MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 142 cyber tribe

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  Chapter 142 Cyber ​​Tribe

  【The gravity bomb is finished】

  【Get 100 points】

  The long-lost system prompt appeared in front of Lu Yu.

  The black technology realization system has not disappeared with the restarters. As long as there are enough points, even if Lu Yu does not develop technology, he is still an undisputed cosmic civilization.

  But now the Silver Star is just a broken spaceship, and Lu Yu really needs a lot of points to repair it.

  Host: Lu Yu

   Points: 3158

  Mission: 【Looking at the Deep Space】

  Currently own black technology products: [Silver Star (modified)] [Lunch Box] [Space Suit (modified)]

   But the road to points is long. Lu Yu, who only has more than 3100 points, still has a long way to go to repair the engine, so he is now planning to solve the capacity problem of the seventh base first.

   As long as there is enough space, the various investigative functions of the Silver Star can be restored, and at the same time, enough space will be left for various large-scale equipment in the future.

   But the production of space bubbles was originally a technology that can only be mastered by river system level civilizations. Unless Lu Yu is willing to use points, he can't supplement them at all.

  However, there is such a magical folding space in the universe. The space bubbles inside are like leeks planted in the ground, which can be continuously harvested.

It has been almost two months since the giant tortoise was hunted, and Lu Yu followed Kabo back to the tribe, and after the giant tortoise's body was snatched up for a while, a large number of small and medium-sized strange beasts appeared Divide cleanly.

   One turtle dies, but ten thousand beasts live.

   On this vast land, although these super creatures are all manufactured creatures, they have also built a complete ecological circle.

  Walking in the primitive world where the jungle is preying on the jungle, the man in the leather case under Lu Yu's control soon returned to his hometown.

   Relying on stone and leather to build huge houses, from the perspective of human beings, these houses, which are often measured by more than 100 meters, are of course magnificent.

   But for Lu Yu, who is gradually adapting to the giant's vision, the house here is not much different from the mud house.

  Looking around at the gathering place known as the largest tribe on the earth, Lu Yu couldn't help but lament that these super creatures clearly possessed terrifying power, but the level of civilization really stayed at the primitive stage.

  In this tribe with basically zero scientific knowledge, Lu Yu is an undisputed intellectual!

   After hearing that he could grow nuclear fission organs without relying on the core, the whole tribe was overwhelmed. Hundreds of tribesmen came to the crappy house certified by Lu Yu, hoping that he could pass on this technology to them.

And these simple [Ultraman] gave Lu Yu an irresistible reason. He looked at the dozens of space bubbles that were easily obtained by the man in the leather case, and he didn't know whether the civilization behind the holy mountain was engaged in the universe. For charity, if there is a selection in the future, Lu Yu will definitely vote for it!

   As soon as these spaces were soaked in Lu Yu's hands, he collected them into the Silver Star, which meant that it would be useless even if the ninth-level civilization came.

   This is the reward Number Seven is most looking forward to, and Lu Yu only needs to teach the knowledge of nuclear fission to get them!

  With the knowledge of planetary level civilization, dozens of blank space bubbles can be exchanged. For this pure profiteering, the capitalists who have been hanged will praise Lu Yu on the street lamps.

   It’s no wonder that in the Age of Discovery, European ‘navigators’ liked to sell glass and cheap handicrafts to Africa so much. Lu Yu couldn't help being addicted to this kind of pure profiteering.

   Moreover, Lu Yu does not need to contribute to the teaching, just find an expert from No. 0 base to give a wilderness lecture to this group of young [Ultramans] from the primitive tribe.

  “Nuclear fission, also known as nuclear fission, refers to a form of nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus splits into two or more atoms of lower mass.”

"Neutrons hit the nucleus to cause nuclear fission. The fission process releases energy and produces new neutrons. The newly produced neutrons cause new nuclear fission. The fission reaction continues continuously, and at the same time new energy is continuously generated. This process is a chain fission reaction. Since each nuclear fission can release 2 to 3 new neutrons, as long as the conditions are right, these new neutrons can cause new fissions to occur in other nuclei and release more There are more new neutrons, so that the nuclear fission reaction continues, forming a chain fission reaction, so that the energy in the nucleus is continuously released."


  So a ridiculous scene appeared in the primitive wilderness, a group of ultra life forms that have not even established a first-level civilization are learning the principle of nuclear fission.

   And teaching is not just throwing out the mass-energy equation. It is necessary to establish the concept of atoms and the foundation of physics for this group of [Ultraman].

   This is already equivalent to establishing a scientific foundation for this group of little [Ultramans]. For a while, Lu Yu wondered if the teaching was still going on and the holy mountain would be attacked.

  Kabo was extremely calm, allowing Lu Yu to teach with confidence.

  Looking at more and more space bubbles in his hands, watching No. 7 light each space bubble in the living area every day, planning their use, Lu Yu is not willing to give up this profitable business!

   Isn’t it just a leather case!

   The space bubble that can be exchanged is the reward that can only be paid by a sixth-level civilization that spends millions of years to complete the task.

And Lu Yu is not sure whether this group of little [Ultraman] can generate nuclear fission organs without a core. After all, Nemo failed in the past, and Lu Yu can now control the nuclear fission organs in the leather case. number computing power.

  Hmm. It is simply a method of selling unknown success rate to obtain huge profits.

Looking at the simple tribesmen like Nemo, Lu Yu's conscience will not hurt at all, and he even wants to make a big wave, try to attract people from the surrounding tribes to participate in this great scientific enlightenment, and then ruthlessly before he runs away. Harvest a wave.

  The brains of these super life forms are indeed different from human brains. At least in a short period of time, most of them understood the concept of atoms, and also established the most basic physical world view.

   Their learning speed surprised many professors at Base Zero. The brains of these super life forms are much stronger than the carbon-based chip supercomputers used to be.

  If they are given enough time to develop civilization, their excellent physical fitness and brain computing ability can make them advance quickly on the road of science and technology.

   But, unfortunately, they are created beings after all, and they are destined to be bound in a cage.

   "A rapid chain reaction would cause a runaway explosion, as the fission of each nucleus causes the fission of several other nuclei, which, if uncontrolled, would cause an irreversible nuclear reaction."

"Such a rapid nuclear reaction is too dangerous for an organ, and the rate at which the reaction proceeds needs to be controlled by a regeneration controller so that, on average, the fission of each nucleus triggers the fission of another nucleus. The high-energy neutrons released by nuclear fission move The speed is extremely high (fast neutrons), so they have to be slowed down to increase their chances of hitting atoms while causing more relatively benign nuclear fission."

   "Okay, that's the end of today's lesson."

   "Next time, I will explain the principle of nuclear fusion and the basic structure of nuclear fission organs."

  Experts from Base Zero controlled Nemo's body through the interspace communication system, and answered questions one by one for the little giants below.

However, this kind of after-school tutoring was quickly interrupted. Before a giant nearly 250 meters approached, a loud voice came: "Boy Nemo, I heard that you have already defeated five or six warriors. Anyway, it's my turn to accompany you!"

   "If you lose, you will marry a girl from my family!"

   "There are hundreds of tribes around here, who doesn't know that my girl is the most beautiful!"

   Just finished speaking, the shadow blocked by the arrival of the huge body has covered half of the school.

The giant who spoke just now looks different from the regular [Ultraman]. He has four arms, and his body is much larger. Some metalized organs are directly exposed on the surface of the body. It looks like... a modified half Prosthetic [Ultraman].

   This is a physical change caused by the pursuit of excessive functional organs. Warriors in the tribe seem to generate a large number of functional organs in order to be stronger.

   Guys, primitive tribes already have body modification.

  Are you Cybertribe 0001?

  Will these organs compress the nerves, causing you to have cyberpsychosis?

  Lu Yu is really powerless to complain about the tribe whose technology tree is so crooked that it has no borders. He has already embarked on the road of body modification without even the concept of technology.

  He is more and more curious about what the creators of these super creatures want to do, to build such a large folding space, and keep such a large group of strange super creatures in captivity.

  The knowledge-teaching experts handed over the control as soon as the voice came. In the past few days, there have been soldiers who heard the news in the classroom, wanting to test Nemo, who has no core but has an organ.

  No matter where you are, as long as you have a reputation, you will meet challengers.

   This is especially true in the tribal system where strength is king!

  The warrior in front of him is one of the top fighters in the warrior group led by Capo, and he can even carry one percent of the giant tortoise with his own strength.

  The tribe... the tribe... seems to still maintain the strange custom of sending people directly into the cave after knocking them out. The warrior in front of him is not here just for the competition.

"OK OK!"

   "I'm too lazy to bully you, I won't take this weapon."

  The giant warrior in front of him took out an anti-gravity mace from the core of his chest. Not only are the creatures in this place very strange, but even the weapons are also very strange.

  In the big universe, it is obviously synonymous with high technology, but here it is all kinds of simple and extremely simple weapons.

   Just like the mace in front of you, its mass is extremely heavy, if it is not for the anti-gravity to maintain the structural balance, it may be crushed by its own structure.

   But in the hands of these four-handed giants, it has become a mace that relies on its huge mass and is convenient for smashing.

  Seeing that this special weapon was placed aside, Lu Yu remained motionless.

   "Why are you so difficult, little brat!"

  The four-handed warrior took out a huge ax from his core. This thing is a nuclear fusion generator. When it is chopped, it will explode with fire and knife, and when the ax goes down, it will explode with a hydrogen bomb.

  I can only say that the weapons here are really eye-opening.

   But Lu Yu still didn't move, the four-handed fighter in front of him could only honestly throw more weapons, and it wasn't until almost all of them were thrown that Lu Yu finally made a move.

  Surrounded by those little [Ultramans] who are not too serious about watching a show, they came to the huge basin next to the tribe.

  This is the martial arts field of the tribe. It was the battle of generations of warriors that expanded the basin to an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers today.

  The level of civilization is not high, but martial arts are extremely abundant!

   It was not the first time that Lu Yu faced this kind of scene. The challengers during this period had already made him used to the atmosphere of the battle.

   Isn't it just driving Gundam to fight!

   Back then, I was driving a Gundam in the planetary school, and I was fighting with the power levelers!

  However, the fighting style of super creatures is still different from that of Gundam.

   As soon as the scene started, Lu Yu opened his palm, shot a scorching laser from his palm, and took the lead in attacking the four-handed warrior not far away.

Two months is enough time for No. 7 to carry out all-round transformation of this leather body. According to the plan of designing a space battleship at No. 0 base, not only secretly upgrade the fission organ to a fusion organ, but also return this body. Many functions have been added.

  The high-energy laser in the palm of your hand is just one of them.

  The four-handed warrior stretched out a palm, lines appeared on his skin, and a colorful energy shield appeared in front of him.

  After the high-energy laser hit the shield and burst into dazzling light, it was disintegrated into hundreds of tiny laser beams and scattered, drawing traces of melting on the basin.

  The instant confrontation ended.

  The four-handed warrior faced the next laser beam and approached Lu Yu quickly. It could be seen that his feet were equipped with a device similar to a thruster, which increased the already fast speed again.

   Blue flames wrapped around his hands, he clenched his fists and stabbed towards Lu Yu in front of him.

  Fires erupted immediately at Lu Yu's location, like the scene of a cloud bomb explosion, and small mushroom clouds rose up.

   It's just that this heavy blow only made the martial arts field that had become a basin a few meters deeper, and it failed to attack Lu Yu at all.

  Because his movements are faster, all the functional organs of this body are created one by one after careful design over and over again, both in speed and energy supply far surpassing this four-handed warrior.

  Long before the heavy punch hit, Lu Yu turned the power devices on his legs to the maximum. In an instant, this extremely heavy body seemed to take off from the spot, and instantly jumped to 10,000 meters!

Even with a powerful body and various strange organs, for these super life forms, when the gravity is much higher than that of the blue star, and they are still of high quality, it is already abnormal to be able to reach this height in one jump rare.

  The gravity used by Lu Yu simultaneously urges the body's propulsion device.

   This was a footwork that fell from the sky, mixed with the light of the shield, Lu Yu stepped heavily on the back of the four-handed warrior, forcefully pressing his whole body to the ground.

  Amidst the roaring applause, Lu Yu faintly thought of beating the primitive people violently, which is just generally fun.


   I hope this hearty victory can bring me more students, so that I don’t have to worry about space anymore!

  (end of this chapter)

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