenchen's speed was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, he had reached the large flat area and jumped into the iron coffin. He held the organ inside and was bombed out.

The iron coffin was no longer able to go out, because the exit was full of sand, sinking a little.

Then came Su Qiqi and others were also stiffened when they saw this. The exit seemed to be blocked by sand. They came one step later and could only stay here.

"Fast, Zi Wuya, you take Qiqi first to leave." Chu Fan and Suli said at the same time, if only one person can leave, they will certainly let Su Qiqi leave first.

Zi Wuya hesitated for a moment, and Su Qiqi shook his head even more: "I will walk alone if I go."

"Seven or seven, fast, now is not the time to say this, Mo Wuchen was summoned away, or Shao Zi was also on it. If they met Mo Wenchen, they would be in danger." Chu Fan was also anxious, he was also grateful Su Qiqi is unswerving, living and dying.

In this way, he was already satisfied.

No matter what their relationship is, in Su Qiqi's heart, not giving up on them is enough.

After hearing Chu Fan's words, Su Qiqi also froze a bit. In the next second, Zi Wuya had taken her waist and flew into the iron coffin: "We move faster, they have time to go out."

As the words came down, he had held the organ and was bombarded by the iron coffin.

Mo Wenchen, who had just landed on the sand, saw two more people coming up and looked over.

Together with Feng Wen, Lei Yufeng and Xiao Luo all came over.

It seemed that Zi Wuya, who stood there in a perfect posture, took Su Qiqi's waist in one hand, and the two had long hair and fluttering clothes, like fairy people.

Let a few people stay a bit.

"Where is Feng Wen, Bai Shaozi and Mo Xie?" Su Qiqi broke away from Zi Wuya's hand when he came up, stepped forward, questioned Feng Wen with a loud voice, and the killing in his eyes shot out.

"Seven or seven, you are here" Lei Yufeng even came forward with excitement in his eyes. Shao Hua Ji: Xiaoyao abandoned the concubine:

Zi Wuya bustled in front of Su Qiqi, afraid that Feng Wen would hurt her, and looked at the beach moving around, frowning fiercely.

Look at the exit.

It stands to reason that he and Su Qiqiyi were ejected from the iron coffin, and Chu Fan and they could enter the iron coffin again, but there were no figures.

"I don't know who Bai Shaozi is. Feng Xie is not here. Didn't you take Feng Xie away?" Feng Wen stared at Su Qiqi straight, never thinking that this woman was alive.

Listening to this, Su Qiqi's heart was sore and painful, looking at this desolate desert, surrounded by boundless sky, if Bai Shaozi brought Mo Xie out, he would not be able to get out.

After all, Bai Shaozi is just a fourteen-year-old teenager who has experienced too little.

He was holding a baby boy less than two months old, fearing that it would be too ferocious in this desert.

Read The Duke's Passion