MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 543 Lawsuit in the forest farm

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Chapter 543 Lawsuits in the forest farm

"... From the city of Monknard in the state of Wibator, commonly known as Silver Fort, to the Nicamba country, and to its inland border, a four-wheeled freight carriage has been passed It took four years for the Nikancha people to build this road. Otherwise, the gold and silver mines they excavated could not be transported outside and traded with us, or the materials from which we were traded. Transported to its inland settlements ...

We can borrow this road from Moncknard to the inland borders of the Nikanchat country, but when we reach the border of the Lomonkdo mountain, we can only walk along the path with horses carrying goods. There is no way to pass a four-wheeled cargo wagon there unless we mobilize manpower to build it ourselves. As for the Nikancha people, it is best not to hope for them. They are really too lazy. Asking them to be proficient in building roads is to find fault for themselves.

So if you want to continue to build a passage along the path to the inland of the West Coast colonies, it is better to hire additional personnel and labor instead of recruiting Nikancha people on the spot, otherwise this passage will After ten or eight years. We have reached an agreement between the Autonomous Military Command and the Nikanchat countries, and we pass through the inland roads they build, to pay tolls, and one thousandth of the total value of goods is used as customs expenses ... "

The Director of the Military Intelligence General Fordlers Weiss Crydler has already taken over the talks with Mr. Andreas Lejoist, and he is introducing the so-called secret passage on land in detail. It is not that the Autonomous Military Command does not want to take charge of this secret passage, but that the military region does not have the expenditure budget for the construction of the secret passage. Amount.

Therefore, if you want to achieve the purpose of transporting supplies to the West Coast colonies through the secret land channel for the wildfire plan, it is best to find a partner who is willing to pay the huge road repair costs. Mr. Andreas Ley Joyst became the first candidate. Fortunately, this member wanted to understand the gains and losses of the interests at the first time, and immediately took the job.

Mr. Andrelos Le Joyster knew very well that although this land secret passage would cost a huge amount of money to build a road that could pass four-wheeled freight carriages, he would also need to hire road repairers overseas And strong labor, and also need to complete the delivery of goods delivered by the autonomous region. But at this time when the offshore smuggling ship is extinct, there is such a secret passage on the land that it is a master of a golden road flowing with countless wealth.

Smuggling by sea leads inland, while colonies of West Coast countries focus on the coastal zone and ignore their inland borders. Therefore, Mr. Andrelos Le Joyte believes that as long as the goods of the Dominion are transported to the colonies of the West Coast countries through this land secret passage, it is equivalent to restoring the prosperity of offshore smuggling trade ... .

Mr. Andreas Ley Joyster left the military headquarters with confidence, and went back to recruit manpower to gather supplies and prepare to go to the Nikanchat country to explore this secret smuggling channel. People from the Ministry of Military Intelligence will provide him with comprehensive assistance and escort, hoping to gather a batch of armaments and supplies to the colony of the Kingdom of Morosík as soon as possible.

Claude is holding a meeting to discuss the next military restructuring plan for the autonomous region. The Overseas Autonomous Leadership Area originally had 22 local garrison missions stationed in the autonomous prefecture states. However, eight local garrison missions were relocated to the eastern part of the Faroe continent. At present, there are 14 local garrison missions under the autonomous region, each of which has 5,500 troops.

The executor of this military reorganization plan is General McJack. He will lead the personnel drawn from various departments of the headquarters of the military region to reorganize and reorganize the local defense regiments of the autonomous region. Eliminate the old and weak, retire the defending officers and soldiers who have expired, and reorganize the fourteen local guard regiments into a regiment-level establishment of 3,500. This is the same as the latest establishment of the two regular military regiments under the military region, reducing peacetime. Military expenditure.

However, Claude also pointed out at the meeting that the ultimate purpose of the autonomous region is to have 20 3,500 local guard groups in the entire overseas dominion to serve as the daily guard of the autonomous region. At present, the 14 local garrison groups left by the Dominion are currently reorganized. As for the eight local garrison groups and two regular corps deployed to the eastern part of the Vale continent, they must wait for the overseas dominion to complete the reorganization task. Rectify separately.

The difficulty in reorganizing the 14 local defense groups under the autonomous command zone is that each group has to cut 2,000 troops. Not every local defense team has so many personnel to be eliminated, so Claude instructed to bring the extra troops back to the Lanhu City Military Region. Combined with the more than 10,000 troops left by the third division of the Rock Corps last time, they were reorganized into six temporary garrisons and sent to the Nicamba country as a garrison to guard that inland avenue to avoid the autonomous region Materials shipped to the West Coast colonies to implement the wildfire plan were plundered by the Nikanchas.

In the following two months, the headquarters of the autonomous command area was very busy. First, the local defense regiments were performing reorganization missions, and the surplus troops continued to gather in the barracks outside Lanhu City. Six temporary defense regiments were being formed. The second is that Hicks captured soldiers who have been recruited to join the Volunteer Division voluntarily join the barracks for training, and the number is increasing, and soon exceeds the strength of a division. According to statistics, it is close to 50,000. people.

The third is that Mr. Andrelos Le Joyte convened more than a dozen members of the Dominion and dozens of businessmen to form a smuggling association. He recruited 50,000 to 60,000 young laborers from overseas dominions with high salaries and went to The Nicamba country built the secret road to the inland of the colonies on the west coast. At the same time, a huge bridle transport team of nearly 10,000 people was set up to transport a batch of armament materials to the colonial kingdom of Morosík for the autonomous region.

Fourth, the three hundred grass-roots officers dispatched by the autonomous region have arrived with the 10,000-horse brigade transport team inland in the colony of the Kingdom of Morosík, joined with Bokal and others, and formed the liberation of Pamigarians in the wilderness on the border. Armed. It is said that nearly 20,000 Pamigarans have been recruited to be young and put into formal military training. However, they are still bare-handed, waiting for the autonomous region to deliver weapons and ammunition to their hands.

Fifth, Mr. Wyberon's military manufacturing industry has produced a new type of musket. Its performance is similar to that of the Obas III type musket. It is commendable that the bullet of this new type of rifle gun uses a breech device, and the bullet is a conjoined paper tube bullet. After it is inserted into the cartridge and the paper tube is broken, it can be ignited and fired with a fire rope, and the front bore is omitted. The trouble of firing gunpowder from the ammunition box makes the steps of loading and launching more simple and convenient.

The only pity is that his life is not in the right time. In the case of the new rifle, this new rifle has become a chicken rib, and it is a pity to abandon it. Mr. Wyberon said that several firearms technicians in the military manufacturing industry were inspired by new rifles to make this new rifle. Since the performance is not worse than that of the Obas III type musket, Claude decided to use this new musket instead of the Hicks Volunteer Division or the weapon supporting the Pamigar, and named it Vibron Type 2 musket.

Just as Crowd was so dark, two months passed in a hurry. Then Claude received a letter from Mr. Stevenson from White Hart, opened it, and Claude started to have a headache again. Because the letter said that after her mother and Kefner arrived at White Hart City, they started a lawsuit, and the defendant was Queen Christie ...

The Field family has two properties in White Hart City, one is the big red brick house, and the other is the nearly 5,000 acres of forest farm bought by his sister Anna for the family. When Crowd passed by White Hart City, he knew that his large red brick house had been ruined during the kingdom's civil war. He didn't have the time to put it away and left it as a garbage dump. That's why he didn't want his mother and wife to return to White Deer City. The family is gone. Why go back?

As for the five thousand acre forest farm, Crowd didn't take it seriously. Compared to the properties owned by overseas self-governing territories, these two properties in Bailucheng are insignificant and worth mentioning. I just didn't expect that the reason why the mother and Kefney sued Queen Christie was for the family's five thousand acres of forest farms, because Queen Christie's Normanly forest farms did not know when the five thousand The Mu family forest farm was annexed privately ...

Governor Stevenson wrote in the letter that during the Alliance's invasion of the kingdom, Her Majesty the King and Her Majesty lived in the large white palace-like house in Normanry Forest Farm in White Deer City. For this reason, the surrounding area was under military control. The Field Family Forest Farm It has also become a garrison. Queen Christie once said that the mountain forests here belong to the boundary of her private Normanli forest.

Because the administrative center of White Hart was burned down during the Kingdom's civil war, all files were gone. Then, in order to shoot the flattery of Her Majesty Queen Christie, the local administrator later swiped the hills on the southwest outskirts of White Deer City into the Normanly Forest Farm. So the Field Family Forest Farm was annexed by Normanly Forest Farm.

If it is an ordinary person, when encountering such a thing, they will only admit that they are unlucky, and find the local government to claim compensation, and how much can be compensated. But the mother and Kefner were reluctant. They took the land deeds, sales documents, and real estate notarization documents of the 5,000-mu forest farm and made a big noise in the administrative department of White Deer City. Local officials are helpless, and no one wants to swim in this muddy water.

What to do, one is Her Majesty Queen Christie, and the other is the wife and mother of Lord Marshal Lord Claude. In particular, Marshal Claude is not the Count of the bearish kingdoms. He holds the military power of overseas dominions in his hands. In the second half of last year, he once directed his army to the capital. When the soldiers approached the city, they almost changed their generations. Who can provoke him ... ...

The error is a fact, and it is also a fact that Normanly Forestry annexed Field Field privately. But the problem is that there are many reasons for this error. It was a reason that Bailu City ’s previous industry documents were lost during the Kingdom ’s civil war, and the Field family had not returned to dominate the overseas dominion. It was also a reason. The former local administrative officer filmed her queen. It is also a reason for the horse to fart to judge the ownership of the forest farm without investigation. Her Majesty the Queen did not say how big the forest farm is.

But how to deal with this problem now, Her Majesty's Normanli Forest Farm has already divided the land boundary, and if you want to rectify it, you must go to His Majesty to re-engage Her Majesty, who has the courage. But Marshal Claude ’s wife and mother had these documents in their hands, and they could n’t be nonsense. In case they angered Marshal Crowd to bring troops to White Deer City, who could bear the responsibility ?

Some people have proposed to replace the forest farm estate on the outskirts of White Deer City with Marshal Crowd's wife and mother, but the mother is extremely stubborn and insists that the original 5,000 acre family forest farm must not be replaced. Even if those local officials provided a lot of additional conditions, such as rebuilding a large red brick house for the Field family for free, the replacement of the forest farms and villages was left to the mother to choose, even if it was more than a thousand acres of land, it did not matter, but the mother bit It must be dead that the original 5,000 acres of the forest must be ...

Then Mother and Kefner brought Queen Christie to the Circuit Court.

The circuit court is a new product of the kingdom and a new initiative for the people launched by Frederick I and the Marquis of Prime Minister Blanchard. The purpose is to strengthen the local law system, tour local counties, check all local government cases and penalties, and let the kingdom's civilians There is a place to complain.

Just as the circuit court in the three southwestern counties arrived at White Hart City, his mother and Kefner went to sue. So the local officials of White Deer City breathed a sigh of relief, and the trouble was pushed to the circuit court. It has nothing to do with them. They only need to appear in court to prove it ...

This case involved the honorable Queen Christie and Marshal Claude of the Overseas Dominion. The judges of the circuit court also sat on the wax for a while, only regretting that they should not come to White Deer City at this time. However, the case has been received and there is no way to evade it. Finally, it was decided to submit the case to the royal court and let His Majesty and His Majesty personally decide how to decide.

Less than half a month, a special envoy from Wangdu hurried to White Deer Town. The special envoy was Crowd's old acquaintance, Viscount Baguel A. Davidelid, who brought his mother and Mrs. Kevney. Here comes the cordial greetings and a lot of precious gifts from the King and Her Majesty, and a letter from Her Majesty the King.

In the letter, His Majesty Frederick I said very sincerely to his mother that the confession of Her Majesty the Queen did not explain the boundaries of the White Normandy Forest Farm and caused such great confusion to the two respected ladies. He felt very much Sorry. Therefore, Viscount Don Bagilo A. Davidelid was specially dispatched as the mediator for this matter, and the forest farm was divided according to the mother's wishes, and the industry registration and certification were re-performed.

However, Her Majesty also has a proposal that he believes that the distinguished Field family should not hide in a small city southwest of the kingdom. Because his ancestor Hasby was a farmer, he fought bravely for Sterling IX and traded his hard work in exchange for rewards, which made the Field family's first industry.

This was followed by Mr. Morsang, who made an extraordinary contribution to the work of the Kingdom and forerunner Sterling X, a local administrator. At the same time, they also voluntarily collected funds to open up a new route for the kingdom to overseas colonies, and its achievements can be bestowed as kingdom nobility. But unfortunately, the kingdom officials at that time were jealous and jealous, and punished Mr. Morsan with the pretext of attracting pirates, so that Mr. Morsan eventually sacrificed his precious life for his family.

His Majesty said that when he was young, he heard the deeds of Mr. Morsan, and felt deeply unfair to the unknown hero of the kingdom, but he was not of high status at that time, and was unable to cry for Mr. Morsan's injustice. .

Now he has become the king, and the third generation Field Marshal Claude of the Field family has also become the top pillar of the kingdom. It was Marshal Claude who destroyed the invading Alliance forces for the kingdom and destroyed the enemy country. Both father and son made indelible contributions to the kingdom. As king, he must compensate the Field family for their contribution to the kingdom.

Therefore, Her Majesty Frederick I decided to mobilize the skilled craftsmen from the capital to rebuild a luxurious house on the ruins of the large red brick house in White Deer City for the Field family. All the expenses were paid by the royal library. At the same time, a bronze statue should be erected in front of Mr. Morsan's cemetery in recognition of his achievements in opening new routes for the kingdom.

In addition, His Majesty the King is willing to replace the 5,000 acres of the field in the White Hart Forest with the 3,000 acres of the Wang Family Manor on the outskirts of the capital. Mr. was compensated by the kingdom for his meritorious service and pursued Mr. Morsang as the honorary viscount of the kingdom.

If the esteemed Mrs. Morsfield is willing, the special envoy, Viscount Bagheiro A. Davideled, will accompany the two ladies and Miss Young to the capital, and help to handle all industrial procedures and follow-up affairs ... .

Mr. Stevenson said in the letter that her mother burst into tears after receiving the letter written by Her Majesty the King, and thanked Her Majesty for her kindness to the Field family. She was willing to do everything according to Her Majesty's wishes. So, when Mr. Svensson wrote this letter to Claude, his mother and Mrs. Kefner were already packing and preparing to go to the capital ...

After reading this letter from White Hart City, Crowd couldn't help crying and laughing for a long time. He acknowledged that he was the biggest thorn in the overseas dominion. His Majesty the King and the royal courts had to settle Claude first if they wanted to settle the overseas dominion. The question is, does their mother deserve such a large amount of capital? Even the dead father, Mr Morssan, was put back on the table, not only erecting bronze statues, but also pursuing them as nobles, and even granting a mansion to the royal capital.

If they knew their mother's relationship with them now, they might regret that they targeted the wrong person. Forget it, no matter how long they will play this movie. Claude is a little relieved. Mother and Kefner will not be in danger when they go to the king. No matter how they are, they are also the largest military leaders of overseas dominions ...