MTL - Collector of Online Games-Chapter 1781 Ice and snow pedestal, holy light

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"Imo ..."

Su Yimo eased from the abyss of the soul, and also saw her worth after opening the gate of hell.

Shen Kuojian was holding the shield firmly in front, and the others were working hard, madly resisting after waking up to the World Police Association in a state of skill deficit.

The resurrection brought by Jiuzhong Tower is not the kind of complete resurrection in competitive mode.

The emptied blood volume is restored to full, but the skill status remains the same, which is the same as the light of resuscitation pulling up the dead.

Therefore, in this state, Qin Yan has few skills they can use to resist the terrible big move.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the shield, and I saw that the element roulette was rotating at a high speed, and finally it was Zhao Xinyu who stopped on the blue.


The other girl in the team stood next to her, and even though everyone was pulled up again, but still surrounded by danger, she took the one out of her mount space and hid it for a long time. Snow and ice palace for a while.

The lucky harvest of Bingzhi Polar, so that Zhao Xinyu, who is already a master of the four elements, will have a special situation when he sits on the position where the little **** feels cold.

When an ice element with freezing control characteristics is required to get a partial outbreak, Zhao Xinzhang will pull out her mount card in time.

It's now.

Chinese viewers may be a little worried because the world police will launch a terrible offensive while Qin Yan has just resurrected.

However, after experiencing the resurrection surprise, and seeing that Qin Yan still has the means to resist the seven-man offensive of the world police, the heart that they hung is let go.

They saw an ice and snow pedestal and stood proudly in the duel.

The first appearance of another novel mount in public view has greatly impacted the eyes of global audiences.

It has been forced to the present, and there are hidden tricks!

This war result, I am afraid ...

In fact, the possibility is already on the road to realization.

The supreme position of the ice and snow pedestal automatically pulled Zhao Xinzhang up.

The magical journey of the ice polar region, packed up the booty, laughed and pulled Zhao Xinyu to sit down and admire the Qin Yan below, the queen plan that opened from that time came to Dacheng results.

Mysteriously, Zhao Xinyu, whose hair has temporarily changed into ice blue, is the incarnation of the Snow Queen. Under the hidden occupation blessing of Elemental Blasting, she has once again obtained a wave of absolute control over the ice element.

At this moment, Xinshengyue has become the player with the most abundant ice element affinity value in the abyss game, no one!

Pull out the thunder chain and wrap it around Su Yimo's waist. Gently pull Su Yimo to the edge of the Queen of Ice and Snow.

At this time, Shen Kuojian also held the shield of Xuzuli Stone handily, escorting the performance of the second daughter of the pedestal.

"Ultimate ice!"

The frost that broke out on the ice and snow pedestal would only shock the world's policemen, and could also give Qin Yan their great icy stimulation.

This is a spiritual inspiration!

Su Yimo, whose soles were cold, felt that she and Zhao Xinzhang had become the tallest people in the field.

The icy wind and snow caused her brain to skip the stages that needed to be soothed and came to her previous state.

Even if it costs a certain amount of torture to open the gates of hell, the current situation is reversed.

Next, I stood at this readjusted starting point and marched towards the door of victory.

"God, will guide you!"

"God, will guard you!"

"Holy Light!"

After adding the three major BUFFs to all the players, Qin Yan also called the big guys to fill up all the BUFF potions in the team's voice.

Ready to kill!

After using the Blessing of Courage, originally only the ability to sing a large array of chants of courage and awakening skills can once again actively enhance the auxiliary effect.

However, Jiuzhong Tower has hell, but it also has heaven.

Despair has passed, and the gate of paradise can always be opened.

Another active enhancement of auxiliary skills, the loyal battle song was sung by Su Yimo on the ice and snow platform.

On this basis, the third floor, suspended above the head and increasing in the pattern of snowflakes falling on the earth, was used to spread the world.

"Holy light, wave!"

Qin Yan's panel has laid the most solid foundation for a wave of increase.

On the stage of the World Championship, no one has fired like this.

The giants in the beautiful area offered the power of the terrible magic thunder. When Qin Yan successively opened their cards and failed to resist them, the most terrible increase obtained by opening the gate of **** was bound to be received. In the next round of attacks, superior results were obtained.

This is what Qin Yan must do!

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! !! !!

At this time, the environment over the site changed.

Zhao Xinzhang, sitting in the Snow and Snow Palace, also opened the field skills of Snow Queen Rose.

This is a terrible skill that can change the space environment!

There is no more blue moon in Zijin Hulu, but Zhao Xinzheng has supplemented the night battle environment.

In the night, the extreme snowstorm with her will is surging wildly!

Similarly, Qin Yan's aggregation of rhinoceros has been used and has not been used for many times.

But Su Yimo, who was standing next to Zhao Xinzheng, could help Qin Yan to make up.

There is a trick to converge skills at the gate of heaven at the Nine-Floor Tower!

"Justice will be in the graveyard to judge your sins!"

Su Yimo's white wrist fluttered, and a huge plaque appeared in front.

That is the judgment from the Holy Light!

Cemetery reunion!

Su Yimo assisted the priest to help the main attacker complete the second aggregation.

This directly caused seven people of the world police who were physically strange in the extreme snowstorm to be hit.

You can hide two of your aggregation skills. This is a crazy idea!

The atmosphere in the auditorium began to climax.

Su Yimo used her another force to complete the convergence of the world police camp.

"Liangjian ...!"

Qin Yan's eyes sank.

On the element roulette of Zhao Xinzhang, the ice-blue light flashed.

After re-launching all the ghosts and gods in the field, Meng Lekang will add a tombstone to reunite the enemy's graveyard ahead.

Hu Jingying's figure flickered again and again, with the help of Hidden Heart, he had already walked to the graveyard with confidence.

Lin Yiyin sang violent terms, and his summoned beast army launched a final charge forward.

Qin Yan loosened the purple gold gourd that had reached the absorption limit, and let the residual offensive of the power of the magic thunder bombard the guard of the holy light surrounding her body.

Qin Yan then spread his hands.

"Follow God's will, victory will ultimately belong to us!"

On the icy table, the girl accompanied by the holy light opened the black holy book.

This also led to the final offensive of the smashing heaven camp!

Extreme Snow ~ ~ Ghost and God Power, Beast Charge, Gintama Cutting, and Qin Yan's, Millennium War!

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !!

For a moment, Qin Yan rendered the Sulam City duel into a war atmosphere.

Here is where his iron hoof stepped over the conquered battlefield!

With his hands completely spread out, five pieces of armor on his body radiate strength together. The Iron Horse Changge's destruction skills millennium war broke away from the conventional illusion attack, and spread the scorched soil forward.

The roar of horseshoes rang.

On the side of Qin Yan, the illusion of cavalry rushing forward appeared.

They rushed to the enemy line with the meaning of war that had been accumulated for thousands of years.

Snowy night overhead, stepping into a ghost array.

After breaking up and down, the ammunition exploded.
