MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 143 lost civilization

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  Chapter 143 Lost Civilization

   "A total of 153 space bubbles, the area is almost equivalent to the volume of Jupiter."

   "The space of these space bubbles is only half the volume of the original space bubbles of Base No. 7, but it is also enough to be used for a period of time in the future."

   "Soon we will be able to re-establish the eco-lab!"

   Lu Yu hadn't eaten the food made by [lunch box] for a long time, when he heard No. 7 talking happily from the side.

no way.

  The happy days when there was no need to worry about eating and drinking came to an end as the space bubble outside the living area was erased.

  However, as more and more space bubbles are harvested, the schedule for rebuilding the No. 7 base can also be put on the agenda.

  Although these space bubbles are not original goods, they can still be included in the No. 7 base.

Moreover, they are extraordinarily pure, as if they are wild. No. 7 has easily mastered them. I believe that it will not take long for No. 7 base to fully recover. Lu Yu only needs to solve the propulsion system and energy problems to restore the Silver Star. as ever.

   This is the biggest problem at present. These black technologies are really beyond the technology that Lu Yu has mastered at present, and can only be repaired slowly with points.

  But even space bubbles can be easily obtained, maybe there are more surprises waiting for you in this folding space.

   After eating, Lu Yu and No. 7 leaned together, looking at the holographic projection in front of them.

   Now Nemo's body is being controlled by Base Zero. Judging from the holographic projection screen, it seems that the giant in front of him is using the magnetic force field generated by his hands to capture a huge lizard 300 meters long.

  The scales of this lizard stood up, and then exploded suddenly, trying to show this ignorant giant a little bit of color.

  But these scales were all blocked one by one, and soon the lizard also lost room to struggle in the **** generated by the force field.

   This poor beast will be the dinner of Nemo's body.

  That's right, this kind of ultra life form also needs to eat.

  The large amount of underlying substances they need to generate organs, those structures like nano-robots all need to be supplemented from these strange beasts.

  After returning to the tribe to show his great strength, Nemo successfully mixed into the hunting team.

  In this way, fresh space bubbles can be obtained at the first time, and human beings can explore this strange folding space well.

  Use a high-frequency vibrating black dagger to cut open the head of this strange beast. It is a pity that this strange beast does not have a core, otherwise it would not have been taken down so easily by Base Zero.

   With such a result, today's hunting mission is considered complete.

   Someone in the hunting team was in charge of picking up the unlucky selected beast, and Base Zero controlled Nemo to leave the team.

   Not only super-large uranium mines were discovered around the tribe, but also important resources such as iron ore, aluminum ore, copper ore, and titanium ore were discovered. These are all open-pit mine sources and are very convenient to mine.

   These happen to be the best materials for rebuilding all kinds of technological equipment. In the eyes of the tribesmen, it is not surprising that Nemo would use the core to collect these useless stones every time in his spare time.

"The official report of the geological survey has finally come out. The uranium mine found 10,000 kilometers away from the tribe is indeed a super-large uranium mine, and the preliminary estimate of the reserves has reached millions of tons! And the quality is excellent, basically 0.5%-1 % rich ore, the highest uranium content is even above 2%.

  Looking at the analysis given by the experts on the holographic projection, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh that the resources in the folding space are really rich, as if these resources are automatically updated every time.

   Otherwise, so many ultra life forms have used all kinds of technology, and they haven't seen the phenomenon of exhaustion.

   Lu Yu and the others paid special attention to this super uranium mine, and even made a geological report for it, firstly for the cheap students in the tribe.

  Uranium element, atomic number 92, element symbol U, is the main material of nuclear fission. In the future, if a genius [Ultraman] really appears in the tribe, using the method taught by Base Zero to really get rid of the core and generate nuclear fission organs by himself, this super uranium mine will become an important source of raw materials for them.

  Uranium-238 is difficult for organisms to use. What is really useful is uranium-235, which hardly exists in nature.

  The nuclear fission organ model after the improvement of Base Zero can be processed from these uranium mines, so as not to be unable to adapt to the damage to the body caused by high radiation. Nemo just ignored this and died in space.

   As far as the tribe is concerned, they want to concentrate minerals, and they can easily get them by killing a few strange beasts. How could they eat soil that only strange beasts would eat?

  So Base Zero plans to leave this uranium mine while improving the nuclear fission organs for these super life forms, which is enough for the rise of such a new group.

  As a teacher who charged high teaching fees, he did his best.

  However, Base Zero came to this uranium mine today not to continue to do some exploration. They found something special in a large underground cavity next to the uranium mine.

  Down from the cracked gap, there are traces of prehistoric civilization buried in a huge underground cavity that cannot see the sun!

  According to the information disclosed by Kabo, the obliteration of civilization has not only occurred once or twice in the folding space. Not long ago, Base Zero accidentally discovered this relic while exploring the uranium mine.

  According to the current division of human technology trees, there are: computers, aerospace technology, medicine, physics, chemistry, etc...

  These technologies are still in a slightly sequential order. I don’t know how much this erased civilization has been lit up to trigger the obliteration mechanism of the Holy Mountain.

  Base Zero controlled Nemo to come here this time, just to explore the obliteration standard, so as to infer what the intention of the advanced civilization that created this folding space is.

   "...These spear-like objects should be made of wood-like plants, not metal! The spear tip doesn't seem to have copper either?"

   "Yes, no metal..."

  At the entrance of the cavity, the first unnatural creation seen is not made of metal material, but a hard wood fiber wedge!

   They have existed underground for an unknown amount of time, and they still haven’t rotted. You can even hear a crisp sound when you flick them, which is definitely different from the ordinary wood on Blue Star.

   Could it be said that the prehistoric super creature civilization was wiped out before it even developed to the level of metal refining?

  In other words... natural materials can be harder than hard-forged metal materials, so why waste your time on smelting metals?

  After all, everything in this folding space is very strange, and it is not difficult to understand that the civilization born in it will go to a completely different technological path.

   But as he got deeper and deeper, Lu Yu saw more and more shadows of technology in the images sent back from the outside world.

  If the outer periphery of this hollow is still a tribal-like earth and stone house, the further you go to the middle, the more you can tell that the building is gradually becoming more orderly, and the decorations are beginning to increase. After walking nearly a kilometer away, the house began to look gorgeous.

  Architecture itself contains science and art. From these buildings, we can see that this lost civilization once had its own splendid culture.

  Suddenly, Nemo's footsteps stopped suddenly, and Lu Yu and the experts at Base Zero couldn't help but slow down their breathing with the objects he collected.

  A huge polygonal metal nut lay quietly in front of him.

   No, not one, but three!

   "Pick it up and have a look!"

   Lu Yu said in disbelief.

  Before I was still wondering if this civilization would ignore the metal smelting technology because of the special natural materials, but now there is evidence of overthrow in front of my eyes.

  Base Zero has been impatiently picking it up for a long time. This round object is equivalent to the size of a Blue Star car tire, and it really looks like a nut.

  Relying on the modified eyes of super life forms, they can even obtain a series of data and extremely high-definition images from the objects in front of them like observation instruments.

  The shape of the nut has been determined, and one can even see a circle of threads in the central ring!

   This... is definitely a metal nut!

  This small piece of metal product can tell that this lost civilization has established a considerable scale of industrial system, at least it has a certain foundation in smelting metal and industrial machine tools.

  As it gets deeper and deeper into the cavity, the metal bracket that reaches the top of the rock at the end is finally erected, and a technological creation like a rocket is fixed on the metal bracket.

  The traces of time have made them rusty, but this launcher, which is dozens of times taller than the Blue Star launcher, tells that there was once a civilization.

  It once wanted to escape from here, from this cage, but failed, and brought destruction to itself.

  The huge void used to be a certain city of a lost civilization, but when it wanted to launch a rocket into the sky and break open the cage of this ultra life form, its demise followed.

   It can be seen that only part of the city is left in the hollow range, and it seems that the entire city was torn into several parts when the catastrophe of destruction came.

  Unfortunately, no writings and any corpses of the race that built this civilization were found. Their existence seems to have been deliberately erased, leaving a corner of the city underground to warn all those who came after.

   Don't develop civilization!

   Don't develop civilization!

   Lu Yu silently watched this scene in the living area, but felt that the scene in front of him was very familiar.

  Although the methods are extremely crude and leave so many suspicious traces at the same time, erasing civilization in this way is really exactly like what the restarters did to those ninth-level civilizations that were trying to break through.

  Any civilization that wants to break the folding space and march towards the big universe will be wiped out!

  Looking at the magnificent launcher in front of the projection screen, Lu Yu suddenly had such a special insight.

  Then why was Nemo able to leave on the invader's rocket before?

  According to the current information, the blue sky is the railing of the cage, and Nemo was able to break through because he had the invitation letter from the Holy Mountain on him.

   That is the key to open the blockade of the sky!

  Now all the information and intelligence point to the Holy Mountain, and it seems that all the secrets of this folding space are hidden in the Holy Mountain!

   I conducted a detailed exploration of this empty city again, but I really couldn't find any written records, and everything seemed to be erased.

   "If the holy mountain is the advanced civilization that produced these ultra life forms, then did they not hesitate to invest so many space bubbles just to watch these ultra life forms?"

"According to the information obtained from the Life Consciousness Alliance, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive for a ninth-level civilization to create space bubbles, but the number of space bubbles in this folded space is unimaginable. It’s like building a giant zoo out of gold on Blue Planet.”

"And the level of civilization established by these super life forms will lead to destruction once they reach the stage of exploring outer space. But judging from the records in the tribe, the aliens who invaded here have obviously reached the level of a star-level civilization. But it did not lead to the destruction of the holy mountain."

   "Among them, there must be some secrets about advanced civilization."

   "It seems that the trip to the Holy Mountain in the near future will allow us to learn more things, but it's a pity for this leather case..."

  Base Zero could not find any more useful information in this lost city, and the exploration of this ruins can only end unfortunately.

  The holy mountain cleansed this civilization so thoroughly that Lu Yu wondered how could everything in this void be preserved?

  This is more like a trap left on purpose for fishing!

  However, he has been here for a long time, and he has not seen the so-called trap triggered.

   It took more than two months now, and the space jump of the Silver Star finally completed a charge.

  Although the speed of once every three hours was not at all, Lu Yu had the confidence to advance, attack, retreat, and defend. He tried to jump vigorously on the bottom line of the holy mountain, just to see what this strange advanced civilization had in mind!

  The alliance of other conscious life forms provides consciousness uploading to the whole universe, which is to break through the universe-level civilization.

  This advanced civilization hiding behind the holy mountain spreads space bubbles in the folding space, and there must be a meaning behind it.

  Lu Yu has already earned enough in this folding space, and a large number of space bubbles can quickly restore the use of No. 7 base, but now Lu Yu still wants to earn more!

  Because the unknown fleet will reach the solar system in 14 years, Lu Yu's current points are not enough to repair the two problems of power plant and energy supply. can only try to earn some useful things from this advanced civilization.

   It was with this thought that Lu Yu decided to continue to participate in the competition held on the holy mountain according to the date on the invitation letter.

  How can you get a tiger cub if you don’t enter the tiger’s den?

   The big deal is just jumping away. In the previous confrontation with the black card civilization, Lu Yu already understood that even the universe-level civilization could not stop the jump of the Silver Star, so what is there to worry about?

  Anyway, it’s just a leather case that I picked up after a lot of trouble!

   successfully left the cave, and it was already dusk when they returned to the surface.

  The sun in the sky is obviously impossible to be a real star. It is probably a device similar to the star lamp in the living area.

   was controlling this body to walk in the direction of the tribe, when suddenly a huge shadow was cast from the sky

  A floating ship constructed of a large number of anti-gravity organs appeared, hovering over the tribe in the setting sun, and a majestic mountain was embroidered on the flag fluttering in the wind.

  (end of this chapter)