MTL - Chaos Of Beauty-Chapter 58 Puppet

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That night, a bright moon hung high in the sky, starry, peaceful and beautiful. The quiet sound of breathing all around was clear.

The royal garden was built outside the western suburbs of the capital. It is overgrown with grass and trees. The garden is full of trees of different varieties and is lush. The wind was blowing gently over the woods, the trees were trembling slightly, the leaves were falling one after another, and turning in the air.

Between the cracks of that rock, there are towering Coopers, majestic, vigorous, and towering. They give the mountains aura and make all life pale and inferior to them.

In the grass, flowers are clusters of flowers, and the flowers are colorful. Xie Luo's petals are fluttering in the wind, like dancing butterflies, but also like fairy flowers.

On the empty lawn in the garden, the court ladies and eunuchs cooperated to build a tent. It would be too late. If you don't speed it up, the masters will really sleep out tonight.

During the period when the people set up, the young girls followed her and walked in the garden. In this life, they can step into the royal garden, but it is a great favor. All of them are taking the time, playing and enjoying. I missed this opportunity, and I do n’t know if I will have a chance in the future. Come again!

Mo Ling got out of the car and found a tree, leaning against it, hitting his knee from time to time, sitting in the car all day, his body was sore and strange. There was a lot of mud on the ankles, so I thought I was going into the tent, taking a shower, and going to sleep.

Fei Xuan and Ning Fei got out of the car and went to walk in the woods. They came several times in the royal garden, and they would not lose if they did not follow.

Looking at the lonely figure of Mo Ling, Ning Fei thought about asking her to go with her, but she was stopped by Fei Xuan! Ning Fei had no choice but to stop and follow her into the woods.

Leng Yichen always rubbed his face tightly, riding a sweat BMW, very eye-catching. All the way down, this is the case, and everyone is not surprised. After walking around in the garden, I felt boring.

When I returned to the camp, I found that the tent was not yet set up. I looked around and saw that Mo Ling was alone, leaning on the big tree, lonely and lonely. Can't help but feel distressed ...

Does this woman go out and don't know the plaster with active bones? !!

Yan Yan looked in the direction of his despair, only to know that the person he was looking at was Mo Ling, and once again persuaded, "The emperor, the queen mother and his wife are alone, and can't help but be a bit lonely. Let the emperor accompany her. Just walk down. "

"No," replied coldly.

Obviously distressed, why should I pretend to be indifferent? !!

He turned his head and called to Xiaorui, not far away, "Little Ruizi."

When Xiaorui heard the call of the master, he ran up to the emperor, bowed and saluted, "The emperor, what do you tell me?"

He didn't speak, but Mo Ling was in the direction, nodded, Xiaorui found the chair, ordered the **** to go to the plaster, and sent it to the queen lady.

Maybe others do n’t know, but Xiaoruizi knows better than anyone else, who is really in his heart? !!

"Queen lady, the minion gave you a chair. Don't lean on the tree. Sit down. Setting up a tent will not be all right for a while."

"There is Father Lawrie." Mo Ling nodded, thanking him.

"Mother-in-law, you're polite to the minions. Serve the master. This is the job of the minions." After returning to the palace, after Leng Yichen's training, he became much more sensible, and his life became smooth and sophisticated.

"Gonggong." A little **** brought a small porcelain bottle and handed it to him.

It was just that Xiao Ruizi did not take it, but ordered him to give it directly to the queen maiden.

Mo Ling was also pleased to take the small porcelain bottle and looked closely, but at the lower corner of the porcelain bottle, cinnabar was engraved with two small red characters, "Yongyong".

There was a warmth in my heart, was it him? Did he send it?

Can't wait to look up, looking for his figure, looked and looked, looked and looked, and even stood upright, looking for, still did not see the figure of Leng Yichen ...

It must be taking Yan Fei, walking around and enjoying the scenery! She was more attentive again ... faintly expecting, a touch of warmth ... was ruthlessly destroyed again!

Leng Yichen, there will always be only Yan Fei in your heart!

It was not until that time that the eunuchs of the palaces worked together to set up the tents. Hundreds of tents were built on the lawn, densely packed, and the unique bright yellow tent was the most prominent.

Xiner packed up the clothes brought by Mo Ling and the supplements he was carrying in his white tent. Since Mo Ling's birth, she has been very ill. She has been taking the tonic from Tai Hospital every day, and she is still not getting better. If she does not wear makeup, her skin will be pale and without blood.

Mo Ling ate something, and the pasta delivered by the servant was tired and spread out on the soft couch. Looking at Xin Er who was busy and busy, he kept calling her to do something, so she called the **** guarding outside the tent and shouted "Small plums, go and bring a few buckets of hot water, this palace will take a bath."

"Well. The slave will go immediately." Outside the tent, a sharp voice came from Xiaoli.

But Xu Yan, and saw that Xiao Lizi ran back again, ran to Mo Ling's body, owed him, and said weakly, "Qi's mother, there is no hot water now, I have to wait half an hour ..."

"What! Actually have to wait half an hour!" Suddenly from the soft couch, sat up, staring at him frowning, "Why wait?"

This is the first time she is obedient. The queen of a country wants to take a bath and change clothes. She has to wait!

"Yan Fei ... In the emperor's tent, the emperor ordered the person to boil water and prepare to bathe ..." He looked up and gave a glance at Mo Ling, then lowered his head and continued, "The emperor ordered the person to burn the heat of the two. water...."

With a bang, he was so angry that he directly put the soft couch on the jade pillow, and fell **** the ground, crushing it!

She was angry, really angry!

Hello Leng Yichen, come to hunt, don't forget to come and play in the water! I have to pretend to be generous, prettier, and prettier! Let your spring and autumn dreams go!

Acting without warning, the little plum scared the whole person to kneel on the ground, and kept repeating in his mouth, "Mother-in-law is angry, mother-in-law is angry, mother-in-law is angry!"

Xiner saw that Mo Ling's complexion was green and white, and he did not dare to squeak. He squatted down to the ground obediently, picked up the broken jade piece by piece, and waved his hand again, indicating that the little plum would retreat first.

"Miss, take a sip of tea and calm down." After cleaning up the broken jade **** on the ground, she brought a cup of tea and handed it to Mo Ling.

"No need." Go straight to his face, "Go down, I want to change clothes to sleep!"

"Miss, didn't you wash?" Reminded kindly.

"Don't wash it! Go out!" Not to mention the word "wash", she's angry when she mentions it!

Inexplicably scolded, Xin'er was so weak that he stepped back a few steps, owed him, and retreated. He stepped out of the tent and watched the candlelight blow out. Peng Ping Ping Pong sounded! Unconsciously poked!

I haven't seen her get angry for several years! This vinegar is getting bigger and bigger! Just lady, does she know she is interested in the emperor?

On the other side, in the bright yellow tent, a large soft couch was placed on the innermost side of the tent, and a long sword was placed beside the soft couch. On the hangers, hanging down the clothes of Yan Yan and Leng Yichen's white casual clothes and jade belt.

A huge screen was placed in the center of the tent, blocking the view. After the screen, Yan Yan soaked in a large wooden barrel alone, enjoying a hot bath in a leisurely and comfortable way.

After the eunuchs brought hot water and retreated, Leng Yichen also changed into a black night clothes and quietly left the tent, leaving only Yanyan alone and bathing in the tent. The emperor intentionally ordered a large bucket to be filled with bath water for two people, but it was just to confuse everyone's eyes. Yan Yan knew it.

In the past, he used a similar method to confuse everyone's eyesight so that he could act without being found.

Leng Yichen's light work is very good, which is a little better than the shadow. He can completely move silently in various tents without being discovered.

In the hunting field, on a small hill, lush vegetation, above the mountainside, the sassafras trees are overgrown, the branches and leaves are like clouds, and the golden autumn season is full of forests. The two black figures were hidden in the woods. If they weren't observed carefully, they wouldn't be noticeable.

A man in black has a straight body and sharp eyes like an eagle, with his hands behind his back, overlooking the brightly lit campsite under his feet. In the camp, people can see everything. The spirit of a king is enough to make someone bow his head.

The other man was kneeling on one knee, wearing a black mask on his face, completely covering his face. From the action point of view, it was as if he was collecting information gathered by a newspaper.

"Everything is clear?" Leng Yichen asked, and took out his ivory folding fan.

"Yes. His subordinates are certain that the people who visited Jifu that day were from the Magic Kingdom. They intentionally changed into Li Kingdom costumes, but the carriages and tableware used were decorated with the Magic Kingdom. Shadow answered truthfully. Since Xuanfei's pro-province, the shadows are often not at Mo Ling's side to protect her. But Mo Ling didn't know.

"They are a little smart, but they are not careful enough," he paused, and said, "does Princess Xuan know this?"

"Mrs. Xuan, when she returned to her ancestral home, she did see her, but she had never seen the people of the Magic Kingdom, and she did not recognize her. And Prime Minister Ji deliberately concealed her. It should be unknown.

"Continue to follow along, every move, don't let go. If something happens, report it urgently." Intentionally told.

"Yes, my subordinates understand." Shadow arched back, his eyes under the mask showing loyalty.

The ambassador of Huancheng Kingdom gave away gold forever, Ji Lao, Ji Lao, can you stand this kind of temptation? !! I'd like to see if your loyalty to you is worth ten thousand gold!

Read The Duke's Passion