MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 63 mutual benefit

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In October of the thirty-ninth year of Kangxi, Kangxi returned to the palace and summoned his ministers and all the adult princes to discuss state affairs in the Palace of Political Affairs.

When Yinyou went in with the crowd, Kangxi was sitting on the dragon chair with a pale face, as if he had aged many years in the past few months.

Everyone greeted, kneeling on the ground, the entire hall was deadly silent.

"Get up," Kangxi said in a low tone, with a little tiredness: "I asked you to come today to discuss some things. I... want to abolish the crown prince."

When everyone heard this, the body that had just stood up knelt down again with a thud. Yinyou knelt among several brothers, and he knew how uncomfortable the man on the dragon chair was without looking up. He believed that Kangxi really loved the son of the prince, otherwise he would not tolerate the prince for so long.

The prince kneeling on one side was already in tears, but he couldn't say anything to beg for mercy. Listening to the prince's suppressed cry, Yinyou suddenly thought, what is the prince crying for? He is about to lose his power, or is Huang Ama, who has always been protecting her, suddenly turning his face and being ruthless towards him?

Kangxi counted the crown prince's crimes one by one, and everyone was too angry to speak out. Yinyou suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the prince, he praised a person high and then fell down heavily, how many people can bear such a gap?

"From now on, the second elder brother Yinfeng will be imprisoned in Xian'an Palace, and he will not leave Xian'an Palace without summons."

After everyone knelt down, Yinyou retreated to the door and couldn't help but look up at the seated people, only to see Kangxi who just got up staggered and was supported by Li Dequan.

Yinzhen was very silent all the way, Yinyou understood his mood to some extent, it was a bit of a sense of desolation as if a rabbit died and a fox grieved and hurt others, Yinyou patted Yinzhen's shoulder, "Fourth brother, don't think too much. "

The touch on the shoulder made Yinzhen forcefully smile, and he nodded, "It's okay." He didn't expect the prince to be deposed like this, so what is Huang Ama's protection of the prince all these years?

Yinyou suddenly remembered that Yinzhen is only a twenty-three-year-old young man now, and it is normal to be a little sad when facing this kind of thing, and his performance seems to be a little too relaxed.

This day Yinyou stayed in the Ministry of Industry for a while, then ran to the Prince's Mansion early, and then drank tea with Yinzhen, talked about some interesting things, had lunch in the Prince's Mansion by the way, and took a lunch break at the Prince's Mansion in the afternoon Tea and snacks are so comfortable that Xiaoluzi even begins to suspect that elder brother Qi is not here to accompany his master but to enjoy.

That night Yinyou did not go back to his house, but rested in the room next to Yinzhen. Before he could fall asleep, someone entered the room. He didn't even need to open his eyes to know who was coming in.

The candles in the room had already been extinguished, Yinyou opened his eyes and looked at the black shadow beside the bed, and asked with a muffled smile: "Fourth brother, it's scary to stand by the bed at night." Being hugged into a cold embrace, he wrapped his back around Yinzhen's back, only to realize that the other person was not wearing a coat.

The weather in October has started to turn cold, Yinyou lifted the quilt, "fourth brother, cover yourself under the quilt, it's cold outside."

Yinzhen climbed onto the bed silently, then lay down beside Yinyou, with his arms around Yinyou's waist by the way. Just when Yinyou thought he couldn't speak, Yinzhen suddenly spoke.

"I have been unable to sleep. The second child is the most favored by Huang Ama, and now it has only fallen to this point."

Yinyou turned over and lay face to face with Yinzhen, put his arms around Yinzhen's waist, and comforted him: "Fourth brother, just because we are not the most beloved sons, we will not have a day like second brother."

The waist was very warm, and the coolness on Yinzhen's body receded little by little. He listened to the comforting words of his brother who was two years younger than himself, and hugged him in his arms, "I know."

As an old man, it is somewhat uncomfortable to be hugged in his arms. After twisting his body, Yinyou said slowly: "Some things always have to be experienced, because you get too much, don't go If you cherish it, you will only lose it later. The second brother has got too many things, but he doesn't know that these things are given by others. If he doesn't cherish them, others will take them back. This is a matter of course."

Because he didn't cherish it, he took it back. When Yinzhen heard this, his heart gradually calmed down. He buried his head in Yinyou's neck, "So I will cherish you well."

What is the relationship between the two? Yinyou felt that his brain was not enough. Then the lips are moist and soft, this is a very pure kiss. The touch on his lips was soft and comfortable, and he didn't feel any discomfort because the other party was of the same sex, but it made him feel full in his heart.

When responding to this kiss, Yinyou wasn't awkward. It's not shameful to have these touches between lovers, but when Yinzhen's hand was poking into his skirt, he held his wrist.

Yinzhen didn't insist either, he knew Yinyou's worries, and it was indeed not a good time, he hugged Yinyou's hand tightly, and then said: "I never thought that I would really hug you A day in my arms."

Yinyou just put his hands on Yinzhen's waist and didn't speak. Yinzhen is twenty-three years old this year. When Yinzhen was six years old, their fates were entangled. He didn't know when Yinzhen fell in love with her. His, but it is undeniable that during these years, Yinzhen's feelings for him were pure.

Somewhere under the body touched each other, very good, we both felt each other, hearing Yinzhen's slightly heavier breathing, Yinyou asked with a soft smile, "Do you need my help?"

Yinzhen's heart skipped a beat, but his hand was the first to grab Yinyou's.

After the two helped each other, a thin layer of sweat broke out on this cool night. Yinzhen got up and took a handkerchief from the clothes hanger next to him, wiped their hands for the two of them, then turned on the bed and hugged Yinyou, feeling sleepy soon. As for the loss and uneasiness before, it has long since disappeared.

No matter how unfortunate, as long as the person in my arms is by my side, that is already the luckiest thing.

It was late at night, and the people around him were already asleep. Yinyou opened his eyes, sighed softly, and reached out to touch Yinzhen's soft earlobe. It's not easy to be Kangxi's son. No wonder people like Yinzhen also show Negative emotions come. The hands around his waist were a little tight, and Yinyou felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't bear to push them away, adjusted his posture a little, and he gradually fell asleep.

Waking up early was the most painful thing for Yinyou, but under the eyes of Emperor Kangxi, absenteeism was worse than in his previous life. While he was yawning, the **** next to him helped him change his clothes. It is very easy for a person to become corrupt. If he had someone to dress him in his previous life, he would definitely feel uncomfortable all over his body. Now I have adapted well, and there is no sense of rejection at all.

Therefore, it is understandable that the superiors want to maintain their superior status. It would be difficult for anyone to put himself in this position and say that he doesn't care about wealth and luxury at all.

It was still dark when he went to court, Yinyou glanced at the decadent-looking man on the dragon chair, and stood aside obediently.

After the matter was almost finished, when Yinyou was ready to kneel and retreat, the elder brother suddenly came out and said: "Huang Ama, the second brother is arrogant and domineering, with ulterior motives, and he was disrespectful to Huang Ama during the time of accompanying him. My son thinks that the second younger brother should be punished for his actions."

After hearing this, Yinyou's mind was rumbling. Is the boss trying to add fuel to the fire? Did he think that Kangxi would make him the crown prince when the second child died? This kind of thinking is too scary and too stupid.

"Oh?" Kangxi's voice was very low, with a feeling of depression, as if something was about to explode, "The third, the fourth, the fifth, the seventh, the eighth, the ninth, the tenth, what do you think?"

This question involved all the adult princes who went to court.

The third brother knelt on the ground, not daring to lift his head, "I dare not, the second brother's actions are determined by the laws of the Qing Dynasty." This means that he has no opinion, no opinion.

"Where's the fourth child?" Kangxi looked away blankly, not the third child.

"Please Huang Ama calm down, the second brother was confused for a while, so I ask Huang Ama to forgive me." Yinzhen knelt down with a wooden face, "Even though the second brother's behavior is wrong, but the crime is not deadly, please come to the emperor's judgment." .”

Kangxi's expression relaxed a bit, and then he turned his attention to the other sons.

"Second minister," Lao Wu knelt down.

"My sons and ministers seconded the proposal." At this time, Yinyou is definitely taking the usual path, following Yinzhen to eat meat.

Seeing this, the eighth elder brother said: "The elder brother is right, and the fourth brother is not wrong, and the son is terrified." There is a difference between being reasonable and not being wrong.

Old Ten looked at Mynah, then at Seventh Brother who was kneeling on the side, hesitated for a moment and then said: "I think Fourth Brother is right."

"Hmph, boss, look at your brothers, and look at yourself, you need to know what filial piety is!" Kangxi was very disappointed with the elder brother's move. A person who wants his brother to die, even if he is capable , nor can this position be done.

"I don't want to hear these words again in the future, Yinyi, remember them for me!" Kangxi's words were not serious, but his tone was different from usual, with an indescribable chill.

Yinyou knew that the elder brother had ruined his future career this time, but the old ten was on Yinzhen's side, which surprised him a little.

It seems that after the death of Concubine Wen Xi a few years ago, Yinrong and I have become more silent. He still remembers that winter when he met Yinrong who was secretly crying. It is still a bit reckless to do things, but it will not be foolish.


With this shout, Yinyou saw the pale face of the elder brother.