MTL - Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island-Chapter 375

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"Just take them to see more!"

"My Su Shaoze's son, how could he grow up in the hands of a boudoir woman?"

"They are not too young. They can't always follow a group of children to fool around. They should see what a real man's dream is."

Hearing Su Shaoze's words, Zhao Yazhi immediately shook his head and said, "Are you crazy? They are still so young."

"Tianyou is only six years old, and Tianyu is only five years old. You want to take such a young child to the barracks?"

Su Shaoze said nonchalantly: "What's the point? I would have shot when I was four years old. I took our home gun and scared a blind man away."

"When I was eight years old, I followed the elders of our village to fight with other villages."

"I was a soldier when I was fifteen, and I went to war when I was sixteen. How many people have been killed in South Vietnam?"

"What's wrong with being young? Just to see it."

Su Shaoze counted his glorious achievements and listened to Zhou Huimin and Liu Xiaoli's admiration.

No wonder several children are so mischievous, it turns out that the roots are in Su Shaoze, and they are all inherited.

But Zhao Yazhi and Ye Yingwen didn't have the mood to worship anything.

"Can it be the same then as it is now?"

"Why is it different? I couldn't eat enough at that time, and I wasn't as strong as these two boys at this age!"

"Let them get some military knowledge and exercise their willpower. This is a good thing. If my son, Su Shaoze, is not bloody, that's okay?"

"I know the truth, but they are too young, can't they grow up in a few years?"

"Now that I'm not too young, if I grow up, my temperament will be finished, and I won't be able to change it."


"Okay, you don't care about what I decided, you can't let them continue to mess around." Su Shaoze took out the majesty of the head of the family and made a domineering decision.

Loving mothers often fail children. In this kind of matter, Su Shaoze will never be democratic and will never tolerate them being infinitely spoiled.

"Do you still remember what happened to the rich second generation not long ago? Do you want to kill your relatives righteously in the future?" Su Shaoze said to Ye Yingwen.

In the past two months, there was a case that caused a sensation on Hong Kong Island. Several officials, second-generation rich second-generation prosecutors, murdered a girl, arousing the anger of the public.

Ye Yingwen insisted on a heavier sentence.

Uphold the fairness and justice of the law, and go hand in hand with sin.

But if this matter was replaced by her son, what would Ye Yingwen do?

Of course, in terms of the current and future strength of the Su family on Hong Kong Island, even if Su Tianyou and the others really did something outrageous, it wouldn't be a big deal. The worst thing might be to leave Hong Kong Island to hide from the limelight. .

Don't blame Su Shaoze for being selfish, this is the nature, family love is greater than the law!

The child will be fine, but when this happens, Ye Yingwen will definitely be extremely sad and disappointed.

At that time, if you regret not educating your children well, it will be too late!

Especially thinking of some things that happened last night, Ye Yingwen was also a little flustered, and also understood that the education of children must be paid attention to.

"OK then!"

Ye Yingwen nodded lightly and said, "But they are still too young, so don't criticize them too much."

Su Shaoze smiled casually: "Okay!"

Being young doesn't mean you can really use this as an excuse.

There is a reason why Su Shaoze chooses them to live in the barracks now.

Although he deliberately chose an ordinary school for his son, it allowed him to get in touch with the life of some commoners.

But the status of the Su family and the environment in which they lived on weekdays were determined, and they were destined to not be able to live that kind of life.

Many times they also play with the children of Bao Chuanwang, Li Chaoren and their grandchildren.

This group of super rich second generation will definitely not be safe when they get together.

There was a 187 incident some time ago.

A group of children actually drove three cars of Li Chao's family on the street, and hit several cars one after another, but fortunately, Li Chao's family's car was more powerful and they were not injured.

Although the two boys were severely beaten by their mother when they returned home after the incident, Su Shaoze believed that the education was not profound enough.

At a young age, he showed his love for cars, and in the future he was a group of ghostly young people who were racing cars.

Stumbling, beating, doing stupid things, nothing in itself, but stealing needles when you are young, and stealing money when you are big.

This momentum must be curbed.

When they grow up, young people will be impulsive and not afraid of doing bad things. It's okay for Su Shaoze to wipe their butts, but their nature must not be crooked.

So, things were decided so happily.

Two days later, Su Shaoze took the two boys out to sea to see what a real man's romance is.

"By the way, I remembered what you said about the case just now. It happened last night." Ye Yingwen suddenly said to Su Shaoze.

"Do you remember Liu Fengqiang?"

Su Shaoze was taken aback: "Liu Fengqiang?"

The name is a bit familiar!

"It's the case you just mentioned. One of the criminals is Liu Zhidong. Liu Fengqiang is Liu Zhidong's father." Ye Yingwen said.

This case was sent to the court through her hands and caused a great sensation on Hong Kong Island, so she remembers the case very clearly.

Hearing what Ye Yingwen said, Su Shaoze remembered it.

"Oh, it's the guy who stopped you in front of the Attorney General and asked you to help commute his son's sentence!" Su Shaoze said suddenly.

"That's right, it's him!"

Su Shaoze had a very bad impression of that guy, he was just a small person and didn't have the heart to clean up.

"What's up with him?"

"he died!"


Chapter 642: Robbing the Prisoner's Car [Ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Liu Fengqiang?

It seems that he is the owner of a food company, with a net worth of several hundred million, just a small person.

If Ye Yingwen hadn't mentioned it, Su Shaoze would have really forgotten this person.

Now this guy is dead?

"How did you die?" Su Shaoze asked curiously.

"He was killed last night, not only him, but his whole family."

"I heard that the death is very tragic." Ye Yingwen said in a deep voice.

"Today, the Hong Kong government issued an emergency order to allow the police to catch the murderer as soon as possible."

"I'm afraid the police are going crazy right now."

Hearing this, Su Shaoze understood. No wonder when he came back this morning, so many police blocked the intersection and strictly checked the traffic.

It turned out that there were gangsters!

The person who died was a rich man like Liu Fengqiang!

The whole family was killed, it was really tragic!

The Hong Kong Governor's Office and the police force must take action.

Suddenly, Su Shaoze suddenly thought of something: "The person who killed Liu Fengqiang's family was not named Yang Guangcheng, right?"

"Hey, you know?" Ye Yingwen said in surprise, the police had just confirmed the identity of the murderer.

However, considering that Su Shaoze has connections with many high-level officers in the police force, and now that the assistant police chief of the headquarters, Zhuo Jingquan, is the spokesperson of the Su clan chaebol in the police force, it is easy for Su Shaoze to obtain any inside information.

Thinking of this, I was relieved.

But in fact, this time it was really Su Shaoze's guess.

Although the police can't hide many things from Su Shaoze, as long as it's not about the interests of the Galaxy Group and the Su family, Su Shaoze doesn't bother to ask.

Otherwise, if everything was reported to Su Shaoze here, Zhuo Jingquan and the others would have rushed to the end.

This time, too, it was just a murder case. Although the method was cruel and the impact was relatively bad, it had nothing to do with the Su family. It was the police force's own business.

So Su Shaoze didn't ask, Zhuo Jingquan and the others were also busy.

The reason why Su Shaoze guessed the identity of the murderer came from an original piece of information.

Yang Guangcheng!

His sister, the victim of the case of Liu Fengqiang's son Liu Zhidong, the girl who was killed by those second-generation rich.

Their mother died early, their father was a drug addict, and the two brothers and sisters depended on each other.

In order to take care of his younger sister and support her to study, Yang Guangcheng joined the club at a very young age.

Dare to fight and dare to kill, very skillful.

Later, he offended someone and went to the mainland to avoid the limelight, but he did not expect that during this period, his most beloved sister had an accident.

was brutally murdered by a group of beasts.

Then there is the story of a **** of war coming back, crazy revenge!

In the study, Su Shaoze made a phone call and easily got the whole process and details of this matter.

After hanging up the phone, Su Shaoze felt some sympathy for the brother and sister. He didn't have the slightest disgust at what Yang Guangcheng did, but rather appreciated it.

This is what a man should do. People always live for something, money, family, affection, honor.

Su Shaoze appreciates his strength that can do anything for the sake of his family.

Similarly, thinking of the process of Yang Guangcheng committing the crime, Su Shaoze not only thinks of himself back then, but also as crazy as a bunch of brothers.

"It's a talent'~!"

one day ago!

Many reporters on Hong Kong Island rushed to the door of the Hong Kong Island Court, because a case that caused an uproar on the Hong Kong Island fishing boat and the anger of the people, which has been silent for two months, is going to be heard today.

Countless citizens with a sense of justice shouted that the murderer would be severely punished, because they were just ordinary people. Facing the girl's experience, they felt the same way. Maybe someday bad luck will come to them in the future.

In the same way, the families of these criminal suspects are not idle.

These families, either rich or powerful, have been active for two months, and it can be considered that they have used their best energy.

Therefore, although these people are also serious, they are not too nervous.

Because the result is basically determined!

It's not ideal, but at least acceptable.

"Mr. Zhang, you are a legislator, do you have anything to say about your son doing such a thing?"

Faced with the reporter's questioning, a man in his fifties said with a heavy face: "I apologize to the victim's family and the general public."

"I am a failed father and I am deeply ashamed that I did not educate my son so well that he did such a bad thing."

"For this reason, I have resigned as a legislator and have no face to face the justice of the law."

The man bowed to the camera apologetically, and walked into the courtroom.

Soon, Liu Fengqiang and his wife also rushed over.

When asked by the reporter on the other side, Liu Fengqiang first apologized, and then said pleadingly: "My son is still a child. He is young and ignorant. I have definitely disciplined him more, please supervise him."

"And I will give sufficient compensation to the victim's family, hoping to be forgiven."

In the crowd, a man in ordinary clothes and a peaked cap watched all this quietly. Hearing the words of Liu Fengqiang and the others, sharp eyes flashed in his eyes.

"Apologize, ashamed, compensate, forgive?"

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