MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 19 Retreat

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"Okay, Dutch ... what, what!" Mo Yifeng was serious now,

"I said, Mr. Mo, what's wrong with you, wouldn't I order a painting?" Xiaorui said casually, but he couldn't hide his smug joy.

"You, are you asking Master to really subscribe to" The Moonlight on the Lotus Pond "?" He tried to calm himself, and sat down in the chair again, Nono asked.

"啧啧 ~~" shook his forefinger and said in full color, "Mr. Mo, my master really likes this painting. The painting under the lotus pond is really to be determined. It is definitely not a joke." Or does Boss Mo let me not ?! "

"Ha ha ~~~ Xiao Rui really laughs, I never said that I wouldn't let this painting be ordered." His face was calm, but his heart was surging.

Li Yan's trick is really enough, do not buy, do not grab, do not steal, do not steal, just order! If this painting is delivered, Caiyunfang will be busy in the future! I do not know if it is a blessing or a curse! ?

Xin Ru turned to look at "The Moonlight Under the Lotus Pond". The painting has beautiful patterns, clever ideas, meticulous embroidery, lively stitching, elegant colors, unique style, and strong characteristics. The whole painting is embroidered with fine silk, which is expensive and rare.

Is Li Yan intentional or unintentional? Xin Ru thought, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, talk about the price, how much?" Xiaorui got a cup of tea by herself and drank.

"Ten thousand."

Uh ~

Xiao Rui's mouth was covered with tea.

He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and stood up, pointing at Mo Yifeng, angrily reprimanding, "Mo Yifeng, are you deliberate, the two in front are both three thousand and two, how come to me, it becomes ten thousand Two, oh ~~ I know, you must not want to buy my paintings, so the price is high, isn't it! "

"I didn't! This painting, I never give away or buy people! If you want to order! One pair is 12,000! No price!" Mo Yifeng also stood up, frowned, and took away. Xiaorui pointed at his hand.

"No?" Xiao Rui shook off Mo Yifeng's hand. "For the obvious thing, you dare to say that I misunderstood you. I just saw it clearly!" He became more excited, his voice also It became louder.

"I said, I didn't!" Mo Yifeng was also angry. She had opened the store for so long and hadn't seen anyone so outrageous.

"Please see clearly, the entire painting in" The Lotus Pond Moon "is all embroidered with fine silk. It will cost more than 3,000 to buy these silks alone, and the needlework of" The Lotus Pond Moon "is complicated , Embroidery is fine, I don't sell you 12,000, I am a loss! "Mo Yifeng said, pointing to the painting on the wall.

"You! Are you covered in me, aren't you? I don't know, I don't understand these." Xiao Rui flushed a little.

"Oh, it ’s so funny, you know what you do n’t know, and I ’m not you, how would I know !? If you do n’t want to buy it, please come back! I always have no shortage of customers at Caiyunfang!" Very decisive!

"You, me, I ..." Xiao Ruigui was there, stood for a while, and finally sat down.

The master said, don't go back to meet him without ordering a painting!

"I know, I know, ten thousand is ten thousand." Xiaorui said quietly, unwilling, but had nowhere to say.

"Pay the deposit first, five thousand two." He explained: "The rule of Caiyunfang is to pay half the deposit first, and then pay the remaining half after the inspection."

Xiaorui leaned into his right sleeve with his left hand and took out a few silver tickets. Unwillingly handed Mo Yifeng.

The master also said that the rest of the deposit is mine. I originally wanted to buy some delicious food when I went back. I toiled myself and worked hard all night. This time I gave it to Mo Yifeng. No child left!

"After half a year, delivery." Still said humblely.

"Ah! Half a year!" Xiaorui was very surprised. He just asked with a smile, "Mr. Mo, will it be too long?"

Mo Yifeng is very articulate, he is not cheap at all!

"Yes, I can't deliver the goods in half a year." Even if he gave him ten years in "The Lotus Pond", he would not deliver them!

Xin Ru glanced at Mo Yifeng in confusion, without speaking.

"Oh, then you give me the bill." Grimly hissed.

"Yes. Wait for me. I have a letter for your young master." After that, he headed for the back room.