MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 76 ending

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As the sky gradually brightened, the entire Forbidden City fell into panic, joy, and anxiety.

It still rose, reflecting the entire Forbidden City red, and the glazed tiles became radiant, with indescribable brilliance, as if today was another beautiful day.

Yinzhen stood on the stone steps, his clothes were wet with morning dew, and his cheeks were red with the morning sun. He turned around and looked at the plaque with the words "Qianqing Palace" printed on the palace gate. There was neither happiness nor sadness on his face, but there was an air of disdain for the world radiating from him.

The others retreated after his order last night, and there were only three members of the Aixinjueluo family left in the Qianqing Palace, Huang Ama, Yinyou, and himself.

He had stood outside Qianqing Palace for a whole night, but he could not go in when he heard Yinyou's cry. He saw Li Dequan coming out and going in, but he couldn't ask what happened inside. A new day has come, but the person who will walk with him has not yet appeared.

People from various ministries were preparing for the enthronement ceremony five days later, and the other brothers were making their own calculations. In the end, he was the only one standing here.

"Your Majesty, it's time," Xiaoluzi knelt in front of Yinzhen, "Your lords and sons are in the council hall. Ministers of the Ministry of Rites, Ministers of the Ministry of Industry, Ministers of the Ministry of Punishment, Ministers of the Ministry of War, Ministers of the Ministry of Households, and Ministers of the Ministry of Officials are asking to see you."

Yinzhen said expressionlessly: "The Supreme Emperor is critically ill, and I am very worried, so I asked all the adults to wait in the council hall."

"Hey," Xiao Luzi felt the impatience in his master's tone, shook slightly, bowed and retreated.

"Prince Chunjun," the eunuch's greeting voice behind him made Yin Zhen turn his head, Yin You was walking out of Qianqing Palace, his eyes were red and swollen like a small peach, and his complexion was pale.

"Seventh brother," Yinzhen saw this, stepped forward to support him, caring flawlessly about the emperor's demeanor, "how are you?"

Yinyou stared blankly at the familiar person in front of him, remembering what Huang Ama said in the night, and after a while he rested his head on Yinzhen's shoulder, "Fourth brother..." How should he repay the affection he owed Kangxi.

The court ladies and eunuchs all around knelt down one after another, not daring to look at the two of them.

Yinzhen stretched out his hand and patted Yinyou's back, his expression was a gentleness that no one else had seen before, he looked around at the eunuchs and maids who dared not look up, in this world, no one threatened Yinyou anymore.


Summer is originally a season of bright sunshine, but it has been rainy and rainy for the past few days, which inexplicably gives people a feeling of depression.

In Yuqing Palace, Yinreng sneered and looked at the person sitting on the left, "I always thought that I lost to the boss, the eighth brother, but I didn't expect that I lost to you."

The person on the left raised his eyebrows, slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and did not speak.

"After the death of Mrs. Tong Jia, you are half a son-in-law. You were afraid that I would be jealous of you, so you have always been respectful to me, but you have bought some of my subordinates when you pressed it. Young age is a good way," Yin Reng said with his hands behind his back. Behind him, he turned around and no longer looked at the tea drinkers, but set his eyes on the untrimmed flowers outside the window, "Boss is dissatisfied with me and always opposes me. Later, I heard that one of the boss's subordinates had a relationship with Si Fujin." There is some relationship between my natal family, but my subordinates found out that it was a rumor intentionally made by the boss after investigation. Now, I really don’t know if it’s a rumor or the truth.”

"Also, I was drugged by Lao Jiu in the palace. I have always felt strange. Even if Lao Jiu has a bad mind, he would not be so stupid. Just drugging my wine like this doesn't mean letting Huang Ama know about it. Is it his doing? Now that I am imprisoned in this deserted Xian'an Palace, I figured it out. The medicine was not given by Lao Jiu, but by the person who served me, who was by my side that day There are four eunuchs, three maids, which of these seven servants is yours? One stone kills three birds, kill me, suppress Lao Jiu, and make Huang Ama suspect Lao Jiu who is close to Lao Jiu Eight and the boss, Yinzhen, you are a member of the Aixinjueluo family, you are calculating every step of the way, we brothers fight back and forth, who would have thought that we would lose to you who don't like to talk too much?"

"Dogs that can bite don't like to bark," Yinreng smiled wryly, "I forgot that sentence."

"How did the boss Witch Gu deal with me, how did the third child find out? It's just that it's better for me, a person with taints, to be the prince than Yin Rong, who is brave and good at fighting, but I only see you pleading for me in front of the courtiers." When Yinfeng said this, there was already a hint of hatred and hatred in his tone. Laughing at myself, "Later, I was abolished for the second time, and all my subordinates were found to have accepted bribes. The amount was actually accurate to dozens of taels. The only people who can understand this are the people around me. Can you tell me how much?" Is this your hidden pile?"

The tea was already cold, Yin Zhen took another sip, and it really couldn't compare to his own tea. He looked indifferently at the person standing in front of the window, "Second brother thinks too much." After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out to the door He suddenly stopped in his tracks, "I will make you a prince, even if you are a child that Huang Ama hates, but I will always take care of you when you are a brother, but Huang Ama has decreed that you must not leave Xian'an Palace, I have no choice but to obey Huang Ama's holy will."

"Haha, what a good brother, what a good brother." Yinfeng smiled distortedly, "Now that you are the emperor, you show your benevolence and righteousness to the people of the world. What a good way, it really is a good way."

"How could it be as good as the second brother's method of recruiting a woman from the Nala family to become the seventh brother's Fujin? At that time, I thought it was Concubine Hui's secret method, but I later found out that it was done by you. You know that I and Seven My brother is close, if the seventh brother is close to Fujin, I will be alienated from him, if the relationship between the seventh brother and that woman is not good, it will put the seventh brother in a situation that makes Nala's family dissatisfied. ?”

"Wonderful?" The smile on Yinfeng's face suddenly disappeared, leaving only grimness, "Do you think your seventh younger brother is a clean person? The people I planted around him either died or were given away. Who am I?" It’s all counted, but it’s not counted that he is a variable!”

"Variation?" Yinzhen looked at Yinfeng with a sneer, "He has never been a variable in our struggle, it's because you don't give up trying to drag him in, it doesn't matter if the seventh brother is clean or not, at least he will always be on my side, That's enough." After speaking, he left Xian'an Palace without staying any longer.

Yinfeng suddenly laughed strangely, "So that's how it is, that's how it is, Boss, it's not wrong for Lao Jiu to end up like this, it's not wrong."

On the day of Yinzhen's accession to the throne, the sky suddenly cleared up, and the morning glow made the entire Forbidden City red. He sat on the golden throne, the morning sun reflected into the hall, the whole hall was resplendent, and the golden dragons on the pillars of the hall were shining. In the future, there are rumors among the people that when the new emperor ascends the throne, the sky and the earth will shine together, which is an auspicious omen.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Everyone knelt at his feet, they feared him, they didn't even have the courage to look at him directly. He indifferently glanced at the people under his feet. There were his brothers and ministers who had supported other brothers. No matter who they were, all he could see was the back of his head buried low.

At this moment, a man raised his head with a bright smile on his face, and behind him was the magnificent sunrise.

At this time, he is the only one who will smile at him, his eyes meet, and only he can understand the warmth in his heart.

"Everyone is flat!" He raised his hand slightly, staring at the people under his feet, this will be his world.

"Thank you Lord Ron."

There is always someone who is willing to accompany me through the thousands of glory, no matter whether he is noble or humble. To be an emperor, having such a person is enough.

In 1711 A.D., Aixinjueluo Yinzhen ascended the throne and officially changed the Yuan Dynasty to Yongzheng. All the princes thought that their names had the meaning of offending the sage. They all asked to change their names, but Yongzheng repeatedly refused. The Chinese pronunciation of the name is similar to that of his name, please play and change his name to Yunti.

Yongzheng said that his brothers don't need to do this, maybe. The fourteenth son of the emperor played again, but Yongzheng rejected it again. After repeated attempts, the fourteenth son of the emperor finally failed to change his name.

After the empress dowager heard about this, she said to the worshiping woman that her two sons were in harmony and that Yongzheng was a generous man, which is really a great blessing.

All the wives praised it, and from then on, the whole court praised Yongzheng for his generosity, which is a blessing for the people and a model for brothers.

After the enthronement ceremony, the new emperor temporarily lived in Shoukang Palace on the grounds that the emperor was seriously ill, and all the important officials praised the new emperor for his filial piety.

For a time, the people continued to praise the new emperor Yongzheng, and the entire Qing Dynasty was in harmony.

"I ordered the fourth son of the emperor, Yinzhen, to succeed him, but thinking about his young age, I will never be safe. Now I have the seventh son of the emperor to observe his actions and listen to his words. If he fails again and again, the seventh son of the emperor can replace him."

The imperial decree in his hand was very hot, Yunyou didn't expect that Huang Ama would do this, he thought about Yinzhen's demeanor and demeanor in the Jinluan Hall today, closed his eyes, and slowly rolled the imperial decree together.


"The slave is here."

"Find a copper box for Grandpa."

Half an hour later, a heavy copper box was moved in. Yunyou put the imperial decree into the box and locked it. Looking at this heavy box, Yunyou sighed, "If you put this lock on, no one will be able to open this box during your lifetime. After a hundred years, this thing should be buried with you."

"Hey," Fudor glanced at the heavy copper box, secretly startled, he knew that this decree was left to his master by the Supreme Emperor, but he didn't dare to think about what was said in the decree. The imperial decree was placed in a copper box and the lock that could be opened had to be poured to death.

Yinyou never looked at the copper box again, he knew that it was a life-saving talisman given to him by Kangxi, and it was the most beneficial weapon to restrain Yinzhen, because the person closest to the emperor could ascend to the sky in one step, or be thrown to the ground severely .

He chooses to do this, and he also chooses to believe in Yinzhen. Using the life he has picked up, to find someone worthy of trust in him is already a blessing given to him by God, and he has nothing more to ask for.

In 1711 AD, on the fifth day after the new emperor ascended the throne, the Supreme Emperor Bintian mourned the court, and Yongzheng stopped the court for seven days.

One day before Kangxi's burial, the new emperor's birth mother, Wu Yashi, discovered that the species buried with the late emperor had an ebony embossed box, which was not very eye-catching, but the lid was very smooth, apparently opened many times by the owner.

Wu Yashi couldn't help but let the little **** who packed up the relics bring the box in front of her. Now she is the most noble woman in the world, so she didn't need to hide her curiosity. She finally opened this ordinary but exquisite wooden box. Box.

After opening the box, she was stunned. It was not any woman's embroidery, nor any rare antiques, but some inconspicuous gadgets, and even exuded a faint smell of medicine used to repel insects.

A wood carving that is not very good, a few weird children's drawings, a piece of amber that is not very precious, and a piece of writing that is crooked and yellowed on the paper, a hand-woven blessing knot, and a piece that is no longer there. Fragrant lucky bags, and other stones, jade pendants, and rough seals.

Dai Jiashi who came with Wu Yashi was also stunned, she could tell at a glance who made these things.

"Slave pays respects to master," Li Dequan knelt in front of the two of them.

"This is..." Wu Yashi couldn't ask anything.

"Master, this is what the late emperor specified to be buried with." Li Dequan served Kangxi for most of his life, now that he is old, he has seen through the so-called prosperity and wealth, and has nothing to hide from Wu Ya.

Wu Yashi handed the box back to Li Dequan, "You are busy."

"Hey," Li Dequan took the box, put it in his arms carefully, and backed out.

Dai Jia's eyes and nose were concerned, but there was no emotion on his face.

Wu Yashi turned around and took Dai Jiashi's hand, "Sister, it's getting late, sister and I will go to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to have a vegetarian meal."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager." Dai Jia saluted politely, and walked out of Qianqing Palace together with Wu Ya, but was still half a step behind the other party.

Wu Yashi left the Qianqing Palace, and the shock in his heart gradually subsided. It turned out that the most caring son of the Lord Long Live was not the eldest, the second, or the thirteenth, but the lame seventh. The closeness between Lao Qi and her, and the closeness with Yinzhen, Wu Yashi secretly sighed, maybe she should be lucky, the most favored is Lao Qi, and the brothers who are close to Lao Qi are her two sons and Thirteen, Otherwise, she dare not think about what kind of chaos the current situation will become.

A month later, Yunyou gradually came out of the depressed mood of Kangxi's death. He sat on the stone steps outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, watching the glowing red sunset.

Yinzhen walked to his side, lifted his robe, and sat down with him without any image.

Yunyou turned his head to look at him, his cheeks were blushing, "I remember, when you were very young, I said I would watch the sunset with you."

"I remember," Yinzhen rarely smiled, "but at that time you were younger than me."

"I'm not young," Yunyou raised his eyebrows, "What you see may not be true, I may be older than you."

"It seems that you had a strange dream again last night." Yinzhen didn't take it seriously, chuckled, looked up at the burning clouds in the sky, and gently held Yunyou's hand under the cover of a wide dragon robe .

"Forget it if you don't believe me," Yunyou turned his head and continued to look at the sunset glow in the sky.

Yinzhen's eyes fell on Yunyou's side face, and the hand holding Yunyou was tight, he could be with this person for the rest of his life after all, no one would hinder him.

You said to watch the sunset with me, but did you know that all I want is your company, not to watch the sunset?

A smile spread, and the coldness on his face gradually dissipated.

Whether life is long or not, and whether it is short or not, this is the best.

----------End of text

The author has something to say: this is the end of the main text, please wait for the rest of the story.

In fact, two days before opening this hole, I didn’t think about writing it myself. Later, when I talked about Kangxi’s nine sons in a group, I thought of the fifth and seventh elder brothers who had no sense of existence. Then I suddenly wanted to open a hole, and finally I chose Seventh Brother, who basically didn’t even have much ink in the "Drafts of Qing History".

The seventh elder brother in history was not taken seriously. He died in the tenth year of Yongzheng.

No matter what, I finally got this story to the present. I am very, very grateful to everyone who reads this person, because with your support, I can finish this story well. YY has published my own Qingchuan novel. Although it is not a good one, it is my honor to make you laugh.

Read The Duke's Passion