MTL - Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island-Chapter 376

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"Ha ha!"

"If an apology is useful, what is the law for?"

"Can more compensation be exchanged for my sister's life?"

The man murmured in a cold and stern voice, he believed in the justice of the law, but he did not believe that the court was really just.

If the court can't bring the killer to justice, then he will do it himself.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

His eyes turned to a man on the far corner of the street, and the two looked at each other and nodded lightly.

Another man leaves.

Time passed slowly, the personnel had arrived, and the trial officially began.


"¨'All stand up, this court pronounces the sentence!"

In the courtroom, a judge with a dog's hair smashed it with a small hammer, and then everyone in the courtroom stood up.

"According to the police report, eyewitness testimony, forensic autopsy report~"

"The victim Yang Lijun died accidentally after drinking too much~"

According to the judgment of the court, Yang Lijun's death was an accident and had no direct relationship with Liu Zhidong and others.

All previous relationships happened voluntarily, and even when he found out that Yang Lijun's physical condition was not right, Liu Zhidong personally performed artificial respiration for her.

It's just that they drank together after all, and these people were also indirectly responsible for Yang Lijun's death, so they were sentenced to one year of control.

This is already the lowest kind of penalty.

Apart from not being able to leave Hong Kong Island and regularly going to the community to participate in voluntary labor, it has no other impact on life.

When this result appeared, Yang Guangcheng who got the news was very calm, but murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the beasts, at their family members, and at the man huddled in the corner.

His father, a **** alcoholic addict!

Yang Guangcheng has been involved in clubs and committed crimes. His identity cannot enter Hong Kong Island, and he came back secretly.

Therefore, as Yang Lijun's only relative, his father appeared in court for the hearing, but he did not seem too sad about his daughter's death.

There was no disagreement with this result.

Because after getting a large sum of money, he has been very happy to sign the agreement of understanding.

Now, he has money!

Can buy a lot of white powder!

"You're so **** good!"

Yang Guangcheng said bitterly in his heart, if this guy hadn't been his father, he would have done it long ago.

Of course, it's the other beasts to deal with now.

Without saying a word, Yang Guangcheng quietly withdrew.

Revenge begins! ! ! .

Chapter 643 Heroes, Lu Jian injustice roars [For flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

"Hehe, a bunch of dead people are trying to sentence me to death. It's a big joke."

"I'm back now, hahaha!"

When Liu Zhidong and the others left the court and returned to the **** car, they immediately stopped covering themselves.

The remorse on his face vanished without a trace, turning into a triumph.

No matter how angry those people are, they are just a group of poor and despicable social animals. Even if they know the truth, they have no choice but to let out a powerless and ridiculous wailing.

As it is now, how many people want to sentence them to heavy sentences or even death, but in the end they are still fine.

Their family has money and power, and no matter what they do, someone will wipe their ass.

"Okay, Adong, stop talking nonsense on horseback, this time I was almost killed by you." Zhang Xinming said coldly.

His old bean is the legislator surnamed Zhang just now. He has a lot of influence in the political world, especially in the judicial world.

This time, in order to hug his son, it is considered an old face.

Although he was rebounded by a group of young backbone forces represented by Ye Yingwen, he finally suppressed this matter with his connections for many years.

It can be said that the reason why Zhang Xinming and several others were able to escape this time was his father.

Of course, several other companies have also contributed a lot. There are five people in total. Three are in the political world, and two are in business.

There is money for the money, and there is for the people!

"Adong, if 187 hadn't said you had to play something new, that girl wouldn't have died." A guy with glasses complained.

The other two also nodded with lingering fears.

Liu Zhidong was dissatisfied: "Now you're complaining about me? Why didn't you object at that time? Isn't it fun to play?"

The glasses man muttered in a cold voice: "Who would have thought that it is still a Chu, it is so casual."

"Okay, keep your mouth shut and talk less. If you don't die this time, please be honest with me in the future. If you do something again, no one will save you."

Zhang Xinming seemed to be the boss of these people. When he got angry, the others stopped talking.

The **** car just went on like this. They were going to return to the detention center. These people were not acquitted, but were sentenced to community service for one year, so the procedure still had to go.

Several people soon began to chat again, with relaxed expressions on their faces.

The **** car is an enclosed compartment, locked from the outside, with only a small window left in the front and driving position.

Maybe it was because he heard the arrogant words of a few guys, and the unrepentant appearance made people angry.

A prison guard sitting in the co-pilot seat slammed the carriage hard.

"Shut up and don't talk."

If they were still in the detention center before, they would have endured it, but now that they are released from prison at night, who is afraid of a small prison guard?

Immediately regaining his arrogant and playful personality, Liu Zhidong, with handcuffs in both hands, leaned over to the small window in front of him, and said with a smile, "Are you talking to me just now?"

"What's your name? Where is your home?"

Hearing this, the policeman in front fell silent.

Liu Zhidong sat back and smiled: "Trash."

"A stinky policeman costs only a few thousand yuan a month, so what is justice? Take care of your family first!"

The other guys also looked at it with a smile, as if they had found a new toy. The life of the rich second-generation official and the second-generation is so boring.

But in the next second, several people in the car suddenly heard a huge muffled sound, as if a heavy hammer was hitting the drum, and they were inside the drum.

Immediately afterwards, they felt the world spinning for a while, and their bodies kept falling to and fro in the carriage.


"Help me~"

"what happened?"

Several people are playboys, where have you encountered such a thing on weekdays?

So at this time, they were screaming in horror, feeling that all the bones in his body were broken.


It turned out that just as the **** car passed through an intersection, a large truck suddenly rushed out from the other side, ignoring the traffic lights, and rammed towards the **** car like crazy.

The time was too short, no one reacted, and the big truck slammed into the side of the **** car with a 'boom'.

The **** car was hit by this passionate collision, and the whole car flew out sideways, flipped several somersaults in the air, and only stopped when it hit another car.

But the big truck obviously didn't give up, it accelerated again and collided again, pushing the two trucks until the roadbed stopped.

The door opened, and two masked gangsters with hoods came out, both of them holding an AK47!

At the same time, a car accident occurred in both the front and rear directions of the **** car. The two cars lay in the middle of the road, blocking the way of the front and rear policemen.

They also held an AK in each hand, and shot directly into the sky, carrying out a deterrent shooting.

The police in the front and rear directions hurriedly got out of the car and fought back with guns.

But despite the large number of people, they are not at the same level as the robbers.

The .38 broken pistol is incomparable to the AK47 at all!

Over the years, the law and order time on Hong Kong Island has happened countless times, but the police's equipment has never changed.

Although there is the Flying Tigers as a supplementary vitality of the police, the Flying Tigers do not really have wings!

Police officers in both directions were stopped.

The two masked robbers who got on and off the big truck walked directly to the back of the **** vehicle, and one person shot the door lock with two shots.

Then the rear door was opened, and five guys in handcuffs were knocked together like a rolling gourd. !


Seeing these two masked gangsters, the people in the car were obviously a little confused. Liu Zhidong said at a loss: "You guys, who are you?"

One of the robbers wearing a hood said in a deep voice: "Several young masters, we are here for you, come with us."

After saying that, he stepped on the carriage and pulled the arms of the two people down.

Zhang Xinming shook his head, still very drowsy, concussion is almost certain.

Still unable to react, he followed in a dizzy daze. So far, he is still very confused, and he doesn't understand what is going on.

At this moment, the road is already in chaos, some people hijack the prisoner's car, and there is even a shootout with the police on the main road.

The people around had heard the gunshots, and many people lost their cars and ran away in fright.

"You, who are you? Are you really here to save us?" Zhang Xinming was vigorously pulled by Yang Guangcheng, shook his head vigorously and asked.

"Young Master Zhang, time is urgent, I don't have time to explain, get in the car quickly." Yang Guangcheng said in an urgent voice.

Another masked bandit with a gun also pulled two people from the **** car and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang and the others arranged for us to come."

"Someone refuses to accept the court's decision and wants to kill you. We are here to protect you."

Yang Guangcheng nodded and said, "Come with us."

At this time, Zhang Xinming and the others had no choice but to resist, and they were pushed into the trunk of the large truck in a daze.

Still thinking in my heart, are they really arranged by their father to save them?

Someone who doesn't want to live and wants to kill him?

Damn, why are there always traitors trying to hurt me?

But fortunately, my father has foresight!

The five people were stuffed into the rear compartment. Yang Guangcheng and the two sat directly in the cab, blocking the two brothers from the police in the front and rear. They hurriedly retreated, jumped into the compartment, and closed the door.

When he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the big truck directly smashed into the few cars in front of him, and he scurried on the road as if flying, and soon disappeared into the traffic.

Chapter 644: The poured bullets, the mad slaughter [For flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

"What? The **** car was robbed?"

The news quickly reached the police headquarters, and a chief superintendent slapped the table in anger.

"How is our buddy?"

"Our guys are all right. Although the robbers are all holding AK47s, they don't seem to want to embarrass us. Except for the two people in the car accident, everything else is fine.~"

Hearing that there were no police casualties, the chief superintendent was also relieved, and then became even more angry: "Who did it? In broad daylight, he dared to rob a prisoner-car, it's lawless."

"Sir, the two guys who drove the **** car said that they heard a personal conversation between the robber and Zhang Xinming."

"They said that someone wanted to kill Zhang Xinming and the others, and Commissioner Zhang sent them to save people."

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