MTL - Collector of Online Games-Chapter 1782 Look at the world on hips

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Under the snow and ice night, the seven policemen of the world were completely buried in the cemetery made by the evangelists, and some people inserted their tombstones. https: //

Qin Yan used a trick for the Millennium War to give them a reason to die.

An explosive counterattack started after Su Yimo opened the black and black book.

The black shield guard Aomaba was unfortunately frozen by Zhao Xinzhang's extreme ice. The reunion at the cemetery brought him and his teammates together lovingly, welcoming death and defeat.

One thing to note is that the Chinese priest Chen Sujia on the opposite side held an opportunity to use the resurrection skill.

However, the second level of aggregation skills in the smashing heavenly formation allowed her and other people to be emptied of bloodline at the same time, leaving no room for resistance.

Therefore, even if Chen Sujia had the ability to open the gate of **** with Su Yimo, she would not have the opportunity to use it.

Before the final result is completely determined, the audience in Huaguo District will actually have the mentality of being deliberately oppressed by himself and not afraid to erupt.

But as the blood strips of the world police camp were emptied one by one, and the IDs were dimmed one by one, the roar deep in the throat was completely erupted.

Except for those who are unwilling to leave midway, that is just a few. Others have witnessed Qin Yan how they came from the extremely dangerous situation to the present.

Therefore, when the joy of victory comes, because of the difficult process, the weight of this joy is great!

The black shield guard Aomaba was the last to be killed in the world police camp. After all, the blood is the thickest, and the shield guard is a hidden occupation.

Qin Yan's feelings were wonderful when the smear that he was unique in the array had fallen.

Because they have experienced too many battles with the high-strength monster BOSS, which can only be won by the battle of attrition, Qin Yan will find that the taste they have tasted after the victory of this battle is a little different.

This difference will make them faint for a while.

However, based on the good results, Qin Yan can react no matter how faint they are.

It was Qin Yan who slowly awakened from the cheering and applause of the explosion like the torrents and tsunami sent by the Sulam City duel.


What a win!

On the ice and snow stand, Su Yimo froze the base a bit cold, and her hair began to fade away. Zhao Xinzhen, who was blue and black, began to help her.

At the moment, the two most beautiful scenery lines in the Heavenly Array are standing on a high platform, receiving applause, and seeing what the victory battlefield that belongs to them looks like.

Below, Shen Kuojian already raised the shield and howled there, rushing to the side of Qin Yan to express their joy of victory.

"We win !!!!"

Standing out from the war zone with the largest number of participating guilds, there are too many unspeakable sufferings.

Fortunately, they overcame and persisted to the world stage to glow.

They also broke the embarrassing record that the team in Huaguo District has always lost to the team in the beautiful area after the competition of various virtual game projects in recent years!

Formerly a national team, now a guild.

The overall sense of honor may be weakened a bit.

However, the various reversals of this battle and the massive offensives created by the players on both sides are definitely the most exciting showdown in recent years.

In the end, it was Qin Yan who laughed to the end.

"Wow wow !!! Our son is awesome !!!"

Jiang Yan hugged Qin Miao beside her in the stands.

Overwhelmed by the expression of his wife and adult, Qin Miao took over with his body that was tightened or even a little painful.

Let her go crazy.

After some waves of vocals have calmed down later, Qin Miao can sit proudly watching the game with the people, and said, look, that's the grandfather's cub!

"Xin Yao, I took your big baby!"

Qin Yan walked under the Ice and Snow Palace, stroked the relics of Snow Queen Rose, and then looked up and smiled.

After Zhao Xinzhang and Su Yimao walked down, Qin Yan also saw Su Yimo, who was slightly pale.

"Imo, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Su Yimo shook his head slightly.

Knowing what it takes to open the gates of hell, and the suffering of the bearer is definitely greater than what is literally described, so Qin Yan's distressed eyes.

Fortunately, the final victory, otherwise the gate of **** will really be locked before people return.

The quality of this semi-final match reached a high point because both sides played their cards.

Someone should have anticipated that maybe the finals are not as exciting as this semi-final!

The World Police Association in the beautiful district was defeated, and the broadcast was synchronized worldwide. Some audiences in the beautiful district who failed to obtain guest seats and could not cross the border channel of the abyss game had already tweeted.

Stupid marmot, the role is changed by people's strength, who will not spray your waste?

Traditional strength has always been one of the best. The virtual game competition has earned a lot of face for players in beautiful areas.

The semi-final defeat ~ ~ means that the champion has missed the top seed in the beautiful area.

I'm so angry! !! !!

The large-scale storm in the beautiful area Qin Yan is too lazy to manage, they only need to prepare for tomorrow's finals while enjoying the victory.

In the second semi-final, it was much less exciting.

The sighted people quickly saw it. In the case that the hole cards were also used to break into the finals, the rule of Twitter and the liquid were obviously not as explosive as the extreme state.

Some players are also excited.

Could it be that the championship is stable this time?

This is because after seeing the strength of the opponent's hole cards, he came to a conclusion that he thought he was hopeful, which lasted until the end of the second semi-final and also continued to the war tomorrow.

After the second semi-final, all the spectators in the beautiful area watched the game, and the wave of people came to the maximum.

The beautiful area that won the second place through the losing contest is itself the most promising to receive the highest honor.

However, following the defeat of the world police, the No. 2 seed in the beautiful district ruled the country by defeating the supremacy of the European exclusive region with all the cards being dealt.

In this way, the beauty district has completely withdrawn from the competition for the highest honor.

The comfort statement is that the third child is stable.


The beauty district has never been ashamed of being not the first, and it can actually be seen from the name of their overlord guild.

This wave of Twitter scolding continued until the start of the final the next day.

The most beautiful people in the beautiful area find that they also eat lemons.

Because the Oriental dragon they had been deluding about oppressing finally stood on top of the world.

After the big victory over the liquid, Qin Yan took the big guy with his hands on his hips and faced the audience, smiling there!


Collector of Online Games

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