MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 36 Queen Mother Questioning

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The Qing Ting Palace is located at the end of the Imperial Palace. The palace is not only like the atmosphere of Longxiao Palace, but also the luxury and luxury of Fengqi Palace. It is casual and elegant.

Inside the palace, there are various statues of Buddha statues in large size. There is a Maitreya Buddha lying on the ground with one hand, there are eighteen statues of Luohan, and there are thousands of avalokitesvara, avalokitesvara, etc. The statue, because of its different meanings, is placed in different positions, which is really particular about it.

Empress Xiao, who lives long in the Qing court, worships Buddha every morning and chants in the afternoon. Whenever chanting, no one should be disturbed, even if the emperor is in person, it is not visible. Very religious.

In the Empress Xiao's palace every day, except for the time when the queen and the concubines are greeting, there is a little lively, and the rest of the time is deserted. From time to time I could only hear some soft wooden fish sounds.

It was only this afternoon that the Empress Dowager skipped the time of her recitation, dressed in a Chinese suit, pulled her hair up, combed a dovetail, and fixed it with a gold jade bun. Although the age is high, it is well maintained on weekdays and always maintains his early thirties.

She was lying lazily on the soft couch. A maid in Tsing Yi squatted on the side of the soft couch and gently rubbed her calf for the queen mother, while another maid stood on the other side of the soft couch and rubbed her shoulders for the queen mother. The two nieces are specially trained, and their skills and strengths are very good.

Queen Mother Xiao's only intimate girl-in-law, Ziyi, stood by the side and carefully waited while holding the ginseng soup just cooked. The queen mother is already high in the year, and taking ginseng soup daily has become a habit.

She took the white porcelain bowl holding the ginseng soup, took a soft breath, took a sip of the ginseng soup, and looked down at the father-in-law, still kneeling on the ground, seeing him kneeling motionless and not calling He lay flat, still kneeling by him.

Since entering the palace, Xiaorui has put on a blue palace dress, looking much more energetic. I often go out of the palace with the emperor, and when I return, I will always be called by the Empress Xiao to ask questions. As soon as I return to the palace, I will be ordered by the emperor to handle the matter behind her, and she will evade Aunt Ziyi. After thinking about it for two days, the Queen Mother will forget about it!

What do you think, the next day, I saw Aunt Ziyi again, and was waiting for him in the room where he lived! I knew I couldn't get through, but it was too late in the afternoon, and I was thinking about chanting in the afternoon, I would never see him! The queen queen missed the time to recite the scriptures, waiting in the Qing court!

In fact, every time I come to the Qing court, the queen queen asks nothing but the people and things the emperor has contacted on the way to the mini-service, but if you do n’t talk to the queen queen, if you speak well, you will be rewarded. !! Speaking badly, no penalty! Just in the afternoon, every day, I will come to the Qing Palace, and accompany the queen mother to chant the prayers, in January.

For Xiaorui Zi, it is more painful and terrible to accompany the queen queen Xiao than to kill him!

Although everyone in the palace said that Empress Dowager Xiao was approachable, Xiaorui was afraid. She always felt that Empress Xiao was not as easy-going as she looked. Perhaps it was because of the closeness to the emperor.

Queen Mother Xiao has been lying on the soft couch, drinking ginseng soup, and handing the soup bowl to Ziyi, she gave her a conscious or unintentional glance. Ziyi immediately noticed, and leaned down and said, "Mr. Grandpa, Grandpa Rui has been here for a long time."

"Little Ruizi, here?" The act was surprised, so I made the appearance of seeing Xiao Rui kneeling on the ground, and then turned around and dropped the purple clothes, "Ziyi, since you saw the father-in-law, come earlier. Tell the family of Ai, let Father Gong kneel for a long time! "

"Slave knows wrong." So he looked like he was doing something and could not help but take two steps back.

"Well, Xiao Ruizi, get up quickly, look at my memory, I just forgot to drink ginseng soup, and I forgot about you ~" Empress Xiao told him kindly. No penalty for Ziyi.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Xiao Ruizi stood up impatiently from the ground, but she had been kneeling for too long, her feet were numb, and she was a little unstable. He knew in his heart that Queen Mother Xiao was punishing him in disguise, but she wanted to punish him, and she delayed seeing her!

"Purple clothes, give Xiao Ruizi soon, move a chair!" The queen mother saw him, and stood still, and ordered randomly.

"Yes, slaves go here." Ziyi was very obedient, then moved the chair.

"Don't don't do it, queen mother, are you not a slave?" He waved his hands nervously and took two steps back.

"Why do you think that, the chair in the Qing Palace of the Ai family is not as comfortable as in the Longxiao Palace?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, no, no ~~ The slave is not ... it doesn't mean that, ...... the slave ...." Oh, hey, what a mistake!

"Well, you, you are also polite with Ai family, sit down!" At this time, Ziyi had already moved the chair behind Xiaorui.

I dare not say more, so I have to sit down honestly! I really have a cold sweat in my palm!

Empress Xiao, it is really harder to serve than the emperor!

"Xiao Ruizi, this time, have fun with the emperor in a micro-dress, have you fun?" Still lying lazily on the soft couch, enjoying the massage of the girls.

"Happy! Very happy!" He replied cheerfully, but in his heart he was looking for what to promise.

"Then, let's talk to the Ai family, they all encountered some, what a happy thing ~" She squinted at Xiao Ruizi who was sitting on the chair honestly, her eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

"Yes." He wiped his sweat, thought about it, and replied, "On the way, the minions and the emperor went to five cities and counties in total, and the number of Yizhou city was the most lively. The Peach Blossom Festival is very lively and fun. "

Ms. Xiao was lying on the soft couch, closing her eyes and looking at herself, and she seemed to be asleep, but she really listened to what Xiao Ruizi said, and she was so serious that she didn't miss any details!

"Also, Yizhou's embroidery is really beautiful. The best embroidery is in Caiyunfang, Caiyunfang, which was opened by the queen's maiden in the folk!" He chattered, My mouth was dry, but I couldn't stop my mouth and kept talking.

"Queen, can you embroider?" She opened her eyes slightly and asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes! The queen's embroidery kungfu, that's it!" When it comes to Mo Ling, Xiao Ruizi is excited, not because of anything else, but at the moment, the queen is being favored by the emperor, and she is nodded.

The emperor has never been close to a woman, but it is the first time that she has approached the concubine concubine ~ If one day, the queen will give birth to a child, presumably the queen mother will have no time to spare, find yourself asking questions!

Since the emperor's adulthood, the queen mother has been anxious to hug her grandson, and often urges the emperor to move around in the harem. Helpless, the emperor has always been busy with political affairs as an excuse and has repeatedly shirk. Palace spent. Over the course of a year, the number of concubines was counted by one slap! The queen mother wanted to hug her grandson, and everyone in the palace knew it.

"Ai family, I heard that the queen is very general. She has never put on a shelf since entering the palace?" She deliberately tempted. Leng Yichen was unwilling to be closed for many years. This time when she returned to the palace in Weifu, she brought her a daughter-in-law back. She was also very curious. What kind of woman can get in? The eyes of her queen!

"That's it! Queen Empress, when in Yizhou, she was never guilty, and her neighbours were good to her, except for the annoying Yun Jiuliu! However, he has now been assigned to the frontier by the emperor ~" Xiao Ruizi He started to talk again and again, just like the storyteller in the teahouse.

"Emperor, wherever you go, you always care about the people!" She couldn't help but sigh, looking at the statue of Maitreya Buddha who smiled not far away.

Since the founding of Mu Youguo, the six emperors have ruled it. Only Leng Yichen has ruled the country and everyone praises it. The people live and work in peace and happiness, and the farmers' fields are harvested every year. Even in the event of natural disasters, there are silver disaster relief workers.

Today, during the prosperous period, the prosperity of the National Games, and the peace between the three kingdoms that the emperor earned for Mu You during the Taiping era also helped Leng Yichen to manage the state affairs and helped a lot.

In the afternoon, the queen mother asked, and Xiaorui answered, and the queen mother asked again, and Xiaorui answered. The queen queen did not ask, and Xiaorui did not answer. As always, always ask, the queen queen will be tired before stopping.

Only this time, Xiao Rui lied! In the past, there was always knowledge and answers! I only told you about the assassin, but didn't say the shadow.

I have been with the emperor for many years, and I have developed a tacit understanding. What should I say and what should not be said? I don't need the emperor's special instructions to know it clearly.

He is honest, to the point of being even dull! But he is also loyal, and absolutely loyal to Leng Yichen! As long as it is bad for the emperor, even if it is forced to die, he will never say!

After sending Xiaorui away, Empress Xiao was assisted by Ziyi, got off the soft bed, and slowly walked to the chanting room. Although it was delayed for questioning, she still had to chant.

"Mr. Queen, you know Father-in-law and lie, why don't you break through him?" Ziyi asked puzzled.

Every time the emperor leaves the palace, she will always feel uneasy, always afraid that the emperor will find the unforgivable mistake she made 25 years ago! Therefore, he found Xiao Rui asking questions again and again, but he was still uneasy, and he sent Ziyi to follow him secretly. Ziyi has been with the queen queen for more than 20 years, and has been separated from the ordinary master-slave relationship! Both servant and confidant!

"He is also loyal! Hey, the emperor needs a few reliable people beside him!" He had already entered the chanting room.

"But ..." As soon as Ziyi wanted to speak, Queen Mother Xiao waved her hand and motioned her out! Every time you chant, no one should be disturbed.

Ziyi pursed her lips, owed her acquaintance, and retreated.

The Empress Dowager Xiao often chants without disturbing her. Instead of chanting, she is repenting! Repent for the mistake she made 25 years ago!