MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 356 Wind roll building residual

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Renee's practice is very hard. Although she has mastered the ability of instant fruit, in fact, the ability of instant fruit is also divided into levels.

An instant is a thought, a 20th thought is a flash, a 20th thought is a finger, a 20th finger is a tadpole, a tadpole is a shawl, and a day and a night is 30 shabby.

Based on this, it is not difficult for us to make the following calculations: in the 24 hours of a day and night, there are 30 “beards”, 600 “Luo Yu”, 2,000 “push fingers”, 240,000 “instantaneous”, 4.8 million “one thought Or "Moment"; further calculations, because there are 86400 seconds (440 minutes) in a day and night 24 hours, then a beard is 2880 seconds (48 minutes), a Luo is 144 seconds (2.4 minutes), a finger It is 7.2 seconds, 0.36 seconds in a flash, and 0.018 seconds in a flash.

So far, the ability of Renee's instant fruit has exceeded the definition of 0.36 seconds, reaching a distance of 0.30 seconds, the distance of kilometers, Renee's arrow only takes 0.30 seconds, which is an instant. Can arrive.

In a sense, Renee's arrows are already fast, but ... that is for the warriors below the Holy Order master, and for the warriors above the Holy Order, with the hunch, they are fully abundant. Time to dodge, so ... Rene has no chance at all if she is alone in the ranks.

Even with the cooperation of a partner, the opponent must be completely in a desperate situation, completely unable to evade and parry, before they can be shot by Renee.

What Renee needs to do next is to speed up the ability of the instant fruit to continue to increase the speed of the arrow. Then, as long as the opponent reveals a little flaw, Renee's arrow will be taken away instantly. Their lives were only then Renee's complete form.

The standard time for a finger is 7.2 seconds, but this is just the standard time. In fact, the limit of a finger is 1 second! The standard time of an instant is 0.36 seconds, but the limit of an instant is 0.1 seconds. Similarly, the standard time of an instant is 0.018, but the limit is 0.01 seconds, which is a decimal conversion relationship.

In fact, for human beings, there is not much difference between an instant and an instant. Many times, an instant is eternal. 0.1 second and 0.01 second are the same for human beings, which are beyond the reach of human beings. Realm.

Of course, if Renee hopes to break through the sacred order, it is possible to break through the moment and reach the realm of Sag. Once she has reached the limit of Sag, even God, she will be shot by negligence.

Mia's problem is not big. In fact, Mia's current position in the team is between the first group and the second group. As soon as she reaches the Holy Order, she will definitely enter the first group. What she has to do now That is to enter the holy order with all strength, that's all, after all ... Mia is best at trapping technology, and the ability acquired cannot be anything else.

As for Nicole, her problem can only be solved by herself, and no one can help her. Soga only put forward a rough goal. As for other things, she can only look at her.

In addition, the reason why Leisha and Renee are arranged in a group is that they want Renee to be in the state after Leisha's blessing. Leisha's blessing can make Renee's mental strength more concentrated and more spiritual. The strength of the company is greatly improved, and the strength of Renee is forcibly improved by one order!

Originally, Renee was already an eighth-tier professional. With the help of Leisha, Reni's strength doubled instantly and reached the realm of the nine-tier. If you are not familiar with it, I am afraid that it will be very time. Not accustomed to the full strength.

While helping Renee, Leisha can also be proficient in her auxiliary magic. The so-called three-day non-exercise students are absolutely necessary.

Finally, there are four people, Duomei, Roger, Xiang Yun, and Soga. At this moment ... the four guys are gathering in the training ground in the city's mansion, and they are training hard.

Duomei started with basic skills in accordance with Xiang Yun's requirements, monotonously repeating the most basic movements, while Xiang Yun sat in a corner, closed her eyes, and tailored a set of knives for her according to Duomei's characteristics. law.

And Roger, under the command of Soga, unfolded the leg methods taught by Xiang Yun one by one, and then ... performed Roger's own leg methods one by one.

After reading Roger's routines one by one, Soga was also in hard thoughts. Roger's biggest problem now is that he is learning vindictiveness, not the wonderful internal skills like Xiang Yun. He uses the vindictiveness to drive Xiang Yunsong. The warfare skills taught can never be turned round, and the skills that were originally without regrets are now full of flaws.

After thinking hard for a long time, Soga finally opened her eyes and directly ordered Roger to use her vindictiveness to urge her moves. Soga needs to look at her motives. Where are these moves missing?

Under Soga's order, Roger quickly danced. In a moment, in the huge training room, the figure fluttered and danced to the corner. Roger literally turned into a tens of millions and flew across the field.

Finally, Soga sighed and shook her head to tell Roger to stop. After watching this for a long time, Soga finally found out that the problem was that there was no problem with the leg method. So, when Roger was in midair, his body could not borrow power, and he could not burst out energy like internal power, so ... Roger in midair had no flexibility at all.

Every move of Roger needs to be down-to-earth in order to borrow strength. The fighting spirit comes from outside the body, so ... Once the foot leaves the ground and is in mid-air, Roger has nowhere to borrow power. Is clumsy.

Internal power is not the case. Internal force comes from the body. At any time, power can burst out in the air and make a transition. Therefore, it looks flexible and makes up for all the loopholes.

The energy source of the fighting spirit and the outside world, each time the force is exerted, and the energy source of the internal force is activated directly and incessantly. .

After thinking about it for a long time, finally ... Soga imparted Xiang Yun's several thigh methods to Roger, such as Hercules King legs, Tan legs, Fengshen legs, Foshan shadowless feet, and so on. The characteristics of the leg method and the leg method are still called Fengshen leg method, even the name has not changed.

In fact, although Soga was clever, she was not smart enough to improve something she didn't understand. So ... Soga did nothing more than mechanize these leg methods together, in Soga's view. These leg methods are already perfect, and no further changes are needed. At the same time ... Soga does not believe that these leg methods can be changed.

Soga has also carefully studied these leg methods. After research, Soga has found that every small movement of this leg method is useful. If you don't do this, the limit of strength cannot be exerted, and the speed will not be. It will be approaching soon. It can be said that these leg methods cannot be changed at all.

In fact, what Suga did was just to compile these leg methods to form a complete set of leg methods, which is easy to remember, easy to memorize, and easier to command!

After finishing, there are six types of Fengshen legs: the first type catches the wind, the second type of wind and grass, the third type of heavy rain, the fourth type of wind and rolls, the fifth type of wind and fury, and the sixth type of rage. What this leg method pays attention to is that before the move, the force comes first, and the enemy comes first.

After finishing the leg method, Soga directly gave an order to let Roger practice madly. Do not stop. When tired, go to Leisha next door and let her recover. What Soga needs to do is to stay blank. Stared at Roger, trying to find out what the problem is and how to solve it.

In fact, Roger's biggest problem is the problem of turning in mid-air. Because there is nowhere to borrow, he can't make a flexible turn. He has the intention to give Roger a set of winged armor. What is needed is not that kind of strength. With wings, it will drag Roger's speed.

In addition, Roger has no upper body effort, even the minimum defense means. Once the enemy hits in the air, the upper body has no defense ability.

Finally, Roger's problem was identified. One was the problem of turning in the air, and the other was the problem of defense. As long as these two points were resolved, Roger would be done.

Now that he understands what's wrong, Suga can't help but order Roger to continue training, Suga rushes to the adventure union and purchases the wings of the Wind Dragon King at sky-high prices!

The Wind Dragon King belongs to Heavenly Order. Generally speaking, such a treasure is not sold by anyone, not to mention the rareness of the Wind Dragon King. Its performance alone is enough to make anyone jealous.

However, Soga now lacks everything, but there is no shortage of money. For more than half a year, new currencies have begun to circulate in large quantities, such as mountains of commercial currency, which have flowed into Soga's hands. It can be said that the current Soga, More than 60% of the commercial currency in the first six levels has been collected.

At such a high price, the merchants of the entire commercial road moved. Of course ... The merchants here refer to the local businessmen. Under the temptation of such high profits, the merchants who pursue the interests as the first goal are Never give up anyway.

Just a week later, the wing skin of the Wind Dragon King was found, and ... the tip of the wings of the Wind Dragon King was found, which is also the most expensive part of the Wind Dragon's body.

In the middle process, there is no need to make a detailed list, but ... the other party requires flying money to settle and refuses to accept the business road. Since the other party so requests, Soga may refuse! After a negotiation, Soga is such a good baby. Although to the outside world, flying money is a treasure, but for Soga, flying money is just a few pieces of metal. It is not valuable. How much is that stuff.

After receiving the wingtip of the Wind Dragon King, Soga rushed back to the secret room. Under Soga's wonderful hand, the tips of the wings of the Wind Dragon were intercepted, and they were put together, and then some mysteries were depicted on it Magic symbol used to drive dragon wings.

At the same time, Soga pumped the bones on the wings of the Wind Dragon King as fan bones, and after careful modification, a huge folding fan with a diameter of half a meter was finally released!

The folding fan has thirty-six fan bones, all of which are made of the wing bones of the wind dragon. Because the bones are hollow, Soga was added to the fan bone, a set of launching devices was added, and then the anti-doping needle was added, and The forbidden magic needle is installed. Once the distance is close, Roger can fire these two magic needles to seal off the opponent's energy.

When the folding fan is opened, it is a regular fan shape, the fan surface is golden yellow, and the strange symbols are painted on it. After the fan is opened, the diameter is one meter, but it is only close to a semicircle.

I was trying to input energy into the Wind Dragon King magic crystal on the fan handle. Suddenly, the folding fan surged with powerful power. The strength of the power greatly exaggerated Soga's expectations. The wings of the Wind Dragon King were really too It's scary.

You know, the wings of the Wind Dragon King can drive such a heavy body, and also allow the body to reach such a fast speed. The power on this pair of wings is really terrifying. Although there are only a pair of wing tips, Luo Jie's body is smaller. After using this fan, Roger's speed will be above the Dragon King.

This wing tip is only one percent of the wind dragon wing, but Roger's weight is probably not even one percent of the wind dragon king. And ... the wing tip part concentrates most of the flying ability of the wind dragon king, so ... It is no exaggeration to say that as long as this fan is used, Roger can already play faster than Fenglong.

In addition to being used to drive, the most important role of this fan is to be used for defense. Because it is made of the wings of the Wind Dragon King, it is reinforced with meat and has a very strong defense force. The driving force of the crystal is absolutely exaggerated, and almost no attack can instantly penetrate the wings of the Wind Dragon King. It can break at most, and it will automatically recover after a while.

Looking at the huge folding fan that is half a meter long in his hand, Soga could not help getting smaller. With this fan, Roger was able to borrow power in the air, turning and accelerating, no problem. Cooperating with the movement of the hand, it is completely possible. To make up for Roger's shortcomings, he even did. For Roger, this fan is probably no longer an artifact.

Between thoughts, Soga took the folding fan, hurried to the cultivation yard, handed the fan directly to Roger, and taught him the skills to use, and then ... it was Roger's own familiarization process.

Roger was overjoyed when he got Suga's fan. Although Roger's head was not so bright, it was only for Suga and Xiang Yun. In fact, a clumsy person is difficult to learn in martial arts. Reached a very high level.

Relying on the suspending force of the folding fan, Roger stands in the air, leisurely fanning the folding fan, Roger's face and a smirk smile, the next moment ..., between Roger's beautiful fan, the body instantly spirals, The wind roll tower can start instantly!

"Boom! Boom! Boom ..." In the fierce roar, the huge training ground suddenly shook, and then ... the huge building collapsed into innumerable pieces in an instant under infinite destruction.

"Well ..." In a series of whistling sounds, Xiang Yun, Soga, Duomei, came out of the training ground like lightning, behind them, the huge training ground collapsed quickly.

Finally, the dust was settled, and when everyone looked at it, Roger was standing in the ruins dumbly, holding a folding fan in his hand, as if demented, and opened his mouth silly, without moving.

Looking at Roger in horror, Xiang Yun said in wonder: "Hey! Soga ... what the **** is going on? What happened to that guy who took the stimulant, so much destructive power broke out!"

Faced with Xiang Yun's inquiry, Soga smiled bitterly and shook his head: "In fact, it's nothing, I just made him a wind dragon fan. What I didn't expect is that the wind dragon fan can increase his deputy. Fengshen leg method, this ... "

"Fenglong Fan?" Xiang Yun couldn't help wondering when he heard Soga's words.

Looking at Xiang Yun's doubtful expression, Souga nodded bitterly; "Yes, when Roger launched Fengshen's legs, the wind dragon king's crystal on this fan drove the wind dragon fan made by the wings of the wind dragon king. , In conjunction with Roger, launched such a weird move, I think ... this is already in the category of wind magic, combined with Eastern martial arts. "

Nodded solemnly, Xiang Yun agreed: "Yes, in this move, Roger himself was not very powerful. Strictly speaking, he used his body to drive the energy in the fan and let the wind dragon king. The energy of the fan is expressed in the form of a wind leg through a fan. "

With that said, Xiang Yun's face was dignified, and Shen said, "This kind of attack is already a sacred order attack, of course ... most of this power comes from the source and the wind dragon fan!"

"Ennen ..." Nodded excitedly, Sogahaha laughed: "Yes, once Roger reaches the holy order, it will definitely stimulate more energy in the Wind Dragon King magic crystal. By then, He can probably approach the Heavenly Power! "

"Yes!" Nodded flatly, Xiang Yun Shen said: "That's it. If he can improve his strength to the middle of the Holy Order, then with this fan, he can burst out of the power of the Heavenly Order. Now. "

He shook his head in admiration, Soga knew that this was just the incidental ability of this fan. In fact ... the biggest function of this fan was to make up for Roger's shortcomings, so that he could borrow power in the air and at any time Defend with a folding fan.

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