MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 77 Extra first

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In the winter of the third year of Yongzheng, there was thick snow in the Forbidden City.

The little **** sweeping the snow was strenuously sweeping. The noble masters would often pass by the path, their hands red from the cold. After sweeping for more than half an hour, not much of the original snow was shoveled away, but new snow fell on the places that had been cleaned.

In this kind of weather, no one would like to come to the imperial garden to see the dead trees and flowers, right? The little **** straightened up, buried his head and exhaled hot air into his palms.

"It's such a cold day, why are you sweeping snow here alone?" A gentle voice sounded behind him, and he was startled, only to see a man wearing a white fox fur cloak without a trace of variegation, and a blue shirt underneath. He was dressed in a brocade robe, with a beautiful jade pendant hanging around his waist, and an exquisite sachet, he could even smell the faint fragrance of plum blossoms on this person.

Looking down, the visitor was wearing a pair of bearskin boots, stained with a little snow, but it gave people a strange feeling of warmth. Looking up again, this person is very good-looking, with fair skin, a gentle taste between his eyebrows and eyes, a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and even the white fox fur hat inlaid with sapphires on his head It couldn't be brighter than the smile on the corner of his mouth. He hadn't read any books before entering the palace, so he didn't know how to describe this person, but in his heart he wished he could get a second look.

The little **** saw again that the handsome man holding the umbrella for the man was Eunuch Wu, the deputy head of the Qing Palace. This Eunuch Wu was only thirty years old, but now he is the deputy head of the Qing Palace. Who in the harem is not polite to him? Qi, today this Eunuch Wu is cautiously holding an umbrella for the person in front of him. He was startled, and then he woke up. A person with such a magnanimity must have a noble status. How did he know these noble masters when he first entered the palace, and he was afraid. I am about to kneel down in the thick snow to say hello.

"The snow is so thick, don't kneel down, it's not easy at such a young age," the young man reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and then said to Mr. Wu beside him: "Little Wu, at such a young age, it's not easy to do these things." The job is not suitable either, you can ask someone to re-arrange an errand for him."

He is just a rough envoy eunuch, when he heard this, he couldn't believe his ears, the fate of the servant in the harem is nothing, this noble master is actually such a gentle person. With his head down, he listened to Eunuch Wu, who always walked with his back straight, agreeing, as if the person in front of him was more noble than those favored women.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps disappeared and the faint fragrance of plum blossoms dispersed that he raised his head and looked in the direction where the man disappeared. Walking in that direction was the direction of Qianqing Palace.

His guess was correct. The two men walked not far away when they saw the emperor's guard of honor appearing from another direction. seat.

He stared blankly at the emperor Luanjia disappearing from sight, shivering from the cold, he almost offended a person who could drive with the emperor just now?

In the afternoon of that day, he changed from being a rough **** to serving tea in the Tiyuan Hall. This kind of treatment was not available to other eunuchs who entered the palace at the same time. He knew that all of this was due to that noble master.

In the fourth year of Yongzheng, the new emperor's first draft after he ascended the throne, so this draft was extraordinarily grand, and all the women of the right age from the Eight Banners of Mongolia and Mongolia were sent to the palace.

The women who can enter the primary selection in the Tiyuan Palace are all from very good family backgrounds. This is the first time he has seen several empresses in the palace appear at the same time, and it is also the first time he has seen the Queen Mother.

After the primary election, there were no more than 50 people who left their signs. He stood obediently in the corner, and somehow thought of the scene when Luanjia stopped in front of the young man when the snow fell heavily last winter.

After the primary election, his fellow countryman fell ill, so he braved the sun to visit.

When passing by Fubiting, unexpectedly, because he walked too fast, he bumped into Shengjia, and he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, not daring to vent his breath.

"Presumptuous, where did the servant come from to be so unruly, drag it on..." He had heard this voice before, this person was the chief steward of the Qianqing Palace, a celebrity beside Long Live Lord.

"Where did you see this little eunuch? It's so hot in Xiaoluzi, you don't think it's too hot for you to shout so loudly." Is this voice the nobleman he met before? !

"I see that you look familiar to everyone," the deep voice was majestic, and the little eunuch's shoulders shook. This is Long Live Lord.

"It's better for me to see someone familiar than you don't see anyone familiar." The nobleman seemed not afraid of the Holy Majesty's majesty, and he spoke extremely rudely to the Holy Majesty, "Little eunuch, don't kneel in front of the Lord to block it on such a hot day." We're on our way, go down quickly, but since you're in the way of the master, the next time you enter the palace, you'll come and fan him, and all the slaves in the palace will have weak wrists, and the wind won't even take a piece of paper. Can't move."

His heart moved, this master's words saved him from today's punishment, and also saved him from being excluded by other eunuchs. This master is really a kind person.

"Xiao Luzi, remember for me, next time I come, I will ask this little **** to shake the fan."

"Qi Ye, my slave will remember it for you."

Qiye? !

Prince Chunyu? ! The late emperor's favorite son? The most trusted brother of the emperor?

He heard that because the eldest prince was loved by Prince Chun, among all the princes, Long Live Lord valued him the most.

He heard that Concubine Nian beat a court lady to death for no reason, and later had a conflict with Prince Chun, so she was demoted to concubine in the end. Mr. Nian secretly tripped up Prince Chun, but ended up ruining his official career.

He heard that Prince Chun was the only prince who could freely enter the harem, but no one criticized him.

He heard that Prince Chun led the masters of the Ministry of Industry to create a lot of things that benefit the country and the people. All the steam spinning wheels were made by Prince Chun.

He heard that the most beloved son of the first emperor was actually Prince Chun, and he left a will for the prince Chun, that's why the emperor treated Prince Chun so well. But he didn't understand, if the late emperor left an imperial decree to Prince Chun, shouldn't the emperor be wary of Prince Chun, why would he trust him so much, and let these rumors spread in the public?

There were too many rumors about Prince Chun, but he felt that no matter whether those things were true or not, one thing that was certain was that this prince was a good person.

Such a good person should get these, shouldn't he?

==================================================== =

Before dawn, the bright yellow curtains moved, as if someone was about to get up.

"Are you going to today's draft?"

"Are you confused? As the emperor chooses a concubine, what do I do as a brother-in-law? You have only been emperor for a few years, and you are almost on the road to the faint king. My waist is still sore. Go to your court, my lord." I want to sleep."

"Don't you care?"

No one answered.

"I heard from the queen that there are many beauties among the beautiful women..." Before he could finish speaking, the real dragon emperor was kicked off the bed.

"Get out! Go find your beauty, don't disturb my grandfather's sleep!" After saying this, a soft pillow flew out.

The real dragon emperor secretly rejoiced in his heart, but fortunately this person likes comfort, so he replaced the jade pillow with a cotton pillow, otherwise he would have suffered a lot today.

"Okay, sleep well, I'll ask Xiaoluzi to stay outside," Emperor Zhenlong swallowed his anger and put on his clothes and shoes by himself. Seeing that the people on the bed hadn't moved, he asked the few people waiting outside the palace to wait on him. His eunuchs were waiting for him to wash and wash. Of course, all the movements were gentle, and these eunuchs seemed to be well-trained, and they hardly made a sound.

Prince Chun is coming to the court today, and the ministers didn't think it was strange at all, they just thought that the prince had some novel idea in his mind, and he was tossing about the blueprint in the mansion. The elder brother who is the elder brother can tolerate the disrespect and all kinds of problems of the younger brother. It's not that they are full and insist on making trouble for themselves.

After Lord Long Live came down to the imperial court, he went to the imperial garden to appoint beautiful women. All the ministers were more concerned about this matter. Now that Lord Long Live is in his prime, some ministers have daughters in their families who have left a brand. Naturally, they hope to be valued by the emperor. At least Can point to a good family.

The queen looked at the young and beautiful women in front of her, and then at the jealousy in the eyes of the concubines, she buried her head and drank a sip of tea, and watched these women standing in a row with four expressionless faces, waiting for the emperor to come and hand-pick her .

"The emperor is here!"

The queen stood up, glanced at the expectations in the eyes of all the beautiful girls, flicked her sleeves, and blessed her with all manners, "My concubine greets the Lord Long Live." Another group of silly women.

"The empress doesn't need to be polite," Yongzheng stepped forward and raised her hand falsely, which seemed to be a favor, but only she knew that the other party didn't even touch her hand.

After Yongzheng came, he didn't pay much attention to these beautiful ladies, and sat in the first seat, and waited for the empress and several concubines to sit down, then waved his hands lazily, indicating that it was time to start.

The showgirls in the first row stepped forward, but he raised his eyes without showing any sign.

"Next group!" Eunuch Wu said cleverly.

The second row of beautiful girls stepped forward, and after Yongzheng read the list, he left a sign of an unremarkable beautiful girl.

"Next group!"

Until the end of the draft, there were only three show girls who actually kept their badges. Seeing the relieved expressions of the old men in the hidden mansion, the queen sneered. At this time, the one who really felt relieved should be the Lord Long Live, not the few of them.

That person's temper is good, it's really good, and if it's bad, it's really bad.

If Long Live Lord doesn't handle these matters well, I'm afraid life will be difficult in the future. Sometimes, she is also happy to watch the excitement, the life in the harem is always boring.

Sure enough, after the selection of the show, Long Live left in a hurry. The beauties in the garden didn't have the slightest attraction for him to stay.

When Yongzheng returned to Qianqing Palace, the person who had been sleeping on the dragon bed had disappeared. He shook his head helplessly and processed the papers before the case. An hour passed, half of the papers were processed, and it was almost noon. people are still missing.

"Xiaoluzi, where is he?" He finally couldn't help asking.

"Back to the emperor, Qi Ye said that the palace is a bit crowded, so he went back to the mansion."

Squeezed? From the looks of it, I still care.

Yongzheng sighed helplessly, but his mood felt strangely better, "Go and announce my will to the queen. For the show girls selected this year, two are always there, and one is for promise. People, it's all up to her. Remember to give a side Fujin to Lao Ba, and don't need to point out people to Prince Chun."

"Hey," Xiao Luzi secretly sighed in his heart, without the Long Live Lord saying, the queen would not dare to point anyone to Prince Chun. But why did Long Live Lord deliberately go to Lian County King Nasai people?

That afternoon, Prince Chun was still invited into the palace by the emperor on the grounds that he had to discuss important matters. Of course, only the slaves who served the Lord Long Live in the Qianqing Palace knew that the Lord Long Live was kicked out of bed several times that night.

Xiao Luzi, who was watching the night outside, looked at the sky full of stars, and thought leisurely, this one is willing to fight, and the other is willing to suffer, even God can't control it?

However, Long Live Lord, who was always ruthless in front of other princes and courtiers, was really useless in front of Qi Ye.

I heard that there is a kind of man in Shu who is called "Bo Er". I don't know if this kind of man is counted or not?


There was another sound of someone being kicked off the bed from the inner hall, this time the fall seemed to be a little hard, hitting a stool on the side.

Immediately, there was another sound of flattery from the Long Live Lord, and it took a while for the inside to quiet down.

Xiaoluzi yawned and sighed again, tomorrow will be a fine weather.

On the second day, when Xiaoluzi changed Qiye's clothes, he found that Qiye seemed to be in a good mood. It seemed that he had suffered a lot from Long Live Lord last night, and he was angry.

"Xiao Luzi, I heard that your master only kept three beauties, tsk tsk, what a pity that there are so many beauties."

Xiao Luzi shook his hands, fearing that the ancestor would say something about the palace being too crowded, he hurriedly said: "Back to Qi Ye, the three beautiful girls left behind by the Long Live Lord are all very ordinary in appearance, and the Long Live Lord didn't take it seriously at all. Just look at them."

"If you don't look at it, what's your business with me?" Yunyou opened the folding fan with a bang, and walked out of the inner hall with a gentle smile on his face.

Xiaoluzi took a look and quickly followed.

In this palace, where there is Qi Ye, there must be his path, and where there is the emperor, there may not be his path.

What, he is the chief steward of Qianqing Palace? !

Isn't the most precious treasure in Qianqing Palace the handsome and handsome grandfather in front?

As the manager, you only need to take care of the most precious treasure.

The author has something to say: Here comes a sweet episode~(^o^)~I am a ruthless person in front of my cuteness, but in private, I actually lie on my ears and cover my face. I admit that my cuteness is always so embarrassing==