MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 355 Work hard

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Shaking his head and sighing, Xiang Yun smiled bitterly: "Forget it, there is no need to continue fighting, haven't everyone found out yet? Whoever it is, once with Soga, it will exert all its power, and we On the one hand, because of mutual understanding and communication problems, we cannot cooperate tacitly, so ... we have no chance! "

After hearing Xiang Yun's words, everyone nodded again and again, except for Roger, everyone had paired with Soga, so ... everyone's feelings were particularly obvious.

When they pair with Soga, they can always make the most of their strengths. Although Niko ’s sneak attack ended in failure, everyone knows that it is because Xiang Yun ’s ability is too unexpected. Now, if there is no one, Xiang Yun is dead.

At that time, Xiang Yun had been **** by Mia using clues, and Mia's one-click killing change from behind was almost the fastest attack in the world. If it wasn't for Xiang Yun's strange golden color Great Bell, really lost. Once Xiang Yun fails, then Misius may not escape the fate of death.

In fact, the reason why sneak attack on Xiang Yun is just to test the true skill of Xiang Yun. The moment the Tomei and Roger ended, the victory and defeat have been settled. Soga, Mia, Niko's Although the combination may not be able to defeat Xiang Yun's combination, if you just defend it, you will definitely not only keep it for one minute. After one minute, Soga ’s banned spell will come out, and there will be no suspense.

With three battles, everyone has been able to figure out everything. Although Roger hasn't played with Soga yet, Roger's ability is about the same as Tomei, and the two can offset it.

As a matter of fact, Roger has the best understanding of Soga. In a few games, he was hung up after one game. In the last game, he did n’t even know how he died. His partner ’s The ability reached its limit, and it was almost a ghost, but his ability completely disappeared. In Roger's feeling, he suddenly became an idiot.

In fact, it ’s not just Roger himself, Duomei is the same. When she teamed up with Soga to defeat Xiang Yun, Tomei was really excited, but after rotating the lineup, she and Roger also It's no different. I don't know how she died. If it wasn't for Leisha's voice, she wouldn't even know she was dead.

For the next six months, more than a dozen rounds of similar battles will be held every day. Everyone will continue to rotate lineups, and constantly try new combinations. Under Leisha's care, everyone will go all out.

After half a year's training, the understanding between all team members has reached an unimaginable level. What they will know each other, what habits they have, are clear. In many cases, only one look is needed to understand each other's purpose.

After half a year of running-in, all teammates have become more aware of each other, their cooperation has become more and more proficient, and even their strength has grown a lot. Except for Renee, everyone has reached the edge of the Holy Order, and half a year ago Like Xiang Yun, only half a step away, he reached the holy standard.

As for Xiang Yun, half a year later, he has reached the level of sacred order and has his own field power, but ... Xiang Yun has been mysteriously unwilling to show his field power. Common combat skills and everyone to fight. Everyone was curious to die, but they couldn't know the specific situation.

Of course, for others, Xiang Yun may keep secrets, but for Souga, Xiang Yun will not keep secrets. Today, half a year later, everyone has realized the power of Souga.

After half a year of fighting, everyone understands the truth. As long as they are with Soga, under the command of Soga, everyone's ability will be exerted to the limit, or even beyond it.

The hearts of all people are connected together by Soga. Due to the understanding of everyone, Soga unites the abilities of all people and condenses into an organic whole.

Basically, once with Soga, these members will become Soga's hands. Under Soga's command, they will twist into a rope and attack the enemy. For Soga, the companions are hands, feet, and companions. His ability is his ability.

Today, half a year later, Soga only needs one idea, and everyone naturally knows how to act. All the cooperation is almost tacit. After all ... this is the command of the source and Soga.

Over the past six months, another concern has been Renee, who has become the most feared character in everyone. Once cooperated with Suga, it is a real arrow, and even Xiang Yun has been shot several times.

In the past, Renee also needed to grasp the timing herself, but once combined with Soga, then Renee was too easy. Just follow the instructions of Soga and the success rate was as high as 80%, except for Xiang Yun Not sure, for others, that is every arrow you must hit. Most of the time, it was Renee's key arrow that changed the situation on the entire battlefield.

Next is Mia. With the aid of the three-piece artifact, Mia has almost become a heavy machine gun. Under the suppression of the machine gun, everyone must retreat. After all ... the power of Thunder is the king of the gods. Power, defenseless, even if you wear an artifact, you can't resist the strike of lightning. Although it will not die, what is the difference between death and death as long as it is paralyzed?

Once again, Nicole, under the command of Soga for half a year, Nicole changed the one-strike kill, the backwater battle three, and the use of lore, and even the Xiang Yun had to be more vigilant to avoid being attacked. To the poisoned hand.

As for Mithus, after the game that day, I did n’t participate in training anymore. After all, Soga City still needs people to manage, so it ’s inseparable. So ... there are eight people in the training. The eighth person, of course. How beautiful it is.

As for Roger, Duomei has improved greatly, but ... their own combat skills still have problems. Duomei simply relies on fast speed, fierce attack, and low technical content. A lot of effort was learned there, but it did not condense organically into a whole, and the power it exerted was not satisfactory.

In addition, after half a year of practice, everyone has discovered the fact that once Suga and Xiang Yun are paired together, the ending must be swept and defeated, and once Xiang Yun and Suga are separated, it must be a tug of war. Most of the winners were the Soga side. In half a year, Xiang Yun's side only won no more than ten games.

By now, everyone understands the role of the soul bracelet. As Soga thought, strategic artifacts are not comparable to a single artifact. Once a suitable master is found, the power it exerts can hardly be described.

Under the action of the psychic bracelet, all members will be condensed into one, integrate offense and defense, cooperate with each other, and maximize their capabilities. In this case, three to four (Leisha does not participate in the battle, so ... with The departure of Misius can only be three to four.) The probability of Soga's victory is too great.

After half a year of training, the two giants of the Soga team have basically been separated, namely Xiang Yun and Soga. The strength of these two guys is far superior to others. Only they can compete with each other. Qualifications, as for others, have always been worse.

Under Xiang Yun and Sojia, the first is Leisha. With her presence, the team's continuous fighting ability and survivability have been enhanced numerous times. Each team member has several lives. This It's too important.

Below Leisha, it is Renee. The guy with the word Lei in these two names is the most important existence in the team. Although Renee is still an eighth-tier professional, but ... when she and Suga When combined, with the help of Cupid's arrow, she can exert her power even above Soga and Xiang Yun, but ... after all, she has to rely on Soga and Xiang Yun, and Soga judges for her, and Xiang Yun is indispensable to avoid opponents in despair.

Soga, Xiang Yun, Renee, this iron triangle is extremely horrible. Under the overall control of Souga, Xiang Yun breaks the defense and Renee performs the final blow. This is the most powerful lore combination of Soga's team.

Soga, Xiang Yun, Leisha, and Renee became the top four in the Soga team, while Mia, Nicole, Tome, and Roger became the second-class existence.

As far as the second class is concerned, Mia is headed. Under the action of the three-piece artifact, it can completely suppress the firepower of any enemy, but ... Mia's ability is still strong, but it is still bad for ignition. When everyone Fortunately, when you have not reached the Holy Order, once you reach the Holy Order, the clues are completely useless.

In the first group, the tactical characteristics of the characters have been formed. Soga's full-field control and command is equivalent to the handle of a knife, while Xiang Yun is a weapon that breaks the enemy's defense, which is quite similar to the blade and Renee. It is a fatal blow to the enemy, which is equivalent to the tip of a knife. As for Leisha, it is a subsidiary existence. It does not participate in the battle itself. It is a versatile supporter, resurrection, and enhanced attributes. The magical effects are her special skills.

The people in the first group do not need to change anything anymore. They have chosen their own way to go in the future, Xiang Yun's attack, Renee's sniper, Leisha's assistance, Soga's macro-control, As well as the large-scale magic suppression, this has become the team's strongest weapon.

And Mia, Nicole, Tome, Roger, there are still many things that need to be improved, especially in the field strength after being promoted to the holy rank, it is especially cautious. One is not good, but it becomes garbage. .

In the team, Soga, Xiang Yun, and Leisha are already strong in the Holy Order. Among them, Soga and Leisha are closer to the realm of the Heavenly Order. As for Renee, they are still in the Eighth Order. It is difficult to break through in a short time, so there is nothing to change and no change is needed.

With Lei Ni, Lei Sha, and Xiang Yun's lessons learned, everyone knows where their way out is, right ... As Lei Sha said at the beginning, as an individual, of course, it should be comprehensive, but if If you want to integrate into the team, you must specialize!

With Soga as the center, there are currently eight teammates in the team. Soga is responsible for overall command and large-scale fire suppression. The other seven must have their own unique skills. Under Soga's dispatch, they can play their best. The strong side, as for the weak side, is made up by your partner.

Take Renee as an example, except for the seven arrows, she almost gave up everything else, but because of this, Renee's seven arrows are so strong that they are abnormal. Even without Cupid's arrow, they can kill the opponent by two orders. .

Some people may say that Renee wants to kill her opponents, she must cooperate with her, commanded by Soga, and Xiang Yun breaks the defense, otherwise she would not be able to defeat the Tier X professional independently.

That's right, this is the case, but ... this is exactly the talent that the team needs. As a team, no one needs you for everything. A long-range sniper like Renee is the most eager existence of all teams in the world. An oversight will be sniped on the spot.

Mia could also have entered the first team, but Mia was facing the problem of holy field power. She must exercise in one direction as much as possible to have the ability in that direction. Once the ability is selected incorrectly, she will inevitably suffer from this. Great loss, although the increase in strength is certain, but the extent of the increase cannot be determined, especially for the team, it is likely to lose more than it pays.

If for individuals, the field strength is naturally to make up for the shortcomings, just like the holy team encountered last time, the field power of their wind mage is the wind blade guard field to enhance defense.

However, in fact, this ability is useless for the team. Although it supplements the short board, the strength of the wind mage has not been enhanced.

In Mia's case, if her field strength is added to movement, or bows, or defense, although it has also enhanced a lot of strength, but for the team, it is dispensable.

However, once Mia's ability to trap is enhanced, the meaning will be completely different. If Mia's clues can threaten holy class professionals, it is simply too important for the team.

In short, it is two words-specialization. Only by achieving specialization can we exert great power in the team. After all, human energy is limited. If you want to be comprehensive, you will inevitably lead to everything and everything. Embarrassing situation.

Nicole also has this problem. Nicole's characteristics are stealth and three-stroke combat skills-backwater three, one-strike change, and lore. There is no problem in stealth, and Esso's current exaggerated mental power cannot be detected. If so, that's enough.

What Nicho needs to strengthen is to attack, to make that one-shot kill and lore, truly worthy, not like now, even if it is cast out, everyone will be fine. Instead, he will be killed and killed by one blow. This is too ironic.

Both Nicole and Mia are faced with the selection of holy field power. Although the field power is random, it will be born from one of the best or several abilities, so ... want to have For the field strength in either direction, just work hard in that direction.

As for Roger and Duomei, although they also have the problem of field power, the key is still the problem of combat skills. Roger's problem is not great. The combat skills have been taught to him. The key is only in fusion. The problem is big, it is completely a fault in combat technology.

Western martial arts, which only pays attention to strength and speed, is nothing more than chopping, etc. Compared with oriental martial arts, the skill is almost equal to zero, which is too clumsy.

For the West, a higher level is the difference between heaven and earth. An 8th-level professional wants to defeat a 9th-level professional. That is a miracle. But for the East, an 8th-level professional is not a victory over a 10th-level professional. Rare things, the difference is normal, no matter how big, it is the difference between superior skills.

Fast speed and fierce attack. This is indeed the beauty of Dumé, but ... Dumé lacks the combat skills to cooperate with it, and cannot use its own advantages to the limit. When fighting with people, it is only by connecting faster than others. Cut, forcibly break the defense with a stronger attack than others, and this is obviously not enough.

According to their own problems, Xiang Yun is responsible for Duomei and teaches a set of swords. For Xiang Yun, who has been studying swords all his life, he has gathered all the swords and swords of the world. This is definitely a very important thing. Easy things.

Upon receiving Soga's request, Xiang Yun naturally agreed with his mouth. For the victim, he may hide privately, but not for Dome, this is a big aunt, how can he hide privately!

Therefore, Xiang Yun patted his chest to guarantee that he would tailor a set of swords based on the characteristics of Duomei. Although he was afraid to say that it was the strongest, it was definitely the most suitable for Domei in the world, and he could play the most. Beautiful talented swordsmanship, in this set of swordmanship, the beauty of the ability, will be exerted to the limit.

As for Roger, Xiang Yun should have been given to Xiang Yun, but Xiang Yun had only one person. After all, he had to study the sword technique, and he had to teach how beautiful it was, so much energy, and ... Xiang Yun also said that Kung Fu taught Now, the next thing is research. In this respect, Soga is definitely an expert, so ... the task of helping Roger to synthesize the leg method falls on Soga.

In the following half year, everyone re-entered the retreat again. Mia and Nicole marched together to retreat, and Renee and Leisha spent a day in the archery training grounds specially tailored for her by Soga. Renee's ability to respond instantly, improve accuracy, and adaptability.

As for Soga, Xiang Yun, Dome, and Roger, they gathered together for the convenience of practice. Xiang Yun is in charge of Tome, and Soga is in charge of Roger. Everyone studies and discusses with each other. With the exception of Renee, all of them reached the Holy Order, and ... perfected their specialization.

For a time, despite the storm, the city of Soga was silent, and everyone was quietly accumulating energy, waiting for the day to rise.

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