MTL - Bottom A, Top O-Chapter 20 fish fish.

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"Mr. Nie... I seem to have lost control..."

Alpha said.

Nie Zihang felt that he was going to lose control.

In the past, many Alphas were driven by pheromones and released courtship pheromones to him.

Those Alpha pheromones with strong repression, even when courting, the information they send out carries their arrogance and self-esteem that their Alpha can't lower. Like the crown of the king of the world on his head, all the Omegas in the world are theirs.

Nausea, stench.

God knows how patient he was to control that he didn't pluck those Alpha glands.

But this time, it was completely different.

The taste of Alpha is of orchid flavor. The original refreshing fragrance is as sweet as honey soaked under the influence of Omega pheromone.

In front of people, he is a serious and decent police officer.

And now, this high mountain flower is slanting on the sofa, and in the black eyes, there is a drunken state, from the cheek to the neck, even extending to the neckline of the shirt, all the With reverie powder.

Nie Zihang swallowed unconsciously and brushed his fingertips against his hot cheeks.

"Didn't the police officer Xiaoyu say that he was trained in the military academy, and the Omega courtship pheromone won't cause you any trouble at all? Why did you lose control when you got here?"

Yu Jingxuan opened his mouth and tried to speak, but he was gasping for breath.

She could only bite her lower lip and shake her head at him.

Nie Zihang pushed the person to the back of the sofa, and his fingertips slowly moved down along Alpha's cheek.

"I don't know, I don't know? Why do I think you did it on purpose, eh? Yu Xiaoxuan."

Yu Jingxuan grabbed his arm, the knuckles of the knuckles were well-defined, and the knuckles arched beautifully.

The soft home clothes were creased by him.

"I didn't mean to...Mr. Nie..."

He said it was not intentional, but the pheromone escaped more and more.

The two are stuck like this...


There was a faint sound of clothes rubbing in the room.

Nie Zihang lowered his head and saw that Alpha's legs were rubbing against his knees.

In the air, the language conveyed by the orchid-flavored pheromone became more and more explicit with this action.

Alpha is using his body's instinct to guide him step by step.

Guide him and eat him.

Nie Zihang only felt a "bang" in his ears, and the battle between heaven and man in his head.

A voice said, "This is an Alpha, an Alpha who loves AA, he is drunk, he doesn't know what he is doing, Nie Zihang, you can't force it."

Another demon-like voice said, "You're an Omega in heat, and you don't know what you're doing. You're drunk. Whether it's **** or mutual attraction in heat, whatever you do will come naturally."

"No... Yu Jingxuan is an Alpha, he has his own dignity, and there is no way he wants to be raped by an Omega. What's the difference between you and those scumbags who forcibly mark Omegas as soon as they are in heat?"

"What are you worried about? Yu Jingxuan has such a good personality, he won't blame you for what you do."

In the confusion of thoughts, a buzzing vibration suddenly sounded beside him.

Nie Zihang followed the voice and found that it was Yu Jingxuan's cell phone ringing at home.

The screen displayed a message from Lu Feifei.

[Woohoo, Yuyu, have you gone home yet? I'm so worried about you... I've called you three times, but you don't answer QAQ]

[He just sees that our fish is too gentle, too good, so he dares to bully you like this, woo woo woo...]

[Alpha all go to hell! Alphas who make us sad, all die! ]

Nie Zihang looked at the message on the screen, and had already reached out to Alpha's hand on the waistband of Alpha's trousers, and suddenly froze.

That's right, Yu Jingxuan has a good personality, even if he does something too much, he won't be angry.

Even... After the end, the bullied Alpha might endure the pain and apologize to him. After all, it was because he lost contact first, and he came out to look for someone because he was worried, which directly led to the accident.

But this should not be the reason for Nie Zihang to indulge himself.

"Yuyu." Nie Zihang took his hand and whispered.

The heat source on his waist suddenly disappeared, Alpha looked blank, and a trembling sound came from the tip of his nose: "Huh...?"

Apparently under the dual stimulation of Omega pheromones and alcohol, he has completely lost his mind.

Nie Zihang closed his eyes and took a deep breath several times before he managed to suppress the restlessness in his body and said:

"The magic of the inhibitor has vanished ahead of time, and I have to go. You sleep, and you will forget all the unhappy things. Let's see you in three days."

Then, get up from Alpha.

A moment of panic flashed in the man's misty eyes.

The slender and beautiful hands dragged onto his clothes like a conditioned reflex.

Obviously, Yu Jingxuan, who is passively in heat, doesn't want him to go at all...

Nie Zihang, an OO love 1...

After so many years of living, I have never been so embarrassed as I am today.

Just ignore the ground, he is a scum.

No matter how he is smashed, he is still a scumbag.

In the end, Nie Zihang chose to run away.

After carrying the person back to the bedroom with his own hands, he opened Alpha's fingers, closed the door and fled.

Now, it's twelve o'clock.

The man who was completely in estrus stood under the shower head, leaning against the wall and gasping for breath.

The air was full of the salty and wet smell of the sea.

"I'm really a saint."

Nie Zihang washed off the shower gel and thought with a wry smile.

Yu Jingxuan asked him, if Omegas are fragrant and soft, they are all very good.

But Nie Zihang felt that there was absolutely no…

No matter how fragrant Omega is, it is not as good as the fragrance of Alpha, who is being pulled into estrus by himself, and no matter how soft it is, it is not as soft as the little fish in his arms tonight.

In the guest room on the first floor, Nie Zihang was lying on the bed that Yu Jingxuan had laid on last time, and covered himself with all the clothes he wore tonight.

Smelling the scent of the orchid left in the clothes, Nie Zihang thought about Alpha's watery eyes, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Damn, how could he be so obsessed with an Alpha?

Is it because of the estrus period?

Wait until the estrus period is over, okay?

It's all this **** combination heat.

The author has something to say:

Let me start by saying:

That's right, nothing happened

I'm still very short QAQ today

Read The First Vampire