MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 268 Two beauties

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However, Lancelot did not understand Nie Yi's idea. He did not realize that Nie Yi was showing off to himself. He saw that Nie Yi cooked so many dishes for Qi Jingchen, only thinking that Qi Jingchen should not like Nie Yi. Otherwise ... why does he keep Nie Yi doing what servants do?

Lancelot knew he shouldn't think that way, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

After leaving breakfast for Qi Jingchen after breakfast, Lancelot sat on the carriage and repented again.

However, after reciting the teachings of the Light God, he suddenly found that he didn't know what he should regret.

In fact, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen really shouldn't be together. Qi Jingchen is a son of God, a person chosen by God, possessing an artifact, and he should not have fetters other than God.

He is the same, he shouldn't be so ridiculous with Jing Chen ...

After Lancelot's resignation, the King of War family also resigned.

Tasha had eaten a lot of things again this morning. Her mother was worried that she was too uncomfortable to eat. In the end, she even had to get her some medicine to make her feel better after eating.

When she left, she thanked her again, and at the same time, but just a day of effort, she gave people a feeling of reborn.

She is still very skinny, with no flesh on her cheeks, but probably because she took some medicine to nourish her, her face has improved a lot, and she clearly looks like a beauty.

This is still a powerful beauty. Qi Jingchen already knew yesterday that Tasha is now a nine-star magician, but she has not been certified by the magician union for the past ten years, so there is no badge.

When she was hiding at home and had nothing to do, she often had to resort to meditation and cultivation to make herself forget everything that would make her miserable.

After Tasha got on the carriage, the king of war bowed to Qi Jingchen: "Thank you, where you can find me useful later, although tell me, I will try my best to help."

The King of War will not promise at will, but since it is promised, he will certainly do it.

Qi Jingchen knows exactly how precious this promise is.

On this day, Qi Jingchen and others did not go to the Central Academy. Pei Xing should have played today, but because of yesterday ’s accident, and because the number of people who promoted this time was odd, the competition allowed Pei Xing to advance directly without participating in the game.

This is good news for Pei Xing, who can train for another day.

He was very very interested in the magical methods that Jingchen handed over to him, but occasionally he felt weird. Some of the attack methods turned out to be what he had thought about but had not had time to do. What were those ideas of Qi Jingchen? Just like him?

All I can say is that Qi Jingchen is really amazing ...

No wonder one of his brotherhoods said in the past that he would rather offend those who explode at one point than offend those who are not talkative, but who have been sitting in the corner quietly watching everything around them ... who knows those hearts Figuring out what!

Pei Xing was so excited that he hadn't been sleeping and training constantly, and at this time, Sun Chengxi also woke up.

She had pain everywhere, but it was not life-threatening, and she could recover after just a few days of injury.

Qi Jingchen went to see her: "What do you think?"

"I think it's good, nothing is happening now." Sun Chengzhang laughed: "Magic is really amazing!" If it was placed on the earth, she would have died so badly before.

"It's all right," Qi Jingchen said.

After another day, Qi Jingchen took people to Central College.

Qi Jingchen originally wanted Sun Chengyu to rest for two more days, but she felt that she was all right, so she insisted to follow.

Of course, she can't really be completely okay. She wants to go, maybe she just wants to let others know that she's okay, not even any problem.

Those people had to find someone to deal with her must have cost some, and I don't know what it would look like to see her now.

Seeing that Sun Chengzhen was okay, someone was naturally angry, and the faces of the three empires were a little ugly.

Qi Jingchen is really so powerful that even such injuries can be cured?

However, their faces are ugly, and many people are very excited, such as those from Central College.

Although Sun Chengyi didn't stay in the college for a long time because he was very busy, the students of the Central College liked her very much. She saw her hurt yesterday, and many people were very sad. Now she was okay when they saw that she was fine.

"Sun Chengzhang is really fine!"

"Qi Jingchen is amazing!"

"It is truly the Lord of Artifacts!"


Everyone, you said it to me, there was no doubt that it made some people more depressed.

The game started again, this time, Pei Xing was arranged in the first game, and his opponent was a powerful wind magician.

This wind magician comes from the storm empire, and is very powerful, and he does not underestimate Pei Xing as the two opponents before Pei Xing. Even, he appeared very alert to Pei Xing when he came on the court, and then adopted the right Wind magician is a very classic trick-fast movement on the ring, so that opponents can not lock their position.

This move really made Pei Xing unable to attack him. Pei Xing could only walk upstream of Yantai, and then propped up the field so that the attack of the other side could not hurt himself.

Unfortunately, although the gold department is a department with a strong defense force, he can't resist it for too long in the face of attacks from magicians who are two levels higher than himself. Now that I am in the field, I only cover myself with a thick layer of steel, and then I run around on the ring.

The people in the audience looked a little dumbfounded.

Is this really a magician? Covered with such a thick layer of steel, how could he still run? !!

Not only can Pei Xing be able to run, he can also jump, and even after cutting the metal on his body several times with the wind blade, he also made the metal layer on his body thicker.

And even then, even if he won't lose for a while, he won't win this way, after all, he can't attack the wind magician.

Many students from Central College cheered on Pei Xing off the stage, but to be honest, everyone didn't have much hope that Pei Xing would win.

After all, Pei Xing is only a seven-star magician. Maybe he can win after closing the distance with other magicians, but if the two parties are far away, then he can't win.

But don't want to be at this moment, the situation on the stage suddenly changed.

A lot of metal suddenly appeared under the wind magician's feet, and then wrapped his field, causing him a lot of trouble.

It turned out that when Pei Xing was walking around the ring, he put a layer of metal on the ring, and now he uses that layer of metal to bring a lot of trouble to the wind magician.

The wind magician was shocked and was about to escape, but Pei Xing had already come forward. Then, he did not use magic, but the whole person pressed against the wind magician holding the protective cover ...

They are magicians! Magician! They should conduct a long-range attack instead of running on them with all the metal on them!

The wind magician was stunned by Pei Xing's play, and felt ashamed of himself.

He, a nine-star magician who owns the realm, was thrown down and rolled on the ground!

Pei Xing won again.

No matter how he was beaten by others, he refused to give in. The nine-star magician couldn't bear it, and then ... he gave up.

Most of the people in the audience are a little speechless, but there are also people who are thoughtful, especially some fighters who run to watch Pei Xing.

Whether Nie Yi or Pei Xing, their fighting methods are very suitable for soldiers to learn from!

Those soldiers who had previously worshipped Nie Yi, now added Pei Xing to the list of worship, and the belligerent people have decided that the game is over, and they will go to Pei Xing to fight well.

"Qi Shao, I won!" Pei Xing jumped off the ring and took back all the metal on his body. Everyone found that his body was covered with wounds. Those wounds rolled up were undoubtedly wind. Caused by the blade.

The magic robes on his body were all torn and soaked with blood, and he could still have Yang Zhu with a smile on his face and a happy face.

"Congratulations." Qi Jingchen threw a bright magic on Pei Xing.

"I'm going to change my clothes." Pei Xing resolved the wound on his body, only to find that his magic robes had been torn, and even let him leak out.

So many people stared at him, he was a little embarrassed ...

Pei Xing's game was so amazing that it was inexplicably good-looking. Then, in the next game, some people felt very ordinary.

Those magicians are all using magic to blast away from there, just like every previous game, it feels ... not so good-looking?

So no magician is as fresh as Pei Xing?

Those who think so are mainly those with ordinary strength, and if the magicians on the stage know their thoughts, those magicians will definitely cry!

The magic they use is so subtle that some people find it ... not good-looking?

Of course, those visionary senior magicians would not have such an idea. They watched the game seriously, analyzed the situation on the competition table, and looked extra seriously.

But soon, they lost their minds, because there was a man from the Central College, a woman, and a lot of senior magicians who were not unfamiliar, and once attracted the eyes of most of them-Tasha.

Tasha was the most popular woman at the Central College ten years ago. Although she disappeared for ten years, many people still remember her, and many people have been thinking about her, waiting for her to return.

Now she suddenly appeared, naturally attracted the attention of most senior magicians.

"It's Tasha! Tasha is back!"

"Where has she been this decade?"

"I heard that she was injured. Are you okay now?"

"That **** **** hurt Tasha, and I want to beat him again!"


Everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on Tasha's body, and then suddenly saw the badge of Tasha's chest.

Jiuxing! I haven't seen it in ten years, Tasha is already a nine-star magician! She has n’t been hurt in the past decade, but has gone to practice magic?

Some people looked at Tasha admirably, and some went up to talk to Tasha.

"Tasha, long time no see!"

"It's been a long time." Tasha smiled at each other.

Tasha greets everyone she knows. She is not a person who likes to talk too much with others. She used to be a little bit cold, but it was hard to see her again, but she was willing to greet everyone with a smile.

She was still very thin, but she hid her body under the wide magic robe, showing only one face, and the smile on her face was too bright, but it did not make people see anything.

Tasha spoke to those who were looking for a while, then went to the referee seat and walked towards Qi Jingchen.

She knew that Qi Jingchen had encountered some troubles, and today she was supporting Qi Jingchen on behalf of the family.

"Master Qi Jingchen, my grandmother heard that you have been injured. She asked me to send you some potions. This is a potion configured by Master Cavill, which is most suitable for replenishing the body." Tasha said, and will Take out a few bottles.

These bottles are made of a kind of stone that can isolate energy. The bottle alone is of great value ... Of course, the value of the medicine in it may be even more unusual. After all, only those precious medicines are needed. Comes in a bottle.

Of course, to the people around them, these bottles are not the point, the grandmother in Tasha's mouth is the point. Qi Jingchen, has the friendship of the Holy Power?

People in the three empires felt very depressed when they saw this scene. Qi Jingchen always gave them a strange feeling ...

"Thank you." Qi Jingchen accepted the bottle in Tasha's hand.

Tasha quickly put back her skinny hands, and smiled at Qi Jingchen: "You don't have to tell me thank you, I should always be grateful."

Tasha looked at Qi Jingchen with a sincere expression, and Qi Jingchen thought a few more words about the hands that Tasha had exposed before.

"Although Master Qi Jingchen is assured, I will take good care of my body." Tasha laughed.

Tasha's smile was extraordinarily bright, but Nie Yi looked a little depressed beside him. He didn't like anyone to approach Qi Jingchen, huh! What a smile, it's not so thin to look so thin!

When thinking about this, Nie Yi completely forgot that when he liked Qi Jingchen, Qi Jingchen was even thinner.

Qi Jingchen noticed Nie Yi's expression, glared at Nie Yi, and then invited Tasha to sit next to watch the game-it is still easy to add a place in the box on the side of the referee seat.

"No, I still have something." Tasha refused. She was not a referee, and it wasn't appropriate to sit here.

Tasha left soon, but she made such a trip, but it also caused some influence. Not to mention anything else, many people changed their views toward Jing Chen.

Some people re-evaluated Qi Jingchen's value, and some people were very jealous of Ji Jingchen-Tasha's face was very pleased with the smile of Jing Chen, and Qi Jingchen could be loved by Tasha.

Nie Yiyin was even more depressed when he heard some of the latter's discussions nearby.

Lancelot glanced at Nie Yi's expression, but felt that Nie Yi had passed. Did he regard Qi Jingchen as his possession? Even Qi Jingchen was not happy talking to people?

And, did he prove that ... He actually had no confidence in his feelings with respect to Jingchen? The two of them will be together, will there actually be another secret?

Lancelot became more and more determined to talk to Nie Yi.

Maybe today is Qi Jingchen's "lucky day"? After Tasha, a very tall and beautiful lady, came to him, she soon came to him again.

This beauty looks more beautiful than Tasha. She stands under the referee's bench and waves at Qi Jingchen: "Master Qi Jingchen, do you still know me?"

At first Qi Jingchen wanted to say no, but after looking at it for a while, he was sure that he actually knew this woman, the one who had been hit by their carriage three or more nights ago.

According to the coachman's reply, this woman had some problems, but Qi Jingchen thought that she would not meet again anyway in the future, so there was nothing to do. Now, this woman ran back again.