MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 101

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There was a snag just after entering the door, Zhou Ziruo felt that it was difficult, but Lu Lixiao didn't care at all, it seemed that he had expected it long ago.

"Then can senior Cang tell this junior what is your relationship with the Gu family?"

Cang Shuiyao said: "I have some connections with the ancestors of the Gu family."

This answer is not expected, seeing how respectful Mrs. Gu is to her, it must be the friendship of the ancestors. The experience of hundreds of years of life has enabled this woman to keep a clear mind and prudent words and deeds. The information she revealed is indeed true, but the truth is tightly sealed in iron walls. Unless she is willing to say it herself, it may not be so easy to ask her something.

Zhou Ziruo knew that he was incapable of confronting such an opponent, so he consciously minimized his sense of existence. Lu Lixiao recalled Cang Shuiyao's words: "Ancestor origin...Senior Cang's puppetry is at its peak, but this junior has never heard of the connection between the Gu family and puppetry. This junior suddenly thought that perhaps Senior Cang's original purpose was not puppetry... "Having said this, he looked out of the window expecting something.

Cang Shuiyao's gaze fell to her, and her hand that was idly caressing on the mahogany Yueqin suddenly pressed down **** the strings, bringing out a sharp and piercing sound. Zhou Ziruo also turned his head to look strangely, only to realize that the silk puppet came under the peach tree in the yard at some time, dancing in the morning breeze.

The other two people in the room didn't speak, so Zhou Ziruo didn't dare to speak out. He looked at it for a while, and gradually the indifference on his face was replaced by a rising tide of confusion.

The silk-drawing puppet is wearing a water-red long skirt, the dancing belt is flying in the morning light, and the skirt is like a blooming lotus flower layer upon layer...

The scenes in the garden coincided with the scenes in the dream without knowing it, and it was so seamless. Only... there is still one person missing, and a woman in a pink dress...

Cang Shuiyao, who had shed her gray robe, often wore pink and bright clothes like peach petals.

Zhou Ziruo couldn't help taking two steps back, and kicked the wooden table on the ground. The sound of "dong" made the other two people who were silent look away from the window.

Lu Lixiao said: "Perhaps the original intention of the senior is just to keep the departed people by his side, and the puppetry is just the result of unintentional insertion after many trials and efforts. If the junior explores in this direction, maybe there will be unexpected results Harvest, what do seniors think?"

Cang Shuiyao raised her beautiful eyebrows, and whispered in a difficult voice: "Master Lu... are you forcing me?"

"The junior has no intention of persecuting the senior. The senior is an exquisite person. I must have understood that there is no secret in this world that can be buried forever. I don't want to be touched by the root and completely cut off all the beards. Sometimes it will be counterproductive. Because the real People who are determined will always find various unexpected ways to obtain the information they need. In this process, a larger and more complicated meridian network will often be involved...In this case, why don't the seniors point out the direction for the younger generation, so that the younger generation cannot Going around and digging up more stuff that shouldn't have been exposed to the sun?"

Zhou Ziruo understood the riddle-like conversation between these two people. To put it simply, no matter how correct and polite Lu Lixiao puts his attitude on, he is essentially threatening and forcing Cang Shuiyao. He came prepared to visit Cang Shuiyao today, he vaguely guessed Cang Shuiyao's weakness, so he mercilessly took advantage of that weakness in exchange for the information that Cang Shuiyao possessed.

Cang Shuiyao's secret that Lu Lixiao wanted to seal up forever did not accurately guess at this moment, but Cang Shuiyao's reaction to his guess undoubtedly proved that he had already touched the path leading to the core, so he gave Cang Shuiyao There are two choices, one, still grit his teeth and refuse to reveal anything, then he will follow his own thinking to investigate, and in the process, it is very likely that deeper secrets will be involved. Second, tell him a clue, and he will investigate along this clue, so as to avoid touching things that should not be touched.

In this case, no one would choose one, because Lu Lixiao and Gu Jue are also people with both intelligence and means.

Cang Shuiyao obviously had no doubts about Lu Lixiao's ability. After thinking for a while, she said, "Mr. Gu is old, but the current Gu family still cannot leave her control."

The Gu family has not advanced but retreated in the past few decades. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Gu's support, they would have fallen out of the ranks of the family of the Four Immortals and the Three Aristocrats. Everyone knows this situation. Zhou Ziruo nodded repeatedly, waiting for the next sentence, but Cang Shuiyao kept silent, obviously she had finished speaking.

Zhou Ziruo was stunned, what kind of clue is this? Does every servant on Mount Zhuri know how to cut? ? ?

However, when Lu Lixiao heard this, he clasped his sword and bowed again, "Thank you Senior Cang, this junior will abide by the agreement, and will not spy on unnecessary things in the matter of Mrs. Gu. This junior bid farewell."

"Ah? Are you leaving now?" Zhou Ziruo was puzzled, but Lu Lixiao had already pulled his wrist and walked towards the door.

Stepping out of the threshold of the room, Lu Lixiao turned around and said, "May I ask senior, how did you reply to Mrs. Gu that night?"

"There is no need for one more person who goes against the way of heaven in this world." Cang Shuiyao said.

"This junior understands." Lu Lixiao turned around and strode away.

The silk puppet in the garden is still dancing under the peach tree. If you don't look at the face with the same expression, it looks like a dancing girl carelessly dancing in the wind.

Not too far away from the courtyard where Cang Shuiyao lived, Zhou Ziruo violently broke away from Lu Lixiao's hand, Lu Lixiao looked back at him, Zhou Ziruo was almost in a panic under his unavoidable gaze Turning his face away, he unconsciously grabbed the wrist that was held by him just now, but even though he lowered his head, the blush spreading on his cheeks inevitably fell into Lu Lixiao's eyes clearly.

"...Did anything happen after we separated yesterday?" Lu Lixiao asked.

Zhou Ziruo felt his face getting hotter.

It's all because of my random thoughts last night...

When he walked out of Shuiyinju today and saw Lu Lixiao waiting outside the door, he started to feel uncomfortable. Just now, when he touched him, it was as if he had been electrified instantly...

He has clearly been able to keep his expression unchanged no matter how touching words Lu Lixiao utters, why should he realize at this time that when masturbating a plane, he can only be excited when he thinks about landing? ? ?

God **** it, play with him! !

Lu Lixiao stretched out his hand to caress Zhou Ziruo's face, and asked in a soft voice, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Zhou Ziruo slapped his hand away, "It's okay! Don't touch me!"

Not only was Lu Lixiao not angry, but he curled his lips into a smile. If Zhou Zi had a guilty conscience that was seen through, nonsense, what kind of heart is Lu Lixiao? Knowing him so well, it's no wonder he couldn't tell!

Therefore, Lu Lixiao, who saw it, lived up to his expectations and slipped away without any chance, and persevered in touching Zhou Ziruo's hair again, "Ziruo, if your anger has not subsided, you can punish me whatever you want from now on. .But I can’t live without you. I’ve been alone for more than twenty years. It’s your appearance that made my life complete..."

Pretending to be a 2B literary youth! !

Zhou Ziruo slapped him away again, "Whether it is round or full, the egg is not round enough! Go play with the egg yourself!"

Lu Lixiao: ...

"What did Cang Shuiyao's words mean? Who doesn't know that the Gu family has fallen?"

Lu Lixiao stared at him for a moment, put away his poetic charm and said along with his question: "If you were Mrs. Gu, the Gu family had fallen, and you were old, and you just let it go without worrying about it, then at this time What would you expect?"

"What are your expectations?" Under normal circumstances, it is of course to find a trustworthy junior to take over the family, but if the Gu family has a suitable candidate, why does Mrs. Gu have to come out of the rivers and lakes in person? With no successors and I am getting old, of course I hope that I can last for a few more years, at least until the family is on the right track before I can let go with peace of mind! But time waits for no one... time... waits for no one?

Zhou Ziruo suddenly realized: "Ah! I know, Cang Shuiyao is immortal, so Mrs. Gu hopes to get the method of immortality from her, and continue to take care of the Gu family!"

"That's it." Lu Lixiao nodded.

"But Cang Shuiyao rejected Old Madam Gu's request." Zhou Ziruo speculated, "Cang Shuiyao has a deep friendship with Gu Jiazu, and her refusal to help may have been unexpected by Old Madam Gu, so Old Madam Gu Was it related to walking out of Fenghe Garden that night?"

"It depends on what Old Madam Gu talked with Gu Jue after Senior Cang left that night, so we can be sure." Lu Lixiao said.

After communicating with Cang Shuiyao, it is not impossible for Zhou Ziruo to get the usual words out of Gu Jue's mouth. What weakness or handle does Gu Jue have? Of course, it is the ulterior identity of Jiangyue Palace's doorman. I don't know if threatening him with this will work...

"Through my secret observation these days, Gu Jue should have discovered that we have seen his identity, or it can be said that he knew he would be recognized by us from the beginning, but he is still confident and has not taken any measures against us, presumably because he is not afraid of this. The secret was exposed." Lu Lixiao casually dismissed Zhou Ziruo's thoughts.

Zhou Ziruo rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes, and found another way, "I think that kid has a little interest in Senior Cang, otherwise he pretends to be bad for Senior Cang and threatens him..."

"Aren't you going to think of other ways besides threatening you?" Lu Lixiao casually rubbed the acupuncture points in the corners of his eyes.

Zhou Ziruo immediately became unconvinced. Up to now, Lu Lixiao has been the one who contributed to the cooperation with Lu Lixiao. He directly got the results, which is no different from the days when he was attached to Lu Lixiao in the past. If this continues, Lu Lixiao will boil frogs Do you agree? Don't think that he doesn't know that the reason he proposes cooperation is to make him change his mind!

"Small evidence search expert! Give it to me!"

【Ding! The evidence-searching expert starts, 1,000 points are deducted, and the remaining points are 21,000. 】

As soon as the system sound fell, something fell from Lu Lixiao's body and fell into the weeds on the ground, making a muffled sound.

Zhou Ziruo wondered why the clue was on Lu Lixiao's body, but Lu Lixiao had already bent over to pick it up. It was an iron box slightly bigger than the book, which looked familiar, Zhou Ziruo immediately remembered that it was the iron box that Lu Lixiao found from the wall of the secret room in the room where Leng Mo lived!

He remembered that the box seemed to be cast from a whole piece of iron, without even a single seam, but when Lu Lixiao shook it, he could tell that there was something inside!

Could it be that the things inside could be clues to this incident?

"This box... have you researched any mystery?" Zhou Ziruo asked.

Lu Lixiao shook his head, "I tried many methods, even destroyed the box, but this box is invulnerable to fire and water, and I can't break it at all. Later, I checked the classics, and I deduced that there should be something called ' The spell of "Prophecy" simply requires a matching mantra to be able to open it."

"Incantation...?" Zhou Ziruo thought of something, and took out a piece of parchment from his jacket, "Take a look at what this is?"

Lu Lixiao glanced at him in surprise, took the parchment, and just read the two lines of parchment, his expression changed, "Where did you get this thing?"

Zhou Ziruo said: "My master came to see me the night before yesterday, and left it behind when I left..."

"Uncle Yun Hao? He has been here? Where is he now?"

"He rushed out like a mad dog when he heard that Mrs. Gu was missing, and I don't know where he is now." Zhou Ziruo waved his hand, "Don't talk about that, is it recorded on the parchment that the box was opened?" spell?"

Lu Lixiao read the rest of the paper, exhaled and said, "In my opinion, 10 out of 10 is enough."

"Really? Then open the box!" Zhou Ziruo urged.

Lu Lixiao frowned, "If I'm not mistaken, what's written on the parchment is the writing of an ancient nation called the 'Ghost Mirror Clan'. This nation died out a hundred years ago. I have only seen very few records about this nation in the ancient books, if I translate the content on this parchment..." He shook his head, indicating that it is currently impossible.

Zhou Ziruo was disappointed, the two looked at each other, Lu Lixiao's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he turned his head slightly to the side and said, "Master Fourteen is very skilled, I don't know what's the point of following our brothers and sisters all the way here?"

Master Fourteen? Gu Jue? ?

Zhou Ziruo turned around and looked around. When a bush was shaking, he saw Gu Jue walking out at a leisurely pace, smiling and walking towards the two of them.

"What are you following us for? Did your Jiangyue Palace kidnap Mrs. Gu?" Zhou Ziruo said angrily, his conversation with Lu Lixiao was overheard, and he wasn't afraid to tear himself apart with Gu Jue.

Gu Jue still had a gentle smile: "Zhou Shaoxia misunderstood, and now even the master is looking for grandma, so how can this matter be related to Jiangyue Palace?"

On the contrary, he confessed to his identity as the doorman of Jiangyue Palace. Zhou Ziruo said: "What are you guys planning for this Xianmen Grand Competition?"

"There's nothing to comment on that. However, the problems of the two in front of you may be able to help you solve them." Gu Jue's eyes fell on the parchment in Lu Lixiao's hand.

Zhou Ziruo was stunned for a moment, unsure: "Do you know the characters of the Ghost Mirror Clan?"

"It just happened to be a little research during this time. If the two of you don't dislike it, I can help you open this box." Gu Jue smiled

Lu Lixiao said, "What about the conditions?"

Gu Jue said: "I want to take a look at the things in the box."

Lu Lixiao pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, but I also have a condition."

"Please say."

"I want to know the content of Mrs. Gu's conversation with you that night."

Gu Jue didn't seem to be surprised by this, and confessed straightforwardly: "The old lady talked to me about two things. First, let me use the master's trust in me to destroy the Crimson Moon Palace. Second, if it succeeds, I will destroy the Gu family. The position of Patriarch will be passed on to me. In addition, by the way, I will tell you two that I don't know where the old lady will go after that."

"Old Madam Gu knows that you are from Jiangyue Palace?" Zhou Ziruo was shocked, but he couldn't help but already believed Gu Jue's words. If the Gu family wiped out the Jiangyue Palace, their ranking in the family of the third family of the Four Immortals would undoubtedly be rocketed up. The shame of being underestimated by Yi Xue for decades will return to the heyday, and the scenery will be infinite! This is definitely what Mrs. Gu expected most!

Gu Jue smiled wryly: "Maybe everyone underestimated grandma, including me." He turned to Lu Lixiao, "Is Mr. Lu satisfied with my answer?"

Lu Lixiao examined him for a while, then handed the parchment over.

Gu Jue looked at the words on the paper and smiled happily: "Fortunately, opening the box should not be a problem."

"In that case, let the fourteenth master start."

Lu Lixiao put the box on the ground, Gu Jue carefully looked at the parchment again, took out the blank talisman that he carried with him, bit his index finger and wrote down the words of the Ghost Mirror Clan, pasted the talisman on the box, and read out Large chunks of strangely pronounced obscure language.

The talisman on the box suddenly ignited spontaneously without fire, and the talisman was burned to ashes and fell on the iron box. The ashes ignited a gloomy green flame again. In just a moment, the green flame enveloped the whole box, almost making people worry that the box and Everything inside will be burnt to pieces!

However, this worry was superfluous. When Gu Jue finished reciting the last incantation, the flame went out, and the indestructible outer shell disappeared, and an old animal skin rolled there.

" this what's in the box?"

Zhou Ziruo picked up the animal skin roll and unfolded it. There was no writing on the animal skin roll, but a messy picture.

Zhou Ziruo has been passing the Chinese exam at low altitude since elementary school. He has never passed the reading comprehension, seeing pictures and speaking. The self-aware ones gave up.

It took a long time for Lu Lixiao and Gu Jue to raise their heads from the animal skin scroll.

Zhou Ziruo asked, "What do you mean?"

"The people and objects in the painting are replaced by unconventional objects, it's normal if you can't understand them," Lu Lixiao said.

Zhou Ziruo had to admit that his comfort was very useful to him, "I'll just say...then what's the story in the painting?"

"Since the parchment contains the words of the Ghost Mirror Clan, then these should be the stories of the Ghost Mirror Clan. According to the painting, the Ghost Mirror Clan is an ancient nation that existed thousands of years ago. This nation is connected to the underworld. The people of the tribe are born with the ability to connect the two worlds of Yin and Yang. They have used this ability to help many people, and even helped the country to fight. They got into a lot of troubles, and even nearly exterminated the family. So the ghost mirror clan moved to a remote place, hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, and began to live in isolation. They thought that if they could never be found by outsiders, they would The blood of the nation has been passed down, and after hundreds of years, a man appeared in the clan who dreamed of creating the art of bringing the dead back to life..."

"Wait!" Zhou Ziruo frowned and raised his hand to interrupt Lu Lixiao, "Then that man became obsessed with studying the art of bringing the dead back to life, and was not satisfied with experimenting with small animals. He started killing humans, and finally killed his own couple. A biological daughter?"

Both Lu Lixiao and Gu Jue were startled, Lu Lixiao said, "Do you understand?"

"I heard this story yesterday! It was told to me by Little Sister Han!"

"Miss Han from Yaohua Palace? Could it be that Yaohua Palace also recorded the classics of the Ghost Mirror Clan?" Gu Jue asked in surprise.

"No, Miss Han said that someone told her this story, and it was yesterday! When I met her, she had just finished listening to it!" Zhou Ziruo met Lu Lixiao's eyes after speaking. He didn't know if Lu Lixiao knew that this box was the clue to the case, but he knew very well that if there was anyone on Mount Zhuri who knew the Ghost Mirror Clan very well, then that person would be by no means simple!

Lu Lixiao asked: "Who told Miss Han this story?"

Zhou Ziruo said: "I didn't ask at that time! Why don't you ask her now?"

Lu Lixiao seemed to think it was necessary, and looked at Gu Jue: "Master Fourteen..."

"It's enough for me to know the contents of the box. You two are welcome. By the way, Mr. Lu, since you have seen the pictures on the animal skin scroll, can you give me this animal skin scroll?" Gu Jue smiled and said.

Lu Lixiao agreed, and went to Ziluoxuan with Zhou Ziruo to look for Han Ziyi. Behind them, Gu Jue faced the animal skin scroll spread out in his hands, his eyes were filled with deep ink.

Before noon, Han Ziyi should still be practicing sword with his fellow disciples in Ziluoxuan. The two hurried over. On the way, Zhou Ziruo asked Lu Lixiao, "Are you just rolling the animal skins for Gu Jue, are you not afraid of accidents?"

"I've already read it and noted it down, there's nothing to add to it." Lu Lixiao said with a calm expression.

Zhou Ziruo said: "Since the animal skin scroll is useless, what does Gu Jue need it for?"

"What he wants is not the animal skin roll, but the second half."

"And the second half?" Zhou Ziruo was taken aback.

Lu Lixiao nodded, "The story on the animal skin scroll only records the deaths of the two sisters, the next fate of the man, the future of the Ghost Mirror Clan...all are unknown. The most important thing is that the man's research on bringing the dead back to life What is the result of the technique?"

"Bringing back to life... is it really possible?" Zhou Ziruo asked in a low voice.

Lu Lixiao said firmly in a low voice, "It's absolutely impossible."

The conversation room was close to Ziluoxuan, but unexpectedly, the small courtyard was surrounded by people. Zhou Ziruo and Lu Lixiao looked at each other, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, he squeezed out from the front of the crowd and ran into the courtyard quickly, the sight that caught his eyes suddenly made all the strength in his body drain away instantly!

He staggered two steps, then sat down on the ground uncontrollably. Fortunately, a wide and warm palm stretched out from behind in time to support his cold and stiff body.

And he forgot to look back at Lu Lixiao who was supporting him, his eyes fell on Han Ziyi in the courtyard, the girl's eyes full of thousands of words and clear water when we parted yesterday still remained in his mind, but at this moment, that silent and silent The slender body lying on the ground was already a cold corpse.

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