MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 75 foregone conclusion

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"I send my respects to Huang Ama, long live Huang Ama, long live, long live, long live." When Yinzhen entered the room, he couldn't see Kangxi's face clearly because of the cover of the gauze, so he knelt down in the center of the room, and the corner of the room Incense still burned in the censer, the smell of ambergris.

The person on the bed didn't move. He raised his head and could only see a vague figure sitting on the bed. He only glanced at it before lowering his head.

After a long while, there was a coughing sound from the tent, and then rustling sounds.


"Back off." Although the voice was a little weak, it was still difficult to conceal the inner momentum, "fourth brother, how old are you this year?"

"Returning to Emperor Ama, my son is twenty-nine years old this year." Yinzhen replied calmly.

"You're still younger," Kangxi sighed, "but I took the throne at the age of eight, and so many years have passed in a blink of an eye. If you were in this position, would you make the Qing Dynasty prosperous and flourish?"

Yinzhen's heart skipped a beat, and after a little thought, he put his forehead on the ground and replied seriously, "Hui Huang Ama, son, yes!"

There was another silence in the tent.

"I know that you are different from the other children. They compete, but they are not good at fighting. You seem to be indisputable, but you are the one who is the best at it. I know all of this!"

Yinzhen was terrified when he heard that, but there was still no joy or anger on his face, "I am terrified."

"You are still more capable than the other traitors," Kangxi sighed, "I always thought I could master everything, but I made mistakes again and again on the crown prince, making you brothers fight back and forth and turn each other into enemies." It is very unlucky for the emperor to say such words. The more Yinzhen heard it, the more frightened he became. He recalled that when he came in, he met his seventh younger brother. His face was pale, and there seemed to be something in his sleeve robe. There were always signs of it. , making him very uneasy.

"Although I wish these rebellious sons, father and son will be together after all. In the future, you...cough cough, let them pass the lower body safely, but if someone affects Jiangshan Sheji, then you don't have to be soft-hearted."

"Huang Ama, you are in good health now, please don't say such things," Yinzhen was shocked and sad in his heart, but also had the joy of being favored by Huang Ama. The inside is a mess, but a certain belief is getting stronger and stronger.

"You don't need to say these words, I know what you want, and I can do it well...cough cough"

"Your Majesty!" Li Dequan's voice was a little panicked.

"Back off!" Kangxi's voice became weaker again, but his momentum was exceptionally shocking, "But as an emperor, you can't rely too much on someone emotionally, can you do it?"

Yinzhen raised his head sharply, looking at the blurred figure in the tent, his dark pupils were surging, "Huang Ama, I don't understand."

"I don't understand, what's the matter with you and Yinyou?" A medicine bowl was smashed heavily in the tent, and the atmosphere in the room condensed again.

"If I grant Yinyou death, maybe you can be the most suitable emperor..."

"Huang Ama!" The usually flat tone became a little flustered at this time, "My son and the seventh brother are only close because we have been close since childhood, so the relationship is a little closer. Please Huang Ama be careful. And the seventh brother is smart. , Knowing how to advance and retreat, in the future he will only be the helper of his ministers, the hero of the Qing Dynasty, he will not do anything against the Qing Dynasty. Please Huang Ama think twice!"

"A little more intimate?" Kangxi coughed twice, "Li Dequan, open the curtain!"


After the curtain was opened, Kangxi sat on the bed with a sick face, and there was a broken medicine bowl not far away. He stared at Yinzhen and said, "I want you to tell me that you and Yinyou are really just getting closer. ?”

Yinzhen raised his head slowly, only to see Kangxi's sharp eyes, which seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. His expression remained unchanged, and he said firmly: "Yes, Huang Ama, Yinyou is the most important younger brother of this minister."

"What if I want you to choose between the throne and him?" Kangxi looked at him sullenly, "Fourth, you only have one chance. If you don't want to get that position, just kneel down."

As if it had been a long time, and it seemed that it was just a few breaths, Yinzhen looked at the flickering candles in the room, his ten-year plan, endured, suffered, failed, and hoped. Seventh brother's company when he was lost again and again. Twenty-four years ago, he held seventh brother's hand for the first time, and the two stayed together for so many years. But after getting that position, he wants to let his most important person go to a world that he can't find. With such a choice, what should he do?

"My son...resign!" Yinzhen kowtowed respectfully. He doesn't know if it's worth it or not, but he knows very well that he may regret losing Jiangshan, but if he loses Yinyou, he will definitely regret it. What's the point of getting thousands of miles of land without anyone to accompany you, even if the blood of the person you love is under the river?

"This is your choice, even the throne can't affect your feelings?" Kangxi looked at the young man in front of him, he couldn't understand this son, he thought this son was moody, and this son already had a cold face When he thinks that his son is cold-blooded and ruthless, this son takes good care of his younger brothers. When he thinks that although Xiao Qi is important to this son, he is not as important as Jiang Shan, but he chooses to give up Jiang Shan to save Xiao Qi's life.

"Yes, the seventh brother has nothing to do with my son's ambitions, please be careful with the emperor," Yinzhen kowtowed again, "It was my son's calculations from the beginning to the end, and my son's ambitions, the seventh brother is just a duty My prince, I don't want to implicate him because of myself."

"I didn't know that my fourth son was such a flesh and blood person. This is your own choice. I hope you will remember this sentence in the future." Panting, Kangxi waved his hand, as if speaking was already very difficult, "Li Dequan , call the other princes and ministers in, I... have a purpose."

Li Dequan glanced at Yinzhen who was knocked on the ground, bowed and retreated.

Tonight will be a sleepless night. After the seventh elder brother was summoned, the princes and nobles were even more disturbed. It was just that when the seventh elder brother came out, his face was not good. Waiting for the change of clothes, the smart ones saw that the clothes worn by the Emperor Seventh Age were more than 20 years old, and they also had the taste of a nobleman. The clothes were taken out of the Qianqing Palace, and the original owner of the clothes Who else but Long Live.

The people who were going to watch Yinyou's jokes now felt that something was wrong.

"The emperor has a decree to announce that the prince, the county prince, Baylor, and all the adults have an audience."

Everyone's hearts were already full of fear, and their faces were even more apprehensive. Looking at the posture, they were afraid that it was not good, but they didn't know who Long Live God would choose?

Three, four or eight or ten?

After everyone entered the hall, they saw Prince Yong kneeling on the ground, as if in a gesture of pleading guilty, and the balance in everyone's hearts gradually shifted towards three and eight.

"The ministers respectfully invite the emperor to be safe."

At this time, Kangxi didn't have much energy to speak, as if the words he said just now were the hallucinations of Yinzhen and Yinyou. Yinyou knelt on the ground, only feeling the coolness coming from his knees go deep into the marrow of his bones.

"Xuan...Xuan." Kangxi stretched out his finger to the side of the jade pillow with difficulty, Li Dequan took out a will and held it in his hand, but he dared not open it.

"Zhang Tingyu..."

"Master Zhang, please declare the decree." Li Dequan handed the decree to Zhang Tingyu, and then stepped aside.

Zhang Tingyu knelt on the ground, shaking the result of the imperial decree, but his hands seemed to have no strength, and he couldn't open the imperial decree for a while, he could feel that everyone in the room was paying attention to him.

"Thank you, Lord Long En," Zhang Tingyu kowtowed to Kangxi, opened the imperial decree tremblingly, was startled at first, and then returned to normal.

Yinyou noticed Zhang Tingyu's expression, he looked away, and landed on Yinzhen who was kneeling properly, with cold sweat running down his back, what did Huang Ama say to Yinzhen, something seemed wrong. Could it be that because of himself, history has turned such a big circle, Kangxi suffered a serious illness early, and the throne that originally belonged to Yinzhen will become someone else's?

Zhang Tingyu stood up, under the expectant eyes of everyone, opened the imperial decree again, and read each word clearly.

"I know that my health has been deteriorating recently, and I really can't govern. My audience, Prince Yong's fourth son, Yinzhen, has a noble character, and he deeply respects me. He will surely inherit the great rule and succeed me to the throne, that is, the throne. I commend you !"

The ministers were in an uproar, and even Yinzhen, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head in surprise. Looking at Kangxi on the bed, he didn't seem to have thought of the content of the decree, and he was shocked for a long while before saying: "I thank the Lord Long En, long live the emperor Ama Long live."

The important ministers all knelt down, "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

It's just that the emperor refers to who, I'm afraid it's different for the beholder.

Yinyou noticed Yinzhen's expression, and felt even more strange in his heart, what's going on? Why Yinzhen's expression is so weird, as if this will surprised him, but wasn't he still very confident before?

The first emperor was not dead, but a new emperor was established, what is this?

"Let's all step down, Xiao Qi stays here." Kangxi's voice was exceptionally flat, as if this was just a random gift of grace, not an edict to pass on the throne.

"Huang Ama!" Hearing this, Yinzhen felt that the imperial edict in his hand became extremely hot, and he looked at Kangxi in panic, as if he was afraid of something.

"Back off!" Kangxi said without hesitation.

"Yes..." Yinzhen looked at Kangxi worriedly, and followed the crowd out of the Qianqing Palace. Walking out of the Qianqing Palace, everyone looked at him differently, with surprise, fear, and calculation, but they didn't have a pair of eyes that completely took care of him. The only person with such eyes was still in the Qianqing Palace at this time. But he didn't know what Huang Ama was thinking.

"He has become the emperor," the third elder brother Yinzhi said in a low voice. He didn't know whether he was laughing at himself or fate. He looked at the man who was holding the imperial decree and was treated with care by the officials, his expression was gloomy.

"It should have been him," the eighth elder brother sighed, and instead of going to congratulate Xindi, he turned around and stood still in the corner, his figure blurred by the dark night.

The tenth elder brother glanced at the eighth elder brother's back, stood with the crowd, and waited blankly for the new king's will.

"Xiaoqi, I want Yinzhen Jiangshan and you to choose only one, guess what he chose?"

"My son doesn't know."

"I now think that a ruthless emperor must govern strictly, and a benevolent emperor will help the world. He will be a good emperor."

"Huang Ama's words are reasonable, so...fourth brother, did he...choose me?"

"Forget it. Now that I am soft-hearted and soft-hearted, I am no longer suitable for this world. You two can do it for yourself. I really thought about giving you a glass of poisoned wine, so that this matter will become a secret that the Qing Dynasty will never let people know."

"Huang Ama..."

"There is nothing in this world that I don't know about. That time I played chess, I really wanted to just let you go. Maybe Yinzhen would be a good emperor, and the Qing Dynasty did not have such an unbearable scandal."

"My son is guilty..."

"Forget it, the fourth brother also said he was guilty, you said you were guilty, but in reality it was I who was guilty. I became the throne at the age of eight, and took charge of the government at the age of fifteen. I think I am worthy of the Qing Dynasty, but I don't know what love is."

Kangxi's spirit seemed to improve suddenly, and his speech became more and more powerful, but only Yinyou knew that he was dying.

"When I was twenty-seven years old, the charlatan said that my relatives were weak, but someone would shed a few tears for me. I always didn't believe it. Today, I understand."

"Huang Ama, you will be fine."

"Xiaoqi, after I go, ask the fourth child to bury the paintings you gave me with me..."

"Huang Ama!"

This time, Yinyou finally burst into tears unabashedly.

Kangxi looked at the crying child, but there was a smile on his face. He exhausted all his strength, and finally stretched his hand to Yinyou's face who was kneeling on the bedside. The moist touch let him know that this is tears.

His son seemed to have never cried so sadly.

"Go out, there are people waiting for you outside." It turned out that when people walked to the end, they realized that everything was not important, and the only thing that mattered was those people they cared about. Have a place in your heart.

"Huang Ama, my son is here to accompany you."

"Go... I want to sleep for a while."

At this moment, Yinyou felt the pain in his heart, which was beyond words.

That night, the lanterns of the Qianqing Palace were always on, and the new emperor stood outside the Qianqing Palace all night. The ministers thought that the new emperor was worried about the late emperor's body, but some people knew that the fourth brother was most worried about being left in the Qianqing Palace. people.

Some people said that elder brother Qi was once heard crying loudly in Qianqing Palace, but there was no evidence to test for it, but gradually rumors spread that it was elder brother Qi who was the most beloved son of the first emperor.

After that night, Kangxi's condition became more and more serious, and he fell into a coma.

The Forbidden City will usher in a new situation.

The author has something to say: This is an imperial edict, not an imperial edict, ahem~ This is a big golden finger.

Regarding Kangxi's later years, it is indeed a stain on Kangxi's rule, and it is also a good thing to abdicate when he is perfect.

In other words, in my article, Kangkang is actually very good to Xiao Qi, from the beginning to the end is very good, respect ~ good night everyone ~ sleep ~

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