MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 565 Officers and soldiers of the Hicks Return Home Division who changed their minds

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Chapter 565 The Hicks Returning Home Division Soldiers Changing Psychology

The cold wind screamed, snowflakes fluttered, and under the gloomy sky, the houses burned into ruins were destroyed. The body of a soldier from the Buckler Regiment that had been cleaned up was carried out by the soldiers of the Breaux Mountain Regiment and thrown up in the square. As the snowflakes fell, they were soon covered with a thin layer of snow. There are already more than a dozen such corpses in the square. These are the victims of last night's fierce battle. Vaguely traces of blood can be seen on the muddy snow ...

Claude entered the main residence of Scaniamo, the capital of the county of Skvia, under the guidance of several officers of the Breot Mountain Corps, and then remained in the administrative office in front of a row of corpses on the ground. Compared to those soldiers who were carried to the outside square and piled up, these corpses wearing the uniform of General Hicks Kingdom were obviously more favored, at least they were covered with a gray military blanket.

"This is the legionary of the Buckler Legion, His Royal Highness Prince Mundo Carlo Da Hicks." Officer Bryot, with his beard down, pointed at the body in the middle of the Lieutenant uniform and said, "He With the guards around us, we launched the final charge, and then we were all knocked to the ground. Finally, when we checked it out, we found out that he was a lieutenant general, and we found a few captive officers and soldiers to confirm that he was His Royal Highness Mondocaro Da Hicks ... "

"At least he was brave and died well. He died on the way to the charge. He didn't wear such a military uniform and didn't embarrass the soldiers." General Diavid beside Claude expressed his feelings: "But He was not a qualified commander, and trapped himself in the dead. It was almost brainless and an idiot. He thought that the Glow River could be used as a defense, but he did not expect that the Glow River would also trap his legion in Scandinavia. In the city of Namo ... "

It was the morning of December 11th, and the battle in the county of Skvia ended before early this morning. After a month of fighting, the Thunder Corps and the three Breot Mountain Corps used the mobility of the Light Corps of the Thunder Corps to break through the enemy's defensive front and divide the enemies into their own towns. After the three Breot Mountain Corps arrived, they cooperated with the severe offensive of the new artillery regiment to carry out a strong attack, and eliminated the 350,000 troops assembled in the Hicks Kingdom, mainly the Buckler Corps and the Bruce Corps.

The night raid last night was the result of the coordinated operation of the Third Thunder Division and the Breaux First Mountain Corps under the command of General Diavid. The low morale of the Buckler Corps officers and soldiers surrendered and surrendered. It was not until the attack on the enemy's base camp, the main residence of Scandinavian city, that resistance was fierce and tenacious. In the end, General Diavid ordered the use of nearly a hundred new light infantry field artillery, which exploded for more than an hour and almost destroyed most of the city's mansion before occupying the enemy's last stronghold ...

"In total, we captured nearly 200,000 enemies. The estimated number of enemies killed and wounded was about 110,000, and the number of casualties was nearly 60,000. Among them, there were more than 8,000 casualties in the Thunder Corps, and three mountain legions in the Kingdom of Bryot. There were nearly 54,000 casualties ... "Lieutenant Captain Fahselin reported to Claude the approximate casualties for the first time.

It is worth noting that most of the casualties of the Mountain Army of the Kingdom of Breote were suffered when they alone defeated the mountain town of Hidpass, more than 43,000, which is about the same as the defense loss of the Hicksbrook Standing Army. It's one to one. Even if Claude sent a new artillery regiment directly under the Legion to help, but due to improper cooperation and the repeated brainless charge initiated by the Breite Mountain Legion, this greatly increased the casualties ...

Therefore, in the night attack last night, Claude ordered General Thunder to lead the Third Division of Thunder as the main attack, and Breaux First Mountain Corps assisted and coordinated, just to let these simple mountain people see. What should be done to attack a defensive city to reduce its own casualties. However, it seems that the effect is very limited. Instead, the officers and men of the Breote First Mountain Corps started to win the battle and still suffered nearly 10,000 casualties.

Seeing the situation is that the rectification of more than half a month ago did not achieve the desired effect, and that rectification of the three mountain legions of Breot was nothing more than eliminating the weak. Select qualified elite soldiers from the three mountain corps to reorganize them into the first and second mountain corps, and concentrate the remaining old veterans who are selected to the third mountain corps, responsible for the heavy transportation of prisoners to take care of these matters. After the reorganization of the First and Second Mountain Corps, although the organization and military discipline management have been strengthened, their bravery is better than recklessness, and long-term tactical training is required.

The occupation of Scaniamo, the capital of Skvia County, meant that the two standing legions of the Hicks Kingdom, the Buckler Legion and the Bruce Legion, were wiped out. It also meant that five of the eight coastal counties in the southern coastal region had lost them. Defensive armed forces. The rest are the two standing corps, the Dakhli Army and the Facklin Army, stationed in the three counties of the Plain of Manori.

The Holy Light's winter of 604 is very difficult for Hicks Kingdom. Five of the eight local counties in the southern coastal zone have fallen into the hands of the invasion forces of the Kingdom of Ovilas Overseas Autonomous Army. The Thunder Corps has been innocent in these five counties. The administrative offices and territory nobles in these places have been invaded The person was exhausted, people were arrested, their homes were copied, and their belongings were plundered.

In Wangjing Saint-Hiprian City and Wangjing area, the invaders launched a huge investigation campaign, and countless patriots who were loyal to the country were either arrested or killed. What made the Hicks people most angry was that those Hicks officers and soldiers who had been the expeditionary forces of the Hicks Kingdom's mainland of Nubia, turned out to become accomplices of the invaders. They are guilty of tigers, and they are more disgusting and hateful than those of the fierce Stormtroopers.

There is no harm if there is contrast. If the Storm Legion only plunders property, then Wang Jing residents will take it for granted. After all, this is the standard behavior of the invaders. But why should the family members and relatives of the officers and soldiers of the Hicks Return Home Division receive such great preferential treatment? Know that those soldiers who were forcibly recruited into the expeditionary force were the humblest untouchables in the Hicks Kingdom. Therefore, even if the expeditionary forces suffered a defeat in the colonial war and the entire army was annihilated, more than half a million captives remained unquestioned in the Kingdom of Hicks. No one cares about the lives of these pariahs.

War will naturally disrupt the normal social order. Nearly one million inhabitants of Wangjing Saint-Hiprian City rely on the daily supply of supplies for the large and small farms orchards in Wangjing area and the supply of supplies from all parts of the kingdom. Of Wang Jing's Saint-Hiprian city, the supply of supplies was of course greatly affected. Even if the occupiers do not intentionally interrupt such private commercial activities, city taxation and strict inspections are still inevitable.

The supply of living materials in Wangjing Saint-Hiprian City started to be a little tight, and the prices rose quickly. Many Wangjing residents were forced to leave their homes to invest in relatives and friends in other counties. Under such circumstances, the families and relatives of the four Hicks Returning Division officers and soldiers received great preferential treatment. They even occupied a large area of ​​Wangjia Square and the aristocratic residential area, set up residential camps, all living supplies were provided for free, and it was natural to spend all kinds of resources and supplies collected from the State Treasury of the Hicks Kingdom.

For many of the residents of Wangjing Saint-Hiprian City, the officers and men of the Expeditionary Forces were inferior men and cannon fodder in their eyes, and they usually looked down upon these untouchables with their noble status. But now they have become the most embarrassing person in life, lacking a lot of necessary living supplies and daily consumables, and even lined up for two hours to buy bread. But the pariahs they looked down on were reunited, laughing and laughing in the residential area. Even the inhabitants of these kings of the city of Saint-Hiprian increasingly hate these pariahs who have rebelled against the Hicks kingdom ...

To the surprise of General Abbot, who guarded Wang Jing, with the arrival of the family and relatives of the officers and soldiers of the Hicks Returning Division, Wang Jing ’s attack on the Storm Corps in the town of Saint-Hiprian and Wang Jing was rushed. The decline was in contrast to the increasing number of terrorist attacks on the residential camps where the families and relatives of the Hicks Homecoming officers and soldiers were located. In just two months, the families and relatives of nearly 100 officers and men of the Returning Division were injured as a result of these attacks.

In contrast, the officers and men of the Hicks Homecoming Division have become increasingly brutal in their arrest and pursuit of these attackers, and even in order to get clues to the pursuit, find the planners of these attacks, They can torture the captured prisoners alive ...

Compared with the performance of Wang Jingsheng's Hiprian city just now, the officers and soldiers of these Hicks' Hometown Division have changed from green and savage to cruel and cruel. In their eyes, the residents of Wang Jingsheng's Hiprian city have become Their enemies, not their fellow men. Any Hicks people who have prevented them and their families from living a happy life have become their worst enemy.

As stated by the MIA in the reports of the agents of the Hicks Homecoming Division, these officers and men who were called into the Hicks Kingdom Expeditionary Forces crossed the silent ocean to the mainland of Nubia and overseas colonial warfare in the colonial war. Most of them are serfs and people who belong to the nobles of the Hicks Kingdom. They are of low status. They are the pariahs and subordinates in the eyes of most of the free people of the Hicks Kingdom. No one looks down on them.

After the colonial war failed to become a captive, they were treated even better than in the Hicks kingdom, even after serving in overseas dominions. As long as you are willing to work hard, immerse yourself in hard work, have enough food and clothing, it is already the most basic condition. You can even get a very low salary and welfare subsidy, which can be accumulated into personal property. If they are willing to learn, they will also be taught to read and write in labor camps, all of which they could not get from the nobles of the territory ...

Therefore, after the expiration of the labor period, Hicks prisoners still live well in the overseas dominion. They are truly free people here. Part-time workers are paid and treated like young people in the Dominion. The only difference is that they are not immigrants and do not get the industrial distribution that the Dominion grants to migrant families. This is also the real reason why two and three hundred thousand Hicks captives want to settle in the overseas autonomous territories and settle down. The remaining Hicks prisoners do not want to have the same thoughts as these companions, but care about the family in Hicks Kingdom ...

Now, overseas dominions have issued a new decree allowing these Hicks prisoners to form eight return home divisions and return to the Hicks kingdom to bring their families and relatives to the overseas dominions to give them to Ovilas Kingdom immigrants are treated equally well, and they are allocated a family property to allow them to settle down in overseas dominions and live a happy life.

This is great news for all Hicks prisoners. They are enthusiastically signing up for the army, and even the losers have asked their comrades to bring their families back to the overseas dominion. The Dominion has also opened a door for convenience, allowing these candidates to register and bring their family members and relatives back to the Dominion Overseas together at no cost.

When the officers and men of the eight Hicks Returning Divisions set foot on the territory of the Hicks Kingdom again, their mood was very complicated. Both joy and fear, how can they say that they have become the role of rebels, following the overseas autonomous command zone to attack their motherland. Therefore, after receiving the order to assist the Stormwind Corps to carry out an inventory of Wang Jing's Saint-Hiprian and arrest those resistance elements, the performance of the four Hicks Returning Divisions who arrived in Wang Jing at the beginning was not very good, and it was somewhat perfunctory What happened.

The MIA arranged for the four Hicks Homecoming Divisions to report such an incident. A squadron of the Hicks Homecoming Division that had just entered Wang Jing was ordered to guard a stone bridge in the city and inspect Pedestrians in and out of vehicles are carrying weapons. While they were performing their mission, a noble lady from the Hicks Kingdom yelled at them, scolding them as the scum of the Hicks, the treason or whatever. The performance of this squadron's soldiers was ashamed and embarrassed. They checked the sloppy and put the intercepted carriages across the river ...

This is not a special case. Most of the officers and men of the four Hicks Returning Divisions who just entered the city performed similarly. As they said, this is the most proud King of the Hicks, the city of Saint-Hiprian. As a leader and serf, they may never have the opportunity to enter this great city. This time when they came to Wang Jing as the occupying forces, their psychology was still humble and panic. They always felt that the residents in the city were more noble and unattainable than them.

However, instead of punishing the officers and men of the Hicks Homecoming Division for these reasons, General Ablont kept his promise and sent the units of the Hicks Homecoming Division to various local counties to send the families of these officers and men. They brought them back with their relatives, gathered in Wangdu, and arranged a large residential area for them. The supplies were fully guaranteed, so that these officers and soldiers could be reunited with their relatives and relatives, so as to improve the Hicks' Hometown Division. The morale of the regiment.

I just didn't expect that the result would be that the relatives of the officers and soldiers of the Hicks Return Home Division in the residential area were jealous of the people of Wang Jingsheng Shipian City, and those armed resistance elements also targeted the residential area. , Claiming that the rebels of the Hicks Kingdom would also suffer the loss of their loved ones, this is the price they should pay to betray the Kingdom, etc., so even the relatives of these officers and soldiers went shopping on the streets. The target was either severely wounded or insulted by robbery. The residential area was also attacked by a gunpowder explosion, which killed dozens of people ...

The resistance of Wang Jingsheng's Hiprian City did not know what kind of consequences they had incurred. Their proud attack caused the enemies of the Hicks Returning Division officers and men to sacrifice. No one can stop these officers and soldiers, along with their relatives, from living in the happy lives of overseas dominions, where they can truly live as individuals, not humble pariahs.

If the attack was directed at officers and men of the Hicks Homecoming Division, they could endure humiliation. No matter how much they think of themselves as Hicks, they now feel ashamed to help the overseas dominion ’s army invade their homeland. Even if there are casualties, it is inevitable for their owners. Their injuries and deaths can get the pension of the autonomous region, and their families can still emigrate to have a happy and peaceful life, so their sacrifice is worth it.

However, the attack on their families and relatives aroused the indignation of all officers and soldiers of the returned divisions. Before the immigrants were about to immigrate overseas, their relatives encountered such attacks, which was the most vicious crime. As a result, the officers and men of the Hicks Returning Division had realized that now they no longer regard themselves as Hicks, but as members of overseas dominions. They started to hunt down the resistance elements, and even killed the captured militants in the street ...

If they were scolded by the residents of Wang Jingsheng's Hiprian City just after entering the city, these officers and soldiers of the Hicks Returning Division were silent, then whoever scolds them as betrayers, traitors or whatever, will only be arrested by them. It was good luck to live with a meal. Bad luck can even endanger life.

There is such a small nobleman who recognizes that several officers and men of the Return Home Mission were once their serfs and leaders, and they were scolded in public as a jerk. So this brave territory aristocrat was picked to death on the street by their former serfs and consular people with bayonet ...

And after killing the territory aristocracy, the serfs and the people who dared to kill the former master also took a few sips on the body. They said that when they fought hard for the Hicks Kingdom on the mainland of Nubia, as The lord's, however, drove their family out of the castle. Without their youth, the lords were unwilling to feed these cumbersome elders, and their families could only pick up trash in the lands for a living, and they were insulted. And they were taken prisoner to perform labor in overseas autonomous consulates, but their lords of life and death were left unattended. Why would such lords not kill?

There are many such cases in the Hicks Return Home Division. Good luck officers and soldiers can find their families and relatives. The bad news is that some families have already passed away. The worst of luck is that the entire family died. With the news from all over the country and the arrival of relatives of officers and men, more and more officers and men of the Hicks Repatriation Division regard overseas autonomy as their true hometown and the place of hope. They are willing to sacrifice and fight to the end for overseas autonomy ... ...

Read The Duke's Passion