MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 56 Royal Garden

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Muyou's domestic royal garden is located outside the western suburbs of the capital. It covers an area of ​​100 acres. The garden is divided into east and west sides. The designer builds it according to different terrains, fully integrates into the environment and terrain, and is very popular with emperors and queens.

To the east of the garden is the royal hunting ground, where many birds and beasts are bred. There are about a hundred species. The emperor brings four or more civilian and military officials, the harem four concubines, and the queen to hunt and play here every year.

Staying inside the red wall all day is also very frustrating. The emperor set the rules. Each year, he can go to the hunting field and play for a few days to relieve the boredom and soothe and soothe the mood. It is only allowed to hunt no more than three times a year.

The west side of the garden is a summer resort. The overall layout of the villa uses the terrain. Due to the mountains, the area is clear, and the scenery is rich. Compared with other gardens, it has its unique style.

The villa's palace area is rigorous in layout, simple in architecture, natural and interesting in the garden area, and the palace and natural landscape are harmoniously integrated into one, reaching the realm of returning to nature.

The villa is integrated with the essence of the Three Kingdoms construction design. The scale of the building in the park is not large. Most of the halls and surrounding walls are made of blue brick, gray tiles, natural colors, simple and moderate, simple and moderate.

Every summer, the queen mother comes here, staying away from the summer for several months, and then returning to the palace after the weather is cool.

The royal garden is the royal imperial. It is heavily guarded on weekdays and always guarded by heavy soldiers. If a stranger enters the garden, it can be cut first and then played!

This year, the emperor specifically approved that everyone can now hunt on the hunting ground, and then go to the summer resort to take a summer, the cycle is about half a month. Officials on duty were responsible for all the affairs of the court during the period, and were sent to the emperor for their approval. The next day, the officer on duty returned to the palace for appropriate treatment.

At the gate of the palace, the formation was neatly arranged. During the trip, there were already 100 maids and eunuchs accompanying them. Officials above the fourth grade were wearing casual clothes and accompanied their families. However, no more than one family member can be brought.

Most of the officials are carrying their originals. They just want to have a relationship with the concubines in the harem and find a strong and stable backer. Today, the favored Yan Fei has become the object of flattery for everyone.

Leng Yichen changed into a white casual dress, with a jade belt wrapped around his waist, and his hair was pulled up high, fixed with a jade pinch, one point less domineering, and one more free and easy. Xiaorui followed him, slightly stunned, and waited carefully.

Princess Xuan returned to the palace 2 days ago and accompanied her father to catch up with the trip. The mother-in-law resigned the opportunity to travel for her brother just to stay with her at home.

She still maintains a consistent style, with a high profile and arrogance, and deliberately put on a rose-red gold double-layered broad-tailed long-tailed robe, and specially ordered the maid to comb a flying magpie, and use a tired silk-embedded ruby ​​to double-click and shake. Fixed, luxurious and noble, its clothing is as luxurious as the Queen's clothing!

She deliberately followed all the way, standing at the place closest to Leng Yichen, very swaying! Mo Ling was not a high-profile master. She was too lazy to act on Princess Xuan's behavior, and walked to Longfeng's side by herself, waiting for her, helping her to hang on.

Seeing her again, Leng Yichen deliberately left herself and got into the dragon and phoenix, a little unhappy!

Mu Youguo's unique dragon and phoenix are specially made for the emperor and queen. Every time they travel, they are with the empress. They can not only enhance the relationship, but also make a good role model for loving couples. The empress's same seat was the rule set by the founder of Mu You.

He deliberately slowed down his steps, step by step, and was about to go to the dragon and phoenix, turned abruptly, and collided with Xiao Rui behind him!

"Well ..." He screamed in pain, and Xiaorui hurriedly fell to his knees and kept his head on the ground. "Slave deserve to die, slave deserve to die!"

"Okay, don't hesitate." Going back a few steps, "Go, Ma Yi, will bring your uncle's sweat and blood BMW, and will not be a dragon and phoenix today."

"Well." He quickly got up from the ground and sent someone to the stable to take the horse. I dare not ask more.

On the other side, the Empress Dowager Xiao has already become her own car, but Leng Yichen suddenly changed the hexagram, making her feel something wrong! He had always been polite, why did he suddenly want to ride a horse?

The emperor, who thought he was going to ride a horse with the queen, was ready to serve the **** on which the queen's supremacy was raised, and retreated. Otherwise, it is troublesome to go up and down.

The **** brought the sweaty BMW, and the dragon saddle on the horse was very expensive.

Leng Yichen took the horse and landed on it, but he reached out and said softly to Yan Fei beside him, "Yaner, come."

"The emperor ...." Yan Yan froze a little, some stunned gods, and traveled far away. In any case, it should not be her and the emperor's horse in the same period, which is out of order.

"Yaner." For a long time, she said again when she saw no response. Smiling slightly, like Mu Chunfeng, looks great.

Yan Yan hesitated, glanced at Mo Ling, and saw her indifferent like an outsider, playing with the Jinpa in her hand, Yan Yan helpless, pursed her lips, stretched out her small hand and put on the emperor's thick and warm hand .

He stretched out his hand and pulled Yan Yan to his front, with his chest against his back, riding a horse next to him, and envying the other concubines.

It seems that the queen's fall from grace is no longer a rumor, so that the wives of the ministers have determined that their choice is right.

Others don't know, but Yan Yan knows it very well. The emperor was only holding the horse with the queen. The emperor never puts down the queen!

Since that night, the emperor has never stayed overnight at the Jade Palace. Although the emperor visits the Jade Palace every day, he just does it, marks and revises the memorials, and every night when he is quiet, he returns to Longxiao Palace with Xiaorui and Hui.

Appearance seems to be extremely graceful. In fact, the emperor just changed a place and criticized it.

When Princess Xuan saw that Mo Ling was left by the emperor, her heart floated in a hurry, deliberately approached and made a look of regret. It is always lonely. "

"Sister Xuan said it very well." She said calmly, looking at the dragon and phoenix beside her. "I was thinking of having Sister Xuan to accompany the palace, and thinking about it, my sister couldn't get on again. Along with her, Sister Xuan can make a car ride with Ning Fei, and it will not be too crowded. "

"Yes, my sister also wants to spend more time with her sister." She said with gritted teeth, the little hand under the sleeve, clenched her fist, the palm of his hand overflowed with blood, and he didn't even notice it.

The queen said yes, this dragon and phoenix, she couldn't get on! The chariot used by the four concubines was originally a four-person commute. Although Molly was not crowded, it was not spacious.

After the queen's birth, she never looked back indifferently, and was too lazy to talk back.

Concubine Xuan returned to her car. She wanted to damage the queen. She didn't expect to put herself in. Instead, she didn't get any benefits, but she was hurt by the queen!

In the concubine, Ning Fei was lying on her side, looking at the book seriously, and when she saw Concubine Xuan came up, her face turned blue, and she knew that she would be in the queen's face, and was furious.

Without speaking, she still looked down at the book in her hand, but felt that Princess Xuan was too childish! Why do you want to provoke the queen?

Don't look at the queen who is always isolated from the world, and she is very transparent in her heart. There are many things, she just didn't say anything.

In the morning, because the emperor was on the whim, he delayed the departure time because he wanted to ride a horse, but everyone sent it out before noon. If it's faster, it's still before the sun goes down to the royal garden.

The imperial palace and the royal garden are both in the capital, but the distance between the two is as far as a city. If you don't speed up, you must not arrive before sunset and set up camp in the wild.

Empress Xiao, Queen, and Three Concubines rarely travel together, and there are many inconveniences in living in the suburbs. Therefore, Leng Yichen ordered that he must arrive before dark.

Leng Yichen rubbed his face, followed the side of Dragon and Phoenix, and rode leisurely. When he was tired, he buried his head between Yan's neck and enjoyed the breath of her body. Child, hug and sleep scene.

It's been more than half a month and I haven't been to Fengqi Palace .... that woman, why don't you come to see me?

In the dragon and phoenix, Mo Ling leaned sideways. Every time I turned my head to look at the scenery outside, and brought in the eyes, I always embarrassedly embraced Leng Yichen, a picture of sweet chat.

"Emperor, if you're tired, then Dragon and Phoenix will rest." She took the opportunity to say that it was also smart to give Leng Yichen a step down.

"No need," said Buried, "rest on you, just rest."

He sighed and stopped talking.

I don't know, when are these two people going to be upset?

In the dragon and the phoenix, Mo Ling really couldn't see it. The two of them hugged sweetly outside the window. They stomped their feet angrily, turned away with anger, turned their head away from looking at them, and closed their eyes quietly to rest.

Leng Yichen, let's hug your Yan Fei! Hold your Yan Fei! Don't come to me again! Anyway, I can't see it! Anyway, I am quiet alone!

Along the way, they were speechless and were quietly doing their own things. Yan Yan was tightly embraced by the emperor, and he did not dare to move. He had to drive the horse honestly.

Prime Minister Ji, headed by everyone, set off towards the destination in an orderly manner, and only stayed in the western suburbs along the way. After a short stop, everyone was full, and after about half a column of incense, they set off again. The officials who followed this time were all riding horses. Most of the family members were sitting on Jiaozi, and only a few were riding horses. One by one, keeping the formation.

In the setting sun, old dead vines fainted, and a small bridge ran over the water.

It was gradually darkening. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Ji, the crowd finally arrived at the royal garden in time before the sun set. Queen Mother Xiao and pampered, first went to the summer resort, hunting ground hunting, too bloody, she couldn't see it. It is convenient for the emperor to meet with you after a few days.