MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 102

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Gu Er rushed over with the Gu family members, and the small Ziluo Pavilion was packed to the brim. The guests surrounding the Ziluo Pavilion refused to leave, Gu Er and the others had no choice but to ask the servants to keep the guests outside the courtyard and not allowed to enter.

It was not until dusk that the chaos finally subsided.

Zhou Ziruo was sitting alone by the flower bed in a corner outside Ziluo Pavilion that no one cared about. With the sound of footsteps approaching, he raised his face from the crook of his arms as his broad palms gently caressed the top of his head.

The scorching light unique to the setting sun suddenly filled his eyes, and he was not used to it for a moment. He rubbed his eyes, and Lu Lixiao's tall figure covered him. The dim light made him more used to it.

"...Are you leaving?"

"Well, I'm leaving." Lu Lixiao stretched out his hand.

Zhou Ziruo's mind still had a kind of blankness in his mind, so he instinctively held Lu Lixiao's hand, and did not refuse him to wrap his arms around his waist intimately. Gu Qingyan, who was stepping out from the gate of Ziluoxuan, happened to see this scene, and stopped in his tracks.

Gu Qingfeng and Gu Qingce, who were chattering on both sides, called him curiously: "Qingyan?"

Gu Qingyan hurriedly retracted his gaze, picked a different direction and walked quickly, "It's okay, let's go."

It wasn't until Lu Lixiao took him to Zhizhuyuan that Zhou Ziruo realized that he didn't send him back to Shuiyinju. However, he didn't show any violent or rebellious reaction, he felt very tired, any place is fine, it is enough for him to rest with peace of mind.

Mu Qijun was sitting by the stone table in the yard, when he saw Lu Lixiao brought Zhou Ziruo, he was stunned for a moment, then got up and chased after him, "You guys are back? I heard that Han from Yaohua Palace..."

Lu Lixiao walked ahead with Zhou Ziruo in his arms, looked slightly sideways, his deep eyes silenced the words behind him, Mu Qijun opened his mouth, and finally went back to the room tactfully.

"At a time like this, I can't let you live alone in a place too far away from me. This room in Zhizhuyuan is vacated and cleaned every day. It is very clean. You can live here from today. Don't worry, I will meet you later Go to Shuiyinju and bring your luggage." Lu Lixiao opened the door of the guest room with one hand, and brought Zhou Ziruo into the room.

Zhou Ziruo nodded to accept his arrangement, Lu Lixiao closed the door, and suddenly hugged him from behind.

Zhou Ziruo gave up if there was no result.

Lu Lixiao rubbed the corners of his eyes lightly with his thin and firm lips, and whispered softly against his ear: "If the person who died was me, would you still be obsessed with me?"

Zhou Ziruo suddenly trembled, his tense body stiffened, Lu Lixiao tightened his arms and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"What nonsense are you talking about!?" Zhou Ziruo growled angrily.

Lu Lixiao said: "It doesn't have to be nonsense, we are not necessarily safer than Miss Han a few hours ago. I just hope you are aware of the danger and don't leave my side easily. Also, I ask you to think carefully, if Tomorrow I am about to die, and today you still want to completely deny me because of the mistakes I made in the past, and refuse to even give me a chance to make up for it?"

Zhou Ziruo's expression froze for a moment, and he slowly lowered his head.

He never thought...never thought that one day, Lu Lixiao would be gone...

In his eyes, Lu Lixiao was as indestructible as a solid mountain, as if all problems and difficulties would be solved with him. He never realized that Lu Lixiao was actually an ordinary person, and he never thought that he might encounter enemies stronger than him...

If Lu Lixiao is gone, will he regret it?

...Is he really, determined to let go of this person's hand forever, and never look back in this life?

After learning the truth about the summoning array, Zhou Ziruo doubted himself for the first time.

Lu Lixiao didn't chase after him, hugged him hard, and let go, "Go to bed and sleep for a while, you're tired today. I'll bring you dinner, and get up and eat when you're hungry."

Zhou Ziruo walked obediently to the bed, untied his belt, and Lu Lixiao quickly followed him to help him take off his clothes and shoes and socks, picked him up and put him on the bed, and then pulled up the quilt for him considerately.

"Sleep well, don't think about anything. Don't go anywhere when you wake up, just wait for me here."

The warm quilt wrapped Zhou Ziruo tightly, only his head was exposed, and two black eyes looked at him: "Yes."

Lu Lixiao bent down and stared at him seriously, "Promise me, think carefully about what I said, it doesn't matter if it takes longer, and give me an answer after you think it through."


There was a gentle smile on the corner of Lu Lixiao's lips, and he lowered his tone: "Can you give me a reassurance now, that we are not really impossible?"

Zhou Ziruo was silent for a moment, pulled out his arms from under the quilt, hooked his neck, and lowered his head. Originally, Lu Lixiao only wanted to get a verbal promise, but he didn't want Zhou Ziruo to answer him with actions, so he pressed his lips against his. Of course Lu Lixiao would not refuse, he put his arms around Zhou Ziruo's back and pressed against his body, his fiery tongue stuck into his mouth, his lips and tongue were glued together tightly.

At the end of the long kiss, Lu Lixiao held Zhou Ziruo's face in both hands and kissed delicately on the corners of his eyelids, brows, cheeks and lips, and finally pressed against his lips and whispered: "If you really can't sleep at night, come here Find me. I live in the room across from you."

Zhou Ziruo responded: "Yes."

This time I slept until midnight, and as expected, I woke up in a messy dream.

There was dinner on the table in the room, I don't know what method Lu Lixiao used, it was still warm at the moment. Zhou Ziruo hadn't eaten since noon, so he got up and ate all the food. After eating, he came to the window and pushed the window sash open a small gap, looking at the opposite room.

There was a faint light peeking out from under the door, and it seemed that Lu Lixiao hadn't fallen asleep yet.

...are you waiting for him?

Zhou Ziruo once again saw Han Ziyi in his dream lying on the ground bleeding from seven orifices with a black face, after a while the person lying there became himself again, and after a while it became Lu Lixiao...the corpse Constantly switching between him and Lu Lixiao, he was awakened from this nightmare.

Zhou Ziruo admitted frankly that he was really scared.

Even though he faced the danger of a butcher's knife hanging around his neck several times in the past, he had never felt so truly and profoundly that the danger was close at hand like today.

In fact, subconsciously before this, he still regarded this world as a virtual game world. Lu Lixiao was the protagonist of the game, and he was the protagonist in another sense. He thought that they could always save the day from danger. . However, in fact, this is a real world, full of unknown dangers.

In his eyes, the deceased in those previous cases were just challenges for them to uncover clues and restore the truth, but Han Ziyi was different. He had really known this girl before, seen her beauty and fragility, and met her. Having touched her pain and feelings, this is a living person he is familiar with.

The lively and lively person in front of him yesterday turned into a cold and stiff corpse, just so close to him.

Han Ziyi's death caused a huge shock and blow to him, not only because this girl had a sincere affection for him, but also because her death made him realize that he and the people he cares about may really be in the future. At a certain moment, I was caught off guard and left the world!

Zhou Ziruo took a deep breath and closed the window tightly. Looking at it further, he was afraid that he would really not be able to stand the temptation, so he ran to Lu Lixiao's room to seek comfort and a sense of security.

Although he promised Lu Lixiao that he would reconsider their relationship, he also knew very well that he could no longer just leave everything to that man in a muddle like before, and just sit back and relax. He must learn to overcome the darkness of fear of getting through without him, and then pick himself up for the challenges of the next day.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Lixiao came to Zhou Ziruo's door, and when he was about to knock on the door, the door opened from the inside. The morning light shone on Zhou Ziruo's body, reflecting the clear look on his face full of vitality.

"It's so early? Have you eaten yet? If not, come and eat together." Zhou Ziruo went back to the table and sat down. His clothes were completely different from yesterday's. Yesterday after he fell asleep, Lu Lixiao got him from Shuiyinju. The luggage that came over, the slender figure with the sky-blue clothes hanging down, was like a tender green sprout full of vitality.

Lu Lixiao's eyes followed Zhou Ziruo's figure that had never shrunk in the slightest, and at this moment cracks appeared in his usual ease. He always thought that he would eventually hold something in his hand, and at this moment, there was a trace of uncertainty that made him almost panic.

He stopped at the door for a while, then walked over.

"I didn't know you were coming here. There is only one pair of chopsticks, but fortunately there are a lot of food, so you can use it if you don't mind." Zhou Ziruo put down the half bowl of rice porridge.

Lu Lixiao took it without hesitation, and used the chopsticks he used to pick up the vegetables.

Zhou Ziruo propped his hands on the stool, let Lu Lixiao eat slowly, and said, "I was not in a good mood yesterday, please take care of me, thank you."

"You don't need to be so polite with me." Lu Lixiao sipped his porridge with his head bowed.

Zhou Ziruo waited patiently for him to finish eating and put down the bowls and chopsticks before asking, "Did anything be found about Miss Han yesterday?"

Lu Lixiao wiped the corners of his lips with a handkerchief, and then looked over, "At present, there are two conclusions. First, Miss Han must have died of poisoning."


"According to my colleagues in Yaohua Palace, Miss Han suddenly bled from her seven orifices while she was practicing the sword, and she died immediately. Before that, she had no abnormality, let alone any injuries. The seventh master of the Gu family judged that she should have been hit by a colorless and odorless As for the specific poison, it is still being identified.”

"Is the murderer the one who told her the story of the Ghost Mirror Clan?" Zhou Ziruo asked.

Lu Lixiao said, "I think it's very possible."

"Afraid that we would find him, so we preemptively killed him? But if that's the case, why did you tell her that story?" Zhou Ziruo couldn't figure it out.

Lu Lixiao looked at him and said, "Miss Han died almost at the same time as we learned the story of the Ghost Mirror Clan. I don't think the murderer was just trying to kill someone. When did the murderer poison? Yesterday morning or earlier? No idea. Perhaps the murderer decided to kill her long before he told her the story!"

"Could it be that...Miss Han inadvertently discovered an important clue about the murderer, which led to her death?"

"The women in Yaohua Palace almost act together on weekdays. This is unlikely, but it can be used as a way of thinking. We can try to find out about Miss Han's recent situation from her classmates."

Zhou Ziruo nodded, "By the way, you just said two conclusions, and one more?"

Lu Lixiao said: "There is one more thing that seems incredible to me... and that is that there is already a suspect who killed Miss Han."

Progress is so fast? Zhou Ziruo asked in surprise, "Who is it?"

Lu Lixiao said, "Gu Qinghuan."

"What???" If he hadn't been sure that he was awake, Zhou Ziruo would have almost thought he had heard the Arabian Nights, "Who said that? Didn't you have any brains? How could it be that idiot??"

Lu Lixiao shook his head inexplicably, "You don't know yet, Gu Qinghuan—is missing."

The author has something to say: It turns out that today is Qixi Festival, and single dogs don’t pass Qixi Festival, but I still want to wish happy Qixi Festival to those with companions

I have been on fire for the past two days, and I am really restless in pain. This chapter is a little less, but yesterday I added more than 10,000 = ̄ω ̄=

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