MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 41 Always obedient

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The size of the Royal Garden is not large. It is 80 meters deep from north to south and 140 meters wide from east to west. The entire garden is both quaint and secluded without losing the court atmosphere. This is the place for rest and play after the queen's tea. In addition, annual ascent and moon-viewing activities are also held here.

In the center of the Royal Garden, there is a Begonia Pavilion built by the emperor for its succession. It is named "Begonia Pavilion" because of its love for Begonia.

The appearance of the pavilion is two levels above and below, and there is a dark layer between the two levels inside. The gallery is surrounded by corridors, exquisite and light. Standing high within the palace wall, it forms a right-and-left balanced pattern with Duixiu Mountain in the east of the garden.

Ascending the Gao Pavilion, or overlooking the landscape in the garden, or looking north to Jingshan Mountain, all have beautiful scenery. It is said that on sunny days in winter, you can also see the snow in the West Mountain.

There are five Begonia trees in front of Begonia Pavilion. When the petals fall, it looks like red snowflakes have fallen.

There are 900 patterns on the aisles of the Royal Garden inlaid with small stones of various colors. The patterns of these independent contents are people, landscapes, flowers, buildings, birds, and beasts. Historical stories and much more.

Mo Ling took a walk around Xiner in the Royal Garden. In the palace, this is her favorite place. Clean and undisturbed, she often follows Xin'er to walk around in her spare time to pass the time.

"Originally, my sister also likes to come to Yu Garden ~" When she didn't see her, she heard her voice. Mo Ling stopped and turned around, and saw that she was actually Yan Fei!

I saw that she was wearing a goose yellow long dress, her hair was pulled up, she combed a delicate bun, and inserted three golden raccoons, which was extravagant. Followed by a wonderful young girl of about seventeen years old, you can probably guess that the young girl is Yan Fei's personal niece, because she loves to laugh and gave her the name of the magpie.

Yan Fei, Yan Fei, Yan Yan, Yan Yan ...

In the palace, she claimed that Yan Fei had a strange illness, but she went to a hospitable residence in Yizhou City and became the first leader! It must have been arranged by Leng Yichen!

If it hadn't been for the past few days, she happened to have met in the Qing Palace, I'm afraid she was still buried in her bones.

Leng Yichen sent Yan Fei to Yizhou, but to monitor her every move in Yizhou! From the beginning to the end, she did not escape Leng Yichen's control .... After her was sealed, it was already a planned matter, yeah, didn't you know it very early? She is just a **** in his eyes!

It's just that when the truth of the matter emerges in front of itself without any concealment, it is so sad ...... helpless ...? !!

"Yes! If my sister likes it, can she and her sister come to enjoy the flowers in the Royal Garden in the future?" She smiled softly. For more than a month, she always kept a gentle smile, decent and decent! Praised by the ministers.

"Of course it's okay, my sister comes to Yu Garden every time, but I'm lonely!" She trot happily next to Mo Ling, clutching her sleeves, and swinging with no manners.

Mo Ling was surprised by this move that she didn't speak, she just watched Yan Fei holding her hand quietly!

Yan Yan seemed to find herself overstepping, and immediately let go, giggling with a giggle, playfully tongued out, like a child doing something wrong for a moment, backed up several steps, owed, " Queen queen, blessed Jin'an. "

Just for a moment, he was so excited that he forgot to salute. Fortunately, the Empress Xiao is not present, or she will be exhorted again!

"No ..." Reaching out and caressing Yan Fei's delicate shoulders, but she didn't finish her words and was interrupted by the visitors.

"Be flat! Linger won't blame you." Not far away, the voice of the emperor came. Mo Ling was trying to salute, but was stopped by Leng Yichen!

"Okay, don't salute. Rarely are in the Royal Garden, take a walk together, let's go!" He said as he walked to Mo Ling's side, stretched out his arms to hold her small waist, naturally, regardless of the presence Yan Fei.

"The emperor, Chen Ye is no longer together, Chen Ye's illness is just right, it is not easy to stay outside for a long time, Chen Ye has retired first." Yan Fei knew the truth, found a reason, and avoided it.

Leng Yichen nodded, but his eyes stayed on Mo Ling's body, and her hands were still around her waist, and she did not let go.

Although Yan Yan is a concubine, Leng Yichen deliberately arranged in the harem of the harem. Nothing in the harem can be hidden from him. Three years ago, if Li Fei was involved, he would never send her out of the house!

The affairs of the court are too much involved with the harem. They are intricate, unclear, and chaotic!

After she deliberately retreated to the rockery, her entire back was affixed to the rockery, and she followed her. The maidservant turned her head and watched Leng Yichen and Mo Ling's every move secretly.

Leng Yichen's temperament has been with the emperor for many years, she knew it well, and she could see from his eyes that the emperor was really tempted! The pets in my eyes are so many and so real ...

He sighed lightly, shook his head helplessly, and only hoped that the queen would be sincere to the emperor! The emperor's temper has always been paranoid, once it is determined, it will not change!

Queen Empress, Yaner just asks you, don't hurt the emperor ...

"Go, let me take you to Haitang Pavilion and see." Along the way, he still held his hand, his hands were thick and warm, grasping himself, warm.

The Haitang Pavilion was built by the emperor for the first time. It has been heard for a long time. The decoration design of the Haitang Pavilion is very sophisticated. It can be compared to any palace where the concubines live.

See you today, it really is.

"Do you like it?" He asked softly, and gently managed her chaotic buns.

"Like." The answer was simple, without emotion.

"If you like it, kill yourself tomorrow and plant some begonia trees in Fengqi Palace. After that, you don't have to run the Begonia Pavilion on purpose!" Since entering the palace, she has been petting her, and it has slowly become a habit. , Used to spoil her, used to protect her, used to treat her well ...

"Xie Xie," replied faintly, without a trace of emotion, unable to tell whether she was happy or sad.

"Begonia Court was built by the Father Emperor. Father Emperor loved successively .... The death of the Emperor has dealt a great blow to the Father Emperor ... Haitang Court was also sealed ... Father Emperor is afraid Let's see people think about it ... "I have never brought anyone here, I don't know why, but I just wanted to take her to see and talk to my heart ...

Inside the palace, some are just guilty of insinuation and intrigue. He has lived in the palace for more than 20 years. He has to carry everything by himself and swallow it! Why not want to find someone to complain, to find someone to vent their anger, to find someone to talk to heart, but I can't find someone to believe!

He didn't know that Mo Ling was untrustworthy, he only knew that he was willing to share with Mo Ling, his story, his past, everything!

"Well." But Mo Ling simply returned a word!

"Since his death, the emperor has rarely come to the harem and was buried in political affairs, thinking that he had missed his thoughts!" He waved his sleeves, looked up at Haitang Pavilion, his eyes were sad. "At that time, even the mother, the whole palace was full of sadness. I couldn't see anyone laughing, and even my mother and concubine had changed. I almost did not go to the Luoxia Palace. "

He kept talking all the time, even when he was a kid, he showed up, and Mo Ling just stood obediently, with a slight smile on his face, and listened quietly ...

"Linger ... you can't accompany me, can you talk?" Seeing that she kept silent, she walked to her side, and gently stroked her cheek with her hand, saying sadly, with a hint of silk in her tone. Silk pleaded.

"Chin, I don't know what to say or what." Dodging his hands without a trace, he lowered his head slightly and did not dare to look directly at him.

"Oh ... I don't know what to say?" He took a few steps back, feeling a bit helpless. "Ring, are you blame the blame? The blunder forcibly brought you back to the palace ..."

In her way, doing a silent resistance!

I do n’t know since when he suddenly missed and missed his days in Yizhou, yes, he was not the emperor, she was not the queen, there was no palace, no minister, no concubine concubine ... simple, only them Two ...

You can say whatever you want without any scruples. Feel free to do whatever you want without any etiquette. You can fight with your mouth and fight with your mouth.

Suddenly, it felt that Mo Ling was the most real at that time, not like now, the whole is like a puppet with a thread, no thought, no life, only obey!

"Linger, dare not." Looking at the stones on the ground indifferently, he could not see any emotion.

Slowly came forward, embraced her, and stepped forward, so that Mo Ling's entire person was posted on the begonia tree ... He buried his head between her neck, hugging her tightly, and said weakly, "Ling Baby, yeah really ... "

"The emperor, Prime Minister Ji has important issues to meet, and is waiting in the study!" He knew that he was awesome! When it should n’t have happened, it just happened, but the prime minister wanted to see you, ca n’t help reporting! Xiao Rui knelt down on the ground, afraid of even raising his head!

Leng Yichen let go of Mo Ling, looked back, looked at him coldly, and said coldly, "I know."

"Go back to the palace!" Exclaimed before leaving.

She was still leaning on the begonia tree, nodding slightly, but staring at the stones on the ground.

Looking at him, the figure far away from him was a bit lonely. When he just let go of himself, he felt a bit cool ... a little bit reluctant ...

It seems that a trace of affection has been lingering between the two ... It was actually a warm smile ...

However, when she looked like Yan Fei, she suddenly appeared! Think of everything that happened in Yizhou City! Not by accident!

She clenched her hands indignantly, and the bone joints were already pale ... the face was sinking gradually!

Leng Yichen, I'm just your pawn!

Read The Duke's Passion