MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 24 Irreparable

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In March weather, the peach blossoms flying on Shengtu Mountain filled the air with refreshing aroma. Between the mountain stream, the spring water swelled, the water mist was diffused, and the sound of the water was light and pleasant.

Shengtu Mountain, towering upright, straight into the clouds, is worthy of the highest peak of Mu You. On the 15th of April, the peach trees are everywhere on the mountain, there are many varieties, there should be, flowers of different sizes and different colors. The warm spring breeze blows, the petals are flying all over the sky, and they look far away, like a fairyland on earth, beautiful and stunning.

When you reach the Peach Blossom Festival, the mountains are filled with faint peach blossom fragrance, peach blossom petals are everywhere, people are located under the peach blossom tree, sit on the peach blossom, enjoy the flowers and eat, playful and chat, happy.

Li Ye and his party sat on a square white silk brought by Li Ye for a circle under a peach tree.

Mo Yifeng is an expert, and at a glance, Li Zhi used the finest silk, and ordinary people can never buy it, let alone use it.

He didn't show the slightest expression of astonishment in his expression, and his identity of Li Zhi had been determined in his heart! It also identified his initial judgment!

When Xiaorui laid the base cloth and laid out the delicate pastries bought from Haoyi, he also turned around and asked his wife Xinru to take out the prepared pastries.

Xin Ru tangled and watched Xiao Rui put the delicate snacks of Haokeju on the silk one by one. The tighter she held the ordinary bamboo basket tightly, there was no movement.

Faced with this plate of exquisite and expensive pastries, how can her "vulgarity" come to pass? !!

I could not help complaining, and deliberately looked up at him severely. Mo Yifeng turned a blind eye and asked, pretending to be strange, "Women, why don't you show up your carefully prepared pastry?"

"You!" What you prepared carefully, clearly you bought it, now it's all right, it's all pushed onto me! Really itchy teeth!

"Mrs. Mo, what's wrong with you? Your face is so red." Xiaorui asked strangely, and stopped his movements.

"It's nothing," he said, smiling grinningly.

He glanced at her without asking, and reached for a delicate knife, divided the cake into small pieces, put them in Kocho, and handed them to Li Yan and Mo Lao. It was also thoughtful to Mo Yifeng and Xin Ru.

Mo Yifeng looked at Xiaorui's thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness, and thoughtfulness. He was sloppy and couldn't help but sigh. It's a pity. It's a pity. Why did he have a sub-man's skin?

"Mr. Mo, what about your pastry?" He stopped his movements, and saw Xin Ru still tightly dragging the bamboo basket, finally he couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, take it out! Don't let Ligong wait for a long time!" Mo Yifeng also urged, with a playful smile on her face, a closer look was a bit of a woman's coquettishness. .

"You!" I really want to swear, but in public, it's not easy to attack! Looking at Xiaorui next to him, and then looking at Li Yan and Mo Lao, they found that everyone had been staring at her bamboo basket!

Forced by helplessness, I had to open the blue square scarf on the bamboo basket, and brought it to the front of the crowd, because it was too hot in the morning, and it was still emitting white smoke.

Xiao Rui first looked intently, and found that the cake he brought was actually sesame cake! Then he shouted and laughed, flushed, "Ha ha ha! Boss Mo, shouldn't you have prepared this carefully ?!" He pointed at the sesame cake.

"Exactly," he replied lightly, without the slightest embarrassment. "This is my lady and I, we should do it early, specially for you to taste ~"

Li Yan gave him a meaningful look, then picked up a golden crispy scone, took a bite, and his mouth melted. I'm used to eating seafood, bird's nest abalone, and so on, but the food of ordinary people has a flavor. Actually unknowingly ate several pieces and saw Mo Lao and Xiao Rui burst inexplicably.

"Master ... the sesame cake ..." Xiao Rui was surprised and didn't feel his eyes widened.

"Well, that's great, you guys also try it." Replied with a smile. He would have to see what medicine was bought in Mo Yifeng's bones.

Xiaorui and Mo Lao glanced at each other and thought nothing.

He looked at Mo Yifeng, who looked sincere, and Mrs. Mo, who was ashamed and embarrassed, and he could only brazenly say, "Boss Mo, I am so interested. I made the pancakes for us early, just This sincerity is touching. "Then, he reached for a piece of sesame cake, halved it in two, handed it to Xiaorui, and said with a smile," Come and come, we often together, don't let down the wishes of Boss Mo. " ! "

Unexpectedly, when they started to cook biscuits, they were choked!

It's so delicious!

"Mrs. Mo's craftsmanship is really wonderful!" Mo Lao praised. "This sautéed pan is melted in the mouth. The proportion of meat and vegetables is just right, not greasy at all!"

"Thank you, compliment." Xie hand thanked, a boyish figure.

"Yi brother, I remember that your favorite is Haokeju refreshments. Why didn't you go today?"

"Hey, this is a long story!" Mo Yifeng sighed pretentiously. "The other day, Caiyunfang opened rarely, so I took three orders, all of which were big orders. I was already busy with ordering materials. "I don't know why." Then, quietly poked Xin Ru with his hand, still unable to hide the golden eyes of Li Yan and Mo Lao.

She immediately realized it, and said with a look of embarrassment, "Originally, I wanted to bring three of my best peach cakes for three people. How could I expect that it took me half a day to buy and order the materials yesterday. At night Back in the house, I was so tired that I couldn't hold the needles! "

"I blame me, I blame me, if I didn't put" The Lotus Pond Moon "in the square, why would I be tired of the lady? I blame me, all blame me!" Say, and lowered my head in guilt.

"No, Xianggong, if it weren't for" The Pond of the Lotus Pond ", how could we have the reputation today! But I was too stupid and too slow to do things, and it caused Li Gongzi to wait under the Shengtu Mountain early in the morning and we would n’t say it, and he would not entertain. It's all my fault, it's all my fault ~ "Speaking, wiping tears, comforting Mo Yifeng.

Facing this situation, Li Yan calmly, fanning the ivory fan in one hand, while savoring the peach blossom wine bought from Haokeju this morning, watching the two singing in unison.

Xiaorui was deceived in vain, and quickly poured two glasses of wine and handed them to him. "Sorry, it's all my old lady. I like this painting so much. I have to take it back, and I'll give them trouble. I'm really sorry! "

"No, just blame ... just blame ..."

"Yi brother, today, you and I are here to come and enjoy the flowers. Why talk about this sad thing and disturb your interest!" Li Yan interrupted their conversation immediately. If they continue to talk, this "The Lotus Under the Moon" will not Paul slightly!

"Yes, yes, today I specially invited Brother Li to enjoy the flowers and wine tasting with me, but I talked about many annoying things, and the punishment should be punished!" He consciously drank three glasses of peach blossom wine, and has already made reparations.

But in this heart, he was so annoyed that he brought the pancakes intentionally, which was the idea to let Li Xuan retreat, and withdrew the order of "The Lotus Under the Moon", but he was spotted! What a tough guy!

The breeze fluttered, and the petals of peach blossoms, Fangfei like rain, down like a fairyland. The scent of peach blossoms is charming and intoxicating. Many women are happy and happy, and the appearance of the hospitable guest happens to come to enjoy the flowers, and they dance on the mountain.

Li Ye and his team were watching dancers and tasting peach blossom wine. Mo Yifeng felt chills alone and turned around. Yun Jiu Liu had been staring at himself, very cunning!

"What the **** is this guy thinking?" He mumbled.

"What?" Xin Ru seemed to hear his voice, leaning forward slightly, and asked his head sideways.

"I said, this dance is so good!"

"Yeah, it's indeed the first shame of the hospitable girl!"

As we all know, the girl of Yan Yan who is hospitable, lives in a simple way, rarely shows up, not to mention attending the Peach Blossom Festival! Just why today? Mo Yifeng was puzzled.

At the end of the day, Mo Yifeng and Li Yan, you said a word to me and chatted like a friend I haven't seen in years. It's just that the sun goes down and the moon is high, and they can only stop the urge to chat and wave goodbye.

At night, a bright moon hangs high above the sky, illuminating the Shengtu Mountain, but the mountain road is rugged, and from time to time there are beastly screams, which makes people can't help speeding up their pace, but Li Yan they are still leisurely.

"Master, do you want" Under the Lotus Pond "?" Mo Lao asked, frowning, following this master for years, but still couldn't figure out his temper.

"No, I just want to joke with him."

"Master, you're joking, you are so big!" Xiao Rui interjected suddenly.

"Master, we have been out for many days too. The old lady wrote today, let's hurry back!" Mo Lao said again.

Snapped! White ivory folding fan, close up!

"Old slave is troubled!" Seeing it. He immediately stooped and said, he knows, the master is angry!

"How's Yun Jiu Liu over there?" Li Yan then asked, and the folding fan in his hand spread out again, fanning from time to time.

"Nothing moving, just know that yesterday afternoon, he sent a man to the pharmacy to buy some medicine!" Mo Lao answered truthfully.

"What did he buy for medicine?" Xiaorui was puzzled again. "Isn't he already blessed with many children now?"

"What is the relationship between Yun Jiuliu and Mo Yifeng?" Li Yan asked again, ignoring it.

"Since the last time at the teahouse, Yun Jiuliu hated Mo Yifeng very much."

"Ah! It turned out that in the teahouse last time, the young master was not helping Mo's boss!" Xiaorui laughed.

"Don't say it, Xiaorui!" Mo couldn't stand it anymore, Xiaorui was really stupid, so it was anxious!

He smiled without saying a word, fanning the folding fan in his hand, walking leisurely, regardless of the small Rui who was mixing with Mo Lao ...

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