MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 25 Guard Shadow

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The night market that was supposed to be busy was also delayed because of the grand festival. There was no one tonight. When the people came down from Shengtu Mountain, it was already evening, and everyone was busy going home to prepare dinner.

That night, a crescent moon hung quietly in the southwestern sky, and the cold moonlight poured down the earth, gloomy and bright, starry, scattered and scattered above the sky.

Quiet on the street, only a few households have lanterns at the door, adding a touch of light to the street. Every night, he dutifully beats the old man, always on time, and tells the people of Yizhou.

At night, quiet and serene, quiet and beautiful.

Yuelai Inn, the most popular guesthouse in the city of Yizhou, has good service and reasonable prices, and is full of people every day, making it difficult to book a room. Most appointments are made in advance. If it is late, the appointment will be delayed.

On the first floor of the inn, the table was full, and there were some customers who could not help but fight. In the southwest corner of the first floor, Li Yan and his three men sat in a seat and ate the food brought by Xiao Ergang.

Xiaorui was very hungry. When he saw the food, he immediately stretched out his hand and put it in his mouth. After three, five and two, he lay down on a bowl of rice and ordered Xiaodian to send a bowl.

Going out, not like home, there are many rules, Xiaorui becomes more and more unruly. Mo Lao looked at him with amusement, hoping that he would return to his home and not be counted by the old lady.

The old lady always pays attention to etiquette. It ’s against the etiquette for the master and servant to eat at the same table. Now he is the first master to pick up vegetables. It ’s really more and more unruly! It is estimated that only the young master would indulge him in this world!

Li Yan and Mo Lao returned to the room after dinner.

Xiao Rui saw that the master did not have to wait, and he opened his arms and said to Mo Lao, "Mo Lao, wait, we are going to the night market! I heard that the night market in Yizhou is very lively, and it ’s better with the capital. ! "

"How can there be a night market? You haven't seen the deserted streets, are there no one?" Mo Lao lowered his head and looked at the food at the table, but he had no appetite.

The food at a table is meant to be eaten with family members. Just his family ...

"No, when we first arrived, the night of Yizhou City was very lively. Why did it become like this in a few days!" Xiaorui felt his head in annoyance, very puzzled.

"Isn't it the Peach Blossom Festival today? Everyone has gone to the festival, who will come out to set up the night market!" Couldn't help but give him a glance, can't the melon seeds in his head shine?

"Oh, huh, huh!" He grinned, feeling embarrassed even by himself.

On the second floor of the inn, in the No. 1 room of Tianzi, wooden furniture is neatly arranged and elegantly arranged. On the round wooden table in the center of the guest room, a small smoke stove, green smoke, and special spices exude charming charm.

He changed into a casual outfit, his hair was raised high, and it was fixed with a special bamboo quilt. It was very simple and casual.

I lit a lamp, and picked out an ancient book from my luggage, and looked at it seriously. As soon as he was free, Li Xuan would retreat from his wife, stay alone, look at the book, and be free.

I have been out for more than two months, but I have spent the longest time in Yizhou City. When it comes to going out, people actually go out with a purpose.

The deadline agreed with the old lady is March, and time is up! There was nothing to do, and it was a little irritating. He put down the books in his hand and walked around the room, looking out the window from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

After waiting for a long time, but still no one was seen, I sat back in my chair, picked up the book, and looked at it again. Anyway, I was idle, so I might as well read the book to pass the time.

Suddenly a breeze passed, a black figure suddenly appeared in the room. The man was wearing a mask on his face, wearing black clothes, wearing accessories on his waist, kneeling on one knee, and said, "Master, found."

He is the close-knit guard next to Li Yan-Shadow. He quietly hid beside Li Zhi for many years and collected information for him. It only appeared when Li Zhi was in danger. It was extremely fast and no one could see it. So far, except Li Zhi, no second person knew the existence of the shadow.

"Say it." He still looked sideways at the ancient book in his hand, playing with his ivory folding fan in his hand, never glancing at him.

"Mo Yifeng and Xin Ru of Caiyunfang are the ones the master is looking for." Shadow knelt on one knee and answered truthfully. He has been with him for many years and knows his temperament very well. He shouldn't say a word that shouldn't be said, and it won't even mention a word that is unnecessary.

"Mo Yifeng is a woman ?!" Li Yan suddenly looked over, frowning at the shadow, can't help but be a little surprised! When I came to Yizhou City, there were half a month. The connection with Mo Yifeng was probably the most. Seeing his free and easy appearance, it is hard to imagine that he was a woman!

"Yes, the subordinates have investigated it clearly. Mo Yifeng is Captain Mo's daughter, Mo Ling. The night he was ordered to enter the palace and was expelled from the palace, he was expelled from Captain Mo! Close-fitting girl-in-law, Xin'er. "Still kneeling on the ground, her face cold.

"Haha, it's interesting!" Shaking the ivory folding fan that he carried, gently fanning it, "No wonder, Yan Yan spent two years in Yizhou. I can't check her whereabouts."

Zoran stood up, walked to the window, put his hand on the edge of the window, and tapped his fingers gently, looking thoughtfully, "Do you know how he made his skin dark?"

"It is a special type of rouge, which touches the face, it will make people's skin dark, like black charcoal, and it can be washed away when contacted with water. It is made at Rouge Square in Yizhou City."

"Apart from this, can you find any other news?" Li Yan asked again, looking at the night outside the window, frowning slightly.

"Mo Yifeng and Xin Ru, usually stay out of their homes and seldom communicate with people. It is just the fame of Caiyunfang that made them offend the Yun family, especially Yun Jiuliu who hated Mo Yifeng. Every time I met Must be ridiculed. "

"I see." He paused and said, "If nothing else, let's step back!"

"Yes, Lord ..." Just before I came, should I tell the Lord everything I saw? !! He was doubtful.

"What?" Li Yan turned around and asked him.

"Only ... on the way ..." Shadow hesitated, answering indifferently.

"Everything you see, say!" He lowered his face suddenly, aggravating his tone! The purpose of coming out this time is to find Mo Ling! No one can break his business!

"Yes, his subordinate saw Yun Jiuliu tied a rural girl and walked towards Mo Yifeng's house ..."

"Country girl?" He frowned slightly, puzzled.

In the evening, Yun Jiu Liu tied a girl to Mofu in good order. What did she do? Could it be that? !! Oops!

It seemed that I had thought of something, and I didn't care about the shadow, and hurriedly broke through the door!

"Master!" Shadow hurriedly got up, and Li Li's figure was no longer seen ... what exactly happened to make the master so nervous?

In the backyard of the inn, there are overgrown vegetation and very cool. In the pavilion in the courtyard, there is a white-haired old man sitting upright, looking up at the moon and tasting the wine alone, looking lonely and lonely.

When he couldn't sleep for a while, he sat in the courtyard pavilion and enjoyed the moon tasting alone. When he thought of the purpose of this trip, he couldn't help but feel sad ... He shook his head helplessly, and just wanted to reach out and raise the glass, thinking about the past All kinds of feelings are helpless in my heart, the organs are exhausted, and in the end, they are not even the closest ones to themselves, they cannot protect them!

Providence leads to God!

He held a white porcelain jug and kept pouring wine into his mouth, as if he wanted to drunk himself completely, but the more he drunk, the more sober, his mind filled with memories, full of happiness, full The warmth!

But now? !! It ’s been a long time since it ’s wrong. The most beloved wife has died because of illness. The most beloved daughter is even more ...

Mo Lao, once a poor student, was drunk on the ground because he failed to get his name for many times, but accidentally encountered Yi Hong Yuan's top card-Huoxiang.

"Hujun, Huxiang doesn't want you to be rich and rich. As long as Huxiang can accompany Hufu every day, cook and cook for her husband, and have children, Huxiang will be very satisfied." Said.

It was to make him determined to give her happiness!

A pair of creamy jade hands became rough and cocooning because he was washing and cooking for him every day. A pair of white jade feet became covered with blisters as he went down to pick vegetables for him. The former Lingxiang Fenghua was peerless, fascinated by high officials and wealthy, and fascinated by the wealthy master, in order to buy her first night, and even fought!

Yan Xiang, she was born with no love for wealth and power, she only loved him, a poor scholar with nothing, a downright honest scholar, and a poor poor scholar.

"Fu Jun, Fu Xiang doesn't regret it ... Ling Xiang never regrets marrying Fu Fu ... Fu Xiang only hates his own fortune ... Can't stay with Fu Fu anymore ... Training children for Fu Fu ... Fu Fu In the future, Ayaka is gone, and the husband must take good care of himself ... Do n’t forget to eat on time ... Don't be ... Don't ... "This is what she gave him at the end, an incomplete sentence, A word deep in his heart.

Due to long-term exhaustion, Ayaka's body is no longer suitable for pregnancy, but she insisted on giving birth to a daughter. Within six months, she died due to illness.

When Huo Xiang died, it was also when Mo Lao Jin was named!

For their only daughter, he endured sorrow, entered the palace to meet the emperor, was favored, and had an official position. He also married Qian Qian, the richest man in the capital, but infused all his father's love into their daughter!

He hired their daughter the best teacher, the best calligraphy teacher, and the best etiquette teacher. For their only daughter, he did everything he could to give her the best, but he expected to hurt him. she was!

Mo Lao shook his head, and wanted to get another bottle of wine, but saw a familiar figure, passing by the courtyard, and heading for the back door!

He knew that figure, but he was almost two. Where is the young master going?