MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 269 conversation

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"Master Qi Jingchen, I'm here to thank you, thank you for helping me a few days ago," the girl under the referee seat smiled and looked at Qi Jingchen.

She looks very good, and the eyes of many young men around her are involuntarily attracted to her, but there is only Qi Jingchen in her eyes, and the eyes are amazing, and there is something that can't help but be emotional Full of affection.

Qi Jingchen looked at her for a moment, but he soon woke up and frowned.

This man was sent to the holy city by his coachman that night, and the next day, he also asked the girl's condition, and as a result ... many of the girl's performances were weird. Let's just say that now ... he would think that this woman is beautiful, and wanting to sympathize with him is very strange.

What is she doing here for?

"I'm going down." Nie Yi noticed Qi Jingchen's loss of mind for a moment, and suddenly felt a little depressed.

Qi Jingchen nodded and ignored the girl.

Seeing Qi Jingchen's coldness, Nie Yi's mood improved again, and he turned and walked downstairs. The woman's unknown origin still wants to seduce Qi Jingchen, and he is extremely disgusted with her now.

The girl saw Qi Jingchen no longer looking down, and her face was lost, and at this time, Nie Yi came to her: "Follow me."

"Master Nie Yi ..." The girl showed some doubts, but after glancing at Qi Jingchen, she followed Nie Yi forward.

Seeing this scene, many people who were following the girl showed their lost expressions--will this beautiful girl look like Nie Yi like the Princess Louise again?

They sighed and let go. Although the girl is beautiful, they don't even know it, so just appreciate it.

Nie Yi found an empty classroom near Yantai, and went in first.

Hyer's classroom is different from that on the earth. The inside is large and empty. The podium is extremely spacious, allowing teachers to perform magic on the podium. Of course, this place is not even called a podium here.

Now everyone is watching the game. There is no one here. After Nie Yi took the girl in, he said coldly, "What is your purpose?"

"What purpose can I have?" The girl blinked with big eyes and looked at Nie Yi in wonder, a pure innocence.

He was walking outside in the middle of the night, and was just hit by his and Qi Jingchen's carriage. Could there be no purpose?

Nie Yi felt that there was something wrong with this woman that night, because Qi Jingchen didn't take this woman to heart, he didn't have much control, but now this woman came to the door again, his mood became not so good: "Pretend What is it? If you really have no purpose, you will come to the door at this time? "Also, I have only seen one side and looked at Jing Chen's deep roots, which is really funny.

"I just want to thank Qi Jingchen for helping me." The girl looked at Nie Yi pitifully: "He helped me, can't I thank him?"

Nie Yi didn't bother to care about such a person, and said coldly at the moment, "You better give me some points, and stay away from Qi Jingchen."

"Why do you keep me away from Qi Jingchen?" The girl looked at Nie Yi dissatisfied.

"I am better than you." Qi Jingchen said, his mental strength was pressing towards the girl.

The girl was a magician, but she was very low-level. Now she was overwhelmed by Nie Yi's mental strength, and she suddenly looked like the earth. She said stupidly, "You let me go and I'll go immediately."

"Get off," Nie Yi said. Although he used his mental strength to suppress people, he still had some reservations, otherwise this woman would be speechless now.

This woman has always had confidence in her own appearance. In the past, those men who had looked at her appearance would always be more forgiving to her. But in the presence of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, she turned away again!

Are these two guys really men? How can you be so indifferent to a big beauty!

She has a special bloodline, and she has charm! When I aligned with Jing Chen, I used my skills to the extreme ...

This woman was extremely depressed, but Nie Yi's strength was so strong for her that she didn't dare to do much at all. After Nie Yi regained the coercion against her, she came out.

Nie Yi settled the woman and wanted to leave, but didn't want to see Lancelot coming in from the outside.

Lancelot looked at Nie Yi and disapproved, "You rely on your strength to bully a girl?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Nie Yi asked.

"You shouldn't treat a girl like that, and you ... can't take Qi Jingchen as your possession." Lancelot said, and when he spoke, he had already set up a sound-proof aura.

He felt that it was time for him to talk to Nie Yi.

"What do you mean?" Nie Yi frowned.

"I know your relationship with Qi Jingchen, but even if you are lover, you shouldn't interfere too much with him like now, even if someone approached him and said something to him," Lancelot said.

Lancelot directly said that he knew about the relationship between Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi, which made Nie Yi a little worried, but soon he sneered and said, "This is our thing. What does it have to do with you? You ..." Nie Yi thought I want to point out that Lancelot's attitude toward Jing Chen is not ordinary, but he really doesn't want to say what others like Qi Jingchen, so he still says nothing.

"I just feel that you can't rely on Qi Jingchen's contract to interfere unscrupulously with everything."

"Contract." Nie Yi raised an eyebrow slightly. He heard Qi Jingchen talk about the contract on them and knew that it was a symbiotic contract. That was a very sweet thing for him. He didn't like the contract because he felt that it could not protect him at a critical moment, but he really didn't think about what to do with the contract.

He and Qi Jingchen have two lifetime relationships, and even without this contract, they are close enough.

"Yes, the contract." Lancelot looked at Nie Yi and considered it. "If there is no accident, there will be a current relationship between you and Qi Jingchen. It should be related to this contract. If there is no this contract Do you think Qi Jingchen will be with you? "

Lancelot suddenly had a momentary whisper when he spoke, but soon woke up, and the next thing to say became clear: "I don't know how you and Qi Jingchen were together, but you are sure he really Like you? The contract you signed with him is a symbiotic contract, which will make the two people closer and closer. He may not disobey you, but are you sure it is love? "

Nie Yi looked at Lancelot, as if in a river.

He liked Jingchen like this, and he was always not very sure. At the beginning, Qi Jingchen took the initiative to be with him. He felt that everything was just like dreaming, and he could n’t even believe it. Later, Qi Jingchen became better and better with him. His heart finally came to fruition, and he believed that Qi Jingchen really liked him.

But now I suddenly heard Lancelot's words, he was suddenly a little uncertain ... Qi Jingchen was abruptly with him after their contract was signed, and he took the initiative to seduce him. Prior to this, Qi Jingchen did not Too many expressions.

Also, whether before or after, Qi Jingchen never said he loved him.

Others think they have been in love for a long time, but he knows that they are suddenly together ... Does Qi Jingchen really like him? Nie Yi's head suddenly felt a little painful, and her magic core and mental strength were in chaos. Her expression was instantly unconfident. Lancelot looked at it and became more sure of her guess.

"The symbiotic contract connects you with Qi Jingchen's life. Even the affection of one of them will affect the other, so Qi Jingchen will condone you, but he doesn't necessarily love you, and it is because of this that you will be with him. Everyone who appears is hostile? But is it really appropriate for you to do this? "Lancelot said.

Nie Yi's face became increasingly ugly, and he was still thinking about the various things between himself and Qi Jingchen.

He has a deep relationship with Qi Jingchen. There is no doubt about it. Qi Jingchen sees him very importantly. Even he should be the most important person in Qi Jingchen. There is no doubt about this.

But Qi Jingchen's affection for him is really love rather than friendship?

Qi Jingchen liked men. When they first met in the last life, he talked about being betrayed by Yan Zhe. Qi Jingchen was even very surprised: "Do you like men?"

He likes men, but Qi Jingchen doesn't like men. He accompanied Qi Jingchen in his whole life, and he realized this very clearly. It was just like this that they didn't go further to death.

As for my life ...

From the beginning of this life, Qi Jingchen was very indulgent to him, but that was because he no longer wanted to live, and later ...

Nie Yi suddenly remembered another thing.

For a long time after he had a relationship with Qi Jingchen, Qi Jingchen could not stand up.

Nie Yi was not self-confident about Qi Jingchen's problems. Now his magic core and mental strength are unstable, which makes many of his judgments go wrong.

The magic core in his head was spinning at a rapid speed, and Nie Yi's head suddenly became very painful. He felt that he should not think too much, but still couldn't help but think about whether Qi Jingchen was with him because of the symbiotic contract.

Lancelot doesn't say anything else, at least it won't lie, the symbiotic contract, as he said, will tie two people together? Influence the thoughts of another person?

At that time, wasn't he too eager for Qi Jingchen to let Qi Jingchen take the initiative to give him a hug?

"Qi Jingchen is the **** son of the bright gods. He will become the pope in the future. You are with him. In addition to dragging him down, so that he cannot get the approval of the bright gods, what else can he do for him?" Lancelot asked again After speaking, I suddenly found that Nie Yi was a little too quiet.

He looked up at Nie Yi and met a pair of scarlet eyes.