MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 37 Queen's Pet

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Fengqi Palace, the queen's palace, is luxurious and luxuriously decorated. In the dormitory, Li Birch is used as a beam, crystal jade as a lamp, pearl as a curtain, and Fan Jin as a pillar.

There are sapphire pillows on the bed, specific soft tussah silk icicles, and jade belts and drapes. A huge bright moon lamp hangs on the top of the palace, and it always glows at night, like a bright moon.

In Fengqi Palace, the cold white jade used in the ground floor is made of lotus, and blossoms like a five-stem lotus flower. The petals are fresh and exquisite, and the flower core is delicate and discernable. I can only feel barefoot on the foot.

The decoration alone makes people envious. The harem concubine is fighting with each other every day, just for a moment, if one day, if she can live in Fengqi Palace, she will have no regrets in her life.

Since Mo Ling entered the palace, often after the early dynasty, Leng Yichen always had to sit in Fengqi Palace before returning to his Longxiao Palace to correct his memorials, which has become a habit.

After the early dynasty today, it was even more impatient to walk towards Fengqi Palace. Without changing his clothes and hanging the beads on his body, he followed the way to Fengqi Palace.

Mo Ling was dressed in a golden Luohua suit, with a black ink hair held up, fixed by the golden step of the Li tribute, noble and elegant. After all, after being expensive for a country, dressing up is no longer as easy as it used to be. She brought a few clothes prizes from Yizhou City, afraid that they would not be able to wear them. Yesterday, they all ordered Xiner to throw them out.

After greeting her queen in the early morning, she returned to Fengqi Palace. As usual, she did embroidery and spent three years in Yizhou City, which was enough for her to get used to embroidery, without exception.

Without being notified, he strode into Fengqi Palace, leaving Xiner, who just wanted to salute, step by step, and quietly walked to Mo Ling, yelling suddenly! "Linger!"

"Ah!" The sound came too suddenly. She stunned her whole body, and threw the embroidery in her hands to the ground ... but she frowned.

"What's wrong with Linger? Where is it uncomfortable?" Leng Yichen noticed her strangeness, squatted beside her knees, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, but I got my hands." Looking down at him nervously, he felt helpless.

Leng Yichen, have you ever really had me in your heart? Have you ever really cared about me?

"Come, show me ..." Gently holding her little hand, she saw the red dot that had been pierced by the needle, and couldn't help frowning, apologizing.

"Don't ..." He was trying to pull back, but he was firmly grasped, completely unable to escape. All he could do was watch him hold his index finger in his mouth and **** gently.

The crispy itching relieves the pain of needle sticking .....

Under the command of the father-in-law, the maidservants prepared fruit plates and sent them to the emperor and the queen's maiden ... After seeing such an ambiguous scene, each bowed their heads in shame and returned silently ...

The rumors in the palace are not false. The queen lady is very much liked by the emperor ~ After spending many years in the palace, it is really the first time to see the emperor so tender and considerate ...

Fang Jian Mo Ling's fingers no longer bleed. He also took the medicine box placed in Fengqi Palace and wrapped it with gauze layer by layer. "Don't touch the water these days." It was still an uneasy exhortation.

"Okay." He nodded agreeably, especially obediently.

"Is it a habit to live in the palace?" He observed and found that there was only Xiner in the Fengqi Palace! "Why not find more nieces?"

"Thanks to the care of the emperor, the habit of courtiers." She responded softly, obediently and obediently, "Chenzhen has always been happy and quiet, so I don't want to find more nieces. There are not many things in the palace anyway, Xiner is busy. Come here. "

When he was in Yizhou City, he knew that Mo Ling liked to be quiet, otherwise the whole Mofu would n’t even have a subordinate. Since she doesn't like it, she will do what she likes and don't do it barely.

Leng Yichen sat down for a while, mixed with Mo Linghan, and set off at Longxiao Palace. Today's memorial has not been revised yet! He cannot stay too long.

After the emperor walked away, Xin'er jumped to Mo Ling, blushing, smirking, "Miss ..."

"Is everything done?" She gave her a glance, unwilling to say more, picked up the embroidered silk cloth, buried her head, and embroidered it, very seriously.

"It's already done!" Replied briskly, but the whole person got together, and the thief with a smile on his face smiled, "Miss ... did you just have a terrible heartbeat?"

"No ..." Still lowering her head, embroidering, indifferently like the previous, playful and lively.

"Nonsense! Obviously I have seen it, you are shy and speechless ~" Still smirking, approaching a little, seems to force the lady to admit it, and she will not give up.

Mo Ling stopped paying attention to her and moved her position. I sat with my head in my hands and embroidered in my hands. In the past few days, I contacted Queen Mother Xiao and learned that the Queen Mother is a believer in Buddha. It is better to sit on the side of the embroidery and pass the time so as not to have a boring life.

Xin'er looked at the lady with a disrespectful look. She sullenly poked, took a few steps back, and took a few more steps. Seeing that the lady was still unresponsive, she quietly left Fengqi Palace and made an appointment The maid, go shopping in the Royal Garden, anyway, the lady's tube is wide, she also stole easily.

But Xiner didn't know that Mo Ling intentionally let her go. She put down the embroidery in her hand, lay down on the soft couch, closed her eyes and rested. There were some days in the palace, and her heart became colder, always Vice indifferent look.

As Leng Yichen said, as long as she is obedient, she can be obedient, and she can also be a good and decent queen, dismiss her troubles, and properly manage the harem.

But as she said, it was both unwilling and unwilling! She can be a good queen of dignity and virtue, but her heart can't give it ... she doesn't want to give it!

At night, it's cold like water and cold like ice. A bright moon hangs high in the sky, starry. The breeze swayed and the branches swayed, rustling.

The night of the palace is always deserted and dull. Every night there is a fixed duty staff. They take turns to patrol to protect the security of the palace. As for the others, they return to their rooms, go to bed and rest, and they are tired all day. The entire palace was quiet and did not dare to breathe loudly.

Fengqi Palace, on the soft and huge phoenix bed, two people hug each other and slept soundly.

Since entering the palace, Leng Yichen has been sleeping in Fengqi Palace every day. A queen who has just entered the palace has won all the favor of the emperor and has made other concubines in the palace jealous. There are more and more people who come to give gifts, and they are very enthusiastic about this new master.

In the bedroom in Fengqi Palace, a large phoenix bed is located in the middle of the bedroom. The bed was made by a senior old craftsman for two years. The workmanship is fine and the carving is perfect.

On the phoenix bed, Mo Ling changed into a plain white dress, and a black ink spread down, adding a charming femininity. She lay obediently in Leng Yichen's arms, still held by him.

The cold moonlight shone in from the window and spilled on her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her side. Leng Yichen was asleep, and she couldn't help feeling a little foolish.

She looked at his handsome sleeping face, and couldn't help but touched his cheek, and said weakly, "How long can you spoil me?"

Outsiders can't see it, but she understands it very well. The emperor's favor is only for a while, but it is to block the mouth of Zongyouyou, obstruct the queen queen and deal with the ministers.

A few days later, Mo Ling sometimes even thought, if Leng Yichen is not the emperor, she is not the old daughter of Mo, maybe there will be love between them, there is no conspiracy, no intimidation, no fraud, she may love Get on him!

Helpless to make people want, this life has been entrusted to the emperor's house, there is no so-called possibility between them! Just thinking that if there is a day, she will no longer be favored, I am afraid that it is the same as Li Fei in the cold palace.

She gently took Leng Yichen's hand on her body and slowly made it from the bed. The movement was very light and light. After she got up, she picked up the cloak by the bed and walked slowly outside the palace.

On the phoenix bed, Leng Yichen slowly opened his eyes and quietly looked at Mo Ling's delicate figure, gradually drifting away, without speaking. He woke up long ago, but didn't speak with his eyes open!

Since returning to the palace, Mo Ling has changed. The sharp and lively Mo Yifeng once seemed to stay in Yizhou City forever and disappeared. Today, she is obedient, but it is pitiful to be obedient.

Linger, isn't it wrong for you to ... I shouldn't bring you back to the palace ...

At the gate of Fengqi Palace, cold winds blew. Mo Ling couldn't help but gather the cloak that was covering her body to block the cold wind that was coming. She looked up, high above the sky, a bright full moon hanging high above the night, exuding the cold moonlight, and sighing sadly again ...

May 15 is the day of the full moon, the full moon is the meaning of harmony! But where is her home? Dad was forced to return to his hometown, and his sister recognized others as her elder sister. Now that she is in the palace, she is really helpless and alone.

Although she is expensive as a country, she has not even held a grand ceremony! The ceremony of husband and wife, the worship of kneeling, and the wedding ceremony were not held! The candle-lit night in the cave house, not even a glass of wine.

Leng Yichen, Leng Yichen, except for a stack of papers, you gave me nothing! Although you named me queen, the position of the queen is like a sham, in order to survive, I must listen to you and not refute!

She lowered her head and looked at her own shadow. She was really alone, sad and helpless, and could not help but feel uncomfortable and persecuted ...

In the deep palace, in the vast crowd, who is her relying on ...