MTL - Black Bellied Prince’s Stunning Abandoned Consort-Chapter 860 Collapse, can't kill her

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"He is Mo Xie, and has nothing to do with you." Su Qiqi heard Feng Wen's words, took a step forward, raised her hand and gave her a slap, her hand was very powerful.

Suddenly, Feng Wen's was swollen, and five distinctive fingers were engraved on it.

"You dare to hit me" Feng Wen stared at Su Qiqi in an incredible way. In fact, she forgot that Su Qiqi had hit her many times. There was no need to hesitate to hit someone like her.

"How did you hit you?" Su Qiqi turned over her heart at the bottom of her heart, and when she saw someone, she wanted to kill. She raised her hand and patted it, thinking about killing Feng Wen directly.

Xiaoluo on the side took a few steps back, for fear that the difference between Su Qiqi and Yiyi would kill himself.

"Mo Wenchen, kill her." Just on the palm of Su Qiqi's palm, Feng Wen spit out blood and vaguely, then rolled over and fainted.

Although Xiaoluo borrowed her life and made her alive, her body was still weak and she could not bear the power of Su Qiqi.

What's more, Feng Wen had no mana at all and could not resist at all.

As Feng Wen fainted and died, Mo Wenchen also bullied him.

Holding Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

Zi Wuya also responded extremely fast, holding the sword of mercy and attacking Mo Wenchen.

Su Qiqi wanted to take a shot, but he could not bear it. He turned his head to see Xiaolu, who was receding, and his eyes flashed cold gasps.

"Lei Yufeng, help me catch her." Su Qiqi saw Lei Yufeng standing there looking at himself, and whispered, she felt so tired now, and it was even more heartache in the face of such a mo question.

Without Mo Xie and Bai Shaozi, her mood could not be calmed down.

More importantly, they have been up for a while, but the next few people haven't moved at all. She is anxious and anxious.

Lei Yufeng said nothing. He stepped forward and walked Xiaoluo to the front of Su Qiqi: "Juqi, I'll leave it to you."

Looking at Xiao Luo, Su Qiqi eased his emotions: "You are a wizard."

Not doubt, yes.

Xiao Luo didn't want to die, and nodded strongly: "It's a wizard."

"Can you let Mo Wenchen regain his intellect?" Su Qiqi was interrogating this time, but he asked so fiercely. In this way, as long as Xiao Luo dares to shake his head, Su Qiqi can strangle her.

"Yes, yes," Xiaoluo answered quickly. "However, I need a crystal ball."

"Crystal Ball" Su Qiqi was a little annoyed. Where did she go to get her a crystal ball, both crystal **** on the black market had been destroyed.

Xiao Luo nodded strongly, his face feared: "Yeah, a wizard without a crystal ball is like a swordsman without a sword."

"It turned out to be this way" Su Qiqi hesitated and sighed: "I don't care, if you think of a way, if he can't restore his reason, you all die."

"The girl's life." Xiao Luo gave a force, kneeling down, and severely bowed her head. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to die at all.

"Still the same, you can't let Mo Wenchen and Lei Yufeng regain their consciousness, and you will die, I will leave you useless." Su Qiqi is a fierce man who can absolutely do it.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Luo could only answer in response. She didn't want to die, so she dragged Su Qiqi first.

There was a look of panic in her eyes. In her opinion, Su Qiqi was even fiercer than Feng Wen.

Zi Wuya and Mo Wenchen are still struggling. They have the same skills and mana. They are difficult to distinguish in a moment. Zi Wuya is not Su Qiqi, and he will never show mercy to Mo Wenchen.

Xiaoluo also looked up, but he was dazzled, and looked back, looked at Feng Wen lying on the ground, shook his head, and he was still careful.

Otherwise it will end with Feng Wen.

Seeing that they couldn't tell the difference at a time, then looked at Lei Yufeng, and then looked at Xiaoluo. Finally, Su Qiqi looked at Feng Wen, and she suddenly remembered that as long as she killed Feng Wen, Mo Wenchen and Lei Yufeng can restore his mind.

While thinking about it, I took a step forward, because the sand was moving, she and Feng Wen were in the wrong direction.

The sand is moving quite fast.

Seeing Su Qiqi approaching Feng Wen, and seeing her murderous eyes full, Xiao Luo shouted: "Can't kill her or Lei Yufeng and Mo Wenchen will die with her."

Su Qiqi, who wanted to shoot down, stopped his action and looked up at Xiaolu with the same eagle-eyed look: "If you dare to lie to me, how do you know the consequences?"

"I know." Xiao Luo was so shocked that he didn't dare to look at Su Qiqi's eyes. Nounuo nodded: "I'm telling the truth, Lei Yufeng and Mo Wenchen not only have witchcraft but also I drank a wizard-made medicine. "

Su Qiqi just looked at Xiaoluo and didn't answer, waiting for her to continue talking.

"This medicine is like a mother-in-law. Whichever one dies will affect the other." Xiao Luo said as he took out a large bottle, which contained a green liquid, and showed it to Su Qiqi.

Su Qiqi, who did not understand witchcraft at all, just glanced at: "How to solve"

"A wizard's medicine is different. I need time," Xiao Luo said, taking a deep breath, but still lowering his head.

She didn't dare to look at Su Qiqi. Su Qiqi's murderous face was too heavy, which made her afraid.

She was more afraid that if she was nervous and said something wrong, Su Qiqi would not keep herself.

"Really **** it." Su Qiqi gritted his teeth, raised his foot forward, kicked Feng Wen, only talking time, Feng Wen's body floated to the other side.

Mo Wenchen and Zi Wuya in the fight are also some distance away.

Su Qiqi looked up, looking down at the melancholy.

A lot of sand was leaking downwards, Su Qiqi looked a little anxiously, and shouted at the bottom: "Chu Fan, brother, cold words"

These three people haven't come out yet. I think the exit has been blocked, and my heart is so anxious that I plan to dig out the sand with my hands.

The desert sun in the day is very poisonous, and it hurts so much.

Fortunately, Su Qiqi was wearing a coarse cloth shirt, which did not feel very painful, but Feng Wen who was fainted was in a gown. At this time, the whole body was gradually awakened by the sun.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Zi Wuya and Mo Wenchen in the fight, and even Su Qiqi was planning to exit.

Xiaoluo stood far away and lowered his head.

Gritting his teeth, Feng Wen looked at Lei Yufeng again and saw that Lei Yufeng was ready to help Su Qiqi, and he was so angry that he asked Mo Wenchen to help Mo Wenchen kill the person.

"Yes." Lei Yufeng said nothing and went.

Originally, it was difficult to score, but because of Lei Yufeng's joining, Zi Wuya was obviously inferior.

After hearing the shout, Su Qiqi turned back and gave Fengwen a glaring resentment, making Fengwen crawl back a few steps in the same place, her face pale and her lips froze.

Hold your hands firmly on the ground and squeeze the sand with one hand.

She was afraid of Su Qiqi, she was really afraid.

Looking at the blocked exit, Su Qiqi glared at Feng Wen again, raised his hand and issued a streamer, let Feng Wen, who was crawling backwards, fell down again, vomiting blood.

However, this time, nothing passed out.

Su Qiqi couldn't care much, seeing that Zi was boundless, and flew forward to help him.

She never imagined that one day she would fight side by side with Zi Wuya but it was indifferent.

She thought about it and felt pain.

Feng Wen, who was vomiting blood, stood up with all her strength, and greeted Xiaoluo: "Come and help me, let's leave here soon, or don't even think about living."

Thinking of Su Qiqi's words, Xiao Luo shuddered a little. He didn't hesitate to help Fengwen. He just looked around and saw the endless sand dunes. Where do they go from here?

"Go south." Feng Wen said without hesitation, she was familiar here.

Xiao Luo nodded hard, helping Feng Wen to desperately go south.

Two to two, Su Qiqi and Zi Wuya joined forces, but Lei Yufeng saw Su Qiqi when he fell.

So, the current form is three to one.

Mo Wenchen held Xuanyuan Sword, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were a little bit chill, and he was more anxious. He was anxious to solve Zi Wuya and Su Qiqi, so that he could find his son Mo Xie again.

I just watched Lei Yufeng's defeat, and no matter how strong he was, he couldn't bring down three people in a short time.

Moreover, these three people are all very good masters.

Zi Wuya's compassionate Jian sword entangled Mo Xuanchen's Xuanyuan Sword in his hands, and picking up a belt, made Mo Wenchen without a weapon and took a few steps back.

"Zi Wuyao, his mercy." Su Qiqi shouted, he could not watch Mo Wenchen injured, absolutely not.

"But" Zi Wuya froze for a moment. He wanted to take the opportunity to launch a mana attack. He heard Su Qiqi's words, forcibly closed his hands, and looked helpless.

Mo Wenchen stepped back a few steps, frowned fiercely, and wanted to launch a mana attack, but Feng Wen's call came from his ear, but he just disappeared in front of Su Qiqi.

"This" Su Qiqi was taken aback and looked sideways. Xiaoluo and Fengwen had disappeared long ago.

Lei Yufeng also heard the call, but did not move, because he prefers to stay with Su Qiqi.

Without Su Qiqi here, he would not hesitate to leave with Mo Wenchen.

"Where did they go?" Zi Wuya was a little annoyed. He had not stopped Mo Wenchen just now, and now even Fengwen and Xiaoluo were gone. The wind was blowing in the distance, and the sand was so thick that he couldn't see anything.

"This Fengwen's life is really hard." Su Qiqi also gritted her teeth. She was afraid of what happened to Fengwen now. She could only beat her and couldn't kill her.

"She can't die now." Zi Wuya also sighed. "We need to find a crystal ball."

"Yes." Su Qiqi nodded: "But" looked at his feet again.

"Chu Fan, they can't come out." Zi Wuya's voice was extremely low, with a trace of sadness.

"No" Su Qiqi's heart was sore and painful. She didn't want to see any more casualties. She also had a deep feeling for Su Li, Leng Yan and Chu Fan.

And Su Li was still her elder brother. For a while, her heart twitched and her face was as pale as cold.

She never imagined that a trip to Mobei would bring such a result. ~~

"If they die, I won't go back to Dayan in my life." Su Qiqi looked at the sand flowing under his feet, moving faster and faster.

"Not good, it collapsed" Suddenly Zi Wuya shouted, holding Su Qiqi in his hand and flying, Lei Yufeng also pulled Su Qiqi's other arm, and the two quickly backed away.

This exit is an institution, and inside it is an empty cave. All the sand fell into it all of a sudden, it must be blocked.

And looking at the extent of this collapse, the entire black market is also covered

"No," Su Qiqi shouted heartbreakingly.

In this way, no one can survive, and Bai Shaozi and Mo Xie

"July 7" Zi Wuya stunned Su Qiqi in his arms, but it was heartbreaking and his body could not help shaking. He also thought that everyone was buried underneath.

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