MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 62 doomed

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It was enough to surprise Yinyou that the crown prince was sent back, and brother Jiu was also sent back, which made Yinyou wonder what was going on.

When he and Yinzhen returned to the study, the person who came to deliver the letter was already waiting in the study, and after seeing the two of them meeting, they told the news in detail.

It turned out that during the southern tour, the prince had an arrogant attitude towards the accompanying officials. When he arrived in Hangzhou, he galloped a horse on the street and injured a Han woman. Kangxi was so angry that he told him not to go out of the palace. When the prince got angry, he turned his face to Kangxi.

That night, the prince stayed in his yard and saw Lao Jiu passing by outside his yard, so he asked him to bring him wine. As soon as the wine was delivered, something went wrong. When Kangxi went to the prince's courtyard the next day, he saw the prince hugging a young **** in a mess, and his face immediately changed with anger.

Since that day, the prince has been imprisoned, but what made Kangxi explode was that the prince sneaked out of his yard to inquire about his residence. After Kangxi found out about this, he reprimanded the prince , Send the prince back to the capital overnight. But Kangxi was suspicious, Prince Jiu was involved in these incidents, and immediately hated Brother Jiu for plotting against his elder brother, and even reprimanded Brother Jiu, telling him to go back to the capital together with the prince.

After hearing what happened, Yinyou had only two thoughts, one was that the crown prince was confused enough, and the other was that the boss's methods were dirty enough.

In recent years, the prince's behavior has become more and more ridiculous. There are more or less reasons why the brothers around him are getting better and better. One person is under too much pressure, some suffer from anxiety, and some want to commit suicide.

No matter what role Lao Jiu played in it, Kangxi's dislike of him was inevitable. Although Kangxi was disappointed with the prince, after all, this son was raised by himself, whether it was bad or good, he could not tolerate other people's schemes. So Kangxi was disappointed with the prince, but also angry with Brother Jiu.

The boss is now with Bajiu, but the tenth is far away from the ninth. Although he is still the fool, he seldom gets involved in the affairs of the eighth.

"What's going on with the boss?" After hearing the whole incident, Yinzhen had a slight fluctuation on his face, and quickly covered it up.

"Eldest elder brother exposed the crown prince's corruption and bribery to the emperor and his daily tyrannical behavior, but he was reprimanded by the emperor. Now the eldest elder brother has heard that the elder Zhang Mingde once said that the eighth elder brother will be rich in the future." The visitor thought for a while. , and said again: "Brother Ba has a good manner along the way, and when he meets poor people, he helps them. Many people in the south of the Yangtze River praise him for his kindness, and even the accompanying officials praise him for his gentle character. A man of righteousness."

"What a kind-hearted eighth brother." Yinzhen flipped through the table on the things that happened to the brothers during the trip, and said to the visitor, "Go down." The old eighth has been in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the past two years, and he has never known corruption. How many things have been spent to win over the former officials, now that the prince loses power, he can't wait to climb up, even if he sacrifices an old nine, he doesn't feel sad.

Yinyou knew that Lao Yinhu made a mistake in this move. In history, Lao Ba had such a good reputation among officials, partly due to Lao Jiu's financial support. Now Lao Jiu is regarded as a **** who cannot turn back. What can I compare with Yinzhen in the future? Or did they really think that Yinzhen was just blindly following the prince?

Seeing Yinyou remained silent, Yinzhen turned to look at him, "Seventh brother, what do you think about this?"

"I don't have any opinion," Yinyou raised his eyebrows, looking at a floor-standing enamel-wrapped and silk-colored porcelain vase next to him, "We are in the capital, and we don't know anything, so what can we think about it?"

Yinzhen was startled when he heard the words, and then said: "What the seventh brother said is very true. By the way, I went to a teahouse a while ago, and there was a storyteller in it, which was a bit interesting. Why don't I ask someone to bring him to the house to influence you?" I also like to listen to little stories."

"Storyteller?" Yinyou was stunned for a moment, still a little curious about this kind of occupation of spreading culture in ancient times, after thinking about it, he said: "Why don't we go and have a look together now, please come to the mansion, it's not interesting."

Yinzhen has gradually discovered that he, the seventh younger brother, has some habits of being close to the common people in his bones, for example, he likes folk gadgets, and he likes to tinker with some things that the common people need most in the Ministry of Industry, which made him re-acquainted On the other hand, the seventh younger brother, Yinzhen even believes that if there is an emperor who trusts Yinyou 100%, Yinyou can even achieve better results than now.

It's just that the current situation does not allow the seventh brother to do too much, the seventh brother understands, and he also knows it in his heart.

The two brothers changed their clothes, took a few guards with them, and went out together. It is very quiet outside the palace of Prince Yongjun, and there is no one who is not blind to set up a small stall at the gate of Prince Yong's Palace, which is equivalent to no one dares to sell kebabs at the gate of the government. Passerby A, or some characters pretending to be small traders with ulterior motives, Yinyou can only say that the TV series is indeed purely fictional.

When I arrived at the teahouse, I realized that it was just a very ordinary teahouse. The tables were neatly arranged downstairs, and most of the tables were filled with people. So he had no choice but to sit down with him.

The accompanying guards were also familiar with Yinyou, and had some understanding of this man's style of work. Seeing that his master had followed suit, several of them also sat at the table next to them. They seemed to be drinking tea leisurely, but in fact they were all focused on Yinyou. On two people.

"It's too noisy here," Yinzhen looked around, and there were many ordinary people he didn't know sitting beside him, which made him frown.

Yinyou automatically poured a cup of tea for Yinzhen, and said with a smile: "What's the point of sitting in the upstairs room, isn't it closer to life if you sit here and listen?"

After hearing the words, Yinzhen stopped rebutting, and observed the people around him carefully. Yinzhen picked up the teacup and took a sip. The taste of the tea was not good, and he was not picky, but turned his head to look at the person who was lecturing on the stage. old man.

After listening to storytelling for a while, some people came to perform ventriloquist, which was really as wonderful as mentioned in the previous life text. He couldn't help but also asked a guard around him to take the reward silver to go to this folk artist. These things are all gone in later generations, at least He didn't see it. Some little singers are complacent if they can imitate a certain animal, and use it to make a big fuss. Compared with these real artists, it is really far away.

An overly inflated economy always makes people's spiritual world extremely deficient and distorted. Yinyou suddenly thought of the things he wanted to get. If he really got them out, would the things that happened after the first industrial revolution in Britain appear in the Qing Dynasty?

Sure enough, it's not okay to take it for granted. Yinyou hadn't finished sighing yet, when he heard a voice from beside him, "Pindao has seen two noblemen."

poor way?

Yinyou turned his head and saw Zhang Mingde, who was wearing a new Taoist robe, standing two steps away from him with a red face. Thinking about it carefully, now the boss and the eighth are using his mouth to create momentum, but the fate of this one can be described as very miserable. Now he is jumping around, and he will be killed by Kangxi in a short time.

It's better for this person to stay away from him, Yinyou turned his head and thought to himself.

Yinzhen looked at the Taoist priest in front of him coldly, and didn't give him a good face. He said a few words indifferently and wanted to send him away.

"Pindao looked at the star statue last night, so he knows that he can meet a noble person here today." Zhang Mingde didn't seem to mind Yinzhen's face, and said to himself, "Long time no see, Seventh Elder Brother, how are you doing these days?"

Yinyou picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, then said with a smile: "Of course it's not as good as Daoist Zhang, and today's eyes are not very good. I didn't see one or two stars in the sky last night. It's really a pity."

Zhang Mingde said with a smile: "Seventh brother is not a cultivator, it's normal that he didn't see it."

Yinyou put down his teacup and sighed, this deceitful person not only has a good heart, but also has a thick face, he is ashamed to say such words.

"Zhang Daoren is an expert, so he is naturally different from ordinary people like us," Yinyou saw that Zhang Mingde's words and deeds were full of complacency, and he must have benefited from the old eighth, so he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Retire if you have nothing to do," Yinzhen didn't even look at Zhang Mingde, his eyes fell on Mr. Pingshu on the platform.

Zhang Mingde hit a soft nail and then a cold nail. Although he was unhappy in his heart, he walked away obediently. After leaving the teahouse, he looked back and happened to see the complicated eyes of the rumored upright seventh elder brother. smile.

He felt that the smile seemed to be for himself, a little mocking and a little pity, but that look seemed to be looking at a terminally ill person, which made him unspeakably uneasy.

"It's just such a thing, the boss still regards his words as God's will?!" After Zhang Mingde left, Yin Zhen sneered in a low voice, and there was some irony in his words.

Yinyou smiled, "Maybe they just want such a sentence." Many rebels and overthrowers of the previous regime in Chinese history, didn't they all want to show that they were favored by heaven?

The old man's mistake was that his trick was to fight for the position of the crown prince, not to overthrow the regime.

Even if Kangxi had a good impression of him before, these remarks will only make Kangxi suspicious.

If a person wants to die, no one else can stop him. Yinyou caressed the rough tea bowl, and found that he had never thought about the innocent side of this eighth younger brother except when he was three years old.

This eighth brother who treats himself sometimes inexplicably and kindly but also inquisitive, thinks of his future ending, Yinyou has a little regret in his heart.

Seeing that Yinyou lowered his head and did not speak, Yinzhen knew that he didn't care much about listening to storytelling, so he said, "It's not very interesting here, let's go back."

"Well," Yinyou stood up and walked out. The sun shone on him after going out the door, bringing a hint of warmth. He squinted his eyes to look at the dazzling sun, and suddenly remembered in his mind that on the battlefield, when the boy saved himself Apart from worries on the surface, there was no half-calculation. That was another old eighth, rare, but also liked by Ren.

This Forty-Nine City is a strange circle, and everyone who enters it will only have calculations, conspiracy, victory and defeat.

"What are you looking at, it's a mess outside, be careful," Yinzhen pulled his wrist, just as a carriage ran past them.

"It's okay," Yinyou tilted his head to look at the frowning Yinzhen, shook his head and sighed.

Couldn't this person's complexion be better? No wonder the former officials said that the old man is friendly, Yinzhen, you have a face like ice, can you get friendly?

However, the palms are warm.

The author has something to say: In the last chapter, a child asked why it was not the Pearl, but Rong Ruo. Because my previous setting in this article was that Mingzhu was suppressed by Kangxi, so history turned a corner. As for Rong Ruo, although he has no real power, he is liked by Kangxi, and he is a mascot and image ambassador that proves that the Manchus are cultured. I suspect that the two of them have JQ child papers, so let’s face the wall~ hehe

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