MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 42 Ascent Season

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August 8, Chongyang Festival. Every time I think about the festival, I describe it as the festival. Mu You, Li Guo, and Hua Cheng all have this festival, but the way of holiday is different in different countries.

In Mu You, Chongyang Festival is also known as Ascending Festival and Reunion Festival. The folks, every time on the Chung Yeung Festival, always go to the top to enjoy the flowers and wine. Only once a year, just like the New Year, it is lively.

The Chung Yeung Festival is not only called the Climbing Festival because it is necessary to ascend every Chung Yeung Festival, but also because the family is reunited every Chung Yeung Festival, so it is also known as the Reunion Festival.

In the civil society, the Chung Yeung Festival is particularly valued by the people. Before the festival, every household would slaughter a sheep to make mutton noodles regardless of poverty. Lamb noodles, chrysanthemum wine, and chongyang flower cake are essential dishes for the festival. If it is a beggar on the street, you can go to Shantang to get these three kinds of food, and you also have a holiday.

If there is a child in the home of the people, the child will accompany the adult to make flower cakes and eat while cooking, just like a pouting kitten, pouting and happy.

The palace is different. The annual ascending festival is held in the Royal Garden. It is organized by Xuan Fei every year, and this year it is the same. Because Leng Yichen had no children, the elder only had one Empress Xiao, who often seemed to be aloof when he spent the Chung Yeung Festival.

Different from the folk, one month after the festival, the emperor will bring the concubine concubine and four or more ministers to the royal garden on the outskirts of the capital. The hunters who hunt the most will be rewarded. The rewards are all different.

Today happens to be August 5. Mo Ling was as usual as usual, and went to ask Empress Xiao An on time, and happened to meet Princess Xuan and Li Fei on the road, and also learned that this year's ascending festival will be held in the Royal Garden, as in previous years. Just one more contest this year, poetry.

Seeing Concubine Xuan's self-confidence and arrogance, she must be very sure of her talents and be the first one. What kind of poems are to say, I just want to make myself the best, I have the style, and the emperor's favor!

After welcoming the queen mother, Mo Ling also made a few words with the queen mother. She could hear from the chat with the queen mother. The queen mother hoped that the emperor would go to the Qing court to sit more, but failed to regret it.

As soon as I entered the palace, I heard rumors that the empress and the emperor were at odds with each other. I never thought it was true! When she returned to Fengqi Palace, she went nowhere. Regarding the contradiction between their mother and son, she didn't care at all, anyway, she was a chess piece, and it would be right to make her chess piece obediently!

In Fengqi Palace, the decoration is the same as before. A sapphire pillow is placed on the bed, and a specific soft pupa and silk pupa are stacked on top of it. A huge bright moon lamp hangs on the top of the palace, and it always glows at night, like a bright moon.

The cold white jade used on the ground floor is made of lotus, and blossoms like a five-stem lotus. The petals are fresh and exquisite, and even the flower core is delicate and discernable. Even barefoot, you can only feel warm.

"Miss, Princess Xuan is really getting more and more arrogant! Isn't it because she arranged for this year's ascent event?" Once at Fengqi Palace, Xiner reluctantly complained. She also hated Princess Xuan. Amazing.

"Just held a small ascent festival, and put on a look of no one in the eyes. In the future, if Empress Xiao's birthday celebration is also arranged by her, wouldn't it be lawless?"

"You, do things obediently, obediently, don't say anything else, so as not to invite anything!" Mo Ling was sitting on the soft couch, still doing embroidery in her hand, specially prepared for the Queen Mother's birthday All the contents of the Diamond Sutra are embroidered on Juan, and the characters are sewn with golden silk, which is very beautiful.

"Miss, ascend the festival, what are you going to wear?" Xin'er trot up to Mo Ling and tilted his head again. "Ascending the festival once a year, you must pay attention to it! On the clothes, you ca n’t help it careless!"

"On the way back just now, Xiao Ruizi and I whispered a few words. He said that the concubines would make new clothes in the past, and they were specially put on during the ascending festival. Otherwise, Miss, let ’s go to Yi Jin Dian. Well, there are so many, many new cloths from Yizhou! "

Seeing that Mo Ling didn't say anything, Xin'er said it again and again, "Miss, carefully calculate, we are almost 3 months into the palace! To be honest, I also blame Yizhou City At that time, you said, how free was it. I only took three orders a month, and the rest of the time, I did n’t open a shop and made more money than the current monthly example! ”

"By the way, Xiao Ruizi also said, if you want to go to Yi Jin Dian to get the cloth, it will be early, or else it will be taken by other concubines, we have no choice!" Xin Er said more and more excited , Waving his hand, and shook his head again, "Miss, otherwise we will go now!"

When he turned around, he saw Mo Ling raise his eyebrows and looked at himself, with a strange smile on his face ...

"Little ... Miss ... You ... Why are you staring at me ..." Weakly asked, taking a step back, drumming in his heart.

"When have you been so good with Father Gong, have you called him 'Little Ruizi'?" Mo Ling lowered the embroidery Juan in her hand, stood up to her, and raised her eyebrows and asked.

"I ... he ..." When asked suddenly, he was stuttered, scratching his head, very funny, "No ... isn't it because of the emperor's diligence? Naturally ... leave naturally It's close ... "Feel free to make excuses, but it's the worst reason.

"Really ..." Mo Ling asked again, doubting.

"Well!" She nodded fiercely, her eyes full of sincerity!

"I know, you are only for me, so you intend to be close to Xiao Ruizi!" She patted Xin Er's shoulder, and said with relief. She understood that Xin'er was unwilling to tell the truth, and she was no longer asking questions.

Since entering the palace, she has been a worldly person, warm and warm in the world. She has always learned a lot and is sensible. She no longer plays with her child's temperament, and does not know whether it is good or bad for her. !! It ’s also true of the world. Every day, I can always laugh happily and laugh heartily and heartlessly. It is the most true and happiest!

"Miss, in fact, I didn't have any intentions either .... only ..." I embarrassedly lowered my head and didn't dare look straight at her, only to see the lady's slightly sad expression, she really felt herself I made a mistake and got Miss on again!

Xiner, was sold to Mofu by a trafficker at the age of six, because he was the youngest and had no relatives to take care of. He lived insulted days and nights, wearing rotten clothes made up of rags. Winter was sore with hands and feet. I asked my aunt in the house to wear a piece of clothes, but got a mockery.

Usually, I eat all leftovers in the house. The whole person is skinny and skinny, which makes people feel distressed. If it was n’t when he was eight, he was crying in the yard alone, and just happened to be seen by the lady. I ’m afraid who else was in the firewood room!

"Well, I understand." She waved her hand, motioned Xiner to shut up, paused and said, "Go, let's go to Yijindian and see!"

As Xin'er said, it has been half a year since she left Yizhou. She also wants to go to Yijin Palace to see if there are any new cloths? I have n’t taken orders yet, so I'm doing embroidery! If she sees what she likes, she can also make a Jinpa and keep it for herself.

"Okay, okay!" Was another happy thumping, even shaking Mo Ling's hand with excitement.

Along the way, the two masters and servants came out of Fengqi Palace with a smile and laughter. There was no sense of distance between the master and servants. They were like sisters and intimate. It was just that the two had just stepped out of the palace door, but they saw Yan Fei coming forward!

"Sister, where are you going?" Yan Fei was dressed in a Chinese suit, Mo Fa pulled up her hair, combed her bun, fixed it with golden steps, gorgeous but not luxurious.

"Yi Jindian." The answer was simple. Since knowing the identity of Princess Fei, although Mo Ling hasn't broken it, she is very alert to Princess Fei! She was really worried that Yan Fei would reveal her affairs to Leng Yichen without reservation!

"It turned out that my sister was going to pick new clothes!" She took a few steps and got closer, pretending to say intimately, "Well, let's go with my sister and sister! My sister is recovering from a serious illness, and I need to make new ones Set of clothes! The clothes in my sister's palace are out of date! "

Mo Ling frowned slightly, thinking about how to refuse! If all the actions of Princess Fei in the harem are clear to the emperor, then she is really hiding too deeply!

"Okay, sister?" After seeing her for a long time, she still didn't respond, and asked again. Li Fei, who had made a good relationship with Fei Yan, had entered the cold palace. No companions.

Mo Ling kept looking at her silently, without speaking, as if she had intentionally left her in the air.

"Sister?" Yan Fei frowned and looked at her, unable to help but reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Mother-in-law, haven't you been saluting yet?" The niece behind her reminded her good intentions, and there was a slight blush on the ground. Since the master recovered, he has often been in the palace with a lot of carelessness, and has caused a lot of gossip. Now he is doing this before the queen, and I don't know if the emperor will leave him in the cold!

"The queen maiden, Wanfu Jin'an!" Yan Fei was ashamed when she heard it, and she took two steps back quickly and embarrassed herself. Punish your sister! "

"No need, a little thing. You should get up quickly," said casually, but my heart was more vigilant!

Yan Fei, the first time you forgot to salute, I can treat you as an inadvertent one, what about the second time? Still careless? !! Still intentional? !!

It seems that I really have to guard against you!

Read The Duke's Passion