MTL - Bottom A, Top O-Chapter 19 Am I not fragrant enough...

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Alpha probably felt a little embarrassed by the posture of the two of them, and blinked a few times before turning away.

"What's the matter, Yu Xiaoxuan? Who bullied our police officer Yu Da?"

Nie Zihang asked warmly.

Alpha didn't speak, he slowly took a bite of the meat skewer and chewed it slowly.

If it wasn't for another teardrop from Yu Jingxuan, Nie Zihang would have thought that he was simply eating supper here.

He raised his hand and gently caressed Alpha's wet cheek: "Yu Xiaoxuan, what happened, eh? Tell me to brother?"

Yu Jingxuan handed him a few skewers of meat, opened two more bottles of beer, and handed them to him, with a hoarse voice: "Mr. Nie, would you like to accompany me for a drink?"

Nie Zihang said helplessly, "I can drink with you. It's a little cold outside. I'm an Omega in estrus, and I just put on a casual dress and came out. Officer Yu feels sorry for me. Let's go home and drink?"

Yu Jingxuan, who was drunk, was a little sluggish in all aspects of his reaction. After reacting for a while, he nodded seriously and said, "Okay."

Nie Zihang carried the freshly-opened beer and walked side by side with Yu Jingxuan to the small apartment.

But five minutes away, when he got to the door, Alpha had already finished the can of beer in his hand.

The two stood at the door of the room. Nie Zihang waited for him drinking beer. After a while, he didn't see any movement from Yu Jingxuan. When he turned his head to look, he found that Alpha had eaten a can of beer, and his eyes were a little lost.

Helplessly coaxed him: "Officer Yu, where's your key? We have to open the door before we can enter?"

Yu Jingxuan had things in his hands, so he couldn't find the keys, so he pointed at his trousers pocket.

Then, it didn't move again.

Nie Zihang resignedly took out his trousers pocket.

Opening the door, Yu Jingxuan's small apartment was still clean and tidy.

The freshly washed clothes were still drying on the balcony, and the pheromone of the Alpha orchid scent rushed towards him, mixed with the clear scent of acacia.

Nie Zihang took a breath and secretly screamed badly.

Why did he follow Yu Jingxuan home? The room full of pheromones was the catalyst for his estrus.

The irritability that had been forcibly suppressed by the suppression spray before had returned.

He pinched himself secretly and turned to look at Alpha who was so drunk that he could barely take care of himself.

Nie Zihang, you can't be such a beast.

"Yu Xiaoxuan, how are you? Are you feeling sick, do you want to vomit?" he asked.

Alpha blinked, and after thinking seriously, said honestly, "Yes."

Nie Zihang: "Then shall I help you to the bathroom?"

Yu Jingxuan shook his head, looked at him without blinking, and said, "Mr. Nie."

"Well, say it."

"Spit... is an adjective. I, vomited with disgust..."

Nie Zihang:… just mean you don't want to vomit?

There is nothing to be serious with the drunk. He pulled the person's arm and coaxed him: "Then you go take a bath? It's past ten o'clock, and it's almost time to go to bed after the bath."

can't pull...

Helplessly turned around: "Yu Xiaoxuan. Do you know that today is the sixth day of my brother's pre-estrus? Brother today is Cinderella at twelve o'clock. You have to leave after twelve o'clock, you know?"

Alpha's head dropped again: "Oh."

Nie Zihang pinched his cheek: "Then you'll be good, eh?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that the touch on my hand is softer than before.

Just as he was thinking, he held a delicate hand on his wrist.

The thin calluses rubbed against the skin of the wrist, itching.

"Mr. Nie, does your Omega partner dislike you? Do you think you're not good enough?" Yu Jingxuan asked him softly.

After asking, he began to answer to himself: "There must be some, otherwise they won't cheat on other Alphas."

Nie Zihang:…

"Which pot can't be opened and lifted, right? Yu Xiaoxuan, don't think you're drunk, I won't care about you."

The next moment, I heard Alpha's soft and small voice saying, "He dislikes me..."

Nie Zihang reflexively wanted to ask: Who dislikes you?

The words reached his lips, and he swallowed them back.

He Cheng was the only one who could make Yu Jingxuan go out in the middle of the night to get drunk and cry while sitting on the road.

Sure enough, I heard Alpha say: "I have been trying to collect evidence in the case for the past two days... Later, my friend helped me remotely control his mobile phone. So, I found all the evidence Chen Xin wanted..."

Nie Zihang helped the man to sit down on the sofa, and half squatted in front of him to comfort him: "Well, I saw it. He won't be jumping around for a few days, and when the evidence is brought up, he will have to go to the detention center again. prison meal."

The drunk Alpha was finally willing to raise his head.

In the beautiful eyes, water vapor has accumulated again. In the blink of an eye, a drop of water rolled out.

"I also saw other, many, very disgusting things..."

Nie Zihang took out a tissue and wiped it in the corner of his eyes, "What did you see?"

"He was chatting with friends and said...he didn't like Alpha at all. With me, just because...just because Alpha did it and felt a sense of accomplishment."

"He said, Omega is better. Omega is soft to hold, soft everywhere..."

"Mr. Nie, is Omega really that good?"

Nie Zihang's hands stopped, and he didn't know how to respond.

Fortunately, the drunk Alpha didn't seem to need his response at all.

"Everyone likes Omega." Yu Jingxuan said dully, "I hate Omega."

Really, full of grievances.

Like an abandoned beast.

Nie Zihang raised his eyebrows and touched his hair: "Not everyone likes Omegas, and Alphas like Officer Yu are also very attractive. It's He Cheng who is blind and can't see our little police officer."

"Besides, whoever said that everyone likes Omega, I don't think that few people like me. Look, which Alpha on the street sees me, not hiding away."

Yu Jingxuan pursed his lips and retorted in a low voice: "I like Mr. Nie very much, and I didn't hide very far."

Xu was afraid that his statement was not clear enough, so Alpha picked on the key points and repeated it seriously: "I like Mr. Nie very much."

Sudden confession...

Nie Zihang's heart seemed to be quietly rubbed by something.

The restless glands in the back of the neck, stimulated by the sound of "like", began to riot again.

The wet breath of the ocean escaped from the back of the neck in wisps.

Nie Zihang looked at the gentle and graceful Alpha, and even his breathing began to speed up.

"Mr. Nie, your pheromone has come out."

Alpha took his hand and tapped the back of his neck with his fingers.

It was only his fingers that touched his glands. But Nie Zihang felt that it was extremely burning from the inside out.

The worst thing is that the Alpha orchid-flavored pheromone also scattered into the air along with this Omega's courtship pheromone.

The atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

I don't know who approached first, but by the time Nie Zihang regained his senses, Alpha's delicate face was only a palm away from him.

The tip of the nose is opposite, and the breath is full of each other's smell.

"Mr. Nie, you smell so good..." Alpha murmured.

As if he had completely lost consciousness, the tip of his nose sniffed gently, gradually shifting towards the back of his neck.

Disperse the surrounding orchid fragrance and convey more information. A thousand words, but two words that all Alphas would say to Omegas: Give it to me.

Nie Zihang almost reflexively wanted to push Yu Jingxuan away.

However, before putting it into practice, I tasted a deeper level of information from the increasingly strong orchid smell.

"Omega really smells so good... It smells so good, I want to smell more..."

"Want to hug..."

"Am I not fragrant enough...why don't you hug me...I will try my best to make myself fragrant..."

This message was transmitted, and the orchid fragrance in the air suddenly increased by another degree.

Under the impact of this pheromone, Nie Zihang's hard-maintained rationality collapsed.

She finally pinched her arm, maintained her crumbling sanity, and retracted the hand that had touched the man's waist in time.

Alpha's pheromone attacked him again.

In the overwhelming aroma of orchids, the message is soft and soft: I am fragrant, can I have a hug...

Alpha, who was lying on his chest, was biting his lower lip tightly, as if trying to control himself.

The eyes that have always been clear and cold are already full of water mist.

"Mr. Nie... I seem to have lost control..."

Alpha said in a harsh voice, his face flushed from drunkenness.

Nie Zihang couldn't help but swallowed.

The author has something to say:

In Brother Nie's mind, "give me" means: he wants to mark me, Alpha faces Omegas in heat, they are all dogs!

In Yuyu's heart, "give me" means: I want you to kiss, I want you to hug, I want your pheromones.