MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 43 Amorous but relentless

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Chongyang Festival on August 8.

Today's palace is very festive. The palace hall was cleaned again yesterday under the guidance of various fathers.

In order to sacrifice the hard work of the servants and servants, the masters and daughters in the palace took out their jewelry and cloths for rewards, and the eunuchs of the palace were happy to open their arms. The important thing for the masters and the rewards is not the reward items, but the face!

If you can get the reward from the queen maiden and concubines, then you can straighten your back in the palace, which is very prestigious.

This year and usual, the Chung Yeung Festival is scheduled to be held in the Royal Garden. The wide corner of the courtyard was chosen, filled with seats of different sizes, because of their status and status, they were placed in different positions. Be elegant!

In previous years, the closest position to the emperor was undoubtedly the position of concubine Xuan, but this year the emperor has registered Mo Ling as the queen, and she had to give up the position, and she really hated it.

As Queen Mother Xiao was aging, she quit her festival activities this year and spent her time alone in the Qing court. Despite regrets, today's activities are still lively and exciting.

Princess Xuan was not able to share a seat with the emperor, but she also arrogantly changed into a rose-red gold double-layered broad-tailed long-tailed robe. She specially combed a delicate bun and used a tired silk to inlay a ruby ​​pair. Piaodian Cuibu shakes and fixes, luxurious and noble, and its clothing is as luxurious as the Queen's clothing!

Princess Xuan is in the palace, arrogant and arrogant, arrogant and arrogant, simply because there is a father who is the prime minister, supporting him! When others see it, they are only jealous. They dare not talk more, lest it cause trouble.

"The emperor is here!" A sharp shout resounded through the entire Royal Garden, and everyone let go of their hands, stopped talking about it, and saluted them.

"Well, let's all get up! It's a rare festival, so don't be too restrained!" Leng Yichen waved his sleeves, holding an ivory folding fan in his hand, personable and generous.

"Thank you, Emperor." After everyone Xie Li flattened and looked up, Fang saw the emperor holding the queen's mother's hand, and the two came together!

Today is the Chung Yeung Festival, which means reunion. Leng Yichen went down early, lost a tedious dress, and put on the Jifu. The emperor's spirit remained in his body, shocking everyone.

Leng Yichen took Mo Ling's little hand and went to the Royal Garden together, inseparable, really envious of others!

Mo Ling has always liked simple and simple clothing. The skirt on her body is based on white. The skirt has a fine ink painting pattern on the hem. The black ink is held up high and fixed with jade jade. To be like a fairy, not ignorant of world affairs, pure and refined.

Leng Yichen always held her little hand and walked to the main position together. He also moved the chair position for Mo Ling tenderly and thoughtfully. After Mo Ling took the seat, he sat down.

In the royal palace, the queen's favor has long been rumored, and everyone knows it. Everyone knows that the queen is favored, but when they saw the emperor moving the chair for the queen, everyone was surprised!

What a favor this is!

Whether it is the harem concubine's concubine or the eunuch's concubine, no matter how long he enters the palace, it is the first time that he has seen the emperor move a chair for the queen of the harem! Even the emperor's favorite has not received such treatment! Everyone is definitely seeing for the first time! Without exception!

He completely ignored the strangeness of the crowd, and said easily, "Everyone can take a seat!"


After everyone is seated, the maids will serve the same food first and back according to the seats. There are only three: mutton noodles, chrysanthemum wine, and Chongyang flower cake. It is also a must-eat food for the Chung Yeung Festival each year.

"Emperor, every year on the Chung Yeung Festival, Chen Ye always arranges dancing Ji Ji, and I feel tired after watching too much." The banquet has just begun, and Princess Xuan couldn't wait to say, with pride in her speech. "This year, Chen Ye thought In a different way, let everyone chant poetry together, and make a special song for Chongyang Festival. I do n’t know, the emperor thinks this idea is good? "

He nodded with a smile, and put all his heart on Mo Ling. He was pouring wine for her, and putting Chongyang cake on her plate, very considerate.

Princess Xuan was so angry that she couldn't help herself to Li Fei, who was next door, and said, "Sister Li Fei, why don't you come first?"

She knew that Li Fei's poems were the worst of her concubines, and she deliberately chose her to write poems, but to embarrass Mo Ling as her sister! Li Fei Li Fei, when will you be sober and sensible?

Sitting on the opposite side, Ning Fei shook her head helplessly, sipping the food on her table, and kept silent, hoping that Fei Xuan would not spread her anger on herself.

"Okay .... Okay ..." Molly knew she had no talent for poetry, but she was named by Sister Xuan again, so she had to bite her head. When she looked at the table, she looked again. Everyone in the room thought for a moment, and said aloud, "I think you are good!"

After listening to her, everyone looked up, looked at her, and listened to her ears. I saw Li Fei slightly open her teeth and said, "August Eightth Festival, mutton noodles and chrysanthemum wine. Little flower cakes are indispensable, and the family is sitting together. And the people are happy! "

When I heard Li Fei's poems, all of them were holding their breath, and they didn't dare to laugh out loud, for fear of causing Li Fei's sister, the queen queen mother Mo Ling was embarrassed and annoyed!

But she also had to say that Li Fei was even a bit behind the nursery rhymes on the streets! How do you say that Li Fei is also the daughter of Captain Mo, a veteran of the Three Dynasties, a former champion, and gave birth to a dead tree! It's really a pity!

"Sister Li, this work is easy to understand, and it's a good time, but it's a good work!" Princess Xuan deliberately teased, her eyes full of irony!

"Sister, don't make fun of me ~" She shyly bowed her head and shyly blushed, and said, "Sister, why don't you come and make a song! Among the four concubines, count your poems. , The best! "Between the words, he deliberately and provocatively looked at Mo Ling sitting on the main seat.

When Mo Ling saw her sister, she was so stupid and ignorant, she felt extremely helpless ... Sometimes when she entered the palace, how could she not tell who was really good to her?

Princess Xuan has always been proud. As long as she does everything, she must do the best, otherwise she would rather not do it! She, Princess Xuan, was the daughter of the prime minister, her niece, and her father ’s pearl. She has been in the palace since she was a child, learning and playing with her princess brothers!

She has always been a halo in the eyes of everyone!

"The courtier wants to ask the emperor to have a poem with him. I wonder if the emperor is appreciating his face?" Pretending to be contorted, the voice of Jiao Didi sounded numb to the scalp. I just want to confront the emperor with poetry, but I just want to get his attention.

"Yes, Concubine Xuan will come out of the League of Legends first." He smiled tenderly and elegantly, fanning the ivory folding fan in his hand, but his smile was invisible.

Princess Xuan got up, looked at the empress, and then looked at all of you. After thinking for a while, she said, "The flowers fade and the red and green apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is around. There are few willows blowing on the branches. Nowhere! "

After listening to the poems written by Princess Xuan, everyone in the room took a breath and took a breath!

This princess Xuan is really bold, dare to challenge the queen in public? !! A sentence where there is no grass in the end of the earth, does not it mean that the emperor does not have to spoil the queen alone? !! Even with the Prime Minister's support, it's too ridiculous. After all, how can the Queen's queen mother, Captain Momo, be able to endure such provocation? !!

Everyone thought, there will be liveliness to watch today! How do you know, Mo Ling was so calm, she drank her head and ate the food Leng Yichen deliberately gave herself, like an outsider.

Leng Yichen has long been commonplace in the harem fight, but just looking at her indifferent like her, slightly angry, he wrote a poem, "Qianqiu in the wall is outside the wall. Pedestrians in the wall laugh, and the beauty in the wall laughs. Passionate but relentless. "

This time, Mo Ling was no longer calm. She gave it a moment, stopped her motion, and her eyes were full of complexity .... Passionate but ruthlessly annoyed? !! Hehe, Leng Yichen, are you blaming me? But have you ever really meant to me?

"Linger, you can do it too!" Seeing her a little stunned, she reached out and gently covered her little hand, thick and warm big hand, making people feel very safe and secure.

She nodded slightly and put down the tableware in her hand, but her palm was sweating nervously. How could she from modern times write poetry? !! The Emperor had no choice but to shirk it, but had to keep thinking in his mind, and in modern reading, he got the poems.

After a long time, he opened his red lips lightly and said, "The mist is thick, the clouds are sad, and the brains are selling golden beasts. The festival is again Chongyang, and the jade pillows are cooked in the middle of the night. It is cool in the middle of the night. After the evening of Dongli, there are dark fragrance sleeves . Mo is not **, the curtain is westerly, and people are thinner than Huanghua. "

Li Qingzhao's poems are about the Chongyang Festival. The poet's thoughts of his hometown and loved ones are in line with Mo Ling's state of mind and situation.

"Good poem, elder sister, worthy of the title of the first talented woman in the capital, my sister admires it!" Is talking to Ning Fei, and today she wore a moon-white butterfly-patterned tunic with a fair complexion.

Ning Fei has always known the general, although she is the daughter of the general and the general holds the military power, she does not see Ning Fei as Xuan Fei. She has no one in her eyes, but is approachable, and she is very smooth and savvy.

Mo Ling still kept a generous and decent smile, didn't say much, just looked at it, but saw Leng Yichen coldly didn't speak, and didn't know what he was thinking.

She didn't care, she ate lamb noodles by herself and was taken to Longxiao Palace by him in the morning. She had to help choose clothes and took a few sips of breakfast quickly. She was so hungry now!

The festival is again Chongyang ... It's cool in the middle of the night ... People are thinner than Huanghua ... Missing their hometown, missing their loved ones ... Linger, you are a weirdo after all ...

Read The Duke's Passion