MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 566 Claude with headache

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Chapter 666 Headache Claude

In March 6605 of the Holy Light, Claude received two good and one bad news. The good news is that two standing regiments of the Hicks Kingdom stationed at the entrance of the Manoli Plains, the Dakhli Army and the Falklin Army dropped their weapons and placed the seaports of Coona, Patara and Manorie These three local counties resigned, which means that eight local counties in the southern coastal region of Hicks Kingdom are firmly in the hands of the Autonomous Territory.

After the eight coastal counties on the south were occupied by the Thunder Division and the Bryot Army, it means that the five seaport towns have opened their doors to the ocean shipping fleets of the overseas autonomous territories. The relatives and family members of the eight Hicks Returning Division officers and soldiers gathered in Wangdu have a safe and direct access to the harbor. They will take the ships of the ocean transport fleet to the Beibu Gulf and be transported to the mainland of Nubia. , Become a formal immigration of overseas dominions ...

According to an agreement reached between the Dominion Command and the Kingdom of Breot, the three local counties of Coona Harbour, Port Kara and the Manorian Plains were all forcibly separated from the Kingdom of Breot more than thirty years ago The occupied land will be returned to the Kingdom of Breot after the three places are recovered. However, Claude chose Port Kara as the seaport where the relatives of the Hicks Returning Division officers and soldiers boarded the ship, because the safety was more secure.

The King of the Kingdom of Breot, Avitre I helped a lot in persuading the Dakhli Army and the Facklin Army to lay down their arms to the Autonomous Territory. The Dahli Legion was originally a local legion formed in the three counties of the Manori Plain. Most of the officers and men of this legion were locals, and their parents remembered that they were from the Kingdom of Breot. For this reason, the envoys sent by Avitre I made very smooth contact with them. Finally, Avitre I ventured to personally go to persuade most officers and men of the Dakhli Army to return to their homeland.

The Falklin Legion was lonely, and was alone after the Dahli Legion returned to the Kingdom of Breot. Not only was the power of the three Army Corps of Thunder and the Kingdom of Breoit swept over the 350,000 troops assembled by the Buckler Army and the Bruce Army, but now there were only 60,000 people standing alone in the standing army. Coupled with the friendship between the two legionnaires, with the persuasion and introduction of the commander of the Dakhli Corps, they let down their weapons to save the life of the entire army ...

The second good news was from General Ablont, who guarded Wang Jing. After a three-and-a-half-month inspection operation, the soldiers of the Storm Corps and the four Hicks Returning Divisions were in Wang Jing St. Shipley. Ancheng and Wangjing areas arrested 270,000 so-called hostile resistance elements and resistance suspects. In the process, more than 41,000 resistance elements were shot or stabbed to death on the spot for holding weapons and hostile resistance. The officers and men of the Storm Corps and the Hicks Return Home Division had killed or wounded more than 6,000 people during the arrest and inspection operations.

The end of the inspection operation means that Wang Jingsheng's Hiprian City and Wang Jing area have indeed been under the control of the Autonomous Leadership Area, and the local and intra-city security order has been restored. Perhaps there are still resistance groups secretly. But at least on the bright side, there will be no more attacks on the occupants with guns in broad daylight. And the officers and men of the Storm Corps and the Hicks Return Home Division no longer have to worry about having their lives in the taverns near the barracks.

The good news on the bright side means that the autonomous region has completely controlled the situation in Wangjing Saint-Hiprian and Wangjing, but the secretly good news is that the total value of the property searched during the process of inventory and arrest of the resistance Almost 30 million kronor.

Deserved to be the power of the northern hegemon, the wealth of the Hicks has exceeded Crowd's imagination. Just the current property searched by Wang Jingsheng in the town of Hiprian and Wangjing, plus the seizure of the Hicks King ’s Chamber, have already met the goal of the Autonomous Leadership Area before the troop dispatch, a financial income of 50 million kronor. General Abbott even thought that if he simply let go of Wang Jing's Saint-Hiprian City and Wang Jing area, he could retreat ...

Of course, this is nonsense, plundering property from the Hicks Kingdom to make up for future financial expenditures in overseas autonomous areas. Although this is a reason for sending Hicks Kingdom, it is not the main reason. At present, the biggest problem is to transport the family members and relatives of the eight Hicks Returning Division officers and soldiers to overseas autonomous territories, and then the local administrative office of the autonomous territories is responsible for giving these immigrant families a field of land. Let them integrate into the Dominion.

The estimate of the autonomous region before the troop dispatch is that if the number of relatives of a soldier returned to the division is five to six, the overseas autonomous region will receive more than three million new immigrants. But now it seems that this number will far exceed the original estimate, because the five and six hundred thousand army members gathered in Wang Jingsheng Shiprian's city counted only less than more than 40,000 family members and relatives of officers and men of the returned division, almost every The number of relatives of the soldiers gathered more than doubled.

Originally, these soldiers who participated in the Hicks Kingdom Expeditionary Force were the most humble serfs and consulates in the society. If the colonial war was won, these soldiers would still serve as serfs and consulates after retiring, and their status would not change. But now that the Hicks Kingdom has failed in the colonial wars, these soldiers have been taken prisoners and have served labor in overseas autonomy. Now the overseas dominions have agreed to let their families emigrate, which is the best opportunity to change their status.

Even if they are small people, they will also think and seize this best opportunity. By the time I found my family, I took all my friends and relatives with me, and I changed my name to cousin. Some even married their wives, and then brought the wife's family brightly, so that their relatives suddenly increased. This situation was encountered once by the overseas dominion. In the same year, it was also to obtain free land from immigrants. The officers and men of the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps brought more than two million so-called relatives from the kingdom.

It was just that the Thunder Army and the Rock Army added up to more than 100,000 people. Now there are nearly 300,000 horses in the eight Hicks Return Home Divisions. There are still more than 200,000 Hicks prisoners who were lost in overseas dominions. Although they were unable to participate in the Home Returning Division, they dragged their comrades back to their families and relatives, and they have already compiled a roster.

If this is the case, it is estimated that the number of immigrants to overseas dominions will more than double. This will be the biggest difficulty for overseas dominions. After all, from the Hicks Kingdom to White Deer City and then to the Port of Copicus in the overseas dominions. The sea voyage was almost doubled.

At that time, from the kingdom's native White Deer Port to Copicus Port, back and forth about two months, the overseas dominion was to mobilize all transport sea ships, with the help of the Kingdom's storm fleet, this was completed in a year and a half Up this huge transport mission. The ocean shipping fleet of the Overseas Dominion now has more than 400 large ocean-going sailing ships, as well as escorted by the armored fleet, capable of transporting 500,000 to 500,000 people at a time. It seems that the capacity has increased greatly, but the voyage at sea has also been lengthened. Even once every three months, it can only run four times a year, and it can only carry up to two million people.

Therefore, the increase in the number of relatives of the Hicks Repatriation Division officers and soldiers means that the number of immigrants from overseas dominions has increased, and it has also brought more problems. The two regiments of the Overseas Autonomous Region need to stay longer in the Hicks Kingdom, need to spend more on these immigrants, need more war expenses, and need more shipping capacity .... ..

It's been four months since the bad news sent by the noble coalition from the Thunder Army and the Storm Army in the Autonomous Military Command ’s surprise attack on Wang Jingsheng Hiprian of the Hicks Kingdom. The local counties of the Hicks Kingdom have already responded. They have rallied young people to form local defense forces. Under the leadership of the territory nobles or local officials, they have waged a people's war against the invasion of the Kingdom of Ovilas and the Overseas Dominion.

At the beginning of the new year, the aristocratic coalition suffered a lot. They obtained the right to capture the ten counties in the west from Claude. In fact, they were the right to plunder property. This site belongs to you. How much plunder is your own gain. Regardless of the autonomous region. The aristocratic coalition of nearly 100,000 horses captured the three local counties in the west from the beginning, burned and looted, and did whatever they wanted.

News of bad luck in these three local counties spread, and other local counties became vigilant and began to form local defense forces to fight these evil robbers and robbers. After the aristocratic coalitions wiped out the three unfortunate local counties, they were resolutely resisted when they were preparing to attack the adjacent local counties. After a while, they fought to seize a local county, but found that the local county had already cleared its walls. There were guerrilla fighting squads everywhere, and the noble coalition suffered some casualties for a while, so it was necessary to send a messenger to the Thunder Corps, hoping that Claude could pull them.

Claude also wrote a reply directly, rejecting a request to pull the noble coalition. In fact, the 100,000 aristocratic coalition forces are already a very powerful force. The problem is that these aristocratic coalition forces have grabbed everyone's pockets in the first three western local counties. Now they are in tough battles. When Kaizi. Charged by the Thunder Corps, the robbery and riches were their own, and they really regarded the Autonomous Military Command as their role ...

The encounter of the aristocratic coalition forces with local resistance was long anticipated by Claude, let alone the noble coalition forces. From the reports of the dispatched troops of the Hicks Return Home Division to various local counties to find officers and soldiers' families and relatives The severity of the situation can be seen. In the first three months, officers and soldiers of the Hicks Homecoming Division in a battalion could penetrate into various local counties. Whether it was a noble territory or a town under a royal family, their actions were very smooth and progress was very good.

In this respect, the officers and soldiers of the Hicks Return Home Division were searched. They pretended to be soldiers of the Hicks Kingdom to find the family members of the officers and men of the expeditionary army, and could also receive assistance and hospitality from the local government office. At first, local officials and territories nobles also hoped to obtain information about the current situation from their mouths. They were inquiring and taking away the families of these expeditionary officers and soldiers, and they were also used as hostages by officers and men of the returned home division. The purpose of swapping captives fools ...

With the passage of time, these returning divisions who went to various local counties to find the families of expeditionary officers and soldiers also encountered more and more difficulties. Not only were they interrogated by local officials and territory nobles, they also suffered local defense. Armed siege. Some well-informed territories nobles also sent people to take hostages of the expeditionary army, and even the Hometown Division had to abandon the plan to send small units to various local counties to bring back the officers and soldiers' families.

Even the Red Dragon Army, which entered the kingdom of Hicks and ravaged the central county of Ovilas, reported that they encountered stubborn resistance when occupying two local counties. However, the Red Dragon Army was more powerful after it was equipped with the new rifle, and it easily shattered the defensive local defense forces. The only disadvantage was that the bullets were too expensive. They had brought 3 million rounds before the expedition. They thought they could be maintained until the end of the war. As a result, they did not expect to consume one-third of the new rifles. bullet......

To this end, the Prime Minister of Blanca sent a eagle to Claude, asking the Autonomous Command to bear the ammunition consumption of the Red Dragon Army. Claude also rejected this unreasonable request and wrote back that he wanted the bullets to be bought with money. Paralyze you robbed a local county at least to make a profit of nearly one million kronor, and also asked me for the supply of bullets, how can you say so ...

Now Crowder has a lot of headaches. The most important thing is that the eight Hicks Repatriation Division officers and soldiers are reunited with their families and relatives, and the transportation problem. At present, only the eight counties in the south and the overseas autonomous command zone. The local counties that have been occupied by the aristocratic coalition and the Red Dragon Army have gathered close to 700,000 or 800,000 people. This has greatly affected the supply of materials in the autonomous command zone. influences.

Although the materials collected from the Hicks Kingdom are still sufficient, if the more military members gathered, the longer the time, the need to provide consumed materials is an astronomical digital expenditure. Therefore, Claude must get the first military members on board as soon as possible to go to the overseas dominion, and let them become immigrants and return to normal life.

As for the battle reports submitted by the Hicks Homecoming Divisions, Crowder felt that it might as well wait for a while. Officers and soldiers of the Homecoming Division who were eager to reunite with their family members wrote letters to the Frontline Command of the Autonomous Leadership Area, and voluntarily demanded to attack their hometowns and counties to rescue their families and relatives ...

Claude instructed the lieutenants to respond to these officers and soldiers with patience and so on. When the frontline headquarters arranged the strategic layout, they would command the army to sweep the entire Hicks Kingdom. All family members and relatives of the officers and soldiers would be sure. Rescue it. It ’s just a matter of urgency, and the order of priorities. Which local county to attack first depends on the actual situation and changes in the situation. I just hope that everyone has a little patience ...

Nonsense, now to attack those local counties, the officers and men of the returned home division will soon become the burden of the frontline command and the occupying forces of the autonomous region. Before the ocean fleet has returned, the more military members gathered , The heavier the burden, it is better to let them stay for a few more months in various local counties ...

People are always persecuted by real problems and have to learn to consider them. In addition to the issue of military assembly, there is another problem that also plagues all senior officers at the frontline command of the Autonomous Territory, which is the issue of captives.

So far, more than half a million captives have been captured by the two legions of the Autonomous Military Command. Here are the captured captives of the four Hicks standing corps, the captives of the local defensive armed surrender, as well as the Stormwind Corps and Greek The Huxian Hometown Regiment was arrested by resistance members, local officials and territories nobles in Wangjing and Wangjing Saint-Hiprian. And the care of so many prisoners has become a big problem.

Killing all is the most complete solution, but the problem is that you can't kill if you can't get it. Otherwise, once the news of the killing of the captives is spread, the overseas dominion will become the reverse role of everyone in the countries of Fareya. No one can bear this responsibility. Wan Fu's point will be disease-free and no one will be willing to do so. When this Mrs. Tu was elected.

Shipping back to the autonomous territory to mine? This is a good method, but you need to be more alert, if you have this shipping capacity, Crowd won't worry about the army members gathering. At present, even those military members who return to overseas dominions as immigrants need to travel every three months. Where does the transportation capacity go to transport these captives ...

Full release is even more impossible. Once these captives are released, they will ensure that the resistance of the Hicks Kingdom will be better. It is simply asking for trouble for the next operation of the frontline command of the autonomous command zone. But the problem is that the detention of so many captives involves a lot of manpower and material resources and energy of the front command. Just to look after these captives requires a Hicks return division. Fortunately, these captives do not need to eat and warm themselves. It is enough to make some wooden sheds to shield them from the wind and rain, and let the captives crowd together to warm up ...

Fortunately, King Avitre I of the Kingdom of Breaux was more vindictive. After the rainy season, he decided to select 200,000 captives and return them to the Manori Plain for full development. This is really good news for the Frontline Command of the Autonomous Regional Command. Claude personally negotiated with Avitre I, let alone let him promise to take 300,000 young and captive prisoners.

No matter whether these 300,000 young and strong prisoners were escorted by the Kingdom of Breot to open up wasteland for farming, or to dig in the mountains, or to build roads or bridges, it was better than letting the frontline command of the Autonomous Regional Command support them To be strong, at least these hot gourds have been dumped by half, which is a good thing for Claude. As for whether these captives were alive or dead in the Kingdom of Breot, it doesn't matter what the Autonomous Military Command ...

After working for more than half a month, Claude remembered that there was a Hicks standing army waiting for his departure. He hurried to meet Colonel Bokal and asked him to gather up the information of the Falklin Army and show himself how to deal with this surrendered Hicks standing army ...

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