MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 78 if at the beginning

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A ginkgo leaf fell on the wine cup, and the white jade-like hand brushed gently, and the leaf fell silently on the stone table.

It's autumn, the weather is getting colder, the hand holding the wine glass can touch the cold air from the glass, he smiled, raised his head and drank the whole glass of sake, dressed in a white robe, he made this rude gesture beautifully Incomparable.

"My lord, Tianhan, please use less," the young woman in apricot yellow clothes walked up to him, and comforted him, "Tomorrow, the Holy Spirit will live forever, and you may have to drink a lot."

"No problem." He glanced sideways at the woman beside him, and smiled gently, "You go down first, master sit here for a while."

"Yes," the woman had no choice but to back down when she saw this, because she knew that although the master was smiling at her at the moment, he was not smiling at all. Everyone in the entire Lianjun Palace knew that Fujin and the master had a bad relationship, but these people did not I know that this side Fujin and my master are just respecting each other as guests, if we say how much affection, it is not necessarily true, she is just a child more than the right Fujin.

Not long after she was carried into Lian County Palace two years ago, Fujin made a lot of trouble for her. Later, Fujin was slapped in the face by the empress, and she knew that the queen didn't like Fujin. He was actually on the same level as Fujin, and after he gave birth to a child, the queen rewarded him more and more. But she knew that the queen didn't like her, but wanted to use her to suppress Fujin.

She has also heard about the events between the current emperor and her father back then. Fortunately, after the emperor succeeded to the throne, he did not feel sorry for him, but she didn't understand why Fujin was so unpleasant in front of the empress. Wan Wu didn't even pursue the past affairs of the master, but still only targeted Si Fujin.

The minds of the people in the palace are too complicated, she just needs to raise her own child well.

"Ci Fujin, the empress is holding a chrysanthemum appreciation banquet in the imperial garden today, and issued an order to invite you and Fujin to the palace for a reunion." Just as she was thinking, she heard a report from a servant, so she hurriedly changed her clothes, He rushed to the palace with Fujin.

When we arrived at the imperial garden, other wives who were invited by the empress also arrived. There were several sandalwood tables with eight immortals in the imperial garden, which was very lively.

"Today, the empress invited us to eat crabs and appreciate chrysanthemums, but she gave us a great deal. But tomorrow will be the longevity of the Long Live God. The empress will not make us full today, and we will not be able to eat tomorrow Right? Thinking about it this way, the Empress seems to have picked up a big deal again." The person who spoke was Prince Chun Fujin, and she knew that she was the most talkative woman in front of the Empress, and she was a very smart woman.

"The Ai family wondered whose family had such a sharp mouth, but who knew it was from Xiao Qi's family. No wonder they were thinking about eating. They really are not a family. If you don't enter a family," the Queen Mother said in simple attire and was helped away. Come here, with a smile on his face, and he didn't forget to tease Prince Chun Fu Jin when he approached, "When Xiao Qi came to say hello to Ai's family this morning, he was still thinking about the hairy crabs in the palace. Ai's family asked someone to send a basket Go, now you are thinking about it again, tell me you two are not foodies, what are you?"

"Greetings to the Empress Dowager, you have been getting more and more energetic recently, and you have heard everything you said from such a distance. I don't dare to think about it next time. It is better to let my father come. You just love my father and not your slaves, Empress Dowager." Prince Chunchun Fu Jin came forward to greet the queen mother, and then he and the queen each helped the queen mother with one hand and walked towards the top position of the eight immortals table in the center.

"Queen, look at the mouth of Xiao Qi's family, it's getting stronger and stronger," the queen mother pulled the queen to sit down, and Prince Chun Fujin was pulled to sit on the other side of the queen mother, which shows the queen mother's love for Prince Chun's family. Sitting next to Prince Chun Fujin was Prince Xun Fujin, then Prince Yi Fujin, and then several people made fun of Prince Chun Fujin.

Everyone present knew that the emperor and Prince Xun were siblings, needless to say the close relationship, but Prince Yi and Prince Chun had been close to Lord Long Live since they were young, and now they have this kind of favor, which they cannot envy. What's more, if the emperor really pursued those things back then, I don't know how many people would be unlucky.

Sitting on the side, the King of Chu County, Fang Fujin, looked at Qi Fujin, who spoke heartily, and said that the Queen Mother loved Prince Chun no less than her own Prince Xun, and that the Queen Mother had a close relationship with Prince Chun's biological mother, Cheng Taihuang Noble Concubine. This kind of relationship has advanced to a higher level, so it's no wonder that Long Live Lord trusts Prince Chun.

After appreciating the chrysanthemums, just as the banquet was opening, the eunuchs heard the loud announcement.

"The emperor is here, Prince Chun is here, Prince Yi is here, and Prince Xun is here."

"My son pays respects to Queen Mother."

"Congratulations to Empress Dowager Jin'an."

Lian Cai Fujin seldom saw the emperor. In the past, the male and female relatives sat separately at banquets. Sometimes they saw each other, but they were far apart. Today, they were so close together that they realized that the emperor looked very young, even though he was already in his thirties. Although he is young, he looks like he is only in his twenties, and his gestures and gestures have an indescribable imperial majesty.

"It's a coincidence that you guys came here. Yiai's family thinks you came here by watching the time." The queen mother smiled and called the eunuchs, "Go and bring a small round table, let the brothers squat down and eat, so as not to disturb us interest."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately laughed out loud. Chun Fujin, who was sitting next to the queen mother, smiled and said: "Your queen mother, you have won their hearts. Maybe they eat more at one table than us."

"That's true, with Lao Qi here, we can't catch up with others." The empress was serious by nature, and she didn't forget to make a few jokes at this moment, which showed her love for Prince Chun. As soon as these words came out, there was another burst of laughter, but the person who was ridiculed sat down next to the emperor with a big face, and looked at the hairy crabs on the table with a smile.

Lian Fangfu Jin sat facing the emperor and Prince Chun, she casually looked there, and saw a scene that surprised her.

"This one is the fattest, thank you fourth brother," Yunyou smiled and snatched the fat crab from Yongzheng's hand, smashed the shell skillfully, dipped it in sauce, and ate it deliciously.

Fourteen silently glanced at Yongzheng, coughed dryly, "Seventh brother, if you like it, ask two eunuchs to make it for you, wouldn't it be faster?"

"It's so boring to ask someone else to eat this stuff." Yunyou glanced at Yongzheng who was struggling with the crab meat, "Even the emperor did it himself, do you have the nerve to let someone serve you?"

Fourteen raised his eyebrows, and then saw his fourth brother put the crab meat on the plate in front of Seventh Brother, who said that it would be boring for others to do it, but took it for granted that the crab meat was dipped in sauce and eaten.

Fourteen turned his head, can he let the fourth brother serve him to eat crab meat as brazenly as the seventh brother? Could it be that Yongzheng looked up at Fourteen, and asked blankly, "You want it too?"

Fourteen shook his head violently, put a crab into the bowl, and smiled dryly, "No need, no need, I'll do it myself." Sure enough, he couldn't compare to Brother Seven's rough nerves, and being swept away by Brother Four's eyes like this, his whole body was shaking. It's cold, what kind of crab meat do you dare to eat, it's better to eat arsenic.

"Click!" Thirteen calmly smashed open a crab leg, dipped it in sauce, and bit it, Fourteenth brother, you are still too weak!

After finishing the banquet, it was past noon, the emperor and several princes had already left the table, but Lian Cai Fujin couldn't forget the scene he saw just now. It turned out that the high-ranking emperor would also make crab meat for his younger brother, and his eyes were still so gentle. Is this really the cold and stern emperor in the rumors?

Back at the palace, Fujin walked away with a group of servants, and she walked to the backyard alone. Sure enough, the master was still sitting under the ginkgo tree, but the wine on the table was replaced by a pot of green tea.

Seeing her, the person on the chair asked in a flat tone: "Is the palace lively today?"

"My lord, all the other princes and counties Belle Fujin went to the palace today, and later even Lord Long Live came." She approached, only to see that the cup of tea was no longer steaming.

"Has Prince Chun gone too?" There was a hint of a smile in Master's voice.

She nodded, "Prince Chun, Prince Yi and Prince Xun are all here."

"I knew how he would miss these banquets," the smile in Ye Ye's words became more and more obvious. She looked at Ye Ye with a smile on her lips in puzzlement. She had never heard that Ye Ye had a good relationship with Prince Chun. Speaking of Prince Chun's tone, so... so intimate?

Yunhu stood up, and said lightly, "You must be tired after going to the palace, go and rest." After finishing speaking, she left the yard.

She looked at the background of the master, with faint doubts in her eyes, she didn't understand, why did the master suddenly become gloomy when he was happy last moment, and the sadness in the eyes, what was it for?

Leaving the Prince's Mansion alone, he looked at Prince Chun's Mansion, which was only a few dozen steps away, but remembered what happened in the winter of the second year of Yongzheng in his mind.

The third child spread rumors, saying that he was related to officials who took bribes. At that time, he thought, no matter what the truth of the matter was, the fourth child would definitely take this opportunity to attack him. Sure enough, he was imprisoned in the clan's prison, where there was no light all day long. As the days passed, he thought of Er Niang, Huang Ama's reprimand, his past ambitions, the prince and ninth brother framed by the fourth child, and finally the seventh brother.

He thought of the snowfall when he was three years old, the smile of Brother Seven when he was fighting Galdan, and the night when Huang Ama issued the succession edict. The fourth child waited all night outside the Qianqing Palace. He stood behind the tree outside the Qianqing Palace all night. It rained heavily that night. He watched the morning sun rise in his wet clothes and watched the seventh brother walk out of the Qianqing Palace. , watching the two of them embrace each other.

He thought a lot in prison, and finally he accepted his fate, and on the day he accepted his fate, the prison door opened. Seventh Brother was wearing a white fox fur with snowflakes on his boots, his face was flushed from the cold, and he put a handkerchief on his face. Put it into his hand, and said, "Wipe your face, I have already investigated this case, it has nothing to do with you, you can go back to your house to take a good bath, sleep, and eat a good meal to replenish your body." .”

How was he feeling at that time? Happy, sad, or shocked by the tolerance of the fourth brother to the seventh brother? He couldn't remember clearly, he only remembered that he held the handkerchief tightly and called Seventh Brother softly.

Seventh brother.

The autumn wind blew past, and his body was a little cold. Standing ten steps away from Prince Chun's mansion, he felt even more uncomfortable.

What if he learned to rely on Seventh Brother when he was three years old?

What if when he was six years old, he learned how to do things from Seventh Brother?

What if when he was eight years old, he listened to Brother Qi's hint and didn't think about it so much?

What if at the age of twelve, when the eldest brother made things difficult for the seventh brother, he stood up by himself?

What if, at the age of fifteen, when Seventh Brother smiled sincerely at him, he stopped being calculating?


A sedan chair landed at the gate of Prince Chun's Mansion, and he saw Brother Seven get out of the sedan chair, walk into the gate with a smile, and then the vermilion gate slowly closed again with a soft sound.

"Seventh brother."

He bent down and chuckled softly, but he didn't know that his eyes were red from laughing.

The gate of Prince Chun's Mansion opened again, he raised his head, and a familiar figure walked towards him, he squeezed out a smile and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say the two words that he had called countless times in his heart.

"Eighth brother, why are you standing here?" The man was dressed in a light-colored brocade suit, with real worry in his eyes, and his warm palm touched his cold back, "It's already autumn, why don't you wear more clothes?" , I just felt that the person at the door looked a bit like you, and when I came out, it was really you, but what happened?"

He shook his head and smiled, "Seventh brother, it's okay, I just passed by here."

"So that's the case, why don't you come and sit in my house?" Yunyou lowered his head and looked at the jade pendant on his waist with a thoughtful expression, "This jade pendant seems familiar."

He lowered his head and glanced at the Pisces jade pendant. It was obviously given to him by him. After all these years, he still remembered it, but the other party had already forgotten it.

"I don't remember where I got the jade pendant. I still have something to do at my house, so I'll go back first." He smiled like a spring breeze. "If Brother Seven is free, please remember to come to my house."

"Okay," Yunyou nodded with a smile, "Don't forget to prepare delicious food then."

"Of course I won't forget Brother Seven's hobbies," he smiled, turned around and walked into the mansion, but his hand clutched the jade pendant around his waist, and the smile on his face froze a little bit.

Yunyou stood in place watching Lao Ba go away, then entered the gate of Lianjun Prince's Mansion, and suddenly said to himself: "Isn't that jade pendant given to Lao Ba? I don't even remember who gave it to me with the jade pendant on it. It's a pity that the master's heart is lost."

Back in her own room, Yunhu took off the jade pendant around her waist, looked at it for a long time, and carefully put it into a royal blue brocade box beside the bed.

Two fish are jumping vividly, one to the left and one to the right.

"Snap" the lid closes gently.

"Seventh brother..." In the empty room, there was only this murmur.

The author has something to say: The story is coming~

A new hole has been opened. There is a high mountain behind the bustling city. There is a temple on the high mountain. There is an old monk in the temple. The old monk drives the young monk out of Buddhism.

The young monk who has returned to the secular world can recite scriptures, is good at crossing people, knows martial arts, knows herbs, and abstains from alcohol and sex.

What if a young monk who knows martial arts enters a football club that has lost five games in a row?

Save football with magical martial arts!

The master once said that monks should abstain from womanizing, and the women at the foot of the mountain are all tigers.

So the little monk who wanted to go back to his teacher's school kept it in mind.

Someone hugs it, holds hands, kisses it.

Amitabha, what is **** between a man and a man?

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