MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 20 Intentional delay

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After Mo Yifeng left, Xiaorui got up boringly, simply strolling in Caiyunfang. The place was small, the decoration was simple and casual. After a few steps, he sat boringly on the chair.

He turned and asked, Xin Ru beside him, "Hey, why did Mo Yifeng send a letter to my young master? What is it?"

"I don't know. He won't tell me a lot of things."

He bored his lips boringly and collected the bills.

After Xu Yan, Mo Yifeng, holding Xing Huang's envelope in his hand, came out from behind the curtain and handed it to Xiao Rui. He took the letter and said nothing, and his head would not go away.

Looking at the back of Xiaorui away, Xin Ru asked: "Why buy him 12,000, isn't it 8,000? Is it enough to delay the delivery time?"

"I think it's too short? Once we hand in the painting, we will be busy in the future." He murmured, but he had some daughters.

"Is Li Zhi intentional?"

"God knows, I'm not him," he paused, laughing softly, and continued, "Maybe, I will know in a few days ~~" looked at Xin Ru very mysteriously.

"A few days? What did you say to his letter?" Xin Ru raised an eyebrow at him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it will be clear when the time comes, okay, close the door, we will go back and get ready for what we need."

Hospitality, first floor.

"Master, why did Xiaorui go so long and haven't returned? It's almost noon." Mo Lao looked up at the sky.

"Look, aren't you back?" Li Min held a folding fan and pointed at the blue boy on the street.

"Why did you run out of sweat?" Mo Lao looked away in the direction pointed by Li Yan.

For a long time, Xiaorui gasped and went to Mo Lao to sit down, reached the bowl of water, and drank and drank, looking really thirsty.

Aside, neither Mo Lao nor Li Yan asked, waiting for Xiao Rui to say.

"Mo Yifeng was too jerk. He bought that picture for 12,000 and delivered it half a year later. On the way back, I asked about it. In the past two years, Mo Yifeng has sold the most expensive goods for less than 72,000. The longest delivery period is also half a year. Master, you gave me five thousand two, all of which are deposits. "Xiaorui caressed his chest and said. Grumbling again and drinking tea.

Li Yan still did not speak, listening quietly.

"Wait, half a year? Xiaorui, are you correct?" Mo Lao asked.

"No, just half a year!"

"You won't discuss it with him, we don't have that much time to wait in Yizhou."

"I, I also think about it, but Mo Yifeng's guy is too good to speak, I can't talk to him." Xiaoru blushed, and bowed his head slightly.

"This is because, from the situation yesterday, Mo Yifeng is indeed a clever person." Mo Lao stroked his beard and said with emotion, "It has only been three years since he came to Yizhou that Caiyunfang's reputation can be made high. This person must not look down on the cloud embroidery that has been in existence for a century. "

"Speaking of which, Master, the old lady only gave us three months, what can we do?" Mo old turned to Li Li and asked.

Li Min glanced at him without answering.

Mo Lao knew that he had passed, and he stopped talking. If you think about it, why did the young master obediently listen to what the old lady said, if you listen to it, will it be a weak year, and there will still be no children?

"Yes, Master, Mo Yifeng asked me to give you a letter." Xiao Rui broke the silence for a moment, took the letter from his sleeve, and handed it to Li Yan.

After he opened the envelope and read the letter, he smiled gently, like a breeze. With a pinch, the paper is all powder.

Mo Lao and Xiao Rui looked puzzled and puzzled.

"Master, what did Mo Yifeng say?" Mo Lao asked curiously.

Read The Duke's Passion