MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 325 Dark enchantment

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Don't watch Nie Yi go to Hyer several times, Hyer seems to be calm, but that's because he has been on the edge of Hyer.

In fact, these days Yell has fallen into chaos.

At the beginning of the war between the Shinto religion and the Rosary Empire, everyone thought that the war would soon end. After all these years, although the Shinto religion was powerful and its believers were spread throughout Hyer, these great empires were very daunting, but they actually started from Never thought of fighting for power, this time, everyone thought that the Shinto religion was just a lesson for the people of the Rosary Empire.

And the Rose Empire is a great empire that stands for thousands of years, it is not so easy to defeat, let alone the Storm Empire and the Weir Empire will certainly not watch as the Rose Empire is really taken down by the Light God ...

However, the direction of this last war was beyond everyone's expectations.

The Bright Protestantism persists with the Rosary Empire, and there are many plans to endlessly die with the Rosary Empire, and the Will Empire has just begun to help the Rosary Empire.

There was a remnant of an elf clan suddenly appeared in the Warcraft Forest owned by the Weir Empire. The Weir Empire sent a lot of people to investigate, and as a result, many people were lost on the road. Not to mention, there were still many masters who entered the ruins. There is also no news, including even many relatives of the Emperor of the Weir Empire, and even a prince has fallen into it.

The emperor of the Weir Empire vomited blood when he knew the news. At this time, a prince rebelled.

Originally, it was only the rebellion of the prince, which could not have much impact on the royal family of the Weir Empire, but this timing was really well chosen, especially ... the Prince of the Weir Empire had a connection with the bright theology!

The Storm Empire didn't want to get involved in these things at first, but seeing that the Weir Empire and the Rose Empire were involved in the storm, naturally they wouldn't stand still, but they just wanted to take action and the orcs next to them Suddenly, something went wrong.

The Storm Empire and the Orcs have been fighting for so many years, and they have not been separated from each other. Now the Orcs Empire suddenly broke out and naturally dragged them.

The war was deadlocked.

Within the Rose Empire.

The place where the two armies of the Bright Gods and the Empire of the Rosary had been confronted had been bombarded by magic and warfare. There was no plant in the slightest. The land here was originally very fertile, but now ...

"I'm afraid it won't be another twenty or thirty years before the land here can be used for planting again." Lancelot looked at the burnt apprentice who had been roasted at his feet, with an ugly expression.

He didn't understand why it was good to start a war.

His father failed to resolve the plague at the beginning, and people who died in a city have become sinners. But now, more people die in this war than in that city.

Why this time, everyone can turn a blind eye to death?

Looking at the barracks in the distance, and there was a wave of magic waves from farther away, Lancelot's mood was particularly complicated.

"Son!" Someone ran from a distance, anxious when he saw Lancelot: "Son, someone can't hold on."

Lancelot heard the words of his men, and immediately cleared his mood: "Take me!"

Following the man who came to find himself, Lancelot saw a group of civilians wearing various clothes.

These people had wounds on their faces more or less. The young boy in the front was dying. He didn't dare to delay, he immediately used a group to heal magic, and then threw a magic on the front boy.

Under the shroud of bright magic, the wound on the teenager began to heal at a rate visible to the naked eye. Although he still paled because of excessive blood loss, he was obviously no longer in danger.

Lancelot breathed a sigh of relief, and then met the young man's frantic gaze: "Holy Son! Are you a holy Son?"

"Yes, God of Light may bless you." Lancelot smiled at the boy.

"The God of Light is on! I really see the Son!" The boy was very excited: "Son Son, I believe that the glory of God will cover the whole Yale, rest assured that we will fight for the gods to the end!"

As soon as the boy's voice fell, the people behind him shouted with excitement like him, claiming to fight to the end for God.

They looked at Lancelot, obviously hoping to be recognized by Lancelot, but Lancelot only felt awkward.

Bright God, shouldn't it be peace-loving?

From his men, Lancelot knew the cause of the injuries to the civilians. They were all ordinary people, but because they were full of anger at the Rose Empire, because they believed in the God of Light, and as the people of the Rose Empire, they attacked the army of the Rose Empire.

Many people around me are happy for this, and feel that these people have made the most correct choice under the guidance of the God of Light, but Lancelot always feels that this should not be the case.

"Holy Son is too kind."

"The emperor of the Holy Rosary Empire is unpopular. As long as we rescue the people of the Rose Empire, everyone can live a good life under the guidance of the Light God!"

"Son, so many people come to us, which means that more people are still waiting for us to be rescued."


Lancelot suddenly found that his ideas were incompatible with those around him. He didn't think his ideas were wrong, but obviously everyone believed in another set of ideas.

At the beginning of the war between the Shinto religion and the Rosary Empire, the two sides were comparable, but now the Shinto religion has completely prevailed.

Because there are holy sons on the side of the Bright Gods to settle the injured people, there is nothing on the side of the Rose Empire, and because many people in the Rose Empire who believe in the Light Gods help the people of the Light Gods, so that the Empire of the Roses The people were alert and even massacred several times.

Many civilians in the Rose Empire chose the Light God between the Light God that was very gentle with them and a Rose Empire that squeezed them, and the Rose Empire was even more disgusted with them.

In this war, the Shinto religion will surely win.

Obviously, they can use a more gentle method.

Seeing that an army of ordinary people in the Rose Empire rebelled, and wanted to turn to the Light God, but was eventually killed by a magician and magic of the Rose Empire, Lancelot was in an unprecedented bad mood.

But everyone else was the exact opposite of him.

Wars are often accompanied by various interests. In these days, whether they are people who adhere to the light theology, or people who depend on the light theology, they have gained a lot from the war, and they are also full of enthusiasm for the war.

In successive battles, the Bright Deities began to expand at a much faster rate than before. Many civilians did not believe in the Bright Deities before, but they were helped by the people of the Bright Deities during the war and wanted to get the spirit in the war. After the above appeasement, slowly became a believer in the God of Light.

On the top of the holy city of the holy city, the pope who has never left the temple after returning to Lancelot looked at countless white light spots, or the power of faith came quickly to himself, condensing a huge light group in the temple A smile appeared on the expressionless face.

He looked at the light groups for a while, and finally left the place where the light groups were, and slowly went out.

It didn't take long for the six elders to come to him: "Your Majesty."

"What's going on outside?" The pope's voice remained unchanged.

"There is movement over the dark abyss, and there is a dark **** out there, which has begun to expand wantonly." Six elders said.

The pope lifted his eyes and looked at the place where the dark abyss was. It took a while before he regained his sight and asked, "Where is Qi Jingchen?"

"Qi Jingchen has been on the earth. If there is no accident, the goddess of life should be obtained by Nie Yi." Six elders said.

"It's time ... throw them into that enchantment." The pope suddenly said, looking back at the temple that had been shrouded in faith.

The power of those beliefs is disappearing quickly, but more faith powers are added immediately.

Their **** is coming back and will become extremely powerful.

Qi Jingchen possessed the bright body, which should have become the most suitable body of God. As a result, he signed a symbiotic contract with that Nie Yi.

At first, they wanted to destroy the relationship between the two people. When Nie Yi's magic core went wrong and left with Qi Jingchen, he also felt that his plan would be successful ...

The characters of Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi have been investigated, and it can be seen that Nie Yi has a strong monopoly on Jing Chen.

There is usually such a strong desire for exclusivity. After the magic core goes wrong, Nie Yi will definitely intensify.

As for Qi Jingchen ... Qi Jingchen is also a pride in the sky, and even in his relationship with Nie Yi, he dominates. In this case, he can endure the "imprisonment" of Nie Yi against him, and he can not touch other people. person?

In their opinion, he must not be able to bear it. Even if he and Nie Yi had a very good relationship, under the circumstances that Nie Yi repeatedly forced him, they were destined to separate.

There is Nie Yi. Nie Yi pays attention to Jing Chen's attention and cannot tolerate fraud. He wants Qi Jingchen to truly like himself, and he does not want to bind Qi Jingchen and tie Qi Jingchen. In this case, is it possible for him to take the initiative to unlock the relationship between Qi Jingchen and Qi Jingchen? Symbiotic contract?

Their contract is incomplete. If the two parties are tossing about it, the contract will certainly be unstable. When they do something, the symbiotic contract between the two will definitely disappear.

Because of this kind of thought, after Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi left the holy city, they didn't intervene in the matter between the two people. They wanted them to separate naturally. I didn't expect the two people to persist. Nie Yi was lucky. Get what they were looking for for a long time, and took the elves to Earth.

The symbiotic contract between the two people has been flawless. God's life cannot be affected by another person. Qi Jingchen has fragments of God's personality and Nie Yi has the personality of the goddess of life. These two must be taken back ... … These two people can't stay.

In fact, it ’s okay. Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi are entangled. Using such a body for God is definitely defiled.

Earth, Antarctica.

After Nie Yi studied the crystallization of divine power for a period of time, he began to help Qi Jingchen arrange the magic array.

The magic array was full of dark energy, and Manuel could not stay out for so long, it was considered awful ... Looking at the rolling black mist in the magic array, Nie Yi frowned slightly.

Manuel, isn't it?

But as things stand now, if Manuel does have an accident, he must not be able to save people ...

Taking a deep breath, Nie Yi stopped delaying and continued to help Qi Jingchen arrange the magic array. After a while, he felt hungry and stopped to make seafood for Qi Jingchen again.

Arranging such a magic array takes a lot of magic power. After several hours of busy work, Qi Jingchen ran out of his magic power and stopped at the same time.

The white surrounding area is probably because the dark energy here is very strong. No zombies or zombies came over, but they were clean ...

"I used to think that I would never come to Antarctica in my life. I didn't expect to be here and even eat such a big lobster." Qi Jingchen sighed.

He used to read the brochures of Antarctic tourism in the past. At that time, he thought that such a place should never come by himself. He did not expect that he finally came. Not only did he come, he also ate seafood barbecue in Antarctica.

The lobster that Nie Yi is grilling is really very large, and it makes people feel very appetizing ... Nie Yi has almost roasted the lobster, at this time, cut the shrimp tails and put some sauce on it.

After grilling slightly, Nie Yi placed the entire shrimp tail in front of Qi Jingchen.

This lobster was not low-grade before birth, and it tasted very good after death. Qi Jingchen ate several pieces at a time before stopping, and then motioned to Nie Yi to knock open the big lobster with his thick thigh.

After eating some lobster meat and one lobster, Dao Ao, Qi Jingchen was already full, and his magic power was fully restored with the help of the state of light and the power of many faiths ...

Standing up, Qi Jingchen planned to continue to arrange the magic array. At this moment, he suddenly felt that a powerful energy was approaching quickly.

That is bright energy, it seems to be stronger than him, and this should not exist on earth.

The expressions of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen became very dignified.

The man who rushed here quickly came to them, and when he saw what the man looked like, Qi Jingchen's eyes flashed with surprise, but he knew: "Six elders."

"Son of God." Six elders looked at Qi Jingchen.

"How did the six elders come here?" Qi Jingchen asked with a smile.

"Come to you." Six elders said.

"I knew that the six elders would come over. I would n’t seal the passage after I came here ... then did it cause any trouble to the six elders?" Qi Jingchen said again, the six elders came too suddenly, and did n’t know why. He came here ... all this filled him with alert.

Nie Yi stood to the side of Qi Jingchen and looked at the six elders with vigilance, holding Qi Jingchen's hand at the same time, ready to take Qi Jingchen into the trial.

"It turned out that you closed the passage? Unfortunately, it was n’t used much. I do n’t need that passage when I want to come over." Six elders said, he knew that Qi Jingchen was trying, and he wanted to know how he came here, and he did n’t No intention of concealing: "Since we know this place, how can we not take it seriously?"

He said, looking at the huge magic array behind Qi Jingchen.

There are a lot of things there.

Before Lancelot came to earth, they did n’t pay much attention to it, or even took it seriously, but after Lancelot returned from the earth, and even brought back the news on the earth, they had already paid attention to the earth. Already.

When Nie Yi Qi Jingchen and others were in the holy city, they had already sent people to the earth to find out the situation here, and at the same time, they had made clear the events of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

It ’s a pity that the latter is not useful in the end. As for the former ...

"Our Bright Deity doesn't treat the Son of God in the slightest, but gives us a lot of convenience. The Son of God doesn't feel bad even if he doesn't bid farewell?" The six elders looked at Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

Qi Jingchen didn't understand the purpose of the six elders, so he finally smiled: "I just want to go back to the earth to see, and I will go back naturally."

"No, the Son of God doesn't even have to go back, just do me a favor."

"What's busy?" Qi Jingchen asked.

"Go here and take a look." At the same time, the six elders said, at the same time, the coercion on his body was released, and Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen couldn't say a word.

Before, Nie Yi thought that once he was in danger, he immediately took Qi Jingchen into the trial place. Now that he was really in danger, he realized that he couldn't escape at all.

Under the coercion of the Holy Power, he and Qi Jingchen could not move.

The six elders had already expected this. He stepped forward and easily picked up Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, and then flew up.

A large town surrounded the whole Antarctica, the six elders flew into the air, and flew to the middle of the large array, and then threw Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen directly down.

Freed from the hands of the six elders, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen did not restore their freedom. After falling into the array, they could not move for a while. When they were able to move, they were already at the center of the formation law.

The dark energy here is thousands of times stronger than the dark energy felt when Qi Jingchen died in his last life. After falling, he even felt a sense of impenetrability.

As soon as he was able to move, Qi Jingchen urged the mirror of light in his hand. As a result, he did not know if the surrounding dark energy was too rich, and the bright realm could only form a tiny protective cover.

"I can't open the trial place." Nie Yi said, his expression was a bit ugly.

After possessing the Trial Land, his courage became a lot bolder. After all, this artifact is very very easy to use and very useful, but he could n’t think of it. When he needed it most, it would not open. .

"Come here." Qi Jingchen pulled Nie Yi, pulled Nie Yi into the protective cover that he held up with the mirror of light, and then said: "Here the light energy is consumed very fast, so go on my magic It will soon run out, and we need to find a way to get out of here as soon as possible. "

"Let's look around!" Qi Jingchen said.

The darkness around them was so intense that the whole world looked dark in their eyes. Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen couldn't see the situation around them, and they could only fumble forward. At that moment, they suddenly felt that something was coming towards them.

The thing attacked their legs. After Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen quickly stopped it, they discovered that it was a penguin.

The penguins only reaching their knees should be round and very cute, but this one is different. This penguin is very dark and very cruel!

The two of them sent out magic without causing any harm to the penguin. The penguin screamed, and then they were attacked in all directions!

"Run away!" Qi Jingchen said without hesitation. These penguins are zombies, but they will not escape after feeling the light energy like those outside the zombies, because they have reached the level of the Magister.

In Antarctica, there is a group of dark creatures that have reached the level of the Magister!

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen joined forces to choose a direction to break through, and they were extremely worried.

They arranged a magic array outside to block the dark energy, but the magician could not stop these powerful penguins. If these penguins ran outside ...

They are the strongest people on the earth now, but they have just reached the level of wizards, so these king-level dark warcraft can already sweep the entire earth ...

When Qi Jingchen was running, he felt cold because of the thought, and at this time, they suddenly hit a layer of film.

They couldn't break through the film at all, and could only stand next to the film. At this time, they found that the penguins around them seemed to be unable to go out just like them.

Discovering this, Qi Jingchen didn't know if he should be grateful that these guys couldn't get out, or should he be sad that he couldn't get out.

No, at this time they have no time to think too much. They are about to die under the siege of the dark Dark Warcraft. The urgent task is not to study this layer of film, but to find a way to save their lives.

You can't see anything here, and you can't stretch your spiritual power too far in the rich dark energy. Everything except the other is an enemy ...

In such an environment, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen communicate with each other more and more. They cooperate as if they were one person. They don't need to discuss, they run towards a place.

The penguins around them are very, very strong. They are not their opponents at all. The only thing that is fortunate is that the attacks of these penguins did not break through the protective cover built for them by the mirror of light.

However, the energy in the Mirror of Light is countless, and they cannot absorb the power of faith here, so they cannot supplement it ...

Sooner or later, they will be torn to pieces by those dark warcraft.

The faces of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen became increasingly ugly, but the number of dark Warcrafts chasing behind them was increasing, and there were no longer only penguins.

The penguin's attack method was very single, but the attacks of several humans in it were described as diverse, which also brought a lot of trouble to Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

"Let ’s stop attacking," Qi Jingchen said, simply no longer attacking, relying only on the protective cover formed by the mirror of light to resist attacks from the surrounding.

They ran away faster and faster, running and running. Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen suddenly felt that their feet were empty, and they fell into a hole.

The author has something to say: Zoom in!

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