MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 61 Determine your position

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In the thirty-ninth year of Kangxi, the spring was just right, Kangxi decided to make a southern tour, and Yinyou was not in the list of entourage. To Yinyou, there is nothing wrong with this. This accompanying driver is not a tourist, and there are many messy things in it. If he can not ask for trouble, he will not make life difficult for himself. 【①】To his surprise, there was no Yinzhen in the list of escorts this time, but the prince who stayed in the past to supervise the country was among the candidates for the escort. The eldest, the second, the third, the eighth, the ninth, the tenth, the twelveth, the thirteenth, and the fourteenth are all among the entourage.

In this way, only Yinzhen, Yinqi, and Yinyou remained among the adult princes. Yinqi didn't care about things, Yinyou devoted himself to the Ministry of Industry, and before Kangxi left, he said in front of all the ministers that he wanted the fourth elder brother to do things well, all the officials in the capital all looked at Yinzhen's eyes and did things. .

Yinzhen seemed to be ignorant of the minds of the ministers, but just immersed himself in doing things, discussing small matters with everyone, and bringing them to Kangxi on major matters. The loss of speed also avoided the suspicion of the emperor.

Yinyou knew that Kangxi and Qianlong, among the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, both liked to tour the south. As for which ones went and what happened, they were not clear. It also caused Thirteen to be imprisoned. So before Shisan's trip this time, Yinyou hinted that Shisan should stay in his tent if he had nothing to do, and not to provoke the prince, since he was really bored, so he went to play with Twelve and Fourteen.

After all, the feelings of the children he watched grow up are different from those of other princes. Yinyou doesn't know if Shisan will take his words to heart, but this is the only thing he can do. Although Kangxi is considered a wise gentleman, he is also a human being. When something happens that he doesn't want to happen, it would not be too strange to vent his anger.

At the end of last year, after Yinyou and Yinzhen pierced the window paper, it was not much different from the past. Yinzhen was still thinking about his own affairs, while Yinyou stayed in the Ministry of Industry, but the two of them had more. A tacit understanding that is difficult for others to detect. The uneasiness in Yinzhen's heart was also put back to the bottom of his heart. Occasionally, when there is no one around, she pulls her little hands, kisses her little cheeks, and also checks Yinyou's mood.

The only thing that made Yinzhen unhappy was that at the end of last year, Qifu Jin became pregnant, and the concubine Cheng gave Yinyou another two checks. Thinking of the side Fujin and Gege in his own house, even if Yinzhen was unhappy, he could only stuff the words in his stomach.

"Seventh elder brother, this steam is indeed very effective, but it is still difficult to use it. A while ago, Weichen thought about using this thing on the carriage. The speed may be faster, but there are too many pedestrians on the road, and if you are not careful Hitting someone, so what should I do?" A haggard man put a complicated drawing in front of Yinyou, the drawing was drawn with a brush, and Yinyou's brain ached after seeing it.

He took a good look at it carefully. Although he was an engineering student in his previous life, it is a pity that the major he studied is far from this thing, and his work is even more incompatible with these things. He patted the official shoulder, "You are very thoughtful, that's right. But can we consider putting this kind of car on a specific road so that it doesn't run out?"

Hope that there will be a steam car with the characteristics of the Qing Dynasty. Yinyou looked at the official's eyes shining. Sure enough, there are still many people in Huaxia, but it's a pity that Kangxi may not agree to build this kind of road.

He didn't know some small things about the Qing Dynasty, but the characteristics of the emperors of each generation were summarized in textbooks and some elective books. Although Kangxi was able to accept Western science among several emperors in the Qing Dynasty, he only accepted it himself and did not approve of others learning too much. The emperors of the Qing Dynasty were all inclined to the policy of ignoring the people, instead of letting a hundred flowers bloom like the Tang Dynasty.

Perhaps Kangxi is more acceptable to what we created ourselves? People have a strange idea that good things created by themselves are good, and good things made by other people are threats. Yinyou buried his head in his thoughts and didn't see the excited expression on the official's face who was patted by him on the shoulder.

The status of a craftsman is not high, and this official is just a small official from the seventh rank. It is such a great honor and trust to be looked at by the seventh elder brother with expectant eyes. This official is full of fighting spirit. With the blueprint in his hand, he must have carefully figured out what Brother Seven is looking forward to!

Minister of the Ministry of Industry looked at the Ministry of Industry in full swing, with a look of relief. In the past year, the emperor has praised the Ministry of Industry many times in court. They don’t have to worry about running out of money when they produce new things. It's also exciting, fortunately, there is Seventh Brother.

Thinking of the unexpectedly good results of the spinning wheel, water wheel and plow that he tried at the end of last year, he couldn't help laughing out loud in the middle of the night.

Since the steam engine was still in the conceived stage, Yinyou was not too busy, so he would go back home for dinner when the time came. Fujin was three months pregnant, and he was both happy and relieved. The mansion sent a woman.

Now that he has established a relationship with Yinzhen, if he puts more women in the mansion, he will be sorry to both Yinzhen and those women. What's more, he remembered that Kangxi's sons had few wives in history, such as the eighth and the thirteenth.

After leaving the Ministry of Industry, Yinyou thought carefully about the three women in the family. Jinsu took care of the family very well, and now Ma Qi is not a gangster, so he doesn't have to be on guard against Jinsu. Although Fucha's and Barda's mother's family is humble, they are also members of the Eight Banners, and Fucha is a common surname in the Eight Banners. In a few days, it will be complete if the Fucha family is simply promoted as a side Fujin.

As long as Concubine Cheng doesn't send women to him, Kangxi has many young sons, and he may not remember to give himself a woman. As for the other ministers, they probably won't send women to him, an unprominent prince, as a concubine .

At noon, he accompanied Jinsu to have a meal, without the service of Barda and Fucha. After the meal, Yinyou took the newly acquired scented tea and walked to the palace.

Concubine Cheng was watering a pot of flowers. When she saw Yinyou coming in, she put down the water bottle in her hand, and the maid next to her handed her a pair of scissors. ?”

"My son greets Er Niang," Yinyou grinned and rubbed against Concubine Cheng, carefully took the scissors in Concubine Cheng's hand, and repaired them for her, "My son got some scented tea, and I heard that the woman drank it to nourish her beauty, so I gave it to Concubine Er If you send some over, it's possible that Erniang doesn't welcome me."

Concubine Cheng didn't feel distressed when she saw that Yinyou had made a mess of the flowers and branches, she pulled his collar up, "It's still cold in early spring, why do you wear these when you go out?"

"Emiang, I'm already wearing thick clothes." Yinyou put down the scissors, pulled Concubine Cheng to sit aside, talked about the affairs of the house, and said Jin Su's physical condition to reassure Concubine Cheng.

"Jin Su is the first child, you have to tell the people in the house to be careful, don't run into each other," Concubine Cheng sighed, "Although I have arranged two concubines for you, you can't hurt Jin Su." Su Xin, I like this child, if you do something bad, I will definitely punish you."

"Emiang, don't worry, my son is not that kind of person," Yinyou is not a person of lust, and now that he has a friendship with Yinzhen, these things are even worse. The two concubines were sent to the mansion, not only to hinder the face of the concubine Cheng, but also to prevent outsiders from thinking that Jin Su was not a good person, so Yinyou rested in their yard for two days, and rested in his own room the rest of the time. yard.

"Emiang, I'm a little hungry, it would be nice to have someone make me some snacks," Yinyou said with a smile.

It's just after noon, so I won't be hungry anymore. Thinking that Yinyou had something to say to herself, Concubine Cheng asked the people in the room to make pastries, and these slaves were winking, and retreated obediently .

"Emiang, my son is not a womanizer. If there are too many women in the mansion, it will be a headache. And now the son is in an embarrassing situation. There are too many concubines in the mansion. If someone wants to take advantage of it, it will be a trouble." After Yinyou said these words Seeing the displeasure on Cheng Fei's face, she felt relieved.

Concubine Cheng nodded, "Emiang also knows that it's not easy for you, I understand." Her mother's family is not very prominent, and she only gave birth to a child, Yinyou, who was not favored by the emperor, so she could only stay with one concubine on the seat. Now she is in the concubine position, more than half of the reason is that this child earned it for herself.

She didn't give him a healthy body, and let him grow up under the neglect of the emperor and the cold eyes of other brothers. When she heard that he was being bullied by the elder brother, she cut off a nail in hatred. Concubine Hui is not afraid of having a relative named Nalan Rongruo. The women in the harem won't win until the last laugh. She remembers all the accounts of the elder brother bullying Yinyou, and she will not let her only son be bullied in vain.

After instructing Yinyou to be careful, Concubine Cheng suddenly said: "The fourth elder brother sent me a lot of new gadgets, please thank him on behalf of my mother, you have been taking care of you since you were a child, now When you grow up, you also help your fourth brother on weekdays, don't just know how to eat and drink your fourth brother all day long."

Yinyou was secretly startled, did Concubine Cheng express her position? In addition to guilt and closeness to this woman, he also has a little more admiration. For a woman in the harem, it is very important to stand on the right side. She is unknown in the harem, but she is in a high position. What kind of means is this?

"Son, I know, fourth brother has always treated me very well, you don't have to worry, Er Niang," Yinyou replied with a smile.

Concubine Cheng nodded, and stopped talking about the matter, until the slaves below brought pastries, Yinyou tasted half of them, then got up and knelt down.

Not far from Xianfu Palace, they met Yinzhen who came out of Yonghe Palace. The two brothers smiled at each other and walked side by side.

After leaving the palace, the two got into a sedan chair, and Yinyou smiled and said, "Fourth brother, Er Niang just told me not to think about eating and drinking your food all day long, and let me help you when I have time." Do things. When Erniang asks later, you must remember to say that I have helped you. "

"Cheng Erniang knows your nature." Yinzhen's eyes changed slightly, he stretched out his hand to hook Yinyou's index finger, and said with a wry smile, "The water is too muddy, why should Seventh Brother go down and get dirty, even if I get stuck in the mud, At least you're still clean."

"These are the meanings of Er Niang, and they must also be the meaning of my mother's family. Fourth brother, you don't have to worry about it." Yinyou held his hand instead, and smiled indifferently: "If it's dirty, it's dirty. It's already standing in the dirt." When the water is near, where can it be clean?"

Yinzhen frowned slightly, and clasped Yinyou's fingertips tightly, but said nothing.

After the sedan chair stopped on the Yongjun Prince's Mansion, Yinyou suddenly said: "Fourth brother, I am a man, I know how to protect myself, you just need to walk in your own direction, I will always follow you behind."

Yinzhen looked at Yinyou in a daze, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know what will happen to you if I lose?"

"I know," Yinyou chuckled, reached out to pick up the jade pendant on Yinzhen's waist, and put it together with his own. The two jade pendants actually formed a circle without any flaws, "My mother's family chose you. It's their business, I chose you, it's my business, we just happened to choose the same person."

There are mixed feelings in Yinzhen's heart, and he is more determined to that goal. From this moment on, he cannot lose this gamble, nor can he afford to lose.

The two got off the sedan chair, and as soon as they entered the mansion, they saw Xiao Luzi hurrying over, with obvious panic on his face.

"Master, Lord Qi, the crown prince and brother Jiu were sent back to Beijing, and the crown prince was locked up in Changchun Palace, no one is allowed to visit!"