MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 52 eccentric

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It is a blessing for a man to marry a beautiful family member like a flower. Although Yinyou only married side Fujin, the whole court still gave him face. Everyone who had nothing to do came to participate in the event. I also came to join in the fun, and gave the same generous gift as last time. After all, the Long Live Lord said that he brought the Fucha family into the seventh elder brother's mansion with the honor of the Fujin, and they also followed the rules of the Fujin to deliver.

The people of Nala's family were also calm, and this time they still sent people from the clan to give gifts, and sat down at the guest table with a smile, without any signs of depression from being slapped in the face.

Some smart people guessed the truth about Gege's accident in Seventh Prince's house, and they knew that Nala's family might have knocked out their teeth and swallowed their blood this time, and it was lucky that Long Live God didn't clean them up.

The elder brother who was sitting with all the brothers had a bad expression on his face. After all, the Nala family is the power of his mother's family. Huang Ama must have known about what happened last time, which is not good for him.

The bridegroom had already entered the bridal chamber, and the remaining brothers were still laughing and making noise and did not leave. The prince was even more merciless, talking about the elder brother so furiously, but he could only endure it forcefully.

After the banquet was over, the brothers went back to their homes. Yinzhen went out of the gate and looked back at the red lanterns hanging on Yinyou's mansion with a gloomy expression. He looked up the street, the snow on the ground had been trampled to a filthy and disgusting place. The other brothers had already got into the sedan chair with a smile, and went back to the mansion, leaving him standing here alone, feeling cold for no reason.

"Fourth Master, it's a good thing you didn't leave, otherwise the slaves would come to your house to bother you." At this moment, Fuduo came out of the house, his slightly fat body wearing thick clothes looked even more bloated , he ran to Yinzhen, saw a gift and said: "Fourth master, the master ordered the slave yesterday to remember to give this to you. There are too many masters today, and the slave will not have time in a while. Please forgive me, fourth master." After finishing speaking, he presented an exquisite small box with two hibiscus flowers carved on the same branch, inlaid with broken jade, very beautiful.

Yinzhen took it, opened it, and saw that it was a piece of warm jade, and there were beautiful reliefs on the milky white jade. Looking carefully, it turned out that two children were teasing a puppy. Yinzhen's heart warmed slightly, and he asked, "Where did your master go to find this?"

"The master found this in a jade shop in the east of the city two days ago. At that time, he was spotted by a young master of Tong's family. The master did not want to reveal his identity, so it took a lot of effort to get it." Fuduo saw four The master looked calm, so he smiled and said, "Master said, looking at the two little boys above, he felt like the master and the fourth master when you were young, so I was thinking about sending it to you, the fourth master."

Holding the jade in the palm of his hand, Yin Zhen's stiff mouth gradually showed an indistinct smile, "Your master has a heart." Then, he closed the flower tracing box, "It's cold, you are so good at serving the master, lord You should go home too."

"Respectfully send off the fourth master," Fuduo smiled and watched the fourth master go away, but he was a little puzzled, why did he give it to the fourth master because his master liked that piece of jade so much? Could it be that he felt that eating and drinking at Si Ye's house on weekdays was a little too much, and now he started to make up for it?

Tightening the clothes on his body, Fudor shook his head, he didn't understand what the master was thinking.

Early the next morning, Yinyou woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw red eyes. He sat up, and the people around him also got up, "Master, are you awake?"

"It's still early, you can go to bed later," Yinyou rolled over and got out of bed. The people waiting outside the door came in to help him change and wash. Suddenly, a white hand hung the jade pendant around his waist for him. There was a hint of shyness, but he didn't stop.

When Fucha noticed that Yinyou was looking at her, he smiled.

Seeing the smile on Mrs. Fucha's face, Yinyou said, "Go and dress up. Let the servants do these small things. In the future, you will have to work **** the affairs of the house. I'm afraid you will have to take care of them."

"My master," Fucha said with a smile, "serving my master is what I should do. It's just a housekeeper's job... I'm afraid it's not suitable for me, not to mention that I have never been in charge of the house before, so I'm afraid that I'm going to add trouble to my master." trouble."

"It's okay, there are not many people in the mansion now, just learn slowly," Yinyou spread his hands, and an **** buttoned his front button, "You are the only mistress in the mansion now, who cares if you don't care? "

Mrs. Fucha thought of Mrs. Nala from before, and swallowed her words. Remembering what her mother-in-law said before she got married, she lowered her head and blessed Fushen: "I will study hard, but if I encounter trouble , and bother Lord Lao to save this concubine from the siege."

"You and I are husband and wife, why bother?" Yinyou said this sentence in a steady voice, somehow, but his heart was indescribably calm, as if this woman was his wife and it was his responsibility, but nothing else But it's gone, the throbbing of falling in love in the previous life, and the impulsiveness of youth.

Turning his head to look at this soft-featured woman, this is probably the only way he treats women in this life.

One month later, Seventh Fujin Nala died of a serious illness. Not long after the grand burial, Kangxi decreed that the seventh elder brother's side Fujin, Fucha, should be promoted as the first Fujin. Afterwards, the concubine Cheng who was in the deep palace rewarded the Fucha family with many things, and she liked this daughter-in-law very much in words and deeds. The Fucha family is a virtuous person, and they manage the seventh elder brother's mansion in an orderly manner. Every few days, they hand out signs to Concubine Cheng to say hello. Even Kangxi once joked to Ma Qi that Ma Qi raised a good daughter.

"Jinsu, I saw a jade comb today. It's in good condition. You can take it." Yinyou gave Fucha a green jade comb. Kam Su.

Jin Su took it and thanked her with a smile: "I thought my son would have dinner at Si Ye's house today, but I never thought that I would come back." After speaking, she asked the maid behind her to put away the comb.

"My lord is saving money for the family, what's wrong with that?" Yinyou took the tea handed by the maid beside Jinsu, and took a sip with a smile, "It's a big deal next time, I'll take you to the fourth brother's house together."

"Forget it, I don't dare to go around like my master," Jin Su smiled and got up, and asked the maid beside her to prepare meals. For more than a month, she was worried that this seventh elder brother had a bad temper and was difficult to get along with, but who knew This is such a gentle person. After the two met, although there was no such thrilling love in the drama scripts, it was good like this.

Er Niang once said that the most important thing for a woman is power, and love is a sharp knife, let alone a royal man. She is now glad that she met a prince like Seventh Elder Brother, the two of them are like friends, like relatives, supporting each other, even if it's just like this, I'm afraid many women would not be able to get it.

While the two were talking, an **** said outside the door: "Master, the Yongjun palace sent someone to say that a new cook from Yangzhou has arrived in their mansion. Please go and taste it together at noon today."

When Yinyou heard this, he couldn't sit still, stood up and said to Jinsu: "Fu Jin, master, I'm going to the fourth brother's house to try something new, if the Yangzhou cuisine made by this cook is delicious, I will borrow this cook for two God uses it, I want you to try it too."

Jin Su got up and straightened his robe, said with a smile, "Go quickly, the dishes cooked by our chef are very suitable to my liking, so don't worry about it."

"That's fine, but if you have anything you like, just tell the people in the house to do it, don't feel wronged, just do it yourself," Yinyou turned around and left the room after speaking. He had only talked about Yangzhou with Thirteen a few days ago I didn't expect such a cook to come to the fourth brother's house today, if he didn't go, I would be too sorry for myself.

"Fu Jin, master is leaving again?" Qiu He, who was serving beside Jin Su, returned to the house, only saw his own Fujin, and guessed that he must have gone to the fourth elder brother's house again.

Jin Su smiled and asked someone to bring the meal, and nodded Qiu He's forehead: "He spends nearly half of January eating at the Prince's Mansion in Yongjun, so leave him alone, we will eat by ourselves."

Qiu He burst out laughing, and also helped out to arrange meals.

After everyone in the room had retreated, Jin Su glanced at the cup of tea that she had only taken a sip of. It didn't matter much to her that her grandfather had a good relationship with the fourth elder brother. Ma praised the eighth elder brother, and felt a little uneasy. After thinking about it carefully, it would be better to tell Grandpa about going back to her mother's house that day, and tell Ahma not to get involved in the affairs between elder brothers.

"Master, Seventh Elder Brother is here," Xiao Luzi said with a smile, and saw a person walking in outside the door.

As the **** untied his cloak, the man said: "It's a blessing to be next to the fourth brother in the house. I can use two more bowls of rice today." This man is the seventh elder brother Yinyou.

Food in the south is served with white rice, and Thirteen, who also came to Ceng Meal, laughed and said: "Seventh brother is next to fourth brother, and I don't know how much food I have eaten. I will divide the house in the future, and I will come with you, Seventh brother. "

Hearing this, Yinyou suddenly remembered that Shisan seemed to have been banned by Kangxi. As for when, he can't remember clearly. After all, he has been here for almost eighteen years, and he almost forgot what XX Dynasty he saw. .

Thinking of this, Yinyou walked to Shisan and sat down, stretched out his hand and twisted Shisan's pretty face: "You kid, how dare you laugh at your seventh brother."

"Fourth brother, you still don't care about seventh brother," Thirteen struggled to ask for help from Yinzhen who was drinking tea, but unfortunately he only got a light look from the other party, and he couldn't help humming: "Fourth brother, don't favor seventh brother what."

"Who is partial to whom?" Yinyou still pulled Yinxiang's face, and smiled: "Fourth brother won't help you, you can ask for blessings."

Yinzhen put down the teacup slowly, "It's time to eat, do you wash your hands?"

The big one and the young one stopped making trouble immediately, after Yin Xiang washed his hands, he touched his red cheeks, and said, "Fourth Brother, you are partial to Seventh Brother."

While wiping his hands, Yinyou said as a matter of course: "If you don't favor me, do you still favor you?" He and Yinzhen grew up together, and their friendship is naturally not shallow.

When Yinzhen heard this sentence, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Read The Duke's Passion