MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 51 regret

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When Yinyou arrived in Yinzhen's courtyard, no one dared to stop him, but to his surprise, there was no one guarding outside the study. He opened the curtain, and was about to go into the study, but he heard voices coming from inside the study. It's not Yinzhen's voice.

"Fourth elder brother, seventh elder brother marrying the woman of Zuodu Yushi is very beneficial to you. We all know that seventh elder brother has a good relationship with you, and the people on the side of eldest brother and eighth elder brother want to win over Ma Qi. When Ma Qi's daughter arrives at the Seventh Prince's residence, then Ma Qi will naturally not mix up with the Eighth Prince and others."

This voice is very familiar, and Yinyou can hear that this person is Gu Badai, the teacher Kangxi pointed out to Yinzhen when he was young. He unconsciously let go of his hand, lowered the curtain, and didn't know whether to turn around and leave, or listen to the two continue talking.

"It's just a side Fujin, you don't have to think about it so much." Yinzhen's voice was cold, without any emotion.

"This statement is wrong. I heard that this girl is gentle and considerate. She is very popular, and she is very popular with Ma Qi. Moreover, although the Long Live Lord pointed out that this is a side Fujin, but the marriage is to use the Di Fujin. Guard of honor, and the one from Nala's family before, I'm afraid it's..."

Yinzhen frowned slightly, "There is no need to talk about this matter..."

"Seventh brother!"

This exclamation caused both Gu Badai and Yinzhen to change their expressions. The former was worried that his plan would be heard by the master, while the latter was worried that he would be misunderstood.

Xiao Luzi didn't expect that the seventh elder brother would come back at this time. The owner of the study never wanted anyone to approach him. He just went to the ear room to make a cup of tea. Why did the seventh elder brother arrive? Thinking of the possibility that what Master Gu said to his master in the study could be heard by Seventh Brother, cold sweat broke out on Xiao Luzi's forehead.

Yinyou smiled with unchanged expression: "I said that there is no one outside the study, and even the tea has been brewed. You are clever, and you know that the master is coming today."

Xiaoluzi smiled flatteringly and said, "Qiye, you came by coincidence. Mr. Gu came to appreciate a landscape painting just now. Why don't you go and appreciate it together." Then, he stepped forward to lift the curtain for Yinyou, and also concealed He suppressed the panic in his eyes, regardless of whether the seventh elder brother heard it or not, if the seventh elder brother said this, his fate as a slave was saved.

"Fourth brother, Mr. Gu," Yinyou slapped the two of them, and got a respectful return from Gu Badai. He looked at the desk, and it was an ink and wash landscape painting. It looked a bit artistic, but He has always had a general feeling for these elegant things, and he knew in his heart that this was a trick of the two of them, so he said: "I never thought that I would meet Mrs. Gu today, it's so rare." It's hard to see how much friendship the two have.

"Seventh elder brother is serious," Gu Badai saw that the fourth elder brother's face was normal, so he knew that he would not reveal what happened today, so he said with a smile: "Today, I learned that there is a treasure map in the fourth elder brother's house, and the lower official Meng Lang disturbed it." It’s the fourth brother, but it’s the one who got off the job.”

"Such elegant things are naturally liked by people," Yinyou sat down on the carved chair on one side, just as Xiaoluzi came in with tea at this time, Gu Badai took the opportunity to leave, and there were only two people left in the study. people.

Yinzhen put away the words on the table, seeing Yinyou sitting on the side drinking tea, he spoke first, "Why are you here today?"

Thinking of the conversation just now, Yinyou swallowed the words again, smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm just bored so come and have a look."

Yinzhen put the painting in the fine porcelain painting tube aside: "Looking at you like this, you don't seem very happy, Fucha's... don't you like it?"

"Who would not like the person Huang Ama refers to?" Yinyou put down the teacup, and frowned: "I'm afraid that this young lady has the style of her father, then..."

"You don't have to worry about that," Yinzhen smiled wryly: "Your fourth sister-in-law once met this Fucha family, and her appearance is still a sign." It was because of such a good woman that he was worried, but he felt that he was really unbearable. Now that I have a virtuous and virtuous Fujin, do I really want my seventh brother to always have a Fujin like that of the Nala family?

I had already introduced the words to Ma Qi, but Yinzhen didn't say anything else. Yinyou was a little surprised. No matter how deep the relationship between Yinzhen and his brother was, his marriage to the Fucha family was very important to Yinzhen. It's a good thing, and it's not something unspeakable, why didn't Yinzhen speak up?

For women in ancient times, Yinyou no longer has the energy of Xiao Xiangruan's girl before. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and said lazily: "It doesn't matter if the logo is not a logo, as long as it doesn't look like Lord March. , I am satisfied."

Yinzhen remained silent and didn't answer, Yinyou looked up at him, then got up to find a book, sat down on the grand teacher's chair, and read the book relaxedly.

Seeing Yinyou like this, Yinzhen didn't bother, and started to do things on his own. The two of them have long been used to this way of getting along.

=================== Marriage dividing line ==========================

"Fu Jin, the medicine is ready, please use it." The old woman walked into the house with a serious face while holding the medicine.

Minhui put down the embroidery in her hand, looked at the nearly black concoction in the fine porcelain bowl, took it up with a pale face and drank it, the medicine was very bitter, but there was no candied fruit, no sugar cube, and no one carefully served her.

She is no longer the legitimate daughter of the Nala family, nor is she the Fujin of the Seventh Prince's house. She was not reconciled, she was the prostitute of the Nala family, she could have been pointed out to some ordinary dignitaries, and then become her superior Zheng Fujin, but she became a disabled prince Fujin who was not favored by the emperor.

Seventh elder brother, Aixinjue Luo Yinyou, obviously has a good-looking face, but why does he have such an ugly foot, pale and deformed soles, and that hideous scar, on the day of her wedding ceremony, that foot It was actually his most obvious memory.

Seventh elder brother is actually a gentle person, he speaks and does things with an indescribable kindness, she gradually forgot about Qi elder brother's unattractive feet, but she did not expect that the concubine Cheng who was in the harem was actually don't like her. Because she is of the same clan as Concubine Hui, or because her mother's family is not powerful enough, otherwise why Concubine Cheng is cold and indifferent except for her first greeting, and even said that if there is no important matter, there is no need to hand over the sign to enter. Please say hello to the palace.

Everyone said that the concubine Cheng was honest and kind, but she felt that this woman was terribly cold, and even looked at her with disgust, so soon after, there was an extra Ge Ge in the house, who was raised by the concubine Cheng's family. Ladies in clothes.

She is a concubine Fujin, she is the first to enter the door, why is it a little concubine who is pregnant. This can be regarded as a heavy slap in the face of her, as well as the face of Nala's family. She knew that the elder brother and the seventh elder brother were at odds, the eldest elder brother was reprimanded because of the seventh elder brother, and the relationship between Cheng Fei and Hui Fei was cold. She was just a **** of the Nala family, but she made a wrong move. She had the opportunity to become the enviable prince Fujin, but she forcibly wasted the seventh elder brother's tolerance and gentleness towards her.

She only hated that her methods were not good enough, and that's why Seventh Brother found out that Ge Ge and the child in his belly were the hands and feet of her. In the end, it ended up like this.

She knew she couldn't go back, she knew there was something wrong with the medicine she was drinking, and she knew she was getting weaker day by day. If someone asked her if she regretted it, she would definitely say regret it. But no one asked her, no one came to see her, even the mother's family seemed to have forgotten her.

Persecuting the royal family's blood, this is her crime, the people of the Nala family are afraid that they can't wait to get rid of her, and they can't wait to have her as a daughter. She did regret it, regretted that her means were not high enough, regretted that she had not grasped Brother Qi's heart firmly, regretted that she had overestimated herself.

Putting down the medicine bowl, she smiled wryly, that's all, this is fate, at least there will always be her Nala Minhui on the imperial jade certificate, the seventh elder brother Aixinjue Luo Yinyou's heir Fujin will only be him. Even if a woman takes her place in the future, it will only be her successor Fujin, after all, it is not a waste of time for her to go this far.

But... after all, she was not reconciled. She covered her face and cried out loudly. The old nanny standing next to her looked at this scene expressionlessly. She will no longer have the slightest compassion.

"Fu Jin, Master is here to see you." A little maid's voice came from the outer room, she raised her head abruptly, with wet tears still on her face. The young man in white robe standing at the curtain was wearing a snow fox fur coat, and the fox fur hat on his hat was inlaid with white jade, which made his pretty face even more moist.

"Master," she said hoarsely, but she couldn't shed a single tear.

"I knew it would be like this, but you..." Yinyou walked to her side, wanting to reach out to caress the top of her hair. Thinking of the dead fetus, he finally retracted his hand slowly. He was about to marry Fang Fujin, so he knew , this woman won't live for too long, even if he wants her to survive, Kangxi and Concubine Cheng in the palace will not let her occupy the position of Fujin, nor will she tolerate the crime of killing the royal blood.

"It's getting cold, I brought some leather clothes and fruits and vegetables," Yinyou sighed, "You... Take care of it."

Minhui looked up at him, and laughed at herself: "You know I can't go back, so why bother."

The expression on Yinyou's face remained unchanged, he walked a few steps to the side, looked at a Guanyin statue on the wall and said, "Since you entered the door, why have I ever felt sorry for you, but there are some things that I can tolerate, but the royal family tolerates them." No."

"Haha," Min Hui laughed until tears flowed, "It's embarrassing, I don't even have the chance to be a housekeeper in the mansion, and you still say that you never made embarrassment."

"I won't let the women of Nala's family take charge of my family's affairs." Yinyou turned his head to look at the woman with a sharp smile, and said slowly: "I once heard that Mrs. Nala sometimes gave concubine Hui The empress handed over the sign to say hello."

"You?!" Min Hui's eyes widened suddenly, "So you were guarding against me from the beginning to the end?!"

Yinyou looked at Guanyin who was saving all sentient beings, and sighed, "If you were more sensible, how could you be like that?"

"Don't talk so high-soundingly, everyone says that the seventh elder brother is upright and straightforward, and he is friendly with the elder brother but does not form a party." Min Hui stood up, "But they don't know that this upright seventh elder brother is the prince and the fourth elder brother. Brother's people."

Yinyou didn't want to argue with Minhui. Although he was not from the fourth elder brother, he was indeed on guard against the Nala family. But who knew what Concubine Hui did when Kangxi pointed out the marriage?

Minhui approached the person standing in front of the Avalokitesvara step by step, and said softly: "You are afraid that the elder brother will plot against you, but the fourth elder brother of the crown prince is also plotting against you, a crippled elder brother, you are so pitiful, so pitiful. "

Yinyou turned around and looked at Minhui, who was three steps away from him, there was no anger in his eyes, Minhui's provocation had no effect on him at all: "Minhui, don't you understand, from the day you married me , your life is tied to my body, from beginning to end, it was you who went wrong."

"I was wrong?" Minhui looked at Yinyou in a daze, the silver hairpin in her hand fell to the ground, her whole body seemed to have lost her soul, she stared at the tall and tall person in front of her, "It was me...wrong .”

Yinyou looked at the silver hairpin that fell on the ground, and never thought that this woman would be so stupid. If she was injured here, her mother's family would really be over.

Min Hui cried very sadly, the cry was like a lost traveler who exhausted his last strength, only to find that it was like a cliff when he walked to the end, and there was no future.

Yinyou looked at her silently, then turned around and went out the door, a snowflake floated on his face, he raised his head to look at the sky, it started to snow?

A few days later, Minhui was wearing fox fur, holding a heater in her hand, standing in the yard, listening to the faint sound of blowing and beating coming in from outside, and she didn't realize it when the snowflakes dyed her hair white.

"Fu Jin, it's snowing heavily, please go back to the house." The old mother walked to her side and said in a flat voice: "Please take care of yourself."

Minhui turned her head to look at this nanny, and said with a light smile: "Sooner or later, you will die, what difference does it make if you take care of yourself or not?"

The old mammy stopped talking, moved her brows, but stopped talking, and stood under the eaves to look at her.

"Is there someone getting married outside?" She asked with a smile.

"Go back to Fujin, this old slave doesn't know."

"I heard that Master is going to marry Chuan Fujin today, or Lord March's daughter?"

"Go back to Fujin, this old slave doesn't know."

"That's right, you stay with me in this garden too." She raised the corner of her mouth and smiled: "You won't know."

The sound of joy slowly approached, she listened in a daze, and then heard the sound of joy slowly disappear, her black hair had been covered with snow and turned white.

At this moment, she was clearly smiling, but in the end she shed tears.

She regretted it.

The author has something to say: This is enough to abuse Qi Fujin~ It’s not easy for women in ancient times, rub your face~

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