MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 324 Grilled fish

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The nucleus spewed by a whale is about the size of a quail egg, and looks like a high-purity source crystal. Of course, whether it is Nie Yi or Qi Jingchen, it should be known that it should not be a source crystal.

The source crystal has a great effect and contains a lot of energy. It can enhance the power of the magic wizard and the guru. It can also quickly restore the magic power of the magic saint, and even enhance the magic power of the magic saint, but the crystal of the magic power is stronger.

Nie Yi originally did not have the talents of soil and wood. After incorporating the crystal of divine power, he possessed very strong wood magic and soil magic, and the talents were all first-rate.

"It feels the same as the previous two, but this one is bigger than the previous one." Nie Yi looked at the crystal in his hand with a little surprise.

"Don't rush into it first. Since this whale can benefit from putting it in your mouth, you can try to bring it on your body first." Qi Jingchen said.

Nie Yi still regrets his life. He has to live with Qi Jingchen for a long time ... After nodding his head, Nie Yi puts the crystal of the magical power next to him.

After collecting the crystals, Nie Yi looked again at the whale and the other marine creatures who came here with the whale. He killed a few of these marine creatures, but there are still a lot of them alive, but they are out of the water, it looks like the situation is not very good, but after the whale was thrown a bright magic by Qi Jingchen, it was alive again.

"This whale looks very fat. Can we cook it?" Qi An's voice sounded, and he also appeared in front of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

Qi An's strength is far inferior to that of Manuel and Ferro. Before he saw that there was something wrong with Qi Jingchen, he was unable to take Nie Yi to teleport quickly. In the end, he simply used all his magic to take Nie Yi sent him to the place where he had left the coordinates in Antarctica before, and then came slowly by himself.

Qi An hurried on his way, his face was a little pale, and the look at the whale was very gloomy ... Qi Jingchen saw this, reached out and touched his head, and the light magic entered the body.

"Brother, this whale is so abominable!" Qi An said to Qi Jingchen.

"In the end it already has wisdom, let it live." Qi Jingchen took a dark picture of Qi.

Qi An was a little bit angry, but the next second, his angry subject was replaced by Nie Yi-Nie Yi pushed him away from Qi Jingchen again!

"Hurry up and your magical powers are overdrawn. The environment here is not good. You go to the trial place and take a good rest." Nie Yi said, while trying to hide the struggling Qi into the trial place.

Qi Jingchen was a little speechless, but he also knew that although it was Nie Yi's stingy performance, it was really good for Qi An, and he didn't say much.

"Where is Manuel? Where did he go?" Nie Yi asked, he wanted Manuel to protect Qi Jingchen here, but now ... where did Manuel go?

"He went inside." Qi Jingchen pointed to the magic formation, which was hindered by the magic formation and dark energy. He couldn't reach Manuel at all.

Nie Yi glanced at the magic array full of dark energy, a little helpless, and then seized Qi Jingchen's hand: "Are you cold?"

"Not cold." Qi Jingchen laughed. How could he be a wizard?

"I'll make you something to eat." Nie Yi said again, picking up a fish that had been split in half by him before handling it.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have not been short of meat for this year, but seafood has not been eaten for a long time. Both Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen are looking forward to it now.

Nie Yi put the processed fish into a plate, put garlic in a steamer and started steaming. Then, Nie Yi also processed another fish, and then carefully wiped the fish Apply a thick layer of oil and start making grilled fish.

The smell of the grilled fish permeated the air. The whale and his men smelled it, and they became more afraid in the fragrance. They hid beside them and did not dare to move. Feel better about yourself.

The whale was anxious to shrink itself and shrink again. It knew that humans were terrible. Why did they forget it before?

I knew it would not come to this place!

The taste of steamed fish is original, very delicious, the meat of grilled fish is very compact, and the taste is exceptionally good ...

When Nie Yi saw the joy of Qi Jingchen, he immediately frozen the other fish killed by him into the space ring with ice magic, and coveted some alive fish.

There are very few living creatures on the earth, so Qi Jingchen does not like him to kill mutant animals. At this moment, he is afraid that he will not have a mouthful ...

Nie Yi used a water magic to rush these fish in front of him: "Let me go!"

Seeing this, the whale immediately issued a magic of water system like Nie Yi, and could not wait to rush towards the sea. He secretly vowed to stay away from humans in the future.

After the whale was out of sight, Nie Yi took Qi Jingchen and entered the trial land. The two first got in touch with each other and then took out the crystal of the divine power.

Qi Jingchen was a bit repulsive to the divine power crystal and did not like it to be close to himself, but Nie Yi felt that the divine power crystal was very affinity, and even wished to be integrated with it.

Of course, he restrained himself and did not do so.

Holding Qi Jingchen out of the trial, Nie Yi was slowly absorbing the power from the crystal of divine power, and Qi Jingchen began to repair the magic circle.

At the same time, Yell.

The former maiden was sent to Linda, who was guarding the dark abyss after the plague in the Western District, and was now surrounded by a group of dark creatures.

She is a bright magician, born with dark creatures on the opposite side, but these dark creatures did not hurt him, but invisible became a guard gesture.

Linda, who was guarded in the middle, had a slightly distorted expression, but she was still smiling. Her body was surrounded by rich dark energy. This dark energy entered her body and drove the light energy out of her body. The dark energy is becoming more and more intense, and finally all the energy in the body has turned into dark energy.

She changed from a light magician to a dark magician.

"You are doing very well. From today on, you are the people of the Dark God." A voice sounded, and everyone in the audience immediately knelt on the ground.

Linda looked at the man floating in the air not far like the dark creatures around him, no, that **** should be said.

This is their god, the **** will surely lead them to victory and to glory!

Read The Duke's Passion