MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 542 Farewell and Transportation

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Chapter 542: Farewell and Transportation

Claude was really annoyed, and the family kept messing with himself. At this time, why are they going back to White Deer City, where there is still a ruin, and the date of reconstruction is far away. Besides, the original knowledge of the neighbors of the original White Deer City is scarce after the civil war in the Kingdom. At this time, the mother, Kavni, would go back to an unfamiliar place, and if anything happened, she would not take care of it.

Claude had to order a carriage and rush to the train station as soon as possible. Because the mother didn't know where to get the train ticket, they were going to board the bus and go to the port of Copicus to return to the kingdom. On this trip, even Fieldman's director, Stevenson, was blinded. It wasn't until the mothers packed up their luggage and set off to know that they were going to White Deer City.

Claude invited his lieutenant Colonel Mason Hughes: "You sent someone to the Military Intelligence Department to find out who helped my mother arrange this trip ..."

Rushing to the train station, Claude found that he seemed a little bit confused. His mother and Kefner seemed not to run away from home, but to go out and play. Because they are riding in a box, rather than buying tickets. In addition, many people saw off, such as those who came to Field Manor or something. Then Claude saw the old butler, Aric, at the scene, and his mother was telling him ...

Claude reluctantly smiled, nodded to those who saluted him and saluted, and squeezed out of the ladies, who did not know who grabbed him on the way. This is probably the lady who sees Claude's wife Kefney going far, and wants to try to seduce Claude.

When Mother saw Claude appearing in front of her, her face sank suddenly, and she looked at Claude coldly, as if looking at his enemies: "What are you doing here?"

"No, why do you want to go back to the Kingdom?" Crowd wasn't too cold-faced, so he had to be wronged.

"I want to go back and see your father. I haven't cleaned his grave for so many years." The mother said with emotion, and then looked up again: "Aren't you busy? Go back to nothing ... "

"I have swept my father's grave ..." Claude said. This is true. Every time he passes by White Hart City, he will visit Mr. Morsang's grave. After all, White Hart City is also over the graveyard. Intact: "Then Kafuni, what are they going to do, Amelissa is so big ..."

Kevney turned around with her little daughter, and she still didn't want to talk to Claude. But her little daughter, Emilysa, was very happy. She was less than four years old. She was very interested in the lively scene in front of her. She was looking around with wide eyes. As for Claude's fifteen-year-old second son, Belgassi, sat in a corner of the carriage, and quietly looked down at a book in his hand, as if the lively farewells beside him had nothing to do with him.

"Kevney received a letter from her sister Catherine, saying that her sister's family has returned to White Hart City, and her brother-in-law, Gerrard, returned to work in White Hart City, so she decided to take the children back to see." The mother was very Rarely helped Kefney explain it, and immediately exploded again: "Go back, there is nothing for you here, don't get in the way. I have to say a few words to them ..."

In the first half of last year, Cuffney finally received a letter from her unidentified sister Catherine, stating that before the civil war in the kingdom, the White Fleet's Storm Fleet rebelled and went to join Prince Hansback. Kefney's brother-in-law, Gerald, was also **** at the time, but halfway through his friends and former Sharks, he captured three ships and returned to White Deer City. Then they took their families to the stormy sea and occupied a remote island, living a life of half a thief and half a smuggler.

In fact, Gerrard had also visited the Dominion of the Overseas Countries several times and asked about the news of the Claude family. It was just that he didn't want to come to rely on Claude, because the current situation of the members of the Storm Fleet who had taken refuge in an overseas autonomous territory made him somewhat discouraged. Those navies who came to seek refuge in overseas autonomous territories, because they did not want to rely on the then-administered territories, had a difficult time. They could only carry goods for people in the coastal waters of the territories to earn a little money for drinks.

Later, the Kingdom's civil war subsided, and the remnants of the Storm Fleet, who were staying in refuge overseas, were also preparing to return to their homeland. They also called Gerald, who had made a living in the storm waters, in the past. Only to their surprise, Sterling XI did not reuse them, but instead sent them to be a patrol sub-fleet in the coastal waters to protect the security of the Ibinist plains.

Those days were very difficult. Military puppets were rarely issued late, and Gerrard sometimes wanted to go back to the storm waters to do his own smuggling. However, Frederick I came to power, and began to attach importance to the navy, only then the kingdom had no money and was unable to build another fearless fleet. Then there was the debt war, and then the Alliance army invaded the kingdom and occupied more than half of the kingdom.

At that time, there were more than a dozen light warships in the kingdom cruise sub-fleet where Gerrard was at the time. They were navy and could not go ashore and fight with the Alliance forces. They could only fight guerrillas at sea, attack the harbors occupied by the Alliance forces, or intercept them. The plunder of the ships of the Alliance Army to transport supplies has contributed a lot to this war. Now that the state treasury is rich, some money has been allocated to the Royal Navy Department, and naval officers like Gerald have been promoted and reused.

A few days ago, Catherine sent a letter to her sister, but Claude was in the cold war with Kefnet and did not know the content of the letter. This mother will understand when she talks about it. Gerrard was promoted to go back to White Hart City, and Catherine wrote to Katherine and asked her sister to come to White Hart City for a sister reunion. Both Garcy and Amelissa took away ...

Claude also wanted to persuade her mother and Kefney a few words, hoping that they waited for a while before sending them back to the kingdom. But his mother didn't have time to pay attention to him. He suspected that he was in the way and only talked to the noble ladies who saw him off. And Kefney ignored him, there were people everywhere in the carriage. Claude had to withdraw from the carriage and give up the place to the nobles who came to see him off. There was a sound of flattery and flattery from the women in the carriage.

"Master ..." the old butler, Alek, appeared next to Claude.

Claude nodded. "Are you okay, Aric, what did my mother ask you to do?"

"I'm fine, sir." The old butler, Alek, offered a gift to Claude. "The old lady and Mrs. Kefney called me over to say that they would stay in White Deer City for a while this time, so let me The monthly dividends of the tobacco factory are placed in the overseas Minsheng Bank, and special persons are sent to them every six months to send money orders ... "

When Claude last counted the family industry, she took back all the shares of those industries that she had taken over to her in the overseas dominion and kept only 30% of the family tobacco factory's share income as her. Her daily expenses. This part of the revenue is not a small amount. The business is so good that it has a dividend of more than 10,000 kroner per month.

Unexpectedly, when she and her mother were going to return to the Kingdom of the Kingdom, they still had these benefits in mind. They specially asked the old housekeeper, Alek, to let him deposit the dividends to the bank, and then sent someone to send her a bank transfer bill every half year ....

Originally, Crowder came to the station and tried to persuade her mother and Kefney not to fumble and prepare to take them home. But who can think of it, only to find out that there are so many noble ladies to see off their mother and Kefney. It would be another joke if this would make a noise here at the station, but now he can't squeeze into the compartment to persuade his mother ...

The whistle of the train sounded, which meant that it was about to drive. The gentlemen in the carriage also began to get out of the car and their mother Kefner said goodbye. Claude was trying to get in the carriage and tried hard, but was stopped by the old housekeeper Aric: "Sir, let them go. I know everything in the manor, you're right. The old lady and Mrs. Kefner may have a bad temper for a while, just let them go back to the kingdom to relax.

You do n’t have to worry about security. I asked Sergeant Kester to bring in seven hired gunmen to protect their party. These seven gunmen are retired veterans and are the security guards of the tobacco factory. With them next to you, the second master and the young lady, and the wife, their safety is absolutely fine. And this time, Svenson also brought a few servants to follow his wife and them. With him, nothing will happen ... "

Claude stopped and thought for a moment that the old butler Aric was right, because he threw his eldest son Tesore into the barracks and forced him to join the army. As a result, his mother and wife Kefner looked at herself. It's like the enemy of life and death. Even if they forcibly left them at Field Manor, it was uninteresting, and the relationship still could not be improved. It would be better to let them return to the realm of the kingdom to relax, as the old steward Aric said.

When the train began to slowly move forward on the tracks, and the farewells waved to the carriage, Claude had already bid farewell to the old butler, Aric, boarded the carriage, and headed for the military headquarters. When he got to the place and entered the office, Claude received a message from the Military Intelligence Department, and his mother's schedule was clear at a glance.

There is a member of the Dominion Parliament named Braies Bay Willis, who came from animal husbandry and leather processing. This time, I am going to invest in ocean shipping, and set up an ocean trading company in partnership with friends, and also run the route from Port of Picchus to White Deer City. It is just that the four ocean shipping freighters and one ocean luxury passenger ship customized by this ocean trading company are iron armored ships, which is the only one in the overseas autonomous territory. The launching some time ago caused a civil sensation ...

These five iron armored ships are now ready for the first voyage to the kingdom. Mr. Blaes Bay Willis also invited friends and relatives to board the luxurious ocean liner to enjoy the maiden voyage named the Masha iron armored ship, and he was also preparing to take his wife and children to Wangdu to see Take a tour.

Mrs. Blaes is a frequent visitor to Field Manor. It is said that she has a good relationship with Claude's mother and often drinks afternoon tea together. Therefore, she took a luxurious ocean liner to the kingdom and went to Wangdu to show off her face. In the end, this was known to Mrs. Kevney, so she took heart and asked her mother to ask Mrs. Blaes if she could buy a few tickets for the family to return to White Hart City to see the original product .... ..

When Congressman Blaise Bay Willis heard from his wife that Marshal Claude's mother and wife, Mrs. Kefner, were also going to return to the Kingdom on their ocean-going luxury liner, he was overjoyed. . Immediately patted the chests to give them the best first class, and also walleted a luxury compartment of the train that the railway firm traveled today, and asked his wife to accompany Marshal Claude ’s mother, wife and children to the exam. Boats in Puerto Picchu.

It was because of the dedication of Congressman Blaise Bay Willis that the director and his servants, Mr. Svensson and his servants, did not know that his mother and Kefner had made a trip back to White Hart City. Send a letter to Claude. And even if Claude rushed to the station, it was already a boat. Unless he was forced to take them out of the car, he could not stop them from returning to White Deer City ...

After reading the information in his hand, Crowd was speechless. He knew very well that the member of the Councillor Blaise Bay Willis did so to his mother and wife just to build relationships with himself. It's a pity that he smacked his hips on the horse's legs, and he didn't know that his relationship with his mother, and Kefney was in a very bad situation. If Tess Ore had any shortcomings in the barracks, his mother and Kiffany would have wished to eat themselves raw ...

Forget it, it ’s going to rain and they have to go back. The old steward, Yarik, was right. It was also good to let them go out for a while, and hope that they would wake up. As for the safety issue, don't worry about it. Svenson is with them, and there is nothing else that can help them. Besides, the old steward, Arek, also arranged for Sergeant Kester to lead seven gunmen to guard them. Generally speaking, they would not encounter any danger.

Besides, the five iron armored ships of Councillor Blaes Bay Willis did not travel alone, but went to the kingdom with the ocean cruise fleet of the Overseas Dominion. Not only did the **** have nearly a hundred sailing warships, of course, now this sailing warship is also used as a transport ship. This trip will also deliver 200,000 new rifles and 10 million bullets to the Kingdom Army. In addition, there is an iron armored **** escort, plus this sea channel is already very familiar, there can be no problem in the half-month trip at sea ...

Crowd frowned, forget it, just leave it alone. I picked up a new eagle eagle message on my desk and saw that it was from Colonel Bokal again. The letter said that due to the prohibition of commerce by overseas colonies on the West Coast G8 colonies and increasing Severe patrols have almost extinct smuggled offshore. In other words, the goods and commodities of the overseas dominion can no longer be transported to the colonies of various countries by smuggling ships.

Because this ban has been implemented in the colonies of the West Coast countries for half a year, the Morossic Kingdom colonies can no longer find the goods of overseas dominions other than the goods produced in the Morosic Kingdom. The high quality of the goods from the Kingdom of Morosík has caused great dissatisfaction among the people in the colonies. There have been many disputes over transactions in various places, even several riots, but they have been suppressed. .

Colonel Bokal said that the situation was good, and the young recruits and assembly of the Pamigars were also underway. However, due to the lack of some materials on the market and the high price, the mixed-race baron Tezsinger Nora Taganem was unable to raise the armaments needed for the 20,000 strong training camp. Therefore, Colonel Bokal hopes that the Autonomous Military Command can organize a transport team and transport them a batch of armament materials first along the land passages they have opened, so as to prevent more than 10,000 young people who have already assembled from being unable to persist because of lack of supplies. .....

Headache, accidents always happen like this. According to the original plan, the autonomous region only needed to provide weapons and equipment for the Pamigar National Liberation Front formed by the mixed-race baron, and then recruited a volunteer division to help them launch an armed uprising. During the period, grass-roots officers were dispatched to help the armed division formed by the Pamigarans to conduct military training. As for the necessary food and armament materials, the Pamigarians prepared themselves.

Unexpectedly, even those Pamigarians cannot even raise their military supplies and need overseas dominion to support them. Claude thought about it, and could only proceed to the next step. He pulled the call bell, and Lieutenant Colonel Mason Hughes came in. Claude instructed him to invite Councillor Andreas Roy Joyst of the Dominion of the Dominion to come to the headquarters of the military area to discuss matters.

Mr. Andreas Ley Joyst is the one who asked the Autonomous Territory to declare war after hearing the prohibition of commerce in the West Coast colonies. He has added a column to his name because he was promoted to hereditary baron. , Received the seal of His Majesty the King. His family opened seventeen daily necessities workshops in overseas dominions, and the ban on trade on the West Coast eight colonies had a great impact on their families.

Mr. Andreus Ley Joyst arrived at Crowder's office an hour later. He was somewhat inexplicable. He didn't know what happened to the Claude Dominion. Although the two had met, they just nodded and fell in love, and the relationship was not close. For him, Claude was the character he looked up to.

"I hope that everything you hear here today is stored in your own heart, leaking it out at your own risk." Claude said this first, and then stopped Andrelos Lejoist from wanting to speak. The impulse, then came to the map, briefly introduced the wildfire plan, and then told him:

"We now have a secret overland passage leading to the colony of the kingdom of Morosík. We can give you this secret overland passage and make it your smuggling business, but you are responsible for helping us. Transport a batch of armament materials in the past. We are not incapable of organizing the army to transport this batch of materials, but we must guard against accidents so as not to drop the handle.

If it is a smuggling caravan organized by your own people, then it is found that it has nothing to do with our Autonomous Military Command. . So our military region must act with care ... "

"Don't say anything, Marshal, let me do it! Let me take charge of these matters ..." Mr. Andreas Ley Joyst, unable to restrain his excitement and surprise, stood up Patted his chest and promised.

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